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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Already proven by the Reuters article.

Actually the Reuters article proves nothing of the sort.

1) A Reuters piece based on unnamed sources is unverifiable and far from authoritative when it comes to Iranian affairs.
2) The supposed anonymous "Iranian officials" Reuters claims to have spoken to, if they exist, did not cite any dates for the purported arms sales.

In short, the Reuters paper is not saying Iran supplied weapons to Russia during the war.
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There certainly is.
Russian and Iran are on the illegal side and Ukraine with supporters are on the legal side.
sorry for you iran is neutral , but Sweden will be judged as ally of neonazis of Ukraine in bombing Donbass civilian
“Iran has not supplied Russia with weaponry during the ongoing conflict.”
Hmmm the question is whether or not people can trust this statement. The majority would say no that’s not credible There are reasons to believe Iran is not neutral. Iran has motive to support Putin’s invasion army with weapons. Both Russia and Iran share the resentment of the West.
Iran says only providing few drones to Russia however the numbers of drones attacks don’t match this statement.
first the number you say come from fake Ukraine claim about intercepting drones and the fact they were blurring the serial number on the drones show they were lying .and russia said they built factory to replicte those drones . and you guys failed to provide a single evidence that Iran gave any drone to russia after the war.

Iran literally supplied Russia with advanced weapons knowing full well they'd be used in Ukraine.

How is that neutral?
before the war and how iran must have known russia want attack Ukraine , do you really believe we have a crystal ball
If you don’t want to continue with your whataboutism after your failure,
I can live with this.
This is a legal issue, not a moral issue, and by shipping weapons to an aggressor, Iran has become an aggressor.

Already proven by the Reuters article.
And Iran has zero evidence of who attacked Iran.
Anyway, an Aggressor has no right to attack those that defend themselves.
how an article without any evidence and zero fact prove anything?
except for the confession of the guy who is Zelensky right hand and Ukraine failure till today to denounce his claims.
so Ukraine and its allies have no right to attack Iran when Iran take its revenge
I do not share this view. Unless evidence is provided for Iranian weapons supplies to Russia on or after 20 February 2022, the assertion that Iran is not a neutral party remains unsubstantiated.
You do, you just won't admit it, but that's okay.

We both know the truth, the only difference is that I don't have to deny it.

before the war and how iran must have known russia want attack Ukraine , do you really believe we have a crystal ball
Iran 100% supplied the drones after the war, and I won't let you pretend otherwise.
You do, you just won't admit it, but that's okay.

We both know the truth, the only difference is that I don't have to deny it.

That's not an argument. No, I do not consider western media reporting nor claims by western statesmen about Iran to be reliable. I have very good reasons for that.

Don't get me started on the constantly self-contradicting, Orwellian narrative coming out of the (pro-)NATO camp in regard to Iranian weapons and the Ukraine war - from "Iran's weapons are fake and photoshopped" to "Iran is supplying advanced UAV's to Russia" via "Iran has been selling heaps of ammunition to Ukraine". This alone should make any objective observer adopt a critical stance towards whatever western sources may publish on the subject.

Iran 100% supplied the drones after the war, and I won't let you pretend otherwise.

Zero proof this suggestion, hence no grounds for imposing such an opinion on anyone (even proven matters are open for discussion on the forum considering applicable rules). Will keep reminding the facts and am definitely not going to get intimidated by attempts at hectoring.
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Zero proof for this suggestion, hence no grounds for imposing such an opinion on anyone (even proven matters are open for discussion on a forum, including this one based on applicable rules). Will keep reminding the facts and am certainly not going to get intimidated by any attempt at hectoring.
LOL You are really scared of Iran getting pinned for supplying arms to Ukraine. Do you work for Iranian "intelligence" (their stupidity agencies).

shouldn't we on the forum be focused on having Ukraine decisively defeat the Russians and less on Iran and their small weapons supply to Russia. Only attack Iran after Ukraine is liberated and Crimea is once again Ukrainian.

I feel like I am stuck in Idiocracy. And the anti-Iran crowd keep focusing on Brawndo is what plants crave, its got electrolytes. When there is a war happening and Ukraine needs enough US military equipment to defeat Russia.

Let's talk about providing water to the crops (US weapons to Ukraine), and not focus on what plants crave (Iran supplying weapons). Winning the war is about giving enough arms to Ukraine. Not focusing on cia boardroom stuff of Iran war.

So US wants a multi-trillion dollar war with Iran, over Iran "supplying arms to Russia during this Russian-Ukraine War". Yet won't provide the decisive arms in decisive quantities to finish off the Russians in Ukraine.

