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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I am sure that swedish autorities did everything possible to arranve information as it suits them.
I thinl they even allowed at one moment of war withdrawal of german division via swedish teritory.
Bottom line is thay should not be to loud when pointing fjnger on Iran cooperation with russia as they have shady past themselfs.
Well, that's YOURS reference tho...

So are you suggesting what you said is based on how Sweden "spin" the situation??
Well, that's YOURS reference tho...

So are you suggesting what you said is based on how Sweden "spin" the situation??

I do not want to fragment situation further to the tiniest detail, point is that Sweden supported war efforts of nazi Germany to the end and suffered no consequences for it, on the other hand swedish guy want to give sermon about moral for Iran cooperation with Russia even dough it is on completely legal basys.
I would say decrease the fish when you are retelling story.
I do not want to fragment situation further to the tiniest detail, point is that Sweden supported war efforts of nazi Germany to the end and suffered no consequences for it, on the other hand swedish guy want to give sermon about moral for Iran cooperation with Russia even dough it is on completely legal basys.
I would say decrease the fish when you are retelling story.

look, I also think Sweden send arms firect to Germany, you can ask @A.P. Richelieu if you like, think he rebutted me once. I on the other hand, have no objection to Iran supplying arms to Russia, as much as NATO supply arms to Ukraine.

That did not affect the fact that you are using a reference that supported his point, not yours.
Iran has staid neutral in the Ukraine war. The Kievan regime however declared war on Iran and claimed to have conducted military aggression against Iran. Iran therefore has the right to attack the aggressor Ukraine. Neither Ukraine nor its allies have any right to attack Iran.

In addition to what you explained, the issue is that the user's legal arguments are usually flawed. Presenting a selective picture of legal principles, regulations and practice, and also resorting to double standards and rhetoric figures to further their Atlanticist and zionist apologetics.
Iran literally supplied Russia with advanced weapons knowing full well they'd be used in Ukraine.

How is that neutral?
look, I also think Sweden send arms firect to Germany, you can ask @A.P. Richelieu if you like, think he rebutted me once. I on the other hand, have no objection to Iran supplying arms to Russia, as much as NATO supply arms to Ukraine.

That did not affect the fact that you are using a reference that supported his point, not yours.
Fair enough.
Remember how our russian "friends" here were boasting about the amazing breakthrough in Vuhledar while in fact turned to be a huge failure. And take into account, elite formations of the Russian army led the assault....
Another masterfully executed tactic of “grinding the ukranian army” and scoring 9 to 1 casualties in russias favor.

On a side note…the best lie is a halftruth…so why is russian propaganda so often utter nonsence blown out of every proportion? Does this actually gets result with the internal russian audience?
The Russian War against Ukraine started in 2014 after the invasion and annexation of Crimea and the Donbas War. Continued with Russian armed forces in Donbas. Continued with the Russian deployment in 2021 of Russian forces gradually surrounded Ukraine for a large invasion force. Giving weapons to a nation at war with Ukraine since 2014 with the purpose to defeat Ukraine and side with the Russians. Iran was arming a nation at war with Ukraine for the purpose of defeating Ukraine. The war did not start in February 2022.


Putin is after annexed coal, lithium, natural gas and oil. A war to weaken the EU for the Trump agenda. A war for stealing resources. A war to neutralize Ukraine.

us media is "educating" americans that Crimea belongs to Russians. So if the cia controlled media is telling the americans to have Ukraine give Ukrainian land to Russia (the below CNN interview part is irrelevant, the CNN intro background forms opinions for the americans to not get involved because Russian Crimea was given to Ukraine and Russia wants it back). No need for EU nations to give their weapons to Ukraine, when cronies want peace with Russia in giving away Ukrainian land. EU nations, keep your weapons to defend NATO Europe/EU from a possible Russian attack.

Here is the CNN nonsense about "Crimea belonging to Russia".

