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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The ukrainians could probably hold the city forever, and I am sure they intend to hold it for as long as possible. I just worry about a sudden break at the southern flank and a possible encirclement, or atleast a situation where holding the city becomes extremely difficult and costly - and the ukrainians would end up staying at all cost. The city has become a symbol, hopefully someone is able to make rational decisions.
But I might be too pessimistic. The russians are moving at snails pace.
No need to hold any position at any costs. The Russians lose men and materials at unsustainable rate. 500 men casualties per day is terrible for Putin he is desperate for more men. Ukraine’s strategy is to make it worse for the Russians by the days. Until they withdraw.

Ukraine army has built up a fallback positions 30-50km away from Bakhmut. the Ukraine defenders can retreat to there, in case the Russians overrun the city.
From fallback positions Ukraine can target the invaders by long range artillery. That’s the long range missiles the US will deliver soon.
Ukraine should be provided attack armed helicopters gunships to take out russian tanks and armoured thrusts if the world aint giving them fighter jets to hit russian tanks and russian armoured carriers
Ukraine needs to be given the opportunity to break through the Russian lines and take back most of Ukraine. Soon, Russian numerical superiority is going to thwart that objective.

Every week, Ukraine needs more and more to breakthrough and recapture occupied territories. The longer the delays in breakthrough weapons of artillery, rockets, drones and their needed ammo, the less likelihood of a Ukrainian victory.

Ukraine too needs offensive mobile weapons that kill the enemy before the enemy can destroy the Ukrainian tank/IFV. These advanced mobile units with anti-infantry firepower greater than 4-5km have the capacity to breakthrough Russian lines, not only breakout. It is a fight between shoulder fired Russian weapons vs these. Those with the greater range win. You can use the older vulnerable mobile weapons for breakout, counterattacks, traps, and for support of Ukrainian lines in reserves. Artillery and drones are needed heavily.

Europe needs to learn and make a substantial number of key equipment - artillery and drones.

Attack helicopters are great for counter-attacking mobile moving units. Hopefully there are no MANPADS with the armoured units, usually there is. I hope they listen to your advise. To hit fixed position tanks, it is safer and cheaper to use inexpensive drones/guided bombs and ranged attacks (guided artillery).
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I can't believe we are still arguing the last few pages about who is and isn't an aggressor. At the end of the day, this shit doesn't matter, and let both sides continue killing.
But it does matter -- a lot.

Think about this for a moment. Before you do anything, and I say 'you' generically, the first thing that %99.999 of us do is wonder who would approve of what you are about to do, whether the decision is to buy a new pair of shoes or a career change, or really important who you marry. No difference with nation-states. Even if what you want to do is for self interests, as all countries do, the first thing that advisors would find out is how many allies, or even adversaries, would approve. War is the equivalent of getting marry -- the most important. You are going to kill people and you want as much moral support as possible. The more approved, the weaker any condemnation.
You are implying that Russian soldier salary is more than USA army?
I guess you are mistaken.

@jhungary , @gambit may I ask you to comment on this.
Sure -- NO.

When I was active duty, there were many US veterans in the service of other countries in many specialties, but most of them are in non-combat positions. They are technically 'mercenaries' in the widest context of the word but not mercenaries in the practical sense. A retired F-15 pilot serving as a 'technical advisor' to the Saudi Air Force is technically a 'mercenary' even though he would never strap in a jet and fly combat missions for Saudi Arabia, and in that advisory job, he would be paid more than his USAF active duty counterparts. After I got out, based on my F-111 and F-16 yrs, I could have made 6-figures easily even in the 1990s. But I chose not to take that path.

If we are talking about sworn service members and not mercenaries or 'contractors', then 'No', the average Russian soldier, airman, sailor, and marine are not paid more than their US counterparts, especially if we are looking at the conscripted ranks. We are not talking about an emergency raise in pay to get fighting men for this Russia-Ukraine War but about the average wage that the Russian military pay for a peacetime military.


