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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well thats start & end of our discussion,
Iran sinks 1 US aircraft carrier - thats all one needs for end of world I guess.
So you are saying China will jump to the chance to attack South China Seas that may or may not be attacking US territories with Iran sinking 1 single aircraft carrier by chance? Or somehow Russia would nuke Ukraine when Iran sink 1 single US carrier??

The balance of force WILL NOT CHANGE even if Iran somehow manage to sink 1 single US carrier out of the 11, and out of the 3 that operate in ME, the only thing that will change is US will stack EVERY resource in the ME in Israel, more or less 500 fighting aircraft, a mix of F-15E, F-16, F-18 and F-35 to bomb Iran back to stone age and a complete blockade of Strait of Hormuz with the 3 naval Fleet, do you think Russia and China would care about Iran when they had sunk a US carrier first??

I mean with China don't even care about Russia and their war in Ukraine and Russia is knee deep in their war, there are virtually no chance for both to raise a finger if Iran gone rogue.
The Russian infantry attacking Ukraine defense positions like zombies in bad movies, wave after wave, on foot, with no tanks, no armor support, no air support, no nothing.

Look at it from a neutral perspective, russia attacked ukraine a year ago to stop NATO, its successful as of now.
I find the nato cheerleader logic hilarious… this includes “think tanks” and fake generals..

ex: omgz f-16 better then su.. that means they slaughter russian airforce.. as if its a fucking video game where they all neatly 1 v 1 each other…

Those f16s would have a life expectancy of 10
Mins if they got anywhere near Russian air defenses…..
Ukraine has managed to reasonably preserve its airfleet of old soviet planes.

When f-16s are shipped they will also get training on how to use them to avoid unnecessary losses and in the frame of combined arms. They are not gonna blindly fly them over russian S-300 cover.

These capable platforms also come with a whole arsenal of weapons of great use.
Jdam, harm, glrms (longer range then fired from artillery). It will boost ukranian options and fire support, and slowly tilt the air balance.

Finally, unlike soviet planes where nato has only some old leftovers of. F-16 and its weapons and ammo are widely available. So support will be a constant stream.
Example 2: omgzzz leopard so stronk.. t72 turret won flipping championship.. ukie can win with leo 1s!!! Omgzz west stronkkkk

Reality: russian atgms + air superiority + mediocre at best crews+ low numbers will mean they will be a drop in the ocean and fet slaughtered all the same

Now continue along fapping to nato propaganda and posting gore fetish pics of Russian soldiers that have fallen in battle wearing their countries uniforms. (Same people would have rectum explosions if one cheered nato invaders getting killed on one of their many invasions)
Again. They will receive more capable tanks and even if they use it as indirect artillery role, it has plenty of ammo stocks to go around.

They will also get training how to use these in combined arms doctrine.
They will be used as tip of the spear in counterattack breakthroughs. Being able to shoot on the move also helps a lot in that respect. The ukranians lacked this armored punch to break lines.

Together with nato intel and wargaming analysis/sessions (kharkiv counter offensive)…they will use it at beneficial times. Not just blindly send them in 1 by 1 like the russians do.
There is nuclear sharing too, of USA nukes with some NATO states, but I think those nukes can't be triggered without USA permission, if I'm wrong correct me.
You are wrong for France : the french nuc are under a one french key system. But there are some regular discussions about the potential targets for each nuc system and, since the french and GB subs collided at sea in 2009, the patrol area of each sub is also 'organised' with the others, specially in atlantic and ? north atlantic.
For GB I have a doubt. I've heard about a 2 keys system but may be it is no more the case now. The GB missiles are US ones (Trident 2) but with GB warheads... so perhaps an independant system ?
For the B61 in Europe, it's a US system for sure.
So you are saying China will jump to the chance to attack South China Seas that may or may not be attacking US territories with Iran sinking 1 single aircraft carrier by chance? Or somehow Russia would nuke Ukraine when Iran sink 1 single US carrier??

The balance of force WILL NOT CHANGE even if Iran somehow manage to sink 1 single US carrier out of the 11, and out of the 3 that operate in ME, the only thing that will change is US will stack EVERY resource in the ME in Israel, more or less 500 fighting aircraft, a mix of F-15E, F-16, F-18 and F-35 to bomb Iran back to stone age and a complete blockade of Strait of Hormuz with the 3 naval Fleet, do you think Russia and China would care about Iran when they had sunk a US carrier first??

