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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine is under heavy thrashing by the Russian forces around the Bukhmut, and they are making incremental gains in the north and east. The Bakhmut is practically encircled. while people here are painting the false opposite picture.
The Russians have already started the much-awaited attack before the arrival of western arms supplies. Making big gains here on the forum may not bring about any change to the fighting on the battlefield.
Yes sure, the Islamic Republic which has never started a war is "worse" than warmongering regimes such as Bush's USA.

Got to give it to nato propaganda. They truly brainwashed these idiots to think that the US…

The US…. An entity that has been at war around 90% of its entire existence. And has been the aggressor in over 95% of those. Has moral high ground over Iran or even Russia for that matter.

In other news:

US owned latvian drone factory supplying ukraine is in flames:

Ukraine is under heavy thrashing by the Russian forces around the Bukhmut, and they are making incremental gains in the north and east. The Bakhmut is practically encircled. while people here are painting the false opposite picture.
The Russians have already started the much-awaited attack before the arrival of western arms supplies. Making big gains here on the forum may not bring about any change to the fighting on the battlefield.
Yes ok the Russian hooligans make incremental gains of 200-300m per week. That’s not big gain that’s a snail speed paid with own huge casualties. Hundreds deaths per meter. That’s not something the second most powerful army can be proud of.
We are living in 21 century but they die worthless in a salt city as if Russia lacks of salt or they have nothing else to do in their life.
Ukraine's plight in the 1930's under a no longer existent USSR does not give Kiev a blank cheque to oppress its Russian-speaking citizens nor to associate itself with NATO in their attempts to destabilize Russia.
So Israel can go "Soviet Israel" and genocide Palestinians, steal their land and then their government changes to democracy and keep the land. Those were not crimes of Israelis, they were crimes of Soviets. Ok to keep the land and oppress the Palestinians.

I am speaking of ethics and morality and you are speaking about legalese nonsense.

The ethnic Russian in Ukraine are mainly settler colonists from dozens to hundreds of years ago. Especially in Crimea, those are 100% settler colonist genociders.

Literally the entire Doge meme army of Ukrainian supporters support the entire break up of the Russian Federation. So yes, humanity support freedom over oppression. Nation states would fear Russia if they support the entire break up of the Russian Federation. Or supported the liberation of the North Caucasus. I am happy the good are starting with the liberation of Ukraine.

First liberate the Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians. That is the war objective.

No nation in Europe would risk nuclear retaliation or occupation from Russia in trying to liberate the North Caucasus. Nonetheless, it is a high moral obligation to support the freedom of the people of the North Caucasus.

Supporting genocidal Russians is worse than Bush wars and Obama civil wars. This is clearly obvious to ethical standards. Unless you are saying warfare = genocide and condemn your ancestors that waged war. Humanity has waged wars for thousands of years. Genocide is off the charts. The total combined non-genocidal wars do not compare with one genocide. Seriously. Are you Iranians brain dead.

Russian Empire was genocidal
USSR was genocidal
Russian Federation is genocidal

Russians are genocidal evil orcs.
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I am speaking of ethics and morality and you are speaking about legalese nonsense.

I'm pointing to the fact that two wrongs don't make a right. The Ukrainian regime isn't a saint and moreover, it's NATO interference which led to violence and war.

The ethnic Russian in Ukraine are mainly settler colonists from dozens to hundreds of years ago. Especially in Crimea, those are 100% settler colonist genociders.
So Israel can go "Soviet Israel" and genocide Palestinians, steal their land and then their government changes to democracy and keep the land. Those were not crimes of Israelis, they were crimes of Soviets. Ok to keep the land and oppress the Palestinians.

The geographic origins of the Russian state are literally located in present day Ukraine. Russian settlement of eastern Ukraine goes back to the Medieval period.

More recently Russian-speakers didn't seek to secede from Ukraine until the regime in Kiev began repressing them and threatening Russia. A key difference with zionist colonization of Palestine, since no Palestinian government had been repressing Jews for the zionists to take their land.

No nation in Europe would risk nuclear retaliation or occupation from Russia in trying to liberate the North Caucasus. Nonetheless, it is a high moral obligation to support the freedom of the people of the North Caucasus.

Many of the Caucasians themselves do not necessarily feel that way, as exemplified by the Chechen local administration as its supporters under the leadership of president Ramzan Kadyrov.

Supporting genocidal Russians is worse than Bush wars and Obama civil wars. This is clearly obvious to ethical standards. Unless you are saying warfare = genocide and condemn your ancestors that waged war. Humanity has waged wars for thousands of years. Genocide is off the charts. The total combined non-genocidal wars do not compare with one genocide. Seriously. Are you Iranians brain dead.

Russia's not conducting any "genocide" so cut these nonsensical equations.

Russians are genocidal evil orcs.

That's a racist generalizing statement to make, which could in fact be reported for breaching forum rules. And it's coming from he who's preaching about genocide and what not. Your discourse is confused.
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Germany may send more than 88 leopard 2 tanks which will be enough to take on 2 T 90 with 1 leopard 2 tank as leopard has best fire control and battle Management Systems along wit challenger and Abrams they might turn out be nemesis for Russia

Even China has had enough of the Clown of Kiev.

Because China knowsthat Russia will respond with nukes on ukriane if Crimea is taken that I am 100% sure of.

Whether it will be pushed to use nukes if it's losing the war is anyone guess..it has claimed that these terrorists are Russian now so who knows

Real question begins what happens after Russia uses nukes.

Will the west stop or will they respond with nuclear retaliation on Putin location
That's the real question

Germany may send more than 88 leopard 2 tanks which will be enough to take on 2 T 90 with 1 leopard 2 tank as leopard has best fire control and battle Management Systems along wit challenger and Abrams they might turn out be nemesis for Russia

Russia so far is losing or is in stale mate.
Yes they have prepared for big op but excluding those preparation it's pretty obvious that Russia has kept it's track record of performing very poorly in beginning of any war in last 100yeara

They should have conquered kiev in 30 days and they almost did it..

Somewhere they screwed up pretty bad
Ukraine is under heavy thrashing by the Russian forces around the Bukhmut, and they are making incremental gains in the north and east. The Bakhmut is practically encircled. while people here are painting the false opposite picture.
The Russians have already started the much-awaited attack before the arrival of western arms supplies. Making big gains here on the forum may not bring about any change to the fighting on the battlefield.
Bakhmut is not "Practically" surrounded, it was surrounded on the NE, E, SE, S, SW, Ukrainian will not need to pull out until T-0504 is cut off, that could be 10 days, or 2 months.

On the other hand, as I mentioned before, even if Russia took Bakhmut, that's did them nothing, first they need to fight all the way from bakhmut to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, second, they also need to fight toward Lyman and Izyum, you can't attack big city with 1 axis, they can't do that in bakhmut, they certainly cannot do that in the other 2. And it would be a moot point if Ukraine break thru the Kreminna line and take Svatove anyway, because everything south would be open to flanking attack. That had not change from day 1.
You must have spend a lot of time on internet to scram up all those post.

And which part of as long as T-0504 hold or was not interdicted by the Russia, Ukraine will most likely not retreat from Bakhmut completely, you do not understand??

So. come back to me when Russia take Bakhmut, again, maybe 10 days or 2 months after today, and then tell me why or how Russia capture Bakhmut?

And yes, you can "Screen Shot" this if you want.
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