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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Germany, Denmark, Netherlands to provide at least 100 Leopard 1 tanks for Kyiv

The joint statement about the plans by Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands said Ukraine would receive at least 100 of the Leopard 1 A5 tanks in coming months as well as training, logistical support, spare parts and an ammunition package.

Denmark to send decommissioned Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine

The donated tanks are no longer in use by Danish forces and were sold to a German company in 2010. The tanks are currently stationed in Flensburg, Germany.

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Fair enough: it was Saddam that attacked Iran, hoping that a sanctioned Iran in 1980 and cut off from western weapons would be easy take. It didn't work out that way of course.

So Iraq , or rather Saddam, the Putin of Iraq, also engaged in expansion unprovoked then. ANd then 11 years later tried to annex Kuwait.

Morally there was no difference in terms of attack across its border on Iran and then got stuck in a stalemate while IIAF got a portion of its F-14s servicable to blow the Iraqi Air Force out of the skies

European countries were supplying weapons to Saddam, who was the aggressor in the Iran Iraq war which Saddam initiated. He, like Putin, also got into a stalemate. But unlikely Russia/Ukraine, was the one with money and supply of weapons from USSR and the West while Iran was effectively cut-off. At least its Air Force was
90%+ of the equipment of the Iraqi Armed Forces came from the Soviet Union.
The only combat aircraft I am aware of that was delivered was the Mirage F1.
The French held up further deliveries for years after the invasion started.

Claims not a single evidence.
And if the claims are true, it is reason enough to treat Iran as the aggressor.
You do not know if the claims are backed by evidence.
If you don’t want to continue with your whataboutism after your failure,
I can live with this.
This is a legal issue, not a moral issue, and by shipping weapons to an aggressor, Iran has become an aggressor.

i do not do that, just pointing out unsustainability of your position in this particular case.
No, it is not, international law is non existing for couple of decades and is used only as tool of justification for mightier ones, sadly i would say.
Iran fought several wars against the Tsarist regime, lost territory to the 19th century Russian empire especially in the Caucasus. So to suggest Iran supported said crimes wouldn't make sense. Iran was battling its perpetrators.

However since that period of time, at least two regime changes have occurred in Russia. Responsibility for those events does not fall on the Russian Federation.
Do the genocidal Russian settler colonists get to keep Crimea, get to keep the North Caucasus. Iranians say yes.

This war is about the liberation of persecuted and genocided Crimean Tatars. And persecuted and genocided Ukrainians.

While Ukraine controlled Crimea, the Tatars lived in freedom.

Iran does not support the liberation of Crimean Tatars and Ukraine. Iran supports the genocidal settler colonists.

So Iran support those genocided by oppressors being kidnapped/arrested by their oppressors. Israel is thankful to know this.

So if Israel goes communist or Tsarist, they get to keep the land stolen from the Palestinians because the land was stolen under a democracy. Israel gets to keep the whole of Palestine if they steal the land under a parliamentary democracy and then switch to a new state for the Jews. Good for Israel to know Iranian standards of anti-zionism.

Crimean Tatars genocided by Tsarist Russia. Ukrainians had their land stolen by Tsarist Russia.

USSR stole the land again of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars genocided by USSR. Ukrainians genocided by USSR.

Crimean Tatars persecuted and jailed by Russian Federation, and have their land stolen by Russia. Ukraine invaded by the Russia Federation for the continued persecution and genocide by Russians.

And Iran supports the persecution of Ukrainians and Tatars that want freedom from Russia.
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UK to start training Ukranian fighter jet pilots. ( looks like initial jet training and not jet specific )

Although Ukraine is desperate for fighter jets immediately to counter the Russian air force, the length of the required training means that No 10 has said the pilot programme is a 'long-term capability investment'.

The training will ensure pilots are able to fly sophisticated Nato-standard fighter jets in the future.
There are three biggest concentration points:
  1. Svatove–Kreminna line — enormous force concentration, but no active push going from either side.
  2. Wuhledar — in the news
  3. Bakhmut — unending battle
Things don't look good for Ukraine :(:-

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The Telegraph

Vladimir Putin is about to make shock gains​


  • Vladimir Putin

Colonel Richard Kemp
Tue, February 7, 2023 at 11:00 AM PST·3 min read

In this article:

  • Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin
    President of Russia

A Russian Armata tank

A Russian Armata tank
With Russia back on the offensive after significant Ukrainian combat successes around Kharkiv and Kherson in the second half of 2022, the past few weeks have been the bloodiest so far of an already bloody war, with both sides taking extraordinarily heavy casualties. Expect it to get worse.
Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov says Russia has mobilised “much more” than 300,000 troops, perhaps up to half a million, and these are pouring into Ukraine in preparation for what is expected to be a major offensive in the coming days and weeks. Although Kyiv has also been building up its forces and supplying them with modern equipment donated by the West, Putin has a much greater advantage in troop numbers than he did when he invaded a year ago. Despite repeated optimistic reports of Russia running low on artillery shells – a battle winner in this conflict – Putin’s war stocks are vast, and his factories have been working around the clock to churn out even more.
Under pressure towards the end of last year, Russia withdrew its forces to positions of strength, trading ground for time as it massed resources for a planned hammer blow while grinding down the Ukrainians in the east, softening them up for the assault to come. Much of this has been done by infantry attack, throwing away “expendable” troops in time-honoured Russian style. The Kremlin has at the same time been conserving artillery shells (though expending thousands each day around Bakhmut alone) and the armoured vehicles that are so essential for the fast-moving blitzkrieg Putin is planning.
Until now, the narrative in the West has been that Ukraine is comfortably winning this war, albeit while sustaining heavy bombardments on its major cities. The reality is more complex. The latest estimates suggest that each side may have taken upwards of 120,000 casualties already – hardly indicative of a triumph for Ukraine. And there may be worse to come: the truth is that recent promises of new combat equipment for Ukraine – especially longer range missiles, tanks and other armoured vehicles – are unlikely to be fulfilled in time to have an impact in this battle if Putin launches his offensive on the timetable Kyiv predicts.
With so many more men and resources at its disposal, Moscow will be able to sustain higher casualty rates. This is why Russia tends to do better in wars the longer they go on – it can bring more to bear over time. Even today, Putin does not fear high casualties: disproportionate numbers of his troops are recruited from distant provinces rather than cities such as Moscow and St Petersburg, where a stream of body bags could have some effect on what still remains rock solid support for him and his war.
Another concern is that, while Russian forces have performed abysmally – thwarted by low troop morale, inadequate numbers, badly maintained equipment, clumsy tactics, substandard battle discipline, poor logistics, the stiffest Ukrainian resistance and an unexpectedly united effort from the West – some Ukrainian reports from the front indicate the Russians have been learning hard lessons and making much needed improvements, at least at the level of battle tactics and discipline. The Russian army was bleeding before, but it appointed new commanders and – as in the Second World War – may be recovering from its earlier disasters.
We must therefore be prepared for significant Russian gains in the coming weeks. We need to be realistic about how bad things could be – otherwise the shock risks dislodging Western resolve. The opposite occurred last summer and autumn, as flagging support in parts of Europe and the US was galvanised by Ukrainian success.
It is essential that we not only maintain our combat supplies to Ukraine, but step it up even further and even faster. If Putin gains more ground, then Kyiv will need to counterattack more strongly, and will need more armoured vehicles, better air defences, longer-range missiles and vast quantities of artillery shells and ammunition. The only alternative is that President Zelensky is forced to come to terms, handing victory to Russia and defeat to Ukraine and Nato.
Colonel Richard Kemp is a former infantry commander
Hearing that a certain Pakistani who is in the UK might be meeting Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy soon.
This makes sense, considering that
a) they’re both in London
b) PakMil is funnelling weapons to Kyiv and
c) Pak has an old habit of fighting other’s wars
Do the genocidal Russian settler colonists get to keep Crimea, get to keep the North Caucasus. Iranians say yes.

Regarding the North Caucasus, virtually every country in the world says yes. As a matter of fact you'll have a hard time finding one which does not recognize that region as part of the Russian Federation. So once again, there's no point trying to single out Iran.

When it comes to Crimea, Iran has not recognized its annexation by Russia.


Kindly get your facts straight, because claims like the above quoted ones are factually inaccurate.

This war is about the liberation of persecuted and genocided Crimean Tatars. And persecuted and genocided Ukrainians.

While Ukraine controlled Crimea, the Tatars lived in freedom.

There's no genocide of Crimean Tatars or Ukrainians taking place nowadays.

Iran does not support the liberation of Crimean Tatars and Ukraine. Iran supports the genocidal settler colonists.

Iran supports peace talks and rejects NATO interference, which has systematically led to destabilization and armed conflict.

First off, purported political and "ethno"-linguistic persecution is quite different from genocide.

Second, I'd take mainstream media reports pointing fingers at NATO adversaries with a huge truckload of salt. On this topic they're spreading disinformation about Iran too, so their word's not to be taken at face value.

So Iran support those genocided by oppressors being kidnapped/arrested by their oppressors. Israel is thankful to know this.

Iran has not recognized Russia's annexation of Crimea, so this is untrue.

So if Israel goes communist or Tsarist, they get to keep the land stolen from the Palestinians because the land was stolen under a democracy. Israel gets to keep the whole of Palestine if they steal the land under a parliamentary democracy and then switch to a new state for the Jews. Good for Israel to know Iranian standards of anti-zionism.

Show me a state which does not recognize the northern Caucasus as Russian federal territory, then comment on Iranian standards.

Crimean Tatars genocided by Tsarist Russia. Ukrainians had their land stolen by Tsarist Russia.

Ukraine had Crimea transferred to its territory by the USSR in 1954. Prior to this it used to be part of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

While Russians of eastern Ukraine have been subjected to ostracism and repression at the hands of the NATO-installed Kievan regime.

USSR stole the land again of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars genocided by USSR. Ukrainians genocided by USSR.

The Russian Federation isn't responsible the policies of the USSR.

And Iran supports the persecution of Ukrainians and Tatars that want freedom from Russia.

Iran never supported any "persecution of Tatars".

As for Ukrainians, I'm at a loss as to what persecution that's supposed to be.
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Ukrainians are living in a fools paradise on the internet and this war only ends one way. Complete Russian victory.
If Pakistan is providing military aid to the Ukrainians then it is another grand example of the incredible smarts of the military leadership. Betting on a losing horse. Primarily because it scores these idiots at the top some personal good points. The institution, and country be damned. Weak, pathetic minded leaders.

It is also disheartening to see Ukraine and it's people getting slaughtered.
I guess they are learning the lesson most West's non-white allies (usually) have learned for generations.
The West will fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian and in the process sow a multi-generational hatred among people.
Just sad all around.
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