I mean with China don't even care about Russia and their war in Ukraine and Russia is knee deep in their war, there are virtually no chance for both to raise a finger if Iran gone rogue.
In other words Russia has its own problems...
China doesn't care for Russia ... but China has South China Sea escalating into bigger conflict that said no nukes involved...
America would put all resources into Isreal with 500 latest aircraft & bomb whole mid-east into Stone Age...
And than you say after all China careless about Russia, come on dude, China just lost Pakistan as the most biggest ally in CPEC etc, now China needs buddies BIG TIME, Russia is doing everything with China in terms of trade, energy & military cooperation specifically when China is cornered in sanctions by uncle Sam ! China would be UnWise not to make alliance with Russia in Ukraine conflict when China knows South China Sea + Taiwan are NEXT targets for USA. So I don't know where you coming from with defending USA.

Finally if Iran goes rogue than ... here is another conflict in the making of addition to all of the above conflicts initiating.
Look at it from a neutral perspective, russia attacked ukraine a year ago to stop NATO, it’s successful as of now.
They can’t stop a tsunami. Putin can slow down but can’t stop. The Nato says yesterday Ukraine will be part of the NATO.
In other words Russia has its own problems...
China doesn't care for Russia ... but China has South China Sea escalating into bigger conflict that said no nukes involved...
America would put all resources into Isreal with 500 latest aircraft & bomb whole mid-east into Stone Age...
And than you say after all China careless about Russia, come on dude, China just lost Pakistan as the most biggest ally in CPEC etc, now China needs buddies BIG TIME, Russia is doing everything with China in terms of trade, energy & military cooperation specifically when China is cornered in sanctions by uncle Sam ! China would be UnWise not to make alliance with Russia in Ukraine conflict when China knows South China Sea + Taiwan are NEXT targets for USA. So I don't know where you coming from with defending USA.

Finally if Iran goes rogue than ... here is another conflict in the making of addition to all of the above conflicts initiating.

There were attempts to drive Iran into the war. After Geran wreckeges were taken they tried to prove Iran's involvement and spread out the war but it didn't work. Later on they can try it with Russian short range ballistic missiles claiming it is Fateh derivative or something and spread out the war someway to Iran by using proxies, some gulf countries and later israel if they gain the upper hand. All they need is some soldiers taking pictures of Russian missiles showing it has fins or similar outside appearance like Fateh bm. But if future Russian shorter range bms are box launched and used sparingly only in eastern warzone against military-only targets like ammo depots it would be harder to claim something but again it would be a possibility. Russia can make it box launched because the nose sensor can be radar-optical-infrared-antiradar or similar it would be seen and countermeasures can be developed if it is seen and thus confidential.

But still Russia does not necessarily need short range bms like fateh and has all means to gain upper hand in east of Dnieper by employing its airforce effectively if situation escalates and Chinese initiative does not work.
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In other words Russia has its own problems...
China doesn't care for Russia ... but China has South China Sea escalating into bigger conflict that said no nukes involved...
America would put all resources into Isreal with 500 latest aircraft & bomb whole mid-east into Stone Age...
And than you say after all China careless about Russia, come on dude, China just lost Pakistan as the most biggest ally in CPEC etc, now China needs buddies BIG TIME, Russia is doing everything with China in terms of trade, energy & military cooperation specifically when China is cornered in sanctions by uncle Sam ! China would be UnWise not to make alliance with Russia in Ukraine conflict when China knows South China Sea + Taiwan are NEXT targets for USA. So I don't know where you coming from with defending USA.

Finally if Iran goes rogue than ... here is another conflict in the making of addition to all of the above conflicts initiating.

Again, Nuke are not adding milk in your cereal, it's not something you just do without getting any consequence, that mean it's naive and stupid to think someone else will nuke someone else in a conflict they have no part in. Let alone one of those someone else is the US.

There is a reason Russia did not use nuke even with their own conflict in Ukraine bogged down like this, and you are talking about Russia or China uses nuke on US because Iran bombed one of US Aircraft Carrier.

Iran would suffer the ultimate consequence if they do anything on US fleet, US and its allies in the region alone have enough traditional combat power to invade and destroy Iran if they are going to do something stupid like that. I mean, country don't just help out others unless there is a reason to, when it was facing a potential confrontation in economic and military end, China will choose what they choose to do with Russia and stay out of it, and Russia would have enough problem for them to deal with in Ukraine to send any help to Iran. That would have been the ground reality, thinking anything other than this can only be at best naive.
You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.

All this is without even mentioning political theories and how world powers/regional powers are and have been acting in their immediate neighborhood.

