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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia fires volley of rockets near Kyiv; Putin's Army decimates intel unit aided by the West​

Downtown Kiev under MRLS rockets rain attack
suburb of Kiev destroyed totally

A Ukrainian tank was hit by two Russian Lancet kamikaze drones at once. After the first drone strike, a fire started on the tank, the crew quickly reacted and extinguished it. This was followed by a second strike by a kamikaze drone, the result of the strike is difficult to distinguish, but something caught fire in the area of the engine compartment.

Rare footage of the interception of the Ukrainian M142 HIMARS MLRS missile by the Russian Buk air defense system has been published. HIMARS MLRS rockets are a difficult target for air defense, they are not large in size and fly at high altitude and speed, only an experienced air defense calculation can intercept HIMARS missiles, since the decision time is less than 10 seconds.

Buk M3 can take on the M142. It can even be effective against ATACMS if it is given to Ukraine later on. It is more mobile than S300s and has considerable range to cover some area. In terms of GLSDB however it can be a somewhat expensive option. Glsdb has higher range and gets slower as it glides towards the target. Pantsyr can be a less costly choice to take out these less expensive amunition.

Also about the planned air offensive of Russia I found some Ukranian response as below. There are possibly several options to detect Ukraine radars. The video does not also mention that these items can be used together. For example A-50 can detect air defenses for the frontline without entering deep inside which is its weakness-vulnurability. After the frontline sam sites are cleared by anti-radar missiles high altitude drones can enter deeper with sigint pods to detect the ones inside. Also Su-30 35s can have pods as well with anti radiation missiles that can degrade Ukr air defenses which is not mentioned in the video like the wild weasel concept. The operation would take time and would also need probing with drones-awacs as a preparation. There should be several plans flexibly to change when the other side changes their tactics like for example closing their radars, decoy issues etc. time can be a cost but would be less than losing many more aircraft with a strict and swift plan.

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just like their reliable intelligence on Iraq WMD
funny fact even the chemical traces the Australian force found in Iraq turned out not to belong to chemical weapon
View attachment 918129
proof is what you guys lack

sanctions are not binding and legal if not issued by unsc

that defines your posts
Reported for derailing thread with whataboutism about Iraq.

Posted 4 days ago on twitter.

When Russia is tasked with destroying the European Union, Russia does not intend to stop the war. Putin wants victory in Ukraine to move onto more invasions. As Putin has done throughout career as President/Prime Minister of Russia.

Europe must be prepared for a potential war with Russia, and a potential war with Russia with no help from Russia Republicans.

Russia in February 2022 did not send in entire Russian military against Ukraine. Nor in mid-2022. Russia is saving equipment for a large scale invasion of Europe if Ukraine seeks peace with Russia. Russia wants Ukraine neutral during a war with EU.

Zell Miller exposing the concept that to fight and win a war you need overwhelming firepower and a military large enough to thoroughly defeat your enemy. EU does not have enough to win against Russia, said NATO chief. Globally, Russia has the largest army of heavy weapons.

To win against modern huge armies, you need significant and substantial overwhelming firepower in one or more categories.
(1) missiles/airpower bombs (many thousands of cruise missiles and smart bombs)
(2) drones bombing (10K+ and ammo)
(3) artillery (10K+ and ammo)

These are range weapons that can destroy the enemy before ground assaults.

EU nations do not have enough overwhelming firepower.

Not everybody can be Finland, protected by snow and swamps. With a military for a civilian population of 5 million vs Russian 147 million population, catered to setting Russia in for a trap if Russia attacks.

Those drones dropping bombs and explosives are doing for, (without casualties), what it would cost many Ukrainian lives to throw those grenades and the precision of those drops are worth more than many artillery with ammo. Though drones are susceptible to EW, that is why you have artillery too. Balance of huge numbers of drones, artillery, and precision missiles and bombs. You could prevent a war because Russia would not want to pick a fight.
That’s a misunderstanding the EU can’t take on Russia. War is much about economy. Russia economy is smaller than Italy. If Italy turns to war mode like WW2, Italy can produce more weapons than Russia. Note, Russia today is just a fraction of USSR.

Neither Italy nor EU is ready for war.

If they do thing is different.

I think just a matter time when Europe realizes only a strong armed Europe is the best way to keep peace.
You are an American or at least your profile here shows that. The least I would expect of an American was to understand basic English. English being native to England and not the US, should not play a role here, I assume.

