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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That video was debunked, it was a disagreement between some soldier and civilian.

You have to be really naive to believe Ukraine don't have enough young man willing to die for their country.....You are talking about 1/20 male population, that's before counting the woman...
the willing went to front at the start , now remember how much left the country at the start of the war , were they less than the Russians who left at the start of mobilization .
you say the beating was debunked , what about the rest of videos . do you really believe that willing recruits were enough to fill the lines at the meat grinder called Bakhmut
I can't see how Russia could sustain another offensive.

Military Doctrine dictated you need overwhelming force to push over a garrison and make a move, the lowest ratio when you have both Air and Artillery Superiority is 1 to 3. I don't see how this number is possible,

if russia is smart, they would use the number to fortify their gain and repel an Ukrainian offensive that is known to be coming. Otherwise they are going to lose what they gain back in 2022.
Ukraine army has 74 brigades. It raising 8 more brigades. So will be 82 brigades in total.
That will be a challenge for Putin to raise the numbers of Russia brigades to 82x 3.
The measure with Russia army increasing to 1.5 million men probably not enough.
the willing went to front at the start , now remember how much left the country at the start of the war , were they less than the Russians who left at the start of mobilization .
you say the beating was debunked , what about the rest of videos . do you really believe that willing recruits were enough to fill the lines at the meat grinder called Bakhmut
There are 2 different issue here.

1.) Was there force drafting?
2.) Was that widespread?

Again, you are showing me 1 video purporting people being draft on the street, whether or not it is true, that does not mean this is a widespread occurrence, this is one such occurrence, and that's even if I concede that is what they were doing on the street.

On the other hand, even with 1 million strong army (Which is kind of a wishful thinking) are you saying Ukraine won't be able to get that given they have 45 million population and only 8 million left Ukraine? Again, you are talking about 1/30 Ukrainian willing to fight, given the recent few post that show up to 80% of Ukrainian are willing to fight, that number can be easily achieved.

To have people draft in like that in a large scale to pop up your military, you would have to have a very low volunteer rate, lower than 50% (which is 1 out of 2 refused draft) If this is the case, the morale of Ukrainian would be very low, and if Russia still can't make their push with that low morale where soldier were being draft off the street, that's actually even worse for the Russian military....

Bakhmut is a very small city, pre-war, you are talking about 100,000 population, which mean you probably can only have around 2 to 3 brigade holding Bakhmut at any one time, that's 12,000 men, how many people do you think was killed in Bakhmut? When it was Russia who attacking? The latest intel suggest Ukrainian loses 12,000 men, where Russia loses is up to 20,000. Which considering traditional casualty estimate which is 1 to 3 toward the Russian (3 Russian killed per each Ukrainian) if they have Air and Artillery superiority. Which mean that casualty number is very much "Pro-Russian", even with that number, it wouldn't break Ukrainian Military just in Bakhmut....

Ukraine army has 74 brigades. It raising 8 more brigades. So will be 82 brigades in total.
That will be a challenge for Putin to raise the numbers of Russia brigades to 82x 3.
The measure with Russia army increasing to 1.5 million men probably not enough.
more than 8 Brigade......

They are working on 200,000 militia as far as I know, that's 45 Brigade worth of men, this is what the UK, NATO country is doing, they weren't training regular Ukrainian military in UK or Germany or Poland or France. They were training civilian militiaman to become soldier......
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what's the use of logistics without men to operate them .
the war is not sustainable as its now . I doubt it can last even 4 year by the amount of loss there ..

and Ukraine loss of personnel is as high even higher than Russia
In total Russia suffers 200,000 casualties, Ukraine 100,000.

At the beginning of the war Ukraine army suffered more heavy casualties. The Russians however lost firepower superiority mid last year when their summer offensives failed and Ukraine successful counteroffensives, retaking Kharkiv and Kherson. It will only get worse for the Russians in the time to come. The mass of Westen delivery in heavy tanks, infantry tanks, long range artillery will arrive beginning next month.

That will be mass butchering.
Ukraine army has 74 brigades. It raising 8 more brigades. So will be 82 brigades in total.
That will be a challenge for Putin to raise the numbers of Russia brigades to 82x 3.
The measure with Russia army increasing to 1.5 million men probably not enough.

