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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If Iran sink 1 Carrier (let's assume they can do that) that would mean US will basically send EVERYTHING they have in the region to have a free for all, they won't move anything off outside Middle East area (There are 2 Fleet and 7 Airbase in the Middle East, more than enough naval and air power to destroy Iran if that happened)

China attack in South China Seas will be South East Asia problem, unless China attack Guam or Hawaii, which will trigger NATO article 5, so China will no longer be just attacking the US, but will be against the entire NATO. And Russia war in Ukraine is also not US direct engagement.
You are a Nato spokesperson without looking at PLA of China
& Russia nukes & South Korea / North Korea Nukes & Pakistan/ India nukes.
Targeting meds specifically is war crime per Geneva conventions

I have seen both ukriane and Russia doing it but more so by ukriane as they are easy target ..it's always the case the weaker country takes soft targets more often

The overwhelming majority in Ukraine including Donbass voted for the Ukrainan constitution. They are legally bound by it.
You can claim that but 3/4 of the world doesn't believe it(just china Indian subcontinent is world half population)

As put by Indian minister Europe problems are not world problems

Lockheed's HIMARS plant gearing up to meet demand after Ukraine success​

You are a Nato spokesperson without looking at PLA of China
& Russia nukes & South Korea / North Korea Nukes & Pakistan/ India nukes.
Well, why??

Your example is Iran sink US carrier, China attack South China Seas and Russia attack Ukraine. There isn't any point for anyone to nuke anyone in all 3 scenarios.

Nuke is not adding milk to cereals, you don't use it unless you have a reason to. I mean sure, China wants to attack South China Seas, so let's nuke US and end the world, then why you want to attack South China Seas to begin with?? Sames goes Russia-Ukraine, North and South Korea, and Pakistan - India.

Bakhmut Battle: Putin’s men close in on Donetsk city; Zelensky worried of ‘worsening’ situation​

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