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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

And you're assuming it doesn't go nuclear before then? Or do you think the US can win that as well? :omghaha: and apparently I'm the one who's delusional?! you're like a stuck record at a country western hoedown.
If you have to go nuclear, that does not say much about your military. That is like a mechanic whose skills are limited to basic maintenance and jump straight to scrapping the car, and nothing between. So yes, the US/NATO would make short work of the Russian military.
According to Ukraine defense, someone was smoking, then accidentally blowed up the air base.

So never smoke near a bomb!

I think it’s a joke but you never know. Like the sinking of the Moskva. It was a storm that ignited the fire onboard. When trying to stop the fire they blowed up the ship.
well, I have actually seen strange shit that goes beyond believe happened in war. But then it does not happen twice, three time or six time in a row within 6 months......
well, I have actually seen strange shit that goes beyond believe happened in war. But then it does not happen twice, three time or six time in a row within 6 months......
smoking on a ship or near a bomb is dangerous. Maybe they should switch to new sort of cigarettes? There are some less dangerous alternatives.
well, I have actually seen strange shit that goes beyond believe happened in war. But then it does not happen twice, three time or six time in a row within 6 months......
......or 12 times in the space of a minute on the same airbase. Maybe they should hire a new creative team for their propaganda department instead of just continually copying and pasting the same story.

The Russians hijack Ukraine internet traffic.
Ukraine should find out where the central nodes and cut them off. Just to find out where the glas fibers are running to.
Bruh ignore my last comment.

No airfield?😥
......or 12 times in the space of a minute on the same airbase. Maybe they should hire a new creative team for their propaganda department instead of just continually copying and pasting the same story.
or about 30,000 time when everyone of their soldier was killed and they don't know what happened........

That just some bullet hole magically appears in someone's head.....
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