These are the real facts, throughout most of the era of the Russian Empire, Russians were minimally in Crimea. Only after the mid-1800s did Russian settler colonists dwell in Crimea in large numbers. The Russians caused the exodus of the majority of Crimean Tatars when natives fled to Turkey and elsewhere following the Crimean War and subsequent anti-Tatar laws and policies of Russia. A substantial number died while fleeing Russian Empire controlled Crimea.

Crimeans (non-Russians) still outnumbered Russians settler colonists 2 to 1 during this period, because the number of Russian settler colonists hadn't over populated the large number of native Crimeans. Crimeans were fleeing ethnic cleansing, yet Russian settler colonists had not yet turned into the majority because Russians were not moving to Crimea in large enough numbers to be the majority, this would change when the Russian SSR annexed the Crimea. By the fall of the Russian Empire, Russians were still in the minority. After the fall of Russian Empire, Crimea was a self-declared state, independent of Moscow. When the Soviet Imperialists retook much of the old Russian Empire after the Russian civil war, Crimea was SEIZED by the Russian SSR in 1921, Crimea lost their independence, lost their SSR attempts for a Crimean SSR. Russia STOLE Crimea, again and again. Then genocided the Crimean Tatar natives in the 1940s with the deaths of up to 46% of the total Crimean Tatar population - if 46%, then worse % than the holocaust of Jews. Jews lost a substantial number of total Jews during WWII and get their own state - to question this is "anti-semitism". "You must support zionism because Jews died during WWII". Crimean Tatars were likely genocided in worse % by Moscow, than Jews by Hitler, and to say the Tatars deserve a state or that Crimea belong to Ukraine, is disregarded with CNN tidbit of Russian talking points about the Russians giving Ukraine Crimea and nonsense about Crimea belongs to Russia. Does CNN believe Jews belong to Hitler. Then likewise Crimea/Tatars do not belong to Moscow.

Russia sent more settler colonists to Crimea. And this is the information which CNN deliberately hides to make it seem as though Crimea was Russian speaking for centuries. Many sins of omission.

It is easy to get the Americans supporting of Biden and Ukraine. Iraq was over many lies. Afghanistan was unnecessary, the Taliban offered Osama.

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over​

“Even before the [9/11] attacks, our Islamic Emirate had tried through various proposals to resolve the Osama issue. One such proposal was to set up a three-nation court, or something under the supervision of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference [OIC],” Muttawakil said.

The US barely covers the Ukrainian forced refugees into Russia to human trafficking. That is tens of thousands of Ukrainians or more to human traffickers in Russia. No coverage. Putin blames Ukraine for anything bad in Ukraine.

The incubator babies was a lie. It is us media policy to not cover the true worst horror stories from Ukraine and cover them 24/7 with new horror stories, to get the entire American public to support Biden sending as much arms to Ukraine as needed to crush the Russians. Because this does not happen, instead the media focused on lies for months on Iraq.


The anthrax scare of "scary Muslims" was another lie. That anthrax was from US labs. Not from "scary Muslims".

So if the US is manufacturing lies for wars and drilling that info into the brains of americans for warmongering. Yet refuse to do continual 24/7 true horror stories out of Ukraine to get Patriotism meaning supporting the Ukrainian people and Europe defended from Russia. Then there is no hope for Europe being defended from a Russian invasion. Europe has to re-arm and defend without US support.

In short, Crimea belongs to Crimean Tatars and Ukraine. Despite CNN propaganda on saying Crimea was gifted to Ukraine and really belongs to Russia.

It is super easy to get most Americans to support Ukraine and Europe; and to bully Trumper Russia Republicans as unpatriotic for not supporting Ukraine in the Ukraine War. This would shut down Faux News, Tucker Carlson. Marginalize the Russia domestic terrorist Republicans that believed the Big Lie. This would drive away the tinfoil hat Qanoners to flee in retreat.

Yet, CNN is doing Russian talking points to introduce a segment. Europe, you are on your own. If NATO is attacked, expect 310 Abrams and 190 HIMARS and that is it. Don't expect the Americans to defeat the Russians. US wants their war with China.

Democrats can finish off Trump and Putin and refuse to do so. I comprehend the answer why, I have said the reason many times.

