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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Sorry but this is the same excuse the Russians used to invade Finland to protect so called Russian speakers. Or even invading Poland under the guise of speaking Russians that needed help. Thats something Hitler did as well under the impression of protecting the Aryan people.

On September 17, 1939, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov declares that the Polish government has ceased to exist, as the U.S.S.R. exercises the “fine print” of the Hitler-Stalin Non-aggression pact—the invasion and occupation of eastern Poland.

Hitler’s troops were already wreaking havoc in Poland, having invaded on the first of the month. The Polish army began retreating and regrouping east, near Lvov, in eastern Galicia, attempting to escape relentless German land and air offensives. But Polish troops had jumped from the frying pan into the fire—as Soviet troops began occupying eastern Poland. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Non-aggression Pact, signed in August, had eliminated any hope Poland had of a Russian ally in a war against Germany. Little did Poles know that a secret clause of that pact, the details of which would not become public until 1990, gave the U.S.S.R. the right to mark off for itself a chunk of Poland’s eastern region. The “reason” given was that Russia had to come to the aid of its “blood brothers,” the Ukrainians and Byelorussians, who were trapped in territory that had been illegally annexed by Poland. Now Poland was squeezed from West and East—trapped between two behemoths. Its forces overwhelmed by the mechanized modern German army, Poland had nothing left with which to fight the Soviets.

Russia will have a massive problem with winning over the Ukrainian population for many decades to come. Considering they invaded since 2014, Ukraine will become even more dangerous with weapons and training. It be like having hostile Iran next door that can hit all major infrastructures in future with Ukrainian version of Shahed kamikaze drones, ballistic missiles to cruise missiles and so on.

This is Russia's problem by invading Ukraine. We are not the ones pushing them to China. Right now almost all European countries have sided with Ukraine and thats going to be catastrophic in long term since nobody will trust the Russians, especially against Ukraine as well as Poland and the Baltics and Finland and others. They figure they can leave WW2 and Soviet occupation behind, but nope thats bringing back memories.

You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.

All this is without even mentioning political theories and how world powers/regional powers are and have been acting in their immediate neighborhood.

No need to explain how the US has acted within their neighborhood in cases of countries (freely or not freely) electing regimes/politicians who are not pro-USA. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada etc. So no wonder that most of the non-Western world don't buy the Western/US narrative of evil bad Russia and saintly West that never attacks any country.

We all remember Iraq and the idiotic lies and the illegal invasion of that country, the destruction, casualties, toppling of their regime etc.

Another historical fact, Ukraine and Ukrainians were collaborators of Nazi Germany, committed ethnic genocide against the Polish population in modern-day Western Ukraine (back then Polish territory),

Some of the worst concentration camp guards were Ukrainians, (you in the US had one hiding not long ago, Demanjuk something), entire SS brigades were made up by Ukrainians,

many of them being celebrated to this day out in the open with tactic Ukrainian governmental support, Azov Battalion, Ukraine being one of the most corrupt nations, similarly ruled/dominated by oligarchs like Russia (read up on who helped elect Zelenskij) etc.

Ukraine is a fake nation state created by Stalin/USSR. It currently occupies historical Russian, Polish and Hungarian territory.

Almost all of Eastern/Southern Ukraine was built/founded by the Russian empire. This entire region is not called Novorossiya (New Russia) by a coincidence.

The only reason why the US/EU gives a flying **** about Ukraine is due to Russia being the "evil guys" and your governments/regimes/elites obsession about weakening every possible US adversary that does not toe the US line whether it be Russia or China or anyone else. It is not about human rights, caring about some 10.000 dead civilian Ukrainians or what not. If that was the case we would not have seen this occurring for decades upon decades with no pause:


So you will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian but Russia is not your Cuba, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and whatever small/weak states in comparison.

The overwhelming majority in Ukraine including Donbass voted for the Ukrainan constitution. They are legally bound by it.

Where was the talk of legality when this



Is it legal to invade sovereign nations based on lies, topple said states legal UN-recognized government etc.?

