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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Does anyone know how many ukrainian aircrafts the russian have claimed they have destroyed in this war?

They lost at least 4 battalions in Wuhledar since they started an offensive there 2 weeks ago.

Ukrainian officials tell Russians are now resorting to forming non-motorised infantry battalions as per soviet doctrine for "worst case scenario." 4 to 6 of them, awaiting confirmation.

I myself read soviet war plans, and it's something closer to what they expected in late seventies. USSR almost never made defensive exercises. Through the cold war, there were only 2 of them with following scenarios:
  1. Repulsing a sizeable conventional blitzkrieg attack of a less sophisticated enemy using solely the forces of standing military (basically repulsing PLA)
  2. Repulsing NATO first strike, where 3/4 of standing military on the Western front is considered a write off.
The last one is the only one where USSR's military went through general mobilisation using newly assembled units coming from Urals, and it was the only one where they used non-mechanised force.
Is it not infact to sovjet armies fighting eachother, two armies lead by the same sovjet doctrines? I think the ukrainians best chance to defeat the russians are infact being the defender.
So you admit that Russia is using weapons from Iran, supplied during the Russian-Ukrainian War.

A conflict between two nations involving the theft of land is classified as a war. Two nation are at war with each other when they fight over land, resources. Russia fought over land and resources, Russian troops were in Crimea before the annexation.

Proxy conflicts aren't considered inter-state wars and aren't treated in the same manner by international law. From a legal perspective, outside the short sequence of Russian forces securing Crimea, Russia and Ukraine were not considered to be in a state of war from 2014 to 2022. As for the conflict in Donbas, it came about as a result of Kiev violating the ceasefire implemented by the international Minsk agreements (with some of Kiev's NATO backers recently going on the record that from the outset they had no intention of respecting these treaties).

So US and Israel can do that to you, according to your standards.

They've tried their level best for nearly 44 years. Alongside a plethora of other acts of hostility and terrorism.

Oh, wait, US please annex Iranian oil fields into the USA. Then arm separatist Azeris and fight in NW Iran with American soldiers vs Iranian forces. Later do a US full scale CLASSIC WAR invasion of Iran with the objective to annex more land to USA Empire and settler colonists. When Iran gets angry and wants to retaliate against the UK for arming the USA during the era of annexed oil fields and war in NW Iran. UK trolls can reply online that UK did not arm the US during the full scale invasion. UK armed the USA FOR the full scale invasion. So lol at Iran. This is the brain dead thinking of Iranians.

You're welcome to prove Iran armed Russia exactly during the few hours it took Moscow to take over Crimea.

Then, no Iranian weapons were used in the Donbas conflict from 2014 to 2022. In the scenario you imagined, Iran would certainly refrain from acting in such a bizarre way as to start striking the UK if no British weapons had been supplied to anti-Iranian separatist groups.

When Iran turns into worse things than Zionists, you turn into it, the new George Bush.

The zionist regime is an illegitimate settler entity imposed upon and occupying another people's homeland. Iran isn't.

Bush initiated an illegal offensive war. Iran did not.

BTW, Zionism is a red herring.

Zionism is one of the root components of the contemporary global system of domination.

Iranians and Chinese resisting the zionists are not good because anything they do is good. Once they turn into the Zionists and worse, they are the enemy "zionists". Iran is worse than Netanyahu. Worse than Bush. Same with China.

The CIA-designed, warmongering, masonic, globalist and LGBTist construct of the European Union (whose parliament building is modeled after the tower of Babel, a heavy symbol of what kind of values it is really founded upon) happens to be the single worst entity - after its masters in Tel Aviv and Washington, that is.

Iran is on the side of Imperialists because Iran was never the good side, siding with Russia, not with freedom.

The full fledged concretization of the Iranian-Russian strategic rapprochement is a recent phenomenon, recent as in younger than three years or so. Spurred by hostile NATO designs against both nations, as well as by joint Iraniand and Russian efforts to put an end to the unipolar order of American imperial hegemony.

Iranians in a popular Revolution kicked zio-American imperialists out in 1979, recovered their sovereignty and independence, shut down the CIA spy den disguised as an "embassy". The Islamic Republic of Iran immediately began throwing its weight behind anti-imperialist Resistance fronts the world over, from Palestine to Latin America through Africa and Asia.

Iran supported the genocide of Chechens. The Second Chechen War from a Putin false flag. Putin killed Moscow residents to blame Chechens. A FSB operation. Iran supported Russia.

You should read up on some of the Iran-related topics you're commenting on. Iran did not support any of Russia's military operations in Chechnya.

