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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

These numbers are looking pretty accurate after seeing the base damage. Whatever the final number, it was a really bad day for the Russian Air Force.

You can see 8 destroyed in the parking. Than there are those who parked on the runway who disappeared , but there are burn marks where they stood .

Soledar they took the Belokamensk factory plant on the East Side

and Bukhmut they are now in control of the Ceramic plant in down highway 32 and advancing towards the city centre

no doubt Russia is bleeding but lets not ignore facts here

US took 9 months to take Fallujah against unarmed poor Iraqis and it fell 2 weeks later to ISIS

Russia has taken area size of France in 6 months against 50 countries

btw I dont support Russia killing of civilians but Russia is exposing Western hypocrisy

well whichever way

Russia clearly said any attack on Crimea will be dealt as a attack on Russian soil

and if HIMARS did it they will hit NATO

this is a very significant escalation
France landmass is 543,000 km2, Ukraine 603,000 km2. Please do some math before posting nonsense.
Russia is now going to go all out and the response will be very heavy

I think Russians are going to carpet bomb Kiev for this

and if it was a HIMAR then NATO all be getting it hard
Why? The Russians claim it was an accident. I'm not saying it's an accident, but it's an accident.
It belonged to the Soviet Union, and it will belong to them once again. Lololol

Exactly, the Ukrainians inherited alot of the best Soviet infrastructure and industrial base. Yet, they betrayed their own brethren and chose to be an American dog. There are only 2 real independent powers left on earth.
Yes dinosaur will return. USSR resurrecting. Vietnam reenter USSR military alliance.
Ukraine is Afghanistan 2.0 for Russia
Far worse, months ago just before the war I say it would be like Afghanistan for Russia, but with heavy modern weaponry involved and who knows what else is being provided by the world, its like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria combine along with Yemen when you have ballistic missiles involved now.
Full weight of what the US and NATO is willing to give without escalating it into WWIII. That could change of course if the US administration ever became as delusional as some Murican fan boys on this Pakistani Defence Forum :-)
Not that hard to do. Ukraine blows up an airbase in Crimea which Russia has said in the past was considered Judgement Day but decides to call it an accident. Isn't that interesting?

Russia's Medvedev: Attack on Crimea will ignite 'Judgement Day' response​

MOSCOW, July 17 (Reuters) - The refusal of Ukraine and Western powers to recognise Moscow's control of Crimea poses a "systemic threat" for Russia and any outside attack on the region will prompt a "Judgment Day" response, former president Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday.

Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 after a pro-Moscow president in Kyiv was toppled amid mass street protests. Moscow then also backed pro-Russian armed separatists in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

In the event of an attack on Crimea, Medvedev was quoted by TASS news agency as saying, "Judgment Day will come very fast and hard. It will be very difficult to hide."

Medvedev did not elaborate but has previously warned the United States of the dangers of attempting to punish a nuclear power such as Russia over its actions in Ukraine, saying this could endanger humanity. read more


You can see 8 destroyed in the parking. Than there are those who parked on the runway who disappeared , but there are burn marks where they stood .

They were in the process of removing aircraft when the picture was taken.
Can they carpet bomb it though?
They still failed to achieve air dominance.

@jhungary or do they have bombers outside range of sam/buk/manpad/stinger defences, and whatever migs the ukranians still have?

(Also If they can, then there is the matter of international and national response.)
They can carpet bomb Kyiv in DCS if they want.

For real? Nope.......Kyiv is probably one of the most heavily AA defended area in Ukraine. Any slow bomber like Tu-95 and Tu-160 would be sitting duck. Plus, some years ago Russian Air Force rearmed those bombers into tactical bombing role, which mean they are geared to take long range missile only, not sure if they can revert back into Strategic Role.

The best they can do is to fire cruise missile from those bombers hundreds of miles away, otherwise they would have to travel 150 km into Kyiv and bomb Kyiv, it had never done so after the first month of war.
Not that hard to do. Ukraine blows up an airbase in Crimea which Russia has said in the past was considered Judgement Day but decides to call it an accident. Isn't that interesting?

