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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Prove otherwise and stop your BS..
Oryx links to video/visual confirmation on those losses.
do you expect me to help you move your finger to click, and drag your eyelids open for you to see?

Blatant denial is not going to change the battlefield realities for the dear russians.
Best you go back to mindlessly copy-pasting twitter-links.
Oryx links to video/visual confirmation on those losses.
do you expect me to help you move your finger to click, and drag your eyelids open for you to see?

Blatant denial is not going to change the battlefield realities for the dear russians.
Best you go back to mindlessly copy-pasting twitter-links.
According to the Mossad, about 18,000 Russian soldiers and 157,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in this war so far..




Breaking: British Ministry of Defense: Russian forces succeed in their attempts to isolate the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, with the aim of surrounding it..
In a choice between Russian version of numbers and Ukrainian version of numbers. Mossad chooses the numbers closer to Russia thus calling Ukraine defense numbers a falsehood, according to the SC link. If SC is wrong about Mossad, take it to SC. I am only quoting SC.

Even though video and photo evidence gives deference to the Ukrainian numbers of Russian losses.


Israel and Russia "intelligence" working together goes back years and decades.

Netanyahu touts friendship with Putin in new billboard​

Targeting Israeli-Russian voters, Likud hangs massive picture of PM alongside Russian president, with the slogan ‘Netanyahu: In a league of his own’


Washington refuses to send enough arms to Ukraine in 2022 to crush the Russians, when Russians were much more vulnerable. Sending 31 Abrams in the next year or so. A few dozen HIMARS. Israel Mossad sides more with Russian propaganda numbers, according to SC. cia have owned the Kremlin since 1991, Putin was vetted by the cia under Yeltsin. Putin defended by cia Trump. And cia Russia Republicans.

Trump and Putin want to destroy the EU. Which Brexiters, Trumpers and Putinite 5th colmunists support.

The Entente of Zionist Israel, Brexit UK, Le Pen France, Putin Russia and Trump USA covertly or overtly want the EU destroyed. Ukraine is the defense of Europe and Russia is winning their agenda to force Ukraine to be neutral, to have Russia annex Crimea and perhaps Donbas.

Netanyahu's Unholy Alliance With Europe's 'Anti-Semitic' Far Right​

Europe's antisemitic alt wrong want the end of the EU and are pro-Putin. Netanyahu sees no threat to anti-semitic Putinites and the BBC wants anti-EU political parties in EU states to dismember the EU.

The very nations that want to destroy Communist China and Mullah Iran, also want to destroy the EU and have Russia occupy parts of Europe.

The first agenda of Trump was the destruction of the EU for the Trump/Putin agenda to destroy the EU. This was before the assassination of a IRGC general. This was before the trade war with China.

Trump team rang EU and asked ‘What country is leaving next?’​

Europe needs to re-arm.
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I like ToS1A thermobaric plopping up in the hundreds in Bakhmut, open up the whole ukro defence line in depth.

"What reserves doing?" will be the ukro standard text on social media.

time has told
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I find the nato cheerleader logic hilarious… this includes “think tanks” and fake generals..

ex: omgz f-16 better then su.. that means they slaughter russian airforce.. as if its a fucking video game where they all neatly 1 v 1 each other…

Those f16s would have a life expectancy of 10
Mins if they got anywhere near Russian air defenses…..

Example 2: omgzzz leopard so stronk.. t72 turret won flipping championship.. ukie can win with leo 1s!!! Omgzz west stronkkkk

Reality: russian atgms + air superiority + mediocre at best crews+ low numbers will mean they will be a drop in the ocean and fet slaughtered all the same

Now continue along fapping to nato propaganda and posting gore fetish pics of Russian soldiers that have fallen in battle wearing their countries uniforms. (Same people would have rectum explosions if one cheered nato invaders getting killed on one of their many invasions)
time has told
Russia doesnt even operate a hundred TOS.

I find the nato cheerleader logic hilarious… this includes “think tanks” and fake generals..

ex: omgz f-16 better then su.. that means they slaughter russian airforce.. as if its a fucking video game where they all neatly 1 v 1 each other…

Those f16s would have a life expectancy of 10
Mins if they got anywhere near Russian air defenses…..

Example 2: omgzzz leopard so stronk.. t72 turret won flipping championship.. ukie can win with leo 1s!!! Omgzz west stronkkkk

Reality: russian atgms + air superiority + mediocre at best crews+ low numbers will mean they will be a drop in the ocean and fet slaughtered all the same

Now continue along fapping to nato propaganda and posting gore fetish pics of Russian soldiers that have fallen in battle wearing their countries uniforms. (Same people would have rectum explosions if one cheered nato invaders getting killed on one of their many invasions)
Russian air superiority .. is that russian cheerleading?
Ukraine recieving F16 is a given down the line. Not meant to attack Russia but defend ukrainian airspace, and launch the occasional extended range JDAM if the russians gather infront of a monitor listening to Master Putin.
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I find the nato cheerleader logic hilarious… this includes “think tanks” and fake generals..

ex: omgz f-16 better then su.. that means they slaughter russian airforce.. as if its a fucking video game where they all neatly 1 v 1 each other…

Those f16s would have a life expectancy of 10
Mins if they got anywhere near Russian air defenses…..

Example 2: omgzzz leopard so stronk.. t72 turret won flipping championship.. ukie can win with leo 1s!!! Omgzz west stronkkkk

Reality: russian atgms + air superiority + mediocre at best crews+ low numbers will mean they will be a drop in the ocean and fet slaughtered all the same

Now continue along fapping to nato propaganda and posting gore fetish pics of Russian soldiers that have fallen in battle wearing their countries uniforms. (Same people would have rectum explosions if one cheered nato invaders getting killed on one of their many invasions)

Far too many 'Gamers' like you commenting here while stuck in their Gaming Chairs

Sending F16s is the next logical step. The decision to provide battle tanks was a turning point. The West will now be less cautious and provide all sorts of weapons, also those it previously refused to provide, like fighter jets and long range missiles. There is unanimity that Putin must not win this war

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