Does that make sense. No, unless this is agenda. And Europe is only being used. Europeans are not dumb. The fact that Ukraine is not being defended enough. And the fact that the US would go full out on destroying nuclear-armed China, crushing China and crush well-military-defended Iran, speaks volumes.

Deal with the backstabbing Iranians after Ukraine wins. Promote the Brawndo stuff then. Focus saving the crops/Ukraine by supplying water/decisive amount of weapons to Ukraine. Part of the Putin capitulation peace terms, Putin admits to getting weapons from Iran during the war.
LOL You are really scared of Iran getting pinned for supplying arms to Ukraine. Do you work for Iranian "intelligence" (their stupidity agencies).

Strange assertion. The enemy's propaganda machinery has produced much better sounding pretexts for hostile measures against Iran, and relatively speaking they have been in a far better position for such an endeavour in the past - yet they never deemed the cost / benefit analysis to be favorable enough. I'm not naive to think these accusations represent something special in this regard.

shouldn't we on the forum be focused on having Ukraine decisively defeat the Russians and less on Iran and their small weapons supply to Russia. Only attack Iran after Ukraine is liberated and Crimea is once again Ukrainian.

I feel like I am stuck in Idiocracy. And the anti-Iran crowd keep focusing on Brawndo is what plants crave, its got electrolytes. When there is a war happening and Ukraine needs enough US military equipment to defeat Russia.

Let's talk about providing water to the crops (US weapons to Ukraine), and not focus on what plants crave (Iran supplying weapons). Winning the war is about giving enough arms to Ukraine. Not focusing on cia boardroom stuff of Iran war.

I'm not the one who brought Iran into the discussion. Flawed legal arguments were posted against Iran, so I reacted accordingly.

You may want to take your complaint to those who keep moaning about Iran, because the Islamic Revolution removed the shackles of imperial vassalage from Iran, and to some, the notion that a nation of the global south is standing on its own feet and refusing to bow to the empire's dictates seems to be unbearable.

So US wants a multi-trillion dollar war with Iran, over Iran "supplying arms to Russia during this Russian-Ukraine War". Yet won't provide the decisive arms in decisive quantities to finish off the Russians in Ukraine.

They have no realistic possibility to launch war on Iran. These Hollywoodesque stories about Iranian arms supplies to Russia are merely part of their permanent, 24/7 anti-Iranian demonization campaign, which has been going on for almost 44 years. The conflict in Ukraine is offering them a propaganda opportunity of sorts, they're simply trying to exploit it. It's not part of a build up for military aggression against Iran nor anything of the sort - they lack the prowess for such an undertaking.
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how an article without any evidence and zero fact prove anything?
except for the confession of the guy who is Zelensky right hand and Ukraine failure till today to denounce his claims.
so Ukraine and its allies have no right to attack Iran when Iran take its revenge
A statement if an Iranian official is proof enough.
Even if the name is not public.
If it was untrue, then Iran would deny it, now they are just mumbling.

Iran sends first shipment of drones to Russia for use in Ukraine​

Russian cargo planes left Tehran 10 days ago with UAVs, some of which have already malfunctioned, U.S. and allied officials say​