Is it legal to suddenly ban Russian language, ban pro-Russian political parties etc.?

BTW it is not illegal for territories in a given state to succeed by democratic means as seen with the Crimea referendum where the overwhelming majority of Crimeans (who are ethnic Russians in their vast majority) voted to join Russia once again. This all occurred peacefully BTW. Said Crimea was given to the USSR province (Ukraine) by an Ukrainian (Kruschev) without consent much the same way Ukraine's modern-day borders were drawn by Stalin/USSR and contain historically Polish, Hungarian and Russian lands.
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Sure, I ignore historical fact and make up percentage.....

When you state that "THE FACT ON THE GROUND" is that "millions" of ethnic Russian in Ukraine without even trying to explain how.

So what you said is the FACT, and what I said is ignoring those fact.

And do you even know why most Ukrainian speak Russian as their first language?? I can give you a hint, not because they like Russia.

You make up some arbitrary percentages without showing any proof of your claims, write a long story about some personal anecdote of an acquaintance and completely misunderstand or deliberately claim statements of mine that were never written by me.

My sole point remains, you are unable to disprove my initial claim, namely that the vast majority (or at least a very significant portion) of the millions of ethnic Russians within Ukraine, not wanting to be a part of Ukraine and feeling alienated ever since the Euromaiden (which was basically a coup but let us forget that for a second) and even more so after events in Ukraine in the past 1 year. Which also explains why the Russian majority inhabited regions of Ukraine are firmly under Russian control (Crimea and most of Donbas) which I find hard that this will ever change. If it will, it will be due to force (from Ukraine) and good luck integrating and embracing millions of ethnic Russians into a fascist-like Ukrainian state that bans Russian language, pro-Russian political parties and who openly hails Ukrainian fascists (Bandera) who committed genocide during WW2 and who are rapidly anti-Russian.

Putin only invaded Ukraine because he sees an openly anti-Russian and pro-USA/pro-NATO etc. Ukraine as an existential threat towards Russia (his current regime) and Russia does not want to commit the same mistakes as post-1991 where most of their traditional immediate sphere (Eastern Europe) turned towards NATO/EU/West which is a fair decision to take but in the game of world powers and geopolitics, Putin does not want a repeat of that next to Russia's borders, see Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia etc.
You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.
Reported for whataboutism. Derailing the thread.

Also ignored as he is lying his teeth out.
Crimea was occupied starting end February 2014.
The Odessa burning happened May 2, 2014, more than two months later Crimes.
It happened after Russians tried to take control over Odessa and attacked a demonstration. They got torched for their insurgency.

It got plenty of coverage in Western media.

That is just the top of the mountain of lies.

I assume he is Russian, since he joined soon after the 2022 and is repeating popular Russian propaganda.
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Confirmed by your favorite source the russian ministry of defence?

Oryx compiles sources (video/picture) in accessible links for the listed losses.
It is by far a more reliable source than the russian or ukranian defence ministry.

But hey…even visual proof does not break the russian propaganda bubble. The Moskva sails!!

I remember looking at your favorite youtube analist video at start of the war.
“The russian MOD stated their artillery attack annihilated the opposition” and he just went and removed those ukraine divisions from his neat little map…no wonder he did not see the counter-attacks coming. Now i just skip his worthless “insights”.

Are you ready for next summer The SC?
Cause ukraine is building up for another one again and the russian winter offensive has been underwhelming. In 2 weeks the mud season starts which will slow down russian offensives even more.
Prove otherwise and stop your BS..

You make up some arbitrary percentages without showing any proof of your claims, write a long story about some personal anecdote of an acquaintance and completely misunderstand or deliberately claim statements of mine that were never written by me.