Unnecessary wars in the Middle East to fight Muslim "terrorists" is ok.

US full scale lie operation for years for war support to support war on terror. Convering mass rapes stories every minute of the day and the many other Russian warcrimes. Meh, "crimean was given to Ukraine by the USSR, it belonged to Russia", says CNN.

Defending Ukraine from a Russian invasion is "meh, send 31 Abrams". Maybe 32, maybe 42. US Imperialism: "Defending Russian Imperialism since 1991"™. No US defending Chechnya in two wars. The later started with a typical Putin Russian false flag.

US lets Russian Imperialism annex Crimea. US: "send 20-40 HIMARS to defend from a Russian invasion". Europe you are on your own. US is not sending the signal to Russia to stop their imperial wars against genocided people of Chechnya, Crimea, Ukraine. And Russia wants more. If China moves an inch, it is war with nuclear china. Russians could invade Germany and occupy Berlin and US would send Putin to the corner with no dinner, only dessert. Germany you are on your own. Get as much military equipment for a war with Russia, and stop giving weapons to Ukraine.

There is actually real strategic and Geo-political reasons for the USA to stop Russia in Ukraine. Gets Europe on board against Pro-Putin Iran and Pro-Putin China. Makes China think twice about doing the same to Taiwan. China does not feel emboldened about taking Taiwan after the US disaster in Ukraine, because perhaps China sees that China is being baited to attack Taiwan. That is if China is smart. With the foreign policy in China of "kill whitey", Chinese are really dumb.

The perception is Biden lets the Democratic playground of Ukraine go to Republican Russian opposition. Biden is even less tied in with Taiwan and a Taiwan war. If Biden lets Ukraine to fall to Russia, then Biden would not care about Taiwan. That is the perception. The same handlers of Biden and the Democrats that tell them to do minimal in Ukraine are the same handlers to tell Democrats to have war with China. So that is the intangibles of this geopolitical play. Would Biden allow China annex Taiwan, IDK. I could try to figure that out, though I don't want to help out China. So I don't care.
I am sure that swedish autorities did everything possible to arranve information as it suits them.
I thinl they even allowed at one moment of war withdrawal of german division via swedish teritory.
Bottom line is thay should not be to loud when pointing fjnger on Iran cooperation with russia as they have shady past themselfs.
Nope. Sweden announced that it was not neutral in the Winter War where the Soviets attacked Finland in a War of Aggression. It declared itself to be non-belligerent. This is a non-neutral position which has no meaning in International Law, but the Soviets avoided attacking Sweden except by mistake, and Sweden did not attack the Soviets either. The non-neutral position allowed Sweden to ship weapons and there were aboit 10,000 volunteers which joined the Finns.

When Finland asked Sweden to allow passage of a single German division from Norway to Finland a few days into Barbarossa, that was a natural continuation of that support. The Finns, with few deviations, retook the parts the Soviets occupied in the Winter War and stopped.

The support of the Finns is nothing to be ashamed of.
We supported them against a war of aggression, like we now support Ukraine against a war of aggression.
Iran is supporting Russias War of Agression out of choice. They are not threatened with an invasion if they do not support Russia. They have a lot to be ashamed off.

I do not want to fragment situation further to the tiniest detail, point is that Sweden supported war efforts of nazi Germany to the end and suffered no consequences for it, on the other hand swedish guy want to give sermon about moral for Iran cooperation with Russia even dough it is on completely legal basys.
I would say decrease the fish when you are retelling story.
Sweden did not ”support Germany to the end”.
Sweden was caught between a rock and a hard place and did what it knew it had to do to stay out of the war. Swedish intelligence knew the limitations based on decrypted messages.
Hitler wanted to invade Sweden in 1943 because we ignored his demands.
You do not invade close allies.
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Well done Ukrainians fight till your last blood and preserve each and every inch of your country Ukraine the whole world is admiring your heroic resistance and war against invading russian establishment and armed forces every country with morality will back Ukraine as it never threatened russia with war or even with war of words instead russia chose to occupy kill plunder rape Ukraine and its civilians
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