As Newsweek previously reported, investigative media outlet Important Stories found Russian prisoners in St. Petersburg are being offered freedom and money if they join Putin's war against Ukraine.
Relatives of prisoners serving sentences in the city told the publication that the notorious Russian mercenary Wagner Group is offering to pay 200,000 rubles and an amnesty, for six months of "voluntary" service in the Donbas region—if the prisoners return alive.
And Russian authorities are continuing to recruit contract workers en masse without announcing war mobilization, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation under the country's National Security and Defense Council, which found that more than 22,200 vacancies for contract servicemen have appeared in regional employment centers.​
An umemployed man from Tatarstan told Important Stories that he was offered a salary of about 300,000 rubles ($5,126) a month to join Putin's war in Ukraine.​

...Is not how the US recruit.
You are implying that Russian soldier salary is more than USA army?
I guess you are mistaken.

@jhungary , @gambit may I ask you to comment on this.
Probably for Wagner people before the war, not the rate the prisoner or where ever the hell they now recruit from.

These people most likely get a significantly reduced rate.

a Normal Russian conscript are paying around $900 per month if I remember correctly.

Sure -- NO.

When I was active duty, there were many US veterans in the service of other countries in many specialties, but most of them are in non-combat positions. They are technically 'mercenaries' in the widest context of the word but not mercenaries in the practical sense. A retired F-15 pilot serving as a 'technical advisor' to the Saudi Air Force is technically a 'mercenary' even though he would never strap in a jet and fly combat missions for Saudi Arabia, and in that advisory job, he would be paid more than his USAF active duty counterparts. After I got out, based on my F-111 and F-16 yrs, I could have made 6-figures easily even in the 1990s. But I chose not to take that path.

If we are talking about sworn service members and not mercenaries or 'contractors', then 'No', the average Russian soldier, airman, sailor, and marine are not paid more than their US counterparts, especially if we are looking at the conscripted ranks. We are not talking about an emergency raise in pay to get fighting men for this Russia-Ukraine War but about the average wage that the Russian military pay for a peacetime military.


As Newsweek previously reported, investigative media outlet Important Stories found Russian prisoners in St. Petersburg are being offered freedom and money if they join Putin's war against Ukraine.
Relatives of prisoners serving sentences in the city told the publication that the notorious Russian mercenary Wagner Group is offering to pay 200,000 rubles and an amnesty, for six months of "voluntary" service in the Donbas region—if the prisoners return alive.
And Russian authorities are continuing to recruit contract workers en masse without announcing war mobilization, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation under the country's National Security and Defense Council, which found that more than 22,200 vacancies for contract servicemen have appeared in regional employment centers.​
An umemployed man from Tatarstan told Important Stories that he was offered a salary of about 300,000 rubles ($5,126) a month to join Putin's war in Ukraine.​

...Is not how the US recruit.
Private sector always, ALWAYS pay more than government paygrade.

One of the big PMC actually approach me and ask me to join them with a significant payrise after I got out. I was earning around $5700 a month in the Army, their pay package is almost 5 times that.

But then PMC like to hire people that have special skill, I have knowledge on NATO communication framework and structure, and have had actual experience running intelligence operation, which is a giant plus for them to recruit.
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Sure -- NO.

When I was active duty, there were many US veterans in the service of other countries in many specialties, but most of them are in non-combat positions. They are technically 'mercenaries' in the widest context of the word but not mercenaries in the practical sense. A retired F-15 pilot serving as a 'technical advisor' to the Saudi Air Force is technically a 'mercenary' even though he would never strap in a jet and fly combat missions for Saudi Arabia, and in that advisory job, he would be paid more than his USAF active duty counterparts. After I got out, based on my F-111 and F-16 yrs, I could have made 6-figures easily even in the 1990s. But I chose not to take that path.

If we are talking about sworn service members and not mercenaries or 'contractors', then 'No', the average Russian soldier, airman, sailor, and marine are not paid more than their US counterparts, especially if we are looking at the conscripted ranks. We are not talking about an emergency raise in pay to get fighting men for this Russia-Ukraine War but about the average wage that the Russian military pay for a peacetime military.


