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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Iran literally supplied Russia with advanced weapons knowing full well they'd be used in Ukraine.

Before the start of the war.

How is that neutral?

According to international law, neutrality ends if weapons are supplied to a warring party (barring a contractual clause that prohibits said party from making use of them in the conflict). When Iran supplied Russia with weaponry, Russia was not in a de jure state of war yet. Thus legally Iran has been observing neutrality.
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“Iran has not supplied Russia with weaponry during the ongoing conflict.”
Hmmm the question is whether or not people can trust this statement. The majority would say no that’s not credible There are reasons to believe Iran is not neutral. Iran has motive to support Putin’s invasion army with weapons. Both Russia and Iran share the resentment of the West.
Iran says only providing few drones to Russia however the numbers of drones attacks don’t match this statement.
I am not in favor of this war nor the global consequences. That said, you and others need to stop taking the Iran blame game as if Iran is on some inferior morale ground by supplying Russia.

Thats neither relevant nor does it matter just because it does not fit yours and other NATO-centric lens. I myself look at things often from NATO lens but not this one about making Iran somehow morally worse.

The decade long Iran Iraq war, the French and some other western countries supplied Iraq with weapons to fight against Iran.

How was that justified. That war lasted a decade and caused a million casualties. Iran could have very much felt, why are the westerners siding with Iraq?

Iran may have lucked out from their standpoint with payback.

The harsh reality of this war on the Ukrainians. A great nation being destroyed fighting uncle Sam's War. Oh well, let's just continue seeing the liberation of Eastern Ukraine over the next couple of weeks.

Yes certainly they need your sympathy because they are mindless braindead idiots who have never lived under the Soviets and didn't lose crimea. Wake up: Didn't India/Pakistan get their independence? Hypocritical that you think Ukraine should live under fear and influence of Russia when Pakistan/India itself lost a million in the violence that followed the independence.
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Challenger 1's would be a fantastic idea if Jordan will release them and they can be repaired. You have to realise Jordan retired them - so they are quite probably past their service lives aready. And yes you are right - Challenger 1s beat up Iraqi T-72 derivatives REAL GOOD..

Unfortunately the UK right now lacks the industrial capability to refurbish those tanks and that is why it has teamed up with a german company for Challenger 3.

The UK has run down its tank industry entirely at the altar of "market efficiency..."
They may have retired them but they just put them in storage just not too long ago since 2018. Only problem is lack of spare parts. Unless Rheinmetall can provide the refurbish, provide the parts and service them. Could of hundred of them is still a very formidable force, even over the Leopard 1s. Just don't know how many are available. Did they strip many to support the other tanks?

Iran has staid neutral in the Ukraine war. The Kievan regime however declared war on Iran and claimed to have conducted military aggression against Iran. Iran therefore has the right to attack the aggressor Ukraine. Neither Ukraine nor its allies have any right to attack Iran.
LOL! Yeah sure, Ukraine decides to fight Iran for no reason while still at war with Russia.
Before the start of the war.

According to international law, neutrality ends if weapons are supplied to a warring party (barring a contractual clause that prohibits said party from making use of them in the conflict). When Iran supplied Russia with weaponry, Russia was not in a de facto state of war yet. Thus legally Iran has been observing neutrality.
We both know that's not true. I know you want to pretend that Iran isn't involved in any way shape or form because it suits your narrative, but we both know Iran is selling weapons to Russia.


How is that less "neutral" than NATO and US's overwhelming military help to Ukraine?
It isn't neutral, lmao. NATO and the US are fully backing Ukraine. They're direct parties to the war.

Russia is just not stupid enough to attack NATO and the US.
WTF did I just see? A russian soldier drowns himself in 2ft of water?! It's no wonder they are dying like lemmings.
There was another video where a Russian soldier blew himself up with his own grenade intentionally.
Nope. Sweden announced that it was not neutral in the Winter War where the Soviets attacked Finland in a War of Aggression. It declared itself to be non-belligerent. This is a non-neutral position which has no meaning in International Law, but the Soviets avoided attacking Sweden except by mistake, and Sweden did not attack the Soviets either. The non-neutral position allowed Sweden to ship weapons and there were aboit 10,000 volunteers which joined the Finns.

When Finland asked Sweden to allow passage of a single German division from Norway to Finland a few days into Barbarossa, that was a natural continuation of that support. The Finns, with few deviations, retook the parts the Soviets occupied in the Winter War and stopped.

The support of the Finns is nothing to be ashamed of.
We supported them against a war of aggression, like we now support Ukraine against a war of aggression.
Iran is supporting Russias War of Agression out of choice. They are not threatened with an invasion if they do not support Russia. They have a lot to be ashamed off.

Sweden did not ”support Germany to the end”.
Sweden was caught between a rock and a hard place and did what it knew it had to do to stay out of the war. Swedish intelligence knew the limitations based on decrypted messages.
Hitler wanted to invade Sweden in 1943 because we ignored his demands.
You do not invade close allies.
Dude, twisting facts and changing context does not change your position in moral sense, you greased german war machine like a good bussinessmen, so please spare me further explanation to justify your ostrasized position to the similar activities by Iran,
umm, interesting,

Both UK and US intelligence source claim the Russian Spring Offensive has started, with quite a lot of them filter down the Eastern Frontline.

A bit too early if this is correct.

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