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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well, the Russians always in good faith to their own ...

Well,the Russians use mostly Russians, whereas "the West" use mostly the lifes of other countries, what we also see in Ukrain.

Well, the Russians always in good faith to their own ...

I am not surprised. Usually, having a career in the military is less attractive to the folks living in more developed areas where other opportunities are more abundant. It is even more pronounced among foot soldiers as officers are more likely to be from the more developed areas. This is a pattern everywhere including China. If China ever goes into a war, the proportion of resulting casualty will certainly be higher in the less developed areas than the more developed areas.
You either see wrong, or you simply just buy into Russian perspective.

From what I have seen when i was living over there early 2010s, and the people I know, there were never large enough of population in the occupation region (Crimea, Donbas) are ethnic Russian, bear in mind the term "Ethnic" Russia is people who of Russian root, themselves born or have generation of family member living in Russia. Those are about 20-25% in the East, less than 10% in the West.

Russia counted Russian Speaking Ukrainian as "Ethnic" Russian, if that is the case, then even Zelenskyy himself could be and should be considered as Ethic Russian. Because he was brough up in Kryvyi Riv, which is a Russian Speaking part of Ukraine.

It's different between Russian Speaking Ukrainian and Ethnic Russian Ukrainian. The first one identify themselves as Ukrainian, they may or may not sympathizes with Russian position (I personally know a dozen of them in Kharkiv who condemn Maidan) and I even show a post from my Facebook feed from one of the most Pro-Russian Ukrainian I know who was actually born in Transnistria

She supports annexation of Crimea, she denounced Maidan, and she ran back to Transnistria when the war started (her own word) which is another enclave for Pro-Russian movement in Moldova and she sign off that Facebook post with #FuckyouRussianWarship (the message those snake island defender send to Moskva) and you know she is typing Russian because she uses 24 февраля instead of 24 лютого

it's one thing you think you are pro-Russia, it's another when Russian bomb just destroyed your home and killed your dog.

I mean, i have no trouble for you or anyone to be pro-Russia, but don't buy into stuff that you never understand, it's a lot more complicated than your think, it's not just "These people are Pro-Russia" and Russia is legit to use force to recapture those places.

You proceed to ignore actual historical facts and start to talk about anecdotes and made up percentages.

The fact on the ground is that there are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, mostly inhabiting areas of Ukraine that are currently under the control of Russia such as most of Donbas, large parts of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblast as well as obviously Crimea which was incorporated into Russia already 9 years ago and which has a Russian population that makes up 90% of Crimea's total population. Or at least 85% on top of my memory since I last checked the demographics years ago.

Most Ukrainains speak Russian as their mother tongue, obviously that does not make them Russians. Never claimed that. However it speaks volume to the reality of Ukraine which is that of a merely 32 year old country that very much is an artificial country made up by historically parts of modern-day Ukraine that belonged to foreign entities (Poland, Hungary, Russia, Crimean Tatars etc.) for far, far, longer than the concept of a Ukrainian national state.

Not pro or anti anything as I wrote, I am indifferent to this conflict as far as which party "wins" it.
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A large number of Russian nuclear weapons are marching to Moscow to prepare for the parade..

A column of strategic missile regiments PGRK "Yars" is marching from the Ivanovo region to the Moscow region to prepare for a military parade on Red Square scheduled for May 9
Personnel and equipment of the Tikovsky missile formation have been taking part in military parades on Red Square in Moscow since 2008.

Have you asked yourself what would happen if a nuclear war broke out between the Russians and NATO?
85 million deaths in 45 minutes..that is the preliminary answer!

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I see you have bought the russian narrative, eventhough you somehow pretend to be objective, it is still obvious.

So the historically correct narrative is now the "pro-Russian" narrative. Interesting. Has it occurred to you that not everything is completely black and white? The likes of Putin can actually make historically correct statements in relation to the conflict, for instance the provocative yet nevertheless correct claim of Stalin/USSR drawing the modern-day borders of Ukraine and modern-day Ukraine owning its existence largely thanks to the USSR of which Russia was the de facto leader of politically, culturally, linguistically, militarily, economically etc.
You do realize that many people from Kherson to Kharkiv can speak Russian right? Even Zelensky? Thats the worse excuse to claim that they wanted to be liberated. Considering how the people of Kherson were celebrating with the Ukrainian troops en masse compared to Russians being there. As you said, the Russians failed to win over the Ukrainians. Just remember, the Afghans beat the Soviets when they lost millions of Afghans and the Russians controlled most of the country.

