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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It looks like Russia will conquer all of Donbas eventually and retain all of Crimea and the entire southeastern part of the Ukrainian Black Sea coastline by the end of this war. I would be surprised if the current map changes much.


Of course a full Russian mobilization could change a lot as Ukraine has a very large troop deficit compared to Russia. That and Russia using more deadly weapons as a response to the increasing NATO support for Ukraine.

I don't think that Russia will be able to connect Transnistria with the Russian part of Ukraine unless the above happens.

Interesting times.

Bakhmut falling to the Russians must be a question of time by now.
It looks like Russia will conquer all of Donbas eventually and retain all of Crimea and the entire southeastern part of the Ukrainian Black Sea coastline by the end of this war. I would be surprised if the current map changes much.


Of course a full Russian mobilization could change a lot as Ukraine has a very large troop deficit compared to Russia. That and Russia using more deadly weapons as a response to the increasing NATO support for Ukraine.

I don't think that Russia will be able to connect Transnistria with the Russian part of Ukraine unless the above happens.

Interesting times.

Bakhmut falling to the Russians must be a question of time by now.
That’s fantasy of warmongers and zombies. Bakhmut stil stands. Even if Bakhmut falls that war will continue at another city. And other city. Russia will lose this war. Time is not on Putin’s side. Money running out. Weapons running out. Russia running out of men, high army death rate. Wait, Ukraine counteroffensives coming.
That’s fantasy of warmongers and zombies. Bakhmut stil stands. Even if Bakhmut falls that war will continue at another city. And other city. Russia will lose this war. Ukraine counteroffensives coming.

What fantasy?

This map below is the ground reality.


How the war ends, nobody knows. It is called speculations for a reason.

I personally think that Russia will retain Crimea (for obvious reasons, it is Russian land inhabited by Russians), Donbas and most of Southeastern Ukraine that is currently under Russian control.

Depending on whether or not Russia decides to announce a full mobilization and whether or not they are going to up the ante as a reaction to increased NATO support, they might even conquer more territory eventually.

I give less than 5% chance to Ukraine of "regaining" Crimea and all of Donbas.
Good video showing that sanctions against Russia here 1 year after have not worked as intended at all. In fact Europe/EU has been hurt more economically by the war.

The source is a Dutch professor of economics. Maybe a secret Russian agent?

Is Europe freezing to death yet or maybe next winter ?
Is Europe freezing to death yet or maybe next winter ?

This comment is irrelevant and besides the point. EU used sanctions 1 year ago (before that since 2014) in the hope of stopping Putin and Russia and in the hope of collapsing the Russian regime, Ruble, create sky-high inflation, destroy the Russian military sector and industries etc.

None of which has worked so far. In fact EU has been more hit by the war economically.

Watch the video of the Dutch professor of economics he is explaining everything in great detail. No bias either.

How many times do Europeans (French, Germans and others that tried to conquer Russia) need to have their asses kicked in order to realize that Russia cannot be conquered/defeated?

If not for an oligarchy and corruption within Russia (bad leaderships in the past 100 years) Russia would be one of the biggest powers on earth on most fronts. It is the largest country in the world with the by far most resources in the world and a intelligent/talented population that has given the world some of the best authors, mathematicians, scientists, painters, sports figures etc. in the world.

Europe will come back begging to Russia eventually once Putin is gone in order to do everything in their power to get Russia "back into the European fold" and prevent a genuine Russia-China axis that might one day even include India. Currently Russia-China ties are not those of genuine allies so there is still hope for Europe.

Of course the American masters of Europe would not like to see that. Smart people in Europe already understand this and understand that USA's foreign policy goals in Europe are often contrary to what would be in the best interests of Europe itself.

France once understood that as well.....then Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron emerged.
"Bakhmut is not important!"

View attachment 919073

Bakhmut is actually no strategic nor important military target but given Russians lack so much victories and are in dire need of them after series of setbacks, defeats and "goodwill gestures", Bakhmut is indeed very important, for the Russia ego and most importantly for Wagner's feud against the Russian MoD.
All you hear from the Russian a$$kissers is about how Bakhmut has fallen, when in reality Bakhmut doesn’t mean that much. They’re so desperate for any victory it’s pathetic.

Exactly. There are only 12K NATO soldiers in Bakhmut.

Russians still need to fight another 200K NATO soldiers waiting in the cities like Siversk, Sioviansk, kramatorsk etc.

Russians already lost 350K soldiers in this war and left with only 40K left to fight the NATO forces.
Pro-Russian or anti-Russian or neutral, it has to be said that the Russian military performance in Ukraine has been pretty dire to put it mildly overall. Even before NATO had flooded Ukraine with weaponry.

It speaks volume that Wagner, an organization mostly made up by criminals, is more effective on the battlefield than the professional Russian army.

It is quite frankly an embarrassment for Russia and a testament to the corruption, nepotism and waste of Russia's potential under the current oligarchic rule.

Russia would be a formidable adversary for anyone if led by a competent regime that fully used Russia's potential and was based on meritocracy.
Bakhmut is actually no strategic nor important military target but given Russians lack so much victories and are in dire need of them after series of setbacks, defeats and "goodwill gestures", Bakhmut is indeed very important, for the Russia ego and most importantly for Wagner's feud against the Russian MoD.

I know that Bakhmut is not important but I am not sure if the 12K soldiers in Bakhmut are important or not.

If they are all Ukrainans then I guess they are disposable soldiers.
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