Ellen Nakashima

A drone is launched during military drills in this photo released by the Iranian army on Aug. 25, 2022. (Iranian army/AP)
Russian cargo planes have quietly picked up the first of scores of Iranian-made combat drones for use against Ukraine, U.S. officials said, in a move that underscores deepening ties between Moscow and Tehran while also highlighting Russia’s struggles to supply its overstretched military.
Transport planes departed Iran on Aug. 19 hauling at least two types of unmanned aerial vehicles, both capable of carrying munitions for attacks on radars, artillery and other military targets, according to intelligence gathered by U.S. and other spy agencies.
But while the weapons could provide a significant boost for Russia’s war effort against Ukraine, the transfer has been marred by technical problems, security officials from the United States and an allied government said in interviews. In early tests by the Russians, the Iranian drones experienced numerous failures, the officials said.
“There are a few bugs in the system,” said an allied security official whose government closely monitored the transfer. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity and that his nationality not be revealed to discuss sensitive intelligence. “The Russians are not satisfied,” the official said.
Russian drones are filled with Western electronics, experts say
The initial delivery of the Mohajer-6 and Shahed-series drones to Moscow is believed to be the first installment of a planned transfer of hundreds of Iranian UAVs of various types, Biden administration officials said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.
The arrival of the Iranian drones could help fill a crucial gap in Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine. Russia, which has 1,500 to 2,000 military surveillance UAVs, has relatively few attack drones of the type that can precisely strike targets deep inside enemy territory. Ukraine, by contrast, has used Turkish-made combat UAVsto wreak havoc on Russian armor, trucks and artillery since the early weeks of the conflict.
The Biden administration warned in July that Russia was preparing to acquire large numbers of Iranian drones to conduct air-to-surface attacks, electronic warfare and targeting on the battlefield in Ukraine.
Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported last week that Iran had begun delivering the drones. But details of the transfer, including the types of UAVs provided and their purportedly lackluster performance so far, have not been previously reported.
In interviews, the U.S. and allied security officials said Russian planes flew to an Iranian military facility to pick up the drones over several days in mid-August. The allied security official said the initial shipment included two models of Shahed drones, the Shahed-129 and Shahed-191, as well as the Mohajer-6. All are considered to be among Iran’s top-of-the-line military drones, designed for attacks as well as surveillance.
The deal was negotiated over several months by a team led by Brig. Gen. Seyed Hojjatollah Qureishi, the chief of the supply and logistics division of Iran’s Defense Ministry, and Russia’s military attache in Tehran, the security official said. Under the arrangement, Iranian technical experts traveled to Russia to help set up the systems, and Russian military officers underwent training in Iran, the official said.
US threatens Russia with technology sanctions over Ukraine
Iranian officials had responded obliquely to U.S. claims about the pending drone delivery. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani last month acknowledged “Iranian and Russian technological cooperation” but said Tehran prefers a diplomatic settlement to the Ukraine conflict. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked last month about the reported deal to acquire Iranian UAVs, said the Russian presidency had “no comments on this matter.”
While Iran has supplied military drones to armed proxy groups such as Yemen’s Houthi rebels, it has rarely, if ever, tested such models against the kinds of sophisticated electronic jamming and antiaircraft systems used in Ukraine, said Michael Knights, a military and security expert with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Iran has demonstrated an ability to launch “swarm” drone attacks — involving multiple suicide drones massed against a single target — and Western governments will be watching closely to see whether Iran’s UAVs can carry out such operations on an intensely contested battlefield, Knights said.
“These Iranian drones have not operated in a sophisticated air-defense environment before,” he said. “The closest they’ve come to that is [Houthi strikes against] Saudi Arabia or against U.S. bases in Iraq, and they have generally not done well. So I wouldn’t be surprised that, in a more intense environment like Ukraine, that they would have some problems.”
For Russia, the Ukraine conflict has exposed the country’s failure to develop a line of combat drones similar to ones used by the United States for two decades, experts say. “They understand that they needed those drones yesterday in large quantities,” said Sam Bendett, a Russian-military analyst at the Virginia-based research group CNA.
And Russia has really only two countries to which it can turn to “plug the capability gap” in combat drones: China and Iran. But China is deeply enmeshed in the global supply chain and does not want to supply combat UAVs because that would probably invite U.S. sanctions, he said.

That leaves Iran, which is not exposed in the same way and whose capability is homegrown, “which is what the Russians are going for,” Bendett said. “Iran is also a Russian ally. So it’s the only real choice left. Iran represents a very interesting case of having a domestic industry that grew up amid sanctions. And it represents a fairly robust capability.”
The United States began in June to supply Ukraine with the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, commonly known as HIMARS, which can launch multiple rockets with precision at Russian military targets from nearly 50 miles away. The HIMARS have enabled Ukraine to destroy Russian ammunition depots and logistics supplies far behind the front lines.
“The Russians have no way to limit the damage HIMARS are inflicting on them now,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator, a Washington-based think tank. “They hope attack drones can help.”
Other NATO-provided long-range artillery, such as M777 howitzers capable of launching precision-guided rounds, also has added to the challenge facing Russia, said Rob A. Lee, an expert on the Russian military and a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
In militants' hands, Iranian drones emerge as a deadly new wild card
“One of Russia’s biggest problems right now is its air force can’t interdict things behind Ukrainian lines,” Lee said. “They don’t have many long-range UAVs that can strike targets behind enemy lines. So they can’t prevent Ukraine from reinforcing its positions and restocking supplies. … And a lot of their UAVs are getting shot down or lost to electronic warfare.”
While Russia is apparently seeking to ramp up domestic production of such drones, it is hampered by Western sanctions and export controls, which have stanched the flow of semiconductor chips essential to producing such weapons, analysts said.
“They’re relying on the black market, but the needs are vast,” Alperovitch said. “You need chips for everything from precision-guided missiles to aircraft to tanks, not to mention nonmilitary items in their own domestic industries. So there’s lots of demand in Russia for chips, and if Russia can procure fully made drones from Iran, it doesn’t need to use its precious supply of black market chips to make its own drones.”
Analysts said the transfer of Iranian drones is unlikely to affect the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, which are proceeding on a separate track and have a different objective: eliminating Iran’s capacity to quickly build a nuclear bomb. But the further cementing of military ties between Iran and Russia is itself a worrisome development for the United States and its allies, experts said.
“The ever-closer alliance does give Russia some military procurement depth, which will be welcome in Moscow,” said Clifford Kupchan, chairman of the Eurasia Group. “The bigger message — which may be lost on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin for now — is that one of the world’s allegedly leading militaries is having to turn to Iran for help with key technologies, which shows just how drained their inventory is.”
Strange assertion. The enemy's propaganda machinery has produced much better sounding pretexts for hostile measures against Iran, and relatively speaking they have been in a far better position for such an endeavour in the past - yet they never deemed the cost / benefit analysis to be favorable enough. I'm not naive to think these accusations represent something special in this regard.