If anything, Iran briefly trained a group of Chechen fighters and an Iranian official was seen attending the funeral of a Chechen guerilla leader, which caused some tension in bilateral relations with Russia. When it comes to the second Chechnya war, Iran completely staid out of it.

Iran is no different than the UK and US. Russia, China and Iran. Actually worse. You idiots believe you are good simply because no matter the decision because you made the decision, it is the good decision. Guided by revenge, misfired at innocents. Iran is evil.

The day on which Iran launches multiple wars based on bogus pretexts and lies, occupies other peoples' lands, deprives their governments of sovereignty, subjects their inhabitants to oppression, to apartheid rule or outright genocide, proceeds with systematically stealing and exploiting their natural resources, implements massive soft war to uproot them culturally, massacres their most vulnerable citizens through sanctions on a grand scale, on that day - which will never arrive - you may equate Iran with the USA, UK or Isra"el". Until then, comical relief is what statements such as the above quoted one will offer.
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That's cute8-)

Is it not infact to sovjet armies fighting eachother, two armies lead by the same sovjet doctrines? I think the ukrainians best chance to defeat the russians are infact being the defender.

To me, it looked like that Ukrainians acted exactly like the scenario of sovjet DVINA 70 wargame.

Repulsing a multiprong Zerg Rush of a moderately mechanized enemy with limited, non-expendable forces.

The key was countering enemy deep strike by intentionally letting the enemy to overpenetrate, and then swift sweeping strikes at flanks by meeting engagement turning into flanking attacks.
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It’s about right or wrong. Putin can’t come and redraw the borders because he sees Nazi. He can’t kill local people, destroy a country, deport them. let his soldiers rape them because he wants to support the separatists. I never support one side blindly, but what’s wrong is not right.
Fair enough: it was Saddam that attacked Iran, hoping that a sanctioned Iran in 1980 and cut off from western weapons would be easy take. It didn't work out that way of course.

So Iraq , or rather Saddam, the Putin of Iraq, also engaged in expansion unprovoked then. ANd then 11 years later tried to annex Kuwait.

Morally there was no difference in terms of attack across its border on Iran and then got stuck in a stalemate while IIAF got a portion of its F-14s servicable to blow the Iraqi Air Force out of the skies

If you don’t want to continue with your whataboutism after your failure,
I can live with this.
This is a legal issue, not a moral issue, and by shipping weapons to an aggressor, Iran has become an aggressor.

Already proven by the Reuters article.
And Iran has zero evidence of who attacked Iran.
Anyway, an Aggressor has no right to attack those that defend themselves.
European countries were supplying weapons to Saddam, who was the aggressor in the Iran Iraq war which Saddam initiated. He, like Putin, also got into a stalemate. But unlikely Russia/Ukraine, was the one with money and supply of weapons from USSR and the West while Iran was effectively cut-off. At least its Air Force was
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Ukraine’s military on Tuesday claimed that the last 24 hours of fighting were the deadliest yet for Russian troops, setting a chilling new record ahead of the war’s first anniversary.

Kyiv announced that the tally of Russian military deaths increased by 1,030 overnight — making the total number of military fatalities 133,190.


Indeed, I see that Putin being able to assure his own Army's defeat means that there is really nobody in Kremlin who can save their regime from Putin's suicidal moves.

I discussed it there: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/what-will-end-the-war-in-ukraine.760427/#post-14211481

Russians can only hope now that there is somebody who can become a Russian Dimitrios Ioannidis

Why I am bringing up Ioannidis? Because the only person who can overthrow Putin can only be a regime insider more hardline, and extreme than he. And he will overthrow Putin not because Putin wages this war, but because Putin been waging it badly, and disastrously for Kremlin's regime.

This war remains extremely popular among Russians, polls say it's anywhere between 70 and 85 percent of Russian population, so trying to pull out a revolt over public discontent with this war is fool's errand. And this is absolutely no wonder after whopping 24 years Putin spent on propaganda.

It's also that every strong politician in Russia outside of Putin's supporters been found, and killed over the last 24 years.

There is simply no living not pro-Putin politicians left in Russia, so every politician overthrowing Putin will be by the definition one of his supporters.
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The zionist regime is an illegitimate settler entity imposed upon and occupying another people's homeland. Iran isn't.

Bush initiated an illegal offensive war. Iran did not.
The Russians in the genocided regions of the Circassians are Russian settler colonist genociders. Sochi, for instance belongs the Circassians. The Russians in the genocided regions of Crimea are Russian settler colonist genociders. Iran supports settler colonists that committed horrific genocides.

