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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Soledar they took the Belokamensk factory plant on the East Side

and Bukhmut they are now in control of the Ceramic plant in down highway 32 and advancing towards the city centre

no doubt Russia is bleeding but lets not ignore facts here

US took 9 months to take Fallujah against unarmed poor Iraqis and it fell 2 weeks later to ISIS

Russia has taken area size of France in 6 months against 50 countries

btw I dont support Russia killing of civilians but Russia is exposing Western hypocrisy

well whichever way

Russia clearly said any attack on Crimea will be dealt as a attack on Russian soil

and if HIMARS did it they will hit NATO

this is a very significant escalation
Lets see Russia actually hit NATO countries, insted of trusting russian propaganda talkshow hosts on this matter.
They steal grains. They steal electricity. you support a thief. Weird for a culture folks. that is very regrettable.

10 aircraft destroyed. Ukraine says that is just the beginning. The Russians will never sleep well again. Crimea is within striking distance of Ukraine ballistic and land missiles.
It belonged to the Soviet Union, and it will belong to them once again. Lololol

Exactly, the Ukrainians inherited alot of the best Soviet infrastructure and industrial base. Yet, they betrayed their own brethren and chose to be an American dog. There are only 2 real independent powers left on earth.
So Iranians have excelled at murder in the middle East?! This coming from a Zionist supporting Murican?! lol I couldn't give a flying fcuk about the Iranians, but my original point stands, the US invasion of Iraq was a strategic failure if its main objective was to remove a threat to the Zionist state. Glad to see the Muricans finally admitting they're supporting a neo-Nazi Zionist state, as well as the Ukranian Nazis.
I have said before while I am not a supporter of American policy, I don'tt agree with you. This is a forum and the idea of a forum is to have different opinions. I am sure if your desire is to only impress your view and hurtle insults, then you can do that in the confines of your own household and scream at the family members to submission. You don't need to come to this forum to do that.

You are unfortunately emotionally charged making accusations and misses the point on why Indian-loving Iranians are having their assess kicked.

Everybody knows the blood thats on US hands. Nobody is disputing it. But take stock of the situation that Iran (and Saudis) have tons of blood on their hands through supporting opposite sides in Syria, Yemen. More so than the zionists have done in the last 30 years.

US actions in Iraq triggered instability in Syria. Enough that Israelis felt more emboldened to depopulate Palestine, on the other side, GCC has fallen in line as they all set-up the ultimate in treachery and recognized Israel. Give a few years, and Saudis will as well.

This would have been unimaginable in 2003 before Iraq invasion.
Himars are not a wonderweapon to win a war by itself.

But Himars combined with USA sat. Intel, combined with no russian air dominance, and their shoot and scoot ability make them a huge headache for the russians. Going mostly uncontested and hitting russia where it hurts..almost at will…
I concur. Its not just the weapons but all the intel (satellite, signal etc) that is not talked about thats being fed thats giving Ukraine the true advantage. I had suspicions that Russian military was hollow when the Pentagon made a big deal of Russian engagement in Syria (more to get more funding for themselves). But the fact that they are pretty much in a stalemate and war of attrition and now losing basis has confirmed that.

I do wonder from Russia's standpoint: they knew they weren't what they thought they were but they could project the might to rest of the world. Why risk it all and expose it. This is the problem with despots: they surround themselves with 'yes' men that support what they want to hear and not the reality.

This was Saddam and Qaddafi's downfalls. If any of you go down the despot / strong man path, be sure to have at least ONE adviser thats not afraid of being executed and can tell you as it is.

Russia is now going to go all out and the response will be very heavy

I think Russians are going to carpet bomb Kiev for this

and if it was a HIMAR then NATO all be getting it hard

You are starting to sound like 'Baghdad Bob' and all of his famous sayings: you are saying there was a reason that Kiev was spared because of some compassion they had?

THey can't even establish air superiority over a third rate nation, you think they are going to hit NATO.

Baghdad Bob on the Invasion​

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf made so many statements as information minister. Here is a sampling of some of his more outlandish quotes:

  • "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
  • "My feelings, as usual, we will slaughter them all."
  • "Our initial assessment is that they will all die."
  • "No I am not scared and neither should you be!"
  • "We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."
  • "They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion."
Lets see Russia actually hit NATO countries, insted of trusting russian propaganda talkshow hosts on this matter.

Russians barely can manage Ukraine and people really beliece they could bomb NATO forces? Their forces in Ukraine would be wiped out in a week if they attacked NATO forces.
Ukraine is sending 70 year olds to the front-line, and as you can see below, they're taken as prisoners of war. Looks like their Western patrons don't care bout the lives of Ukrainians as long as they provide enough cannon fodder.

This assumes that NATO is all knowing and Ukranians are mindless brain dead drones just waiting to be manipulated. Ukraine made the decision to fight this war. Its their men that decided to comply and stay. President was offered to be evacuated on day 1, but he said he would rather die.

Regardless of we agree or not Ukraine's decision, but know they made it on their own and the country supported it. And yes if they choose to fight, the west then provided the weapons.

Very much like Mujahideen against Soviets: they chose to fight and so were equipped with weapons.

Converse is not true: if you give weapons and support, the force may not have the conviction to fight. Thats what happened with Afghanistan Govt collapsed a year ago with tail behind its legs with with enough weaponry that the military aid was second only to Israel.
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