The count outsiders have is very imprecise. For example, I noticed there are UA brigades out there which seem to have not ever been sighted anywhere.

One can think that they were put into deep deep reserve, if they exist at all, or were a part of disinformation campaign.

On the other hand there is an uncounted number of free guns fighters roaming Ukraine, and fighting if they feel it, without much 2 way link it UA HQ.

The Brotherhood is the finest example of a documented and really huge force which is mostly self-funded, self-armed, and very autonomous, to the point they do their own raids into Russia.

The guy behind The Brotherhood was a Ukrainian nationalist who once fought along with Russian nationalists in PMR, and with now infamous Strelkov, only to have to turn 180°, and now sending his men to PMR to blow it up.


One has admit, early Ukrainian nationalists still had very strong commie influence over them. Some were even CPSU members themselves... prior to USSR's collapse.

Ukrainian nationalists coming back to Ukraine after USSR's collapse to reunite with Ukrainian nationalists who lived under USSR tell of the reunion as unending stream of horror stories. The de-redding of Ukrainian nationalist movement was a decades long effort for them, and was only completed by their children.

Russians had no problems with communist nationalists who were fooling around in Ukraine in nineties, it was that decommunization of Ukrainian nationalist movement which was a threat to them. First because it deprived Moscow of a sentimental connection to nationalism, paradoxically, through USSR time. And second it deprived them of direct "plant" agents in these movements who were sidelined from leadership in the process. And third, it correctly exposed Russian irredentism as an enemy, and a successor to Russian reds.

Kremlin keeps threating through nuclear weapons.

EU acts like if Russia hadn't hundreds ICBM ready to launch over our heads.
You forgot that main of EU are members of NATO, and NATO has hundreds of nuc warheads.

More Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine :

Germany will send 18 Leopard-2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, four more than initially planned,

the country's defense ministry said on Friday. The decision means Germany, together with Portugal and Sweden, can assemble one battalion for Ukraine, it said in a statement

Sweden to send up to 10 Leopard tanks to Ukraine

and Ukraine loss of personnel is as high even higher than Russia
Absolutely not sure.
Russian soldiers are badly trained, badly commanded, some came from jails, and all are fighting for an unclear reason.
Ukrainian are nos west trained, better skilled, and fight for their freedom.
It made all the difference
You forgot that main of EU are members of NATO, and NATO has hundreds of nuc warheads.

I dont forget it.

France, UK, USA have own nukes.

There is nuclear sharing too, of USA nukes with some NATO states, but I think those nukes can't be triggered without USA permission, if I'm wrong correct me.

I dont trust in nuclear sharing in real war scenario against Russia.

And of course, I trust less in NATO nuclear states defending NATO non-nuclear states in real war scenario against Russia.

“France has a nuclear doctrine, that is based on the vital interests of the country and which are clearly defined. These would not be at stake if there was a nuclear ballistic attack in Ukraine or in the region,” the French president said.

French nukes are for defend French people, I think it's something to be expected by everyone.
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and all are fighting for an unclear reason.

It's important to specify it further
  1. Russians who are forced to fight without clear reason given
  2. Russians who fight voluntarily on their own for unclear reasons they never revealed
The later are way more dangerous for Russian regime than former, but two coming together are super dangerous

I see it as some nominally nationalist Russian groups are ones who are in reality preparing to seize power, and only using Ukraine as a pretext, to stock on arms, and train.

For as long as Moscow continues the war, the later can't use Moscow's "betrayal" as a pretext for turning on Moscow.

This is one of reasons why Moscow will try to keep this futile fight going for as long as they can physically hold soldiers away from Moscow in Ukraine.
I dont forget it.

France, UK, USA have own nukes.

There is nuclear sharing too, of USA nukes with some NATO states, but I think those nukes can't be triggered without USA permission, if I'm wrong correct me.

I dont trust in nuclear sharing in real war scenario against Russia.

And of course, I trust less in NATO nuclear states defending NATO non-nuclear states in real war scenario against Russia.

French nukes are for defend French people, I think it's something to be expected by everyone.
That’s not how is going to work. The deterrent must be credible otherwise Russia rapists will knock the doors. European fighter jets from nuclear sharing mechanism exercise every year dropping nuclear bombs on Moscow. In Germany the role is assigned to Tornado deep dive bomber squadrons. In the future will be F35 stealth fighters squadrons.


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