Israeli zionism, pales in comparison to Russian genocidal settler colonists.
How is it that a year ago, all the intel for mobilizing against Ukraine was coming from US and UK intelligence.

But now, its Ukraine thats saying the on-set of the new offensive from Russia, with the same intel agencies (by virture of their countries) generally being quiet.

Is it they are feeding info to Ukraine since they are the warring party

What is going on here?
The Russians in the genocided regions of the Circassians are Russian settler colonist genociders. Sochi, for instance belongs the Circassians. The Russians in the genocided regions of Crimea are Russian settler colonist genociders. Iran supports settler colonists that committed horrific genocides.

Iran fought several wars against the Tsarist regime, lost territory to the 19th century Russian empire especially in the Caucasus. So to suggest Iran supported said crimes wouldn't make sense. Iran was battling its perpetrators.

However since that period of time, at least two regime changes have occurred in Russia. Responsibility for those events does not fall on the Russian Federation.

Israeli zionism, pales in comparison to Russian genocidal settler colonists.

In the present day, zionist pressure groups are largely determining Washington's policy for West Asia and North Africa. Thus they've been a driving force behind the series of illegal invasions, proxy wars, "color revolutions" and other destabilization operations by the CIA against nations of the region. This is in addition to Tel Aviv's oppressive rule in Occupied Palestine.

As far as the past two centuries are concerned, looking at the British regime one cannot but observe that it is responsible for the elimination of some 50% of Iran's population or around 10 million people at the end of WW1 in a matter of two years only - dwarfing the Circassian genocide in terms of scope and intensity. The criminal empire in question was bankrolled by the Rothschilds in the west and the Sassoons in the east. Banking dynasties which supported the establishment of the zionist colonial project. Unlike Russia, the same regime is still in place in London and is yet to be brought to justice for these abominable acts.

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A statement if an Iranian official is proof enough.
Even if the name is not public.
If it was untrue, then Iran would deny it, now they are just mumbling.

Iran sends first shipment of drones to Russia for use in Ukraine​

Russian cargo planes left Tehran 10 days ago with UAVs, some of which have already malfunctioned, U.S. and allied officials say​

Ellen Nakashima

A drone is launched during military drills in this photo released by the Iranian army on Aug. 25, 2022. (Iranian army/AP)
Russian cargo planes have quietly picked up the first of scores of Iranian-made combat drones for use against Ukraine, U.S. officials said, in a move that underscores deepening ties between Moscow and Tehran while also highlighting Russia’s struggles to supply its overstretched military.
Transport planes departed Iran on Aug. 19 hauling at least two types of unmanned aerial vehicles, both capable of carrying munitions for attacks on radars, artillery and other military targets, according to intelligence gathered by U.S. and other spy agencies.
But while the weapons could provide a significant boost for Russia’s war effort against Ukraine, the transfer has been marred by technical problems, security officials from the United States and an allied government said in interviews. In early tests by the Russians, the Iranian drones experienced numerous failures, the officials said.
“There are a few bugs in the system,” said an allied security official whose government closely monitored the transfer. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity and that his nationality not be revealed to discuss sensitive intelligence. “The Russians are not satisfied,” the official said.
Russian drones are filled with Western electronics, experts say
The initial delivery of the Mohajer-6 and Shahed-series drones to Moscow is believed to be the first installment of a planned transfer of hundreds of Iranian UAVs of various types, Biden administration officials said, also speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.
The arrival of the Iranian drones could help fill a crucial gap in Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine. Russia, which has 1,500 to 2,000 military surveillance UAVs, has relatively few attack drones of the type that can precisely strike targets deep inside enemy territory. Ukraine, by contrast, has used Turkish-made combat UAVsto wreak havoc on Russian armor, trucks and artillery since the early weeks of the conflict.
The Biden administration warned in July that Russia was preparing to acquire large numbers of Iranian drones to conduct air-to-surface attacks, electronic warfare and targeting on the battlefield in Ukraine.
Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported last week that Iran had begun delivering the drones. But details of the transfer, including the types of UAVs provided and their purportedly lackluster performance so far, have not been previously reported.
In interviews, the U.S. and allied security officials said Russian planes flew to an Iranian military facility to pick up the drones over several days in mid-August. The allied security official said the initial shipment included two models of Shahed drones, the Shahed-129 and Shahed-191, as well as the Mohajer-6. All are considered to be among Iran’s top-of-the-line military drones, designed for attacks as well as surveillance.
The deal was negotiated over several months by a team led by Brig. Gen. Seyed Hojjatollah Qureishi, the chief of the supply and logistics division of Iran’s Defense Ministry, and Russia’s military attache in Tehran, the security official said. Under the arrangement, Iranian technical experts traveled to Russia to help set up the systems, and Russian military officers underwent training in Iran, the official said.
US threatens Russia with technology sanctions over Ukraine
Iranian officials had responded obliquely to U.S. claims about the pending drone delivery. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani last month acknowledged “Iranian and Russian technological cooperation” but said Tehran prefers a diplomatic settlement to the Ukraine conflict. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked last month about the reported deal to acquire Iranian UAVs, said the Russian presidency had “no comments on this matter.”
While Iran has supplied military drones to armed proxy groups such as Yemen’s Houthi rebels, it has rarely, if ever, tested such models against the kinds of sophisticated electronic jamming and antiaircraft systems used in Ukraine, said Michael Knights, a military and security expert with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Iran has demonstrated an ability to launch “swarm” drone attacks — involving multiple suicide drones massed against a single target — and Western governments will be watching closely to see whether Iran’s UAVs can carry out such operations on an intensely contested battlefield, Knights said.
“These Iranian drones have not operated in a sophisticated air-defense environment before,” he said. “The closest they’ve come to that is [Houthi strikes against] Saudi Arabia or against U.S. bases in Iraq, and they have generally not done well. So I wouldn’t be surprised that, in a more intense environment like Ukraine, that they would have some problems.”
For Russia, the Ukraine conflict has exposed the country’s failure to develop a line of combat drones similar to ones used by the United States for two decades, experts say. “They understand that they needed those drones yesterday in large quantities,” said Sam Bendett, a Russian-military analyst at the Virginia-based research group CNA.
And Russia has really only two countries to which it can turn to “plug the capability gap” in combat drones: China and Iran. But China is deeply enmeshed in the global supply chain and does not want to supply combat UAVs because that would probably invite U.S. sanctions, he said.