I'm not the one who brought Iran into the discussion. Flawed legal arguments were posted against Iran, so I reacted accordingly.

You may want to take your complaint to those who keep moaning about Iran, because the Islamic Revolution removed the shackles of imperial vassalage from Iran, and to some, the notion that a nation of the global south is standing on its own feet and refusing to bow to the empire's dictates seems to be unbearable.

They have no realistic possibility to launch war on Iran. These Hollywoodesque stories about Iranian arms supplies to Russia are merely part of their permanent, 24/7 anti-Iranian demonization campaign, which has been going on for almost 44 years. The conflict in Ukraine is offering them a propaganda opportunity of sorts, they're simply trying to exploit it. It's not part of a build up for military aggression against Iran nor anything of the sort - they lack the prowess for such an undertaking.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Iran is cheerleader to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Iranian drones, not parts, are in use against Ukraine, as Iranians cheer. Iran sold weapons to Russia during the Russian-Ukraine War that began in 2014 and those weapons are in use against Ukraine.

Ukraine gets to determine how to respond to those arming Russia since 2014.They are the injured party. So Iran is sh*t out of luck.

Now when is US going to send more Bradley's...
A statement if an Iranian official is proof enough.
Even if the name is not public.

There's no proof an Iranian official made that statement in the first place. Alleged statement which stays perfectly mum on dates and timeframes, what is more.

In short, the amount of evidence offered by that piece is flat out nil.

If it was untrue, then Iran would deny it, now they are just mumbling.

Quite the opposite. Iran has been trashing NATO / zionist propaganda in most categorical and clear-cut terms.


Drone delivery dates back to months before Ukraine war: Iran FM

Tehran, IRNA – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that Tehran had delivered drones to Russia months prior to the Ukraine conflict.

The head of diplomatic apparatus of the Islamic Republic made the remarks on Saturday, noting that the hue and cry, which has been created by certain Western states, that claims Iran supplied Russia with drones and missiles to be used for the Ukraine war is in terms of missiles completely false and in terms of drones the delivery happened months before the conflict.

Amirabdollahian also said that he has reached agreement with his Ukrainian counterpart; so, Kyiv will provide Tehran with all documents on Russia’s usage of Iranian drones in the war.

So, we had an appointment in a European country two weeks ago, but unfortunately the Ukrainian delegation did not come to provide the documents in a last-minute decision.

Some European states have started a campaign against the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent weeks, accusing Tehran of supplying Moscow with drones and missiles to be used for the Ukraine war, but the Iranian authorities have time and again underscored that such allegations are baseless and Iran calls on both sides of the conflict to stop war and start negotiations to find peaceful way out of the hostility.

2023-February-7 14:54

Iran Categorically Denies WSJ Report over Drone Production with Russia as Sheer Lie

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) outlet, Nour News, rejected a report by the Wall Street Journal that claimed Moscow and Tehran are advancing with their plans to build a plant in Russia to produce at least 6,000 Iranian-designed drones.

“Iran does not participate in any independent or joint project for production of drones in Russia,” Nour News said in a tweet, adding, “Reports by Western media in this regard are sheer lies.”

“Western strategists had better find more believable excuses for the continuation of the war of attrition in Ukraine,” it noted.