No need to explain how the US has acted within their neighborhood in cases of countries (freely or not freely) electing regimes/politicians who are not pro-USA. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada etc. So no wonder that most of the non-Western world don't buy the Western/US narrative of evil bad Russia and saintly West that never attacks any country.

We all remember Iraq and the idiotic lies and the illegal invasion of that country, the destruction, casualties, toppling of their regime etc.

Another historical fact, Ukraine and Ukrainians were collaborators of Nazi Germany, committed ethnic genocide against the Polish population in modern-day Western Ukraine (back then Polish territory),

Some of the worst concentration camp guards were Ukrainians, (you in the US had one hiding not long ago, Demanjuk something), entire SS brigades were made up by Ukrainians,

many of them being celebrated to this day out in the open with tactic Ukrainian governmental support, Azov Battalion, Ukraine being one of the most corrupt nations, similarly ruled/dominated by oligarchs like Russia (read up on who helped elect Zelenskij) etc.

Ukraine is a fake nation state created by Stalin/USSR. It currently occupies historical Russian, Polish and Hungarian territory.

Almost all of Eastern/Southern Ukraine was built/founded by the Russian empire. This entire region is not called Novorossiya (New Russia) by a coincidence.

The only reason why the US/EU gives a flying **** about Ukraine is due to Russia being the "evil guys" and your governments/regimes/elites obsession about weakening every possible US adversary that does not toe the US line whether it be Russia or China or anyone else. It is not about human rights, caring about some 10.000 dead civilian Ukrainians or what not. If that was the case we would not have seen this occurring for decades upon decades with no pause:


So you will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian but Russia is not your Cuba, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and whatever small/weak states in comparison.

Where was the talk of legality when this



Is it legal to invade sovereign nations based on lies, topple said states legal UN-recognized government etc.?

Is it legal to suddenly ban Russian language, ban pro-Russian political parties etc.?

BTW it is not illegal for territories in a given state to succeed by democratic means as seen with the Crimea referendum where the overwhelming majority of Crimeans (who are ethnic Russians in their vast majority) voted to join Russia once again. This all occurred peacefully BTW. Said Crimea was given to the USSR province (Ukraine) by an Ukrainian (Kruschev) without consent much the same way Ukraine's modern-day borders were drawn by Stalin/USSR and contain historically Polish, Hungarian and Russian lands.

2022 . Regime change in Pakistan
So you are saying China will jump to the chance to attack South China Seas that may or may not be attacking US territories with Iran sinking 1 single aircraft carrier by chance? Or somehow Russia would nuke Ukraine when Iran sink 1 single US carrier??

The balance of force WILL NOT CHANGE even if Iran somehow manage to sink 1 single US carrier out of the 11, and out of the 3 that operate in ME, the only thing that will change is US will stack EVERY resource in the ME in Israel, more or less 500 fighting aircraft, a mix of F-15E, F-16, F-18 and F-35 to bomb Iran back to stone age and a complete blockade of Strait of Hormuz with the 3 naval Fleet, do you think Russia and China would care about Iran when they had sunk a US carrier first??

I mean with China don't even care about Russia and their war in Ukraine and Russia is knee deep in their war, there are virtually no chance for both to raise a finger if Iran gone rogue.
Highly far-fetched... almost up to the fantasy level.
Look at it from a neutral perspective, russia attacked ukraine a year ago to stop NATO, its successful as of now.
Stop nato? Then they failed big time if that was their goal.

1: Formerly neutral finland and sweden are set to join now.
2: Europe is re-arming. Gone are the days of pacifistic trade with russia. Instead its sanctions and triple defence budgets. (Dwarfing russia’s spending)
3: Europe is back in arms of USA. Block cohesion stronger then many decades.
4: massive majority ukranians now loathe russia (down from 80% positive view in 1990s) and are taking active steps to join EU, and later Nato.
5: ukraine is now the pro-nato anvil on which russia is smashing its army to pieces.
6: other former soviet states are now actively distancing themselves from russia as well (armenia, kazachstan). They see russia as untrustworthy on security guarantees.

Their real goal was to recolonize half of ukraine. With a puppet leader and back under full russian control (ukraine has been drifting from their influence sphere towards europe/nato).
The war was supposed to be won in weeks.
With little response from the west (similar to 2014 crimea).

Now however Its turned into a geopolitical nightmare for russia.
At best russia could hope China will bail them out. However…the “little communist brother” position just got switched….

Seriously how fucking delusional are you people?
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