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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Update 18 min ago :

Putin hammers Kherson, Ukrainian soldiers run for lives; 12 killed as Donetsk battle rages on​

Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev​

A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow:
A Ukrainian electronic intelligence center located in the settlement of Brovary in the Kiev region has reportedly been struck by Russian missiles, according to a Monday update on the Russian Defense Ministry’s official Telegram channel.

The ministry also reported that Russian missiles had struck the “West” special operations center, located near the city of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine.

The update states that Russia’s Armed Forces have continued their offensive in the Donetsk direction, where they have neutralized over 250 Ukrainian servicemen, as well a dozen pieces of military equipment, including two tanks. The Russian military also claims to have destroyed an ammunition depot near the city of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut as well as a US-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar.
source : https://www.rt.com/russia/572134-russia-strikes-intelligence-center-kiev/
Given the institutionalized lying within the Russian armed forces from the bottom to the top it's safe to say Putin might not even be aware of the real situation on the ground. Remember him praising the "victorious marines in Vuhledar" while they totally got annihilated.
the fastest way to peace is “kill’ em all”. That’s the strategy of Ukraine at Bakhmut. Let the zombies coming.

Ah no worry, Putin is safe in his palaces. He doesn’t care of any human life at all. Luckily for him, he controls the army, the separatist armies, the security apparatus, the justice, the parliament, the government, the media, the money, the banks, and of course everything else.

About Wuleda, yes it is a great success for Russia although two Russia best brigades were annihilated. And certainly when he lies to the Russians he expects the Russians to believe him. Well if anyone doesn’t do it, the window is open.

Look, someone is falling out of window.
The US barely covers the Ukrainian forced refugees into Russia to human trafficking. That is tens of thousands of Ukrainians or more to human traffickers in Russia. No coverage. Putin blames Ukraine for anything bad in Ukraine.

Old story:

A minority of the women and girls end in Israel, UK:

Ukrainian female refugees: We were trafficked to Israel in order to become sex slaves​

Concerns about how to protect the most vulnerable Ukrainian refugees from human traffickers and other types of sexual abuse in Israel are rising as millions of women and children fled across Ukraine’s borders in face of Russian onslaught.
According to the UN refugee agency, more than 2.5 million people, including more than a million children, have already left war-torn Ukraine, in what has become Europe’s largest humanitarian disaster since World War II.
In Israel citizens and volunteers have been meeting and supporting those whose lives have been devastated by violence.
Support, ranging from free housing to free transportation to professional prospects and other sorts of assistance, is not far away, but neither are the sexual abuses.
Israeli TV 12 reported on a group of Ukrainian refugee women who stated that the Israelis sought to exploit them as sex slaves immediately upon their arrival in the Occupied Territories.
The Ukrainian female refugees say that as soon as they landed at Ben Gurion Airport, Israeli settlers harassed them and encouraged them to offer sexual services.
According to the report, efforts to coerce Ukrainian female asylum seekers into offering sexual services have been reported to the Israeli Ministry of Welfare and the Israeli Ministry of Justice’s Human Trafficking Unit in recent days.
Ukrainian women were deployed to the Panorama Hotel in order to lure them into committing promiscuities.
Over 100 Ukrainian refugees reported a man with a similar description who offered them money to aid them in escaping the war zone in Ukraine, crossing the border, and flying to Israel. When they got in Israel, they claimed that they needed to begin giving sexual services in order to reclaim the money.
Tel Aviv has received more than 6,000 Ukrainian asylum applications, with the number predicted to increase to 15,000 in the following days, according to Zionist authorities.
Israel has shown to be an exceptionally frightening location for the unfortunate Ukrainians. Back in January 2022, the Times of Israel claimed that Israeli Police arrested sex criminal network that transported scores of Ukrainian women to Israel.
Criminal group arranged for women’s travel, living quarters and managed them as sex slaves.
The criminal ring reportedly established contact with the Ukrainian ladies when they were in Ukraine, transported the women to Israel to work as prostitutes, organised their living situation in Israel and carried them from customer to customer.