Russia's Medvedev: Attack on Crimea will ignite 'Judgement Day' response​

MOSCOW, July 17 (Reuters) - The refusal of Ukraine and Western powers to recognise Moscow's control of Crimea poses a "systemic threat" for Russia and any outside attack on the region will prompt a "Judgment Day" response, former president Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday.

Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 after a pro-Moscow president in Kyiv was toppled amid mass street protests. Moscow then also backed pro-Russian armed separatists in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

In the event of an attack on Crimea, Medvedev was quoted by TASS news agency as saying, "Judgment Day will come very fast and hard. It will be very difficult to hide."

Medvedev did not elaborate but has previously warned the United States of the dangers of attempting to punish a nuclear power such as Russia over its actions in Ukraine, saying this could endanger humanity. read more

They were in the process of removing aircraft when the picture was taken.
That's the dilemma the Russian have.

If you remember correctly, Ukrainian black chopper and drone also attacks Oil Depot in Rostov and Belgorod, which unlike Crimea, it is actaul Russian territories. But both got played down and blame on outside thing. And how many times did Russia saying it is crossing the redline for the West to supply advanced weapon to Ukraine? And then they have done nothing?

Problem for Russia is, if they consider this as a Ukrainian attack, which crossed the redline they purposed. Then they will have to explained to their people why Russia is not safe and escalate the war. The power of Russian military come from the perception of power, when that perception is gone because you tell them it is not safe (Which is in this case), there are basically nothing left but the vast Strategic Nuclear stockpile for Russian to lean on, now, many Russian fanboy here on PDF and Russia would tell you they would Nuke America and Nuke Ukraine, but that mostly just pipedream, Putin is a self-preserve person, he wouldn't end his own life as well as his "Empire" just because of some attack from Ukraine. So unless Ukrainian or NATO really invaded Russia, Nuclear option is out of the table.

Now, what can Russia do if they say it was the Ukrainian attack? Actually, there are nothing they can do as they are already at war, you cannot be of any more at war with Ukraine, so this is the dilemma, if they say this is Ukraine, they will be forced to escalate the situation, but there is nothing to escalated except nuclear option. Or they would much rather do by calling it an accident and control their own population and move on.

Their red line is just for show, the actual redline for Russia is if NATO invade Russia. Otherwise, there are pretty much nothing the Russian can do at this point to escalate this war further.
That's the dilemma the Russian have.

If you remember correctly, Ukrainian black chopper and drone also attacks Oil Depot in Rostov and Belgorod, which unlike Crimea, it is actaul Russian territories. But both got played down and blame on outside thing. And how many times did Russia saying it is crossing the redline for the West to supply advanced weapon to Ukraine? And then they have done nothing?

Problem for Russia is, if they consider this as a Ukrainian attack, which crossed the redline they purposed. Then they will have to explained to their people why Russia is not safe and escalate the war. The power of Russian military come from the perception of power, when that perception is gone because you tell them it is not safe (Which is in this case), there are basically nothing left but the vast Strategic Nuclear stockpile for Russian to lean on, now, many Russian fanboy here on PDF and Russia would tell you they would Nuke America and Nuke Ukraine, but that mostly just pipedream, Putin is a self-preserve person, he wouldn't end his own life as well as his "Empire" just because of some attack from Ukraine. So unless Ukrainian or NATO really invaded Russia, Nuclear option is out of the table.

Now, what can Russia do if they say it was the Ukrainian attack? Actually, there are nothing they can do as they are already at war, you cannot be of any more at war with Ukraine, so this is the dilemma, if they say this is Ukraine, they will be forced to escalate the situation, but there is nothing to escalated except nuclear option. Or they would much rather do by calling it an accident and control their own population and move on.

Their red line is just for show, the actual redline for Russia is if NATO invade Russia. Otherwise, there are pretty much nothing the Russian can do at this point to escalate this war further.
According to Ukraine defense, someone was smoking, then accidentally blowed up the air base.

So never smoke near a bomb!

I think it’s a joke but you never know. Like the sinking of the Moskva. It was a storm that ignited the fire onboard. When trying to stop the fire they blowed up the ship.
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