On Sunday, The WSJ newspaper cited unnamed "officials from a country aligned with the US" as saying that Moscow and Tehran have advanced plans to build an Iranian-designed factory in Russia to produce at least 6,000 combat UAVs.

"The two countries are aiming to build a faster drone that could pose new challenges for Ukrainian air defenses," the daily reported, citing officials.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has also said Moscow has its own programs for the production of drones.

“Russia has a number of its own programs to create unmanned aerial vehicles for a variety of purposes. These programs are being implemented. You know that a list of presidential instructions was recently adopted, signed and made public on the development of the unmanned aerial vehicles area,” he told reporters, commenting on the report.

“Therefore, we have our own development programs,” the spokesperson added.

Peskov stated that he did not know what sources the paper relied on.

Kiev and its Western allies have repeatedly claimed that Tehran has provided Russia with arms to be used in the war in Ukraine.

Iranian officials have repeatedly rejected claims about Tehran's arms sales to Russia to be used in the ongoing war against Ukraine, stressing such allegations are aimed at legitimizing the West's military assistance to Kiev.

They reiterated that Tehran will not help either side in the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and cautioned that arming Moscow or Kyiv will prolong the conflict between the two neighbors.

In Late February, President Vladimir Putin stated in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories.

The US, the EU, the UK and a number of other states have imposed sanctions against Russian legal entities and individuals. They also increased supplies of weapons to the Ukrainian authorities. Russia has officially become the most sanctioned country in the world, surpassing Iran, Syria and North Korea, after launching a military operation against Ukraine.

Back in September, Iranian Presdient Seyed Ebrahim Rayeesi cautioned that the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a serious threat to the stability and security of nations.

The Iranian president described NATO's expansionist policies as one of the causes of insecurity in different parts of the world and stated, "As foreign policy thinkers, advise politicians and statesmen so that the people of different parts of the world do not bear the cost of their mistakes".

Since Tehran and Moscow enjoy common interests in economic, military and security affairs as well as friendly relationship pursue common policies on regional and international developments especially when it comes to taking stances in the face of the United States’ unilateral and interventionist strategies.

Truth is that the only ones babbling disingenuous drivel are Kiev's NATO overlords, in vain hopes of covering up their vassal's declaration of war and claimed military aggression against Iran.

The Kievan regime having, as per the suggestion of a Ukrainian official, conducted military aggression against Iran, Iran is now legally authorized to hit back hard.
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Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Iran is cheerleader to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Iranian drones, not parts, are in use against Ukraine, as Iranians cheer. Iran sold weapons to Russia during the Russian-Ukraine War that began in 2014 and those weapons are in use against Ukraine.

Ukraine gets to determine how to respond to those arming Russia since 2014.They are the injured party. So Iran is sh*t out of luck.

Now when is US going to send more Bradley's...
Does Ukraine has capacity and capability to confront any one else other than Russia? They should be focusing on rallying support to get Russian Army out of their backyard first and then, they may be able to attend to other issues/ obligations.
Iran is cheerleader to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This statement suggests its author hasn't been reading the Iranian press or consulting the declarations made by Iranian officials.

Iranian drones, not parts, are in use against Ukraine,

Iranian drones delivered to Russia prior to the start of the current conflict.

Iran sold weapons to Russia during the Russian-Ukraine War that began in 2014 and those weapons are in use against Ukraine.

Russia was not in a state of classic war against Ukraine from 2014 to 2022. Nor using any Iranian weapons during that period.

By the way, Italy, Germany and France were selling hundreds of millions worth of arms to Russia at that time - in violation of a EU embargo. This is how law abiding those regimes which dare to point fingers at Iran actually are.

France, Germany and Italy sold hundreds of millions of pounds worth of arms and military kit to Russia for years despite embargo

  • France, Germany and Italy sold hundreds of millions worth of arms to Russia
  • They sold military kit to the Kremlin for years despite an EU embargo banning it
  • They were three of at least 10 countries to use a loophole to get past the ban
  • France alone sold €152million out of a total €350million (£293million) exported
By Chris Matthews for Mailonline
Published: 14:23 GMT, 18 March 2022 | Updated: 16:34 GMT, 18 March 2022

Ukraine gets to determine how to respond to those arming Russia since 2014.They are the injured party. So Iran is sh*t out of luck.

Iran has successfully deterred the zio-American empire from military aggression, held them in check and deeply damaged their interests across West Asia. And you're suggesting she should be worried about the Ukraine, an ant in comparison, with no means of power projection to speak of?
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