My sole point remains, you are unable to disprove my initial claim, namely that the vast majority (or at least a very significant portion) of the millions of ethnic Russians within Ukraine, not wanting to be a part of Ukraine and feeling alienated ever since the Euromaiden (which was basically a coup but let us forget that for a second) and even more so after events in Ukraine in the past 1 year. Which also explains why the Russian majority inhabited regions of Ukraine are firmly under Russian control (Crimea and most of Donbas) which I find hard that this will ever change. If it will, it will be due to force (from Ukraine) and good luck integrating and embracing millions of ethnic Russians into a fascist-like Ukrainian state that bans Russian language, pro-Russian political parties and who openly hails Ukrainian fascists (Bandera) who committed genocide during WW2 and who are rapidly anti-Russian.

Putin only invaded Ukraine because he sees an openly anti-Russian and pro-USA/pro-NATO etc. Ukraine as an existential threat towards Russia (his current regime) and Russia does not want to commit the same mistakes as post-1991 where most of their traditional immediate sphere (Eastern Europe) turned towards NATO/EU/West which is a fair decision to take but in the game of world powers and geopolitics, Putin does not want a repeat of that next to Russia's borders, see Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia etc.

Lol, what did I make up? The definition of ethnicity? Or the Percentage of said requirement? Or are you just too lazy to do your own research? All of these are readily available on open source. The Definition of Ethnicity is very well defined in any major dictionary. Pick up a dictionary that is not "Russian" origin and you will know what it mean.

as for the "Percentage" it was well reported.

In 2001 National Census (Ukraine) 17.3% (or 8.3 million) Ukrainian was born in Russia

From the same census, 29.6% of Ukrainian speak Russian as their First Language

And according to A survey in 2016 and 2019 by "The Center of East European Studies" 33.6% of Ukrainian in Separatist Controlled Donbas identify themselves as either Mixed Ukrainian and Russian, or Ukrainian, compare to 17.9 who identified as Donbas resident and 12.2 that identified as Russian.

There are million upon millions of data out there, the problem is, whether or not you agree with said data is another issue. Otherwise you would have no point to argue, because you will just take that data and spat on its face without considering. There were NEVER a big enough Russian population in anywhere in Ukraine to consider it's a "Majority" Russian, other than how many Ukrainian people speak Russian. So "YOUR POINT" which is the point of view of Russian propaganda, have no merit in its case.

As I said, I don't care if you are Pro-Russian and see this as a legitimate invasion for Russia, but saying you are not and then ignore those data and solely digest Russian propaganda is the thing I have problem with.

Now please supply any source to back up your Russian propaganda claim? - This Claim

namely that the vast majority (or at least a very significant portion) of the millions of ethnic Russians within Ukraine, not wanting to be a part of Ukraine and feeling alienated ever since the Euromaiden

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So looks like there is no end to this war, Chechen war lasted what a decade hundreds thousands dead, tens thousands Russian soldiers. Ukraine has Nato support but Russian arms don't seem to be ending Zelinsky imo needs to think about what will be left of Ukraine and focus on that. There will need to be concessions, better to accept loss of Donbas and crimea.
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Russia says military drone attempted to strike gas facility near Moscow​

Ukranian Drone flies 500km inside Russia undetected - so much for the fabled 400km range of the S400 !!!!


Russian media and eyewitnesses reported that two drones with explosive payloads attacked the Rosneft oil depot near the city of Tuapse in the Krasnodar region on the Black Sea coast.
• The target area is about +430 km away from the areas under Ukrainian control.

Ukraine is massing its forces near Transnistria, the breakaway Russian-controlled enclave of Moldova on Ukraine's western border.. If Ukraine invades this region, it will be at the direct behest of the United States, and it will have serious repercussions, and it will be the first spark of the expansion of the war in Eastern Europe!
You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.

All this is without even mentioning political theories and how world powers/regional powers are and have been acting in their immediate neighborhood.

No need to explain how the US has acted within their neighborhood in cases of countries (freely or not freely) electing regimes/politicians who are not pro-USA. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada etc. So no wonder that most of the non-Western world don't buy the Western/US narrative of evil bad Russia and saintly West that never attacks any country.

We all remember Iraq and the idiotic lies and the illegal invasion of that country, the destruction, casualties, toppling of their regime etc.

