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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

1 or 2 confirmed T-90 losses..
them saying "50 T-90s lost" actually supports those who say Oryx is a paid CIA- agent. because if its a lie, why is he spouting it then? we know which side that sort of exaggeration supports.
just like their reliable intelligence on Iraq WMD
funny fact even the chemical traces the Australian force found in Iraq turned out not to belong to chemical weapon
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proof is what you guys lack

sanctions are not binding and legal if not issued by unsc

that defines your posts

That is all they need some people to start to export democracies, impalements and assasinations.

But now the situation is a little different, European States slaves are digging their own hole, a slow motion suicide.

It would be a fun thing if I didnt live here.
I am not surprised. Usually, having a career in the military is less attractive to the folks living in more developed areas where other opportunities are more abundant. It is even more pronounced among foot soldiers as officers are more likely to be from the more developed areas. This is a pattern everywhere including China. If China ever goes into a war, the proportion of resulting casualty will certainly be higher in the less developed areas than the more developed areas.

Idk, you can't go to military academy with GK <500

This is a $64,000 question.

There are many reason, but most analyst believe that the Russian wasn't train enough on Joint Operation, I mean no matter how much precision your weapon have, you still need eyes on the ground to point out the target so you can hit them with precision weapon.

You need a layer of cooperation to pull of something like the West did with Iraq, Russian simply weren't train for that, call it a doctrine issue or a corruption issue, that just didn't happen.

One things which grounded a huge part of their airforce is lack of... brake pads.

They ran out of their pre-1991 stocks, which would've lasted them many more years of peace time use otherwise, but melted in wartime.

Bad news, their sortie numbers have spiked this week. Maybe they have solved their brake pad issue.
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Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.02.27

Interesting field update and some Russian surprise unexpected attacks..
AFU offensive attempts and accumulation of tanks..
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Anti-NATO protests hit France​

Rallies against the US-led NATO bloc and the supply of weapons to Ukraine have been held across France

Oh wow a protest in a democratic country. Everybody surrender because there is a protest.

This is how a democracy functions, for good or bad. Protests against wages, airline schedules, railway conditions, and vaccines.

Just because there is a protest, doesn’t mean the trajectory changes.

Come back when you can report a protest in Moscow where the mere hint of disagreement with Russian policy is considered a seditious act that leads to imprisonment. Thats fear and insecurity about public opinion at its best
US is sending TIE fighters to Ukraine.

You are an American or at least your profile here shows that. The least I would expect of an American was to understand basic English. English being native to England and not the US, should not play a role here, I assume.

I never claimed that being a Russian speaker or having Russian as your mother tongue in Ukraine equals being an ethnic Russian. That would be a ridiculous claim seeing that the vast majority of Ukrainians speak Russian as their mother tongue.

My sole claim was that there are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine who since Ukraine gained independence in 1991, have usually (vast majority of them) looked towards Russia rather than EU or say Poland (which is where the "West" begins for Ukraine). The majority of those millions of ethnic Russians happen to inhabit areas (in their majority) that are now controlled by Russia. Crimea, Donbas etc. comes to mind.

It is not really breaking news, that a lot of them if not the vast majority, don't want to be a part of Ukraine in its current form.

Sorry but this is the same excuse the Russians used to invade Finland to protect so called Russian speakers. Or even invading Poland under the guise of speaking Russians that needed help. Thats something Hitler did as well under the impression of protecting the Aryan people.

On September 17, 1939, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov declares that the Polish government has ceased to exist, as the U.S.S.R. exercises the “fine print” of the Hitler-Stalin Non-aggression pact—the invasion and occupation of eastern Poland.

Hitler’s troops were already wreaking havoc in Poland, having invaded on the first of the month. The Polish army began retreating and regrouping east, near Lvov, in eastern Galicia, attempting to escape relentless German land and air offensives. But Polish troops had jumped from the frying pan into the fire—as Soviet troops began occupying eastern Poland. The Ribbentrop-Molotov Non-aggression Pact, signed in August, had eliminated any hope Poland had of a Russian ally in a war against Germany. Little did Poles know that a secret clause of that pact, the details of which would not become public until 1990, gave the U.S.S.R. the right to mark off for itself a chunk of Poland’s eastern region. The “reason” given was that Russia had to come to the aid of its “blood brothers,” the Ukrainians and Byelorussians, who were trapped in territory that had been illegally annexed by Poland. Now Poland was squeezed from West and East—trapped between two behemoths. Its forces overwhelmed by the mechanized modern German army, Poland had nothing left with which to fight the Soviets.
Ukraine, regardless of what happens in the future, will have a massive problem of winning over this population in particular given events since 2014.

Russia will have a massive problem with winning over the Ukrainian population for many decades to come. Considering they invaded since 2014, Ukraine will become even more dangerous with weapons and training. It be like having hostile Iran next door that can hit all major infrastructures in future with Ukrainian version of Shahed kamikaze drones, ballistic missiles to cruise missiles and so on.

Now, you can claim some ridiculous "Russian agenda" here or just realize that events on the ground are a little bit more complex and not as black and white as the mainstream propaganda media (every media is usually that, propaganda or at the very least biased and following some kind of editorial line) in the West is usually excelling at since the conflict began. Not much different from their Russian counterparts, albeit their propaganda take the cake.