As Newsweek previously reported, investigative media outlet Important Stories found Russian prisoners in St. Petersburg are being offered freedom and money if they join Putin's war against Ukraine.
Relatives of prisoners serving sentences in the city told the publication that the notorious Russian mercenary Wagner Group is offering to pay 200,000 rubles and an amnesty, for six months of "voluntary" service in the Donbas region—if the prisoners return alive.
And Russian authorities are continuing to recruit contract workers en masse without announcing war mobilization, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation under the country's National Security and Defense Council, which found that more than 22,200 vacancies for contract servicemen have appeared in regional employment centers.​
An umemployed man from Tatarstan told Important Stories that he was offered a salary of about 300,000 rubles ($5,126) a month to join Putin's war in Ukraine.​

...Is not how the US recruit.


An advisor would not count as a Mercenary Since they would fail (b) and probably (d) as well.

3 Russian missile weapons capable of effectively countering the latest Western tanks, no matter how different their models are!.. Get to know them in this video!
- Khrizantima
- Izdiilye 305
- Kornet

Aerial scenes of the Ukrainian army repelling an attack by the Russian forces..

What weapon was used in the last video?ATGM?Switchblade?
Basically, the ICJ ruled that the US arming rebel groups -- the contras -- constitutes aggression against Nicaragua. But not only has the ICJ, but members of this forum opined that the US did committed 'aggression' against Nicaragua during the Cold War. So if the US was the aggressor against Nicaragua even though the US never sent troops, the US today is a belligerent against Russia by providing weapons to Ukraine.
ICJ is applicable to the countries that recognize it not every country .
also as the ruling of the court imply first it is stablished that the USA trained and provide weapon to the contras during the conflict not before that , and they were non state actors that had no business receiving those weapons .
these are the countries that recognize ICJ
 Australia 22 March 2002
 Austria 19 May 1971
 Barbados 1 August 1980
 Belgium 17 June 1958
 Botswana 16 March 1970
 Bulgaria 27 November 2015
 Cambodia 19 September 1957
 Cameroon 3 March 1994
 Canada 10 May 1994
 Costa Rica 20 February 1973
 Cote d'Ivoire 29 August 2001
 Cyprus 3 September 2002
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 8 February 1989
 Denmark 10 December 1956
 Djibouti 2 September 2005
 Dominican Republic 30 September 1924
 Dominica, Commonwealth of 24 March 2006
 Egypt 22 July 1957
 Equatorial Guinea 11 August 2017
 Estonia 21 October 1991
 Finland 25 June 1958
 Gambia 22 June 1966
 Georgia 20 June 1995
 Germany 30 April 2008
 Greece 14 January 2015
 Guinea-Bissau 7 August 1989
 Guinea, Republic of 4 December 1998
 Haiti 4 October 1921
 Honduras 6 June 1986
 Hungary 22 October 1992
 India 27 September 2019
 Ireland 15 December 2011
 Italy 25 November 2014
 Japan 6 October 2015
 Latvia, Republic of 24 September 2019
 Lesotho 6 September 2000
 Liberia 20 March 1952
 Liechtenstein 29 March 1950
 Lithuania 21 September 2012
 Luxembourg 15 September 1930
 Madagascar 2 July 1992
 Malawi 12 December 1966
 Malta 2 September 1983
 Marshall Islands 24 April 2013
 Mauritius 23 September 1968
 Mexico 28 October 1947
 Netherlands 21 February 2017
 New Zealand 22 September 1977
 Nicaragua 24 September 1946
 Nigeria 30 April 1998
 Norway 24 June 1996
 Pakistan 29 March 2017
 Panama 25 October 1921
 Paraguay 25 September 1996
 Peru 7 July 2003
 Philippines 18 January 1972
 Poland 25 March 1996
 Portugal 25 February 2005
 Romania 23 June 2015
 Senegal 2 December 1985
 Slovakia 28 May 2004
 Somalia 11 April 1963
 Spain 29 October 1990
 Sudan 2 January 1958
 Suriname 31 August 1987
 Swaziland 26 May 1969
 Sweden 6 April 1957
 Switzerland 28 July 1948
 Timor-Leste 21 September 2012
 Togo 25 October 1979
 Uganda 3 October 1963
 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 22 February 2017
 Uruguay 28 January 1921