UK has a tradition of accepting s-x trafficked women from Ukraine. The UK criminals that seek to force Ukrainian women to exchange housing for prostitution are part of this problem.

Sex trafficking trade forces women from Odessa to massage parlours in Britain​

Sat 2 Jul 2011 17.54 EDT
Many women drawn to the Ukrainian city end up working as prostitutes in the UK, but our government seems unwilling to act

Police bust sex crime ring that trafficked dozens of Ukrainian women to Israel​

Most of the trafficked women are in Russia held by Russian criminals such as the Russian mob.

I read in an article years ago, Israel had a policy of arresting Ukrainians s-x slave prostitute women for crimes and releasing the Ukrainians back to their Russian Jewish pimps. Criminalizing the trafficked women and making the trafficked victims, the s-x criminals. Not the pimps, not the clients. This has reportedly changed recently.

The Ukrainian trafficked women in UK and Israel is small compared to the amount of s-x trafficked women in Russia.

This was the standard before the war, before millions of women and children from Ukraine where disappeared into Russia:

Sex Slavery Thrives in Russia Out of Public View

The country is now at once a destination, origin and transit country for sex slaves — part of a 1-million-strong slave force that exists in Russia.

"Sexploitation runs strong in Russian society," Timofeyeva said. "We always tend to blame the victim."

The report did not differentiate between types of forced labor, but said the sex industry was among the main employers of Russian slaves.

The Russian mafia have the capacity to absorb millions of Ukrainian slaves, many of whom would be s-x slaves. How many thousands of Ukrainians that disappeared into Russia are slaves. We don't know the numbers. By past history of Russia and the global treatment of Ukrainian women and girls, things don't look well for many of Ukrainians that fled into Russia. We can only pray that they get out of the hell of Russia safely. And pray the millions of slaves that have been in Russia for years can be liberated from the organized crime in Russia. This is one of the main under-reported stories of the war.
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I dont know if the bbc and cnet were stranded with their time mashine somewhere in the past. All these things are implemented and running over the internet today. And with IPv6 one can switch off and on again whole countries and continents.

Cause it didnt happen.

Edit: It is the same with this one and a lot of other "happenings"

View attachment 918074
With IPv4 too, your ISP shutdown his machines and your internet is over. I think it's not needed so much technology to switch off a machine.

Just it's needed the legal tool to do it massively.

And that was done in USA at the same time than Hormuz strait tensions, what a coincidence!

And dont look the finger. :enjoy:
It would have been naive to think a few nuke would end this war, the death in Ukraine had exceeded 100,000 and closer to 200,000, that's already more people killed than a few tactical nuke can do. They won't give up then, they won't give up even after nuke was dropped. Let alone that will most definitely draw in the West, if nuke was used, there are many thing the West can do, one thing for sure is there will be NO LIMIT on what aid the west would give Ukraine.

Japan did not surrender because of the 2 atomic bomb, they surrender because Soviet Union has joined the war and there are literally no prospect of winning or anything other than a seperated Japan like the Koreas, there are very high chances that had SU not declare war on japan, Japan will fight and Allied force would still be needing to land in Tokyo in order for them to end the war.

Any nuke in any NATO territories is AUTOMACTICALLY trigger response, that's not even done in human level, that's response is automated. If Russia send any nuke across the border to Romania and Poland, you are talking about end of the world, not just Russia nuke it and we call it a day

And I don't know why you bring up the seizure of Megaupload, that's a domain shut down, which the DOJ can do it by asking the DNS company that host that domain name to wipe that name off and block its access, that does not mean they cannot migrate Megaupload to another domain or uses vpn or dynamic DNS to mask their address, like ********* did. That's not jamming of any kind. It's not like USDOJ put a jamming device next to Kim Dotcom home and stop him from ding anything......