That leaves Iran, which is not exposed in the same way and whose capability is homegrown, “which is what the Russians are going for,” Bendett said. “Iran is also a Russian ally. So it’s the only real choice left. Iran represents a very interesting case of having a domestic industry that grew up amid sanctions. And it represents a fairly robust capability.”
The United States began in June to supply Ukraine with the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, commonly known as HIMARS, which can launch multiple rockets with precision at Russian military targets from nearly 50 miles away. The HIMARS have enabled Ukraine to destroy Russian ammunition depots and logistics supplies far behind the front lines.
“The Russians have no way to limit the damage HIMARS are inflicting on them now,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator, a Washington-based think tank. “They hope attack drones can help.”
Other NATO-provided long-range artillery, such as M777 howitzers capable of launching precision-guided rounds, also has added to the challenge facing Russia, said Rob A. Lee, an expert on the Russian military and a senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
In militants' hands, Iranian drones emerge as a deadly new wild card
“One of Russia’s biggest problems right now is its air force can’t interdict things behind Ukrainian lines,” Lee said. “They don’t have many long-range UAVs that can strike targets behind enemy lines. So they can’t prevent Ukraine from reinforcing its positions and restocking supplies. … And a lot of their UAVs are getting shot down or lost to electronic warfare.”
While Russia is apparently seeking to ramp up domestic production of such drones, it is hampered by Western sanctions and export controls, which have stanched the flow of semiconductor chips essential to producing such weapons, analysts said.
“They’re relying on the black market, but the needs are vast,” Alperovitch said. “You need chips for everything from precision-guided missiles to aircraft to tanks, not to mention nonmilitary items in their own domestic industries. So there’s lots of demand in Russia for chips, and if Russia can procure fully made drones from Iran, it doesn’t need to use its precious supply of black market chips to make its own drones.”
Analysts said the transfer of Iranian drones is unlikely to affect the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, which are proceeding on a separate track and have a different objective: eliminating Iran’s capacity to quickly build a nuclear bomb. But the further cementing of military ties between Iran and Russia is itself a worrisome development for the United States and its allies, experts said.
“The ever-closer alliance does give Russia some military procurement depth, which will be welcome in Moscow,” said Clifford Kupchan, chairman of the Eurasia Group. “The bigger message — which may be lost on [Russian President Vladimir] Putin for now — is that one of the world’s allegedly leading militaries is having to turn to Iran for help with key technologies, which shows just how drained their inventory is.”
Claims not a single evidence.
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