not Iran not Ukraine , not Russia, Not USA, . the problem here is solved

So even though the US and allies are technically 'belligerents' against Russia, their collective actions cannot be considered 'wrongful' because Russia was the first 'aggressor' of the war, and since Ukraine has the moral right to self defense, Ukraine also has the moral right to call for help, and anyone responding to that call realizes what they are entering into.
as far as I'm aware its only applicable if UNSC state Russia is aggressor as Russia may consider Ukraine actions in Donbass as act of aggression against a country they recognize and they are there to help that country .
remember the UN when defined aggression clearly stated act of using armed force against any country even if its not a member of UN . for example China can't use force against Taiwan and say its not a member of UN as UN already closed that route
What I gave you is an excellent article with analyses on the Russia-Ukraine War. The bottom line is that IF Iran sold Russia any form of weaponry, Iran is an 'aggressor' against Ukraine.
if for that there must be proof , is there any and by the way don't forget that moral obligation argument , its a two sided blade.

now if Ukraine can't prove Iran sold Russia weapon after the war for use in Ukraine by the admission of Zelensky aide they are aggressor against Iran .

Russia overestimate Ukraine casualties and underestimate its own , Ukraine and Co. over estimate the casualties of Russia and underestimate Ukrines

”or commits aiding and abetting aggression”
I already provided an excerpt of the rules that states that shipping arms to a belligerent is a violation of neutrality.
Your memory is not much bette4 than that of a small bird.

When You help an aggressor, you become an agressor.
You can argue whatever You want, but it won’t help Iran.
and law of neutrality is not applicable and according to rest of the article assist is what I said
as far as I'm aware its only applicable if UNSC state Russia is aggressor as Russia may consider Ukraine actions in Donbass as act of aggression against a country they recognize and they are there to help that country .
Which is embarrassing BS.
So if the United States strikes Iran without any reason, it is not a War of Aggression?
If Pakistan strikes Iran, and the US vetoes any resolution, it is not a War of Aggression? Anything which lacks a Casus Belli is a War of Aggression!
remember the UN when defined aggression clearly stated act of using armed force against any country even if its not a member of UN . for example China can't use force against Taiwan and say its not a member of UN as UN already closed that route

if for that there must be proof , is there any and by the way don't forget that moral obligation argument , its a two sided blade.

now if Ukraine can't prove Iran sold Russia weapon after the war for use in Ukraine by the admission of Zelensky aide they are aggressor against Iran .
No, this is a matter of facts.
If Iran has shipped weapons to Russia after 2022-02-24, then Iran is the aggressor.
Iran is the aggressor, even if it can’t be proved.
If Iran did not ship weapons, it is not the agressor.
and law of neutrality is not applicable and according to rest of the article assist is what I said
Of course the the law of neutrality is applicable.
That is what determines if Iran can be legally attacked.
Which is embarrassing BS.
that explain all this war from both side

No, this is a matter of facts.
If Iran has shipped weapons to Russia after 2022-02-24, then Iran is the aggressor.
Iran is the aggressor, even if it can’t be proved.
If Iran did not ship weapons, it is not the agressor.
wrong proof is essential and as you can't prove it , then Iran did not do that , but aide to Zelensky admitted their involvement in Isfahan failure so here Ukraine is aggressor .

Of course the the law of neutrality is applicable.
That is what determines if Iran can be legally attacked.
its not applicable because nowhere in that law allowed the aggression of a non neutral country . more importantly , the law is supersede by the laws that come after it , namely UN resolution and charter and according to them you only can attack a country if UNSC allow it . now go and get that permission from UNSC if you can

for years we cried that UNSC have become a useless toy in the hand of the VETO right owner and nobody cared because it suited them . now you can reap the fruit of not hearing our warnings
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