Another historical fact, Ukraine and Ukrainians were collaborators of Nazi Germany, committed ethnic genocide against the Polish population in modern-day Western Ukraine (back then Polish territory),

Some of the worst concentration camp guards were Ukrainians, (you in the US had one hiding not long ago, Demanjuk something), entire SS brigades were made up by Ukrainians,

many of them being celebrated to this day out in the open with tactic Ukrainian governmental support, Azov Battalion, Ukraine being one of the most corrupt nations, similarly ruled/dominated by oligarchs like Russia (read up on who helped elect Zelenskij) etc.

Ukraine is a fake nation state created by Stalin/USSR. It currently occupies historical Russian, Polish and Hungarian territory.

Almost all of Eastern/Southern Ukraine was built/founded by the Russian empire. This entire region is not called Novorossiya (New Russia) by a coincidence.

The only reason why the US/EU gives a flying **** about Ukraine is due to Russia being the "evil guys" and your governments/regimes/elites obsession about weakening every possible US adversary that does not toe the US line whether it be Russia or China or anyone else. It is not about human rights, caring about some 10.000 dead civilian Ukrainians or what not. If that was the case we would not have seen this occurring for decades upon decades with no pause:


So you will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian but Russia is not your Cuba, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and whatever small/weak states in comparison.

Where was the talk of legality when this



Is it legal to invade sovereign nations based on lies, topple said states legal UN-recognized government etc.?

Is it legal to suddenly ban Russian language, ban pro-Russian political parties etc.?

BTW it is not illegal for territories in a given state to succeed by democratic means as seen with the Crimea referendum where the overwhelming majority of Crimeans (who are ethnic Russians in their vast majority) voted to join Russia once again. This all occurred peacefully BTW. Said Crimea was given to the USSR province (Ukraine) by an Ukrainian (Kruschev) without consent much the same way Ukraine's modern-day borders were drawn by Stalin/USSR and contain historically Polish, Hungarian and Russian lands.
No, Ukraine did not ban the use of russian language. They established ukrainian as the official language of Ukraine. You are repeating russian propaganda.
You make up some arbitrary percentages without showing any proof of your claims, write a long story about some personal anecdote of an acquaintance and completely misunderstand or deliberately claim statements of mine that were never written by me.

My sole point remains, you are unable to disprove my initial claim, namely that the vast majority (or at least a very significant portion) of the millions of ethnic Russians within Ukraine, not wanting to be a part of Ukraine and feeling alienated ever since the Euromaiden (which was basically a coup but let us forget that for a second) and even more so after events in Ukraine in the past 1 year. Which also explains why the Russian majority inhabited regions of Ukraine are firmly under Russian control (Crimea and most of Donbas) which I find hard that this will ever change. If it will, it will be due to force (from Ukraine) and good luck integrating and embracing millions of ethnic Russians into a fascist-like Ukrainian state that bans Russian language, pro-Russian political parties and who openly hails Ukrainian fascists (Bandera) who committed genocide during WW2 and who are rapidly anti-Russian.

Putin only invaded Ukraine because he sees an openly anti-Russian and pro-USA/pro-NATO etc. Ukraine as an existential threat towards Russia (his current regime) and Russia does not want to commit the same mistakes as post-1991 where most of their traditional immediate sphere (Eastern Europe) turned towards NATO/EU/West which is a fair decision to take but in the game of world powers and geopolitics, Putin does not want a repeat of that next to Russia's borders, see Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia etc.
“Vast majority”? Yeah after russia ethnically cleansed and displaced most of non-collaborators.

Vast Majority voted independance, even the donbass voted majority independance!

And look at the massive hit on opinion towards russia after its invasion in 2014

Only to do it on larger and more ruthless scale in 2022. Winning hearts and minds in Bucha? Or bombing the mariopol theater filled with kids seeking refuge?

Some collateral shelling in dobass (from both sides) over the years is peanuts in comparison.
Vast majority ukranians now wants nothing to do with russia. This includes the donbass (pre war population).
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