Seizure of Megaupload create a wave of hate among Anonymous militants, they did several DDOS attacks, that way it could be justified a internet shutdown of USA, it was 19 January 2012. And two days after a Iranian boat sink near Hormuz, when USA Aircraft Carriers were passing by pairs under Iranian threats.

You can imagine how fast can happen a war escalation if Iran sink 2 USA carriers, BTW New Chinese Year was 23 January 2012. I imagine ICBM overflying Russia and China to Iran and detonating over Russian and Chinese cities before arrive to Iran.

Nuclear war is not the end of the world. USA have enough ABM shields. And maybe it's technically impossible launch any kind of nuke over USA, even if Russian and China launch all their long range rockets against USA.

Nuclear war could be the end of Europe as rich zone and the end of China and Russia as nuclear powers. I.e: The start of new American century.

I think USA ABM shields could work in dead hand mode, i.e: even if the operators dont want, USA mainland will be protected, 0% error ratio, no margin for human errors, that can be done under a legal point of view: it's not needed Sleepy Joe permission to launch a ICBM interceptor.

But what is impossible from a legal point is what you talk about automatic NATO nuclear response: That's false.
USA needs president permission to launch nukes. And France president already said than French nukes are for defend French people and it's not to protect NATO.

With IPv4 too, your ISP shutdown his machines and your internet is over. I think it's not needed so much technology to switch off a machine.

Well well, the internet, the ipv6, still new...
The twtter-censorship is rising high again. Elon Musk is just a Jack-double, a Pisser

first china didn't shipped any drone and as i recall you still failed to prove Iran also shipped any weapon after the war.

and no there is no law against sanctioning an aggressor but that same international law you mention state that the sanction must come from UNSC and there is no UNSC resolution against Russia so all sanction imposed by EU and USA are illegal until UNSC approve them.
I state that if China ships weapons…

The neutrality of Iran in the war is not governed by what is proved on PDF or not.
The West has plenty of intelligence sources and will make decisions based on those sources. If they have reliable intelligence that Iran is supplying weapons, they can take action, and since that will be part of a war of self-defense, it will be legal.

The UN charters puts limits on acts of war.
Sanctions may or may not be acts of war.
Sanctions which are not acts of war, are not the business of the UNSC.
Sanctions which are acts of war are legal, as long as they are part of a war of self defense - until the UNSC comes up with solution to the problem.

As usual, you make claims and without any sources.
State which clause in which law/treaty says that sanctions must come from the UNSC.
Which relationship isn't of convenience?
US & britain? NATO?

But the alliance between Russian & China will not be like NATO or even will be like the allies in WW2. Because their type of alliances requires info, tech & military sharing agreement. Russia & china don't even trust each other.

China accuses US of ‘bullying’ with new ‘illegal’ sanctions​

BEIJING (AP) — China on Monday accused the U.S. of “outright bullying and double standards” in leveling what it called “illegal” sanctions on Chinese companies as part of U.S. actions against Russia’s Wagner Group and related companies and individuals.

@beijingwalker you a victim now?
The neutrality of Iran in the war is not governed by what is proved on PDF or not.
The West has plenty of intelligence sources and will make decisions based on those sources. If they have reliable intelligence that Iran is supplying weapons, they can take action, and since that will be part of a war of self-defense, it will be legal.
just like their reliable intelligence on Iraq WMD
funny fact even the chemical traces the Australian force found in Iraq turned out not to belong to chemical weapon

proof is what you guys lack

The UN charters puts limits on acts of war.
Sanctions may or may not be acts of war.
Sanctions which are not acts of war, are not the business of the UNSC.
Sanctions which are acts of war are legal, as long as they are part of a war of self defense - until the UNSC comes up with solution to the problem.
sanctions are not binding and legal if not issued by unsc
As usual, you make claims and without any sources.
State which clause in which law/treaty says that sanctions must come from the UNSC.
that defines your posts

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