I never claimed that being a Russian speaker or having Russian as your mother tongue in Ukraine equals being an ethnic Russian. That would be a ridiculous claim seeing that the vast majority of Ukrainians speak Russian as their mother tongue.

My sole claim was that there are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine who since Ukraine gained independence in 1991, have usually (vast majority of them) looked towards Russia rather than EU or say Poland (which is where the "West" begins for Ukraine). The majority of those millions of ethnic Russians happen to inhabit areas (in their majority) that are now controlled by Russia. Crimea, Donbas etc. comes to mind.

It is not really breaking news, that a lot of them if not the vast majority, don't want to be a part of Ukraine in its current form.

Ukraine, regardless of what happens in the future, will have a massive problem of winning over this population in particular given events since 2014.

Now, you can claim some ridiculous "Russian agenda" here or just realize that events on the ground are a little bit more complex and not as black and white as the mainstream propaganda media (every media is usually that, propaganda or at the very least biased and following some kind of editorial line) in the West is usually excelling at since the conflict began. Not much different from their Russian counterparts, albeit their propaganda take the cake.

And quite frankly, the West, US, as often has been the case ever since USA took the "Western mantle" from historical European powers which gave birth to the same newly created USA, it was a severe mistake not to fully integrate Russia (a European and Christian nation) with the remaining Europe and collective West, instead of pushing Russia (largest country in the world and the richest in terms of natural and mineral wealth in the world) towards China and the non-Western world.

The potential long-term effects of this idiotic US policy could become catastrophic long-term.
The overwhelming majority in Ukraine including Donbass voted for the Ukrainan constitution. They are legally bound by it.
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Huh what ??? Are you kidding me .. every single protest in Western nation is PROPERLY REGISTERED BY GOVT + POLICE SYSTEMS & later on down the year within their parliament a senator voices those Protests & debates them to tackle this policy. Just look at your pathetic P@ki-land jahil / nialaak / Gang mentality .. of society eh ? No one utters a word of protests front of Police? They're chicken Sh!t even to go against corrupted officials in power. That is freaking difference btw west & YOU loser minds whole nation awaam totally. I stick to my statement good will come out in France.
In Sweden, you have to apply for approval for a demonstration.
There are very few reasons to deny approval.
These include that someone has already got permission to demonstrate at that time and place, and you do not allow collisions. They can switch to a different time or place. The police an also deny a demonstration if security cannot be guaranteed. That decision can be challenged in court. It does not happen very often.
The key thing is that the government is not allowed to keep track of political affiliation of citizens,
While this still may happen (unfrequently) people have been prosecuted and convicted for registering who thinks what.

The French are revolutionaries in their soul, not serfs like Russians.
BBC documentary which tries to explain why Russia ended up in a hole.
First in a six part series ”Russia 1985 1999 Traumazone” on Youtube.

You proceed to ignore actual historical facts and start to talk about anecdotes and made up percentages.

The fact on the ground is that there are millions of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, mostly inhabiting areas of Ukraine that are currently under the control of Russia such as most of Donbas, large parts of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Oblast as well as obviously Crimea which was incorporated into Russia already 9 years ago and which has a Russian population that makes up 90% of Crimea's total population. Or at least 85% on top of my memory since I last checked the demographics years ago.

Most Ukrainains speak Russian as their mother tongue, obviously that does not make them Russians. Never claimed that. However it speaks volume to the reality of Ukraine which is that of a merely 32 year old country that very much is an artificial country made up by historically parts of modern-day Ukraine that belonged to foreign entities (Poland, Hungary, Russia, Crimean Tatars etc.) for far, far, longer than the concept of a Ukrainian national state.

Not pro or anti anything as I wrote, I am indifferent to this conflict as far as which party "wins" it.
Sure, I ignore historical fact and make up percentage.....

When you state that "THE FACT ON THE GROUND" is that "millions" of ethnic Russian in Ukraine without even trying to explain how.

So what you said is the FACT, and what I said is ignoring those fact.

And do you even know why most Ukrainian speak Russian as their first language?? I can give you a hint, not because they like Russia.
1 or 2 confirmed T-90 losses..
Confirmed by your favorite source the russian ministry of defence?