And quite frankly, the West, US, as often has been the case ever since USA took the "Western mantle" from historical European powers which gave birth to the same newly created USA, it was a severe mistake not to fully integrate Russia (a European and Christian nation) with the remaining Europe and collective West, instead of pushing Russia (largest country in the world and the richest in terms of natural and mineral wealth in the world) towards China and the non-Western world.

The potential long-term effects of this idiotic US policy could become catastrophic long-term.
This is Russia's problem by invading Ukraine. We are not the ones pushing them to China. Right now almost all European countries have sided with Ukraine and thats going to be catastrophic in long term since nobody will trust the Russians, especially against Ukraine as well as Poland and the Baltics and Finland and others. They figure they can leave WW2 and Soviet occupation behind, but nope thats bringing back memories.

Lol... To may be inflating the Iranian influence and ego to a point that an Iranian Mullah would be sending you a marriage proposal soon.

Iranians are good using proxies, so the Russians are the proxies.
A Ukrainian tank was hit by two Russian Lancet kamikaze drones at once. After the first drone strike, a fire started on the tank, the crew quickly reacted and extinguished it. This was followed by a second strike by a kamikaze drone, the result of the strike is difficult to distinguish, but something caught fire in the area of the engine compartment.

Rare footage of the interception of the Ukrainian M142 HIMARS MLRS missile by the Russian Buk air defense system has been published. HIMARS MLRS rockets are a difficult target for air defense, they are not large in size and fly at high altitude and speed, only an experienced air defense calculation can intercept HIMARS missiles, since the decision time is less than 10 seconds.

This is a $64,000 question.

There are many reason, but most analyst believe that the Russian wasn't train enough on Joint Operation, I mean no matter how much precision your weapon have, you still need eyes on the ground to point out the target so you can hit them with precision weapon.

You need a layer of cooperation to pull of something like the West did with Iraq, Russian simply weren't train for that, call it a doctrine issue or a corruption issue, that just didn't happen.

Hopefully the new weapons can make it possible to hit the logistics network in all of Ukraine occupied by the Russians and most of Crimea. Would obviously make their lives more miserable.

The chief of Germany army reserves says the war can last 10 years. By then Putin will celebrate 80 year old.

Putin will break Russia average expected living. usually in Russia men die before reaching 66 year old. Putin will shorten life expectancy of Russia men further like other Russia leaders in history. Many would die before reaching 55 year old. During Jelzin regime Russia reached the record of short life.

But hey Putin says in a meeting with fallen soldiers mothers. everybody will die, so make the best for motherland Russia.
Oh wow a protest in a democratic country. Everybody surrender because there is a protest.

This is how a democracy functions, for good or bad. Protests against wages, airline schedules, railway conditions, and vaccines.

Just because there is a protest, doesn’t mean the trajectory changes.

Come back when you can report a protest in Moscow where the mere hint of disagreement with Russian policy is considered a seditious act that leads to imprisonment. Thats fear and insecurity about public opinion at its best
Huh what ??? Are you kidding me .. every single protest in Western nation is PROPERLY REGISTERED BY GOVT + POLICE SYSTEMS & later on down the year within their parliament a senator voices those Protests & debates them to tackle this policy. Just look at your pathetic P@ki-land jahil / nialaak / Gang mentality .. of society eh ? No one utters a word of protests front of Police? They're chicken Sh!t even to go against corrupted officials in power. That is freaking difference btw west & YOU loser minds whole nation awaam totally. I stick to my statement good will come out in France.
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The chief of Germany army reserves says the war can last 10 years. By then Putin will celebrate 80 year old.

Putin will break Russia average expected living. usually in Russia men die before reaching 66 year old. Putin will shorten life expectancy of Russia men further like other Russia leaders in history. Many would die before reaching 55 year old. During Jelzin regime Russia reached the record of short life.

But hey Putin says in a meeting with fallen soldiers mothers. everybody will die, so make the best for motherland Russia.

Posted 4 days ago on twitter.

When Russia is tasked with destroying the European Union, Russia does not intend to stop the war. Putin wants victory in Ukraine to move onto more invasions. As Putin has done throughout career as President/Prime Minister of Russia.

Europe must be prepared for a potential war with Russia, and a potential war with Russia with no help from Russia Republicans.

Russia in February 2022 did not send in entire Russian military against Ukraine. Nor in mid-2022. Russia is saving equipment for a large scale invasion of Europe if Ukraine seeks peace with Russia. Russia wants Ukraine neutral during a war with EU.

Zell Miller exposing the concept that to fight and win a war you need overwhelming firepower and a military large enough to thoroughly defeat your enemy. EU does not have enough to win against Russia, said NATO chief. Globally, Russia has the largest army of heavy weapons.

To win against modern huge armies, you need significant and substantial overwhelming firepower in one or more categories.
(1) missiles/airpower bombs (many thousands of cruise missiles and smart bombs)
(2) drones bombing (10K+ and ammo)
(3) artillery (10K+ and ammo)

These are range weapons that can destroy the enemy before ground assaults.

EU nations do not have enough overwhelming firepower.

Not everybody can be Finland, protected by snow and swamps. With a military for a civilian population of 5 million vs Russian 147 million population, catered to setting Russia in for a trap if Russia attacks.

Those drones dropping bombs and explosives are doing for, (without casualties), what it would cost many Ukrainian lives to throw those grenades and the precision of those drops are worth more than many artillery with ammo. Though drones are susceptible to EW, that is why you have artillery too. Balance of huge numbers of drones, artillery, and precision missiles and bombs. You could prevent a war because Russia would not want to pick a fight.
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