You don't see that kind of welcome for the Russian troops.

You are an American or at least your profile here shows that. The least I would expect of an American was to understand basic English. English being native to England and not the US, should not play a role here, I assume.

I never claimed that being a Russian speaker or having Russian as your mother tongue in Ukraine equals being an ethnic Russian. That would be a ridiculous claim seeing that the vast majority of Ukrainians speak Russian as their mother tongue.

My sole claim was that there are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine who since Ukraine gained independence in 1991, have usually (vast majority of them) looked towards Russia rather than EU or say Poland (which is where the "West" begins for Ukraine). The majority of those millions of ethnic Russians happen to inhabit areas (in their majority) that are now controlled by Russia. Crimea, Donbas etc. comes to mind.

It is not really breaking news, that a lot of them if not the vast majority, don't want to be a part of Ukraine in its current form.

Ukraine, regardless of what happens in the future, will have a massive problem of winning over this population in particular given events since 2014.

Now, you can claim some ridiculous "Russian agenda" here or just realize that events on the ground are a little bit more complex and not as black and white as the mainstream propaganda media (every media is usually that, propaganda or at the very least biased and following some kind of editorial line) in the West is usually excelling at since the conflict began. Not much different from their Russian counterparts, albeit their propaganda take the cake.

And quite frankly, the West, US, as often has been the case ever since USA took the "Western mantle" from historical European powers which gave birth to the same newly created USA, it was a severe mistake not to fully integrate Russia (a European and Christian nation) with the remaining Europe and collective West, instead of pushing Russia (largest country in the world and the richest in terms of natural and mineral wealth in the world) towards China and the non-Western world.

The potential long-term effects of this idiotic US policy could become catastrophic long-term.
I state that if China ships weapons…
then what? more rubbish opinions? lmao.
The neutrality of Iran in the war is not governed by what is proved on PDF or not.
Neither is the neutrality of NATO and US- caught with their "hands in the cookie jar"..in 3D too.
The West has plenty of intelligence sources and will make decisions based on those sources.
they make decisions and take actions, but they are usually not potent enough for a beast like Iran.
If they have reliable intelligence that Iran is supplying weapons,
they already do
they can take action,
like what? order Kurds to fire 3 pathetic small drones within Iran to hit factories in Isfahan?
and since that will be part of a war of self-defense, it will be legal.
it was illegal, and they still did it, but Iran brushed it off like some dirt off its jay-z shoulder.
The UN charters puts limits on acts of war.
irrelevant blabbling but you again.
Sanctions may or may not be acts of war.
when US does it its not and when others like China do it its wrong right?
Sanctions which are not acts of war, are not the business of the UNSC.
more irrelevant blabbing.
Sanctions which are acts of war are legal, as long as they are part of a war of self defense - until the UNSC comes up with solution to the problem.
irrelevant blabbing.
As usual, you make claims and without any sources.
so do you.
State which clause in which law/treaty says that sanctions must come from the UNSC.
stop distracting from the fact that US and NATO cant take any serious action on Iran now- for one not whjen they are low on ammunition, but mainly because they lack the soldier ratio to take serious military action against Iran- with over 400K ground forces available in the middle east, US and NATO would need at least 1 million soldiers for an Iran military contingency, (and that would be a 2:1 ratio too, which is horrible),but US doesnt even have 100K soldiers in the middle east right now, and probably no aircraft carrier (other than the 1 that goes close to PG when there is hot tension with Iran, but runs 800miles away when weapons are turned on).

Sweden is also a weak military country, its sad- tried to run to NATO for security once Ukraine war got hot, only to get rejected/stalled in your application ? Russia knows Sweden is done for then- exposed that its weak, and failed to acquire real military protection- As long as Sweden doesnt help NATO too much, it will be fine.

Ukrainian Defense: The situation on the front is difficult, and Russia is intensifying its offensive

State Duma deputy Alexander Borodai:
I support comprehensive training of citizens in the use of weapons. We are one step away from a very big war.

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