Oryx compiles sources (video/picture) in accessible links for the listed losses.
It is by far a more reliable source than the russian or ukranian defence ministry.

But hey…even visual proof does not break the russian propaganda bubble. The Moskva sails!!

I remember looking at your favorite youtube analist video at start of the war.
“The russian MOD stated their artillery attack annihilated the opposition” and he just went and removed those ukraine divisions from his neat little map…no wonder he did not see the counter-attacks coming. Now i just skip his worthless “insights”.

Are you ready for next summer The SC?
Cause ukraine is building up for another one again and the russian winter offensive has been underwhelming. In 2 weeks the mud season starts which will slow down russian offensives even more.
Seizure of Megaupload create a wave of hate among Anonymous militants, they did several DDOS attacks, that way it could be justified a internet shutdown of USA, it was 19 January 2012. And two days after a Iranian boat sink near Hormuz, when USA Aircraft Carriers were passing by pairs under Iranian threats.

You can imagine how fast can happen a war escalation if Iran sink 2 USA carriers, BTW New Chinese Year was 23 January 2012. I imagine ICBM overflying Russia and China to Iran and detonating over Russian and Chinese cities before arrive to Iran.

Nuclear war is not the end of the world. USA have enough ABM shields. And maybe it's technically impossible launch any kind of nuke over USA, even if Russian and China launch all their long range rockets against USA.

Nuclear war could be the end of Europe as rich zone and the end of China and Russia as nuclear powers. I.e: The start of new American century.

I think USA ABM shields could work in dead hand mode, i.e: even if the operators dont want, USA mainland will be protected, 0% error ratio, no margin for human errors, that can be done under a legal point of view: it's not needed Sleepy Joe permission to launch a ICBM interceptor.

But what is impossible from a legal point is what you talk about automatic NATO nuclear response: That's false.
USA needs president permission to launch nukes. And France president already said than French nukes are for defend French people and it's not to protect NATO.

First of all, if you think Iran can sink the 2 Aircraft Carrier, you are a bit naive.

Second, all this have nothing to do with Satellite Jamming

Thirdly even if Iran sink a US carrier, it won't lead to nuclear war, Iran don't have nuclear weapon, Iran will be flattened but it will not be with nuclear weapon.

And finally, US don't have that much ABM that can hold on to 5000 or so warhead....... So yes, if one nuke go off, it's end of the world, it's naive to think otherwise.;
First of all, if you think Iran can sink the 2 Aircraft Carrier, you are a bit naive.

Second, all this have nothing to do with Satellite Jamming

Thirdly even if Iran sink a US carrier, it won't lead to nuclear war, Iran don't have nuclear weapon, Iran will be flattened but it will not be with nuclear weapon.

And finally, US don't have that much ABM that can hold on to 5000 or so warhead....... So yes, if one nuke go off, it's end of the world, it's naive to think otherwise.;
Look in wartime if IRAN can sink 1 aircraft
WITH China attacking on South China sea
WITH RUSSIA attacking Ukraine

yeah sinking 1 aircraft carrier is big deal by Iran THAN?

If Iran is nuked, Iran remain forces will attack PET DOG Isreal
who will than attack Saudi
who than will trigger PAKISTAN to attack Isreal
who than will trigger India to attack Pakistan

You Are NOT looking AT DA BIG PICTURE ?
download (3).png
download (1).png
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Look in wartime if IRAN can sink 1 aircraft
WITH China attacking on South China sea
WITH RUSSIA attacking Ukraine

yeah sinking 1 aircraft carrier is big deal by Iran THAN?

If Iran is nuked, Iran remain forces will attack PET DOG Isreal
who will than attack Saudi
who than will trigger PAKISTAN to attack Isreal
who than will trigger India to attack Pakistan

You Are NOT looking AT DA BIG PICTURE ?View attachment 918210View attachment 918211View attachment 918212View attachment 918213
If Iran sink 1 Carrier (let's assume they can do that) that would mean US will basically send EVERYTHING they have in the region to have a free for all, they won't move anything off outside Middle East area (There are 2 Fleet and 7 Airbase in the Middle East, more than enough naval and air power to destroy Iran if that happened)

China attack in South China Seas will be South East Asia problem, unless China attack Guam or Hawaii, which will trigger NATO article 5, so China will no longer be just attacking the US, but will be against the entire NATO. And Russia war in Ukraine is also not US direct engagement.
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