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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Probably for Wagner people before the war, not the rate the prisoner or where ever the hell they now recruit from.

These people most likely get a significantly reduced rate.

a Normal Russian conscript are paying around $900 per month if I remember correctly.

Private sector always, ALWAYS pay more than government paygrade.

One of the big PMC actually approach me and ask me to join them with a significant payrise after I got out. I was earning around $5700 a month in the Army, their pay package is almost 5 times that.

But then PMC like to hire people that have special skill, I have knowledge on NATO communication framework and structure, and have had actual experience running intelligence operation, which is a giant plus for them to recruit.
Sure -- NO.

When I was active duty, there were many US veterans in the service of other countries in many specialties, but most of them are in non-combat positions. They are technically 'mercenaries' in the widest context of the word but not mercenaries in the practical sense. A retired F-15 pilot serving as a 'technical advisor' to the Saudi Air Force is technically a 'mercenary' even though he would never strap in a jet and fly combat missions for Saudi Arabia, and in that advisory job, he would be paid more than his USAF active duty counterparts. After I got out, based on my F-111 and F-16 yrs, I could have made 6-figures easily even in the 1990s. But I chose not to take that path.

If we are talking about sworn service members and not mercenaries or 'contractors', then 'No', the average Russian soldier, airman, sailor, and marine are not paid more than their US counterparts, especially if we are looking at the conscripted ranks. We are not talking about an emergency raise in pay to get fighting men for this Russia-Ukraine War but about the average wage that the Russian military pay for a peacetime military.


As Newsweek previously reported, investigative media outlet Important Stories found Russian prisoners in St. Petersburg are being offered freedom and money if they join Putin's war against Ukraine.
Relatives of prisoners serving sentences in the city told the publication that the notorious Russian mercenary Wagner Group is offering to pay 200,000 rubles and an amnesty, for six months of "voluntary" service in the Donbas region—if the prisoners return alive.
And Russian authorities are continuing to recruit contract workers en masse without announcing war mobilization, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation under the country's National Security and Defense Council, which found that more than 22,200 vacancies for contract servicemen have appeared in regional employment centers.​
An umemployed man from Tatarstan told Important Stories that he was offered a salary of about 300,000 rubles ($5,126) a month to join Putin's war in Ukraine.​

...Is not how the US recruit.
Security forces (Army/ AF/ navy) and teachers are backbone of a country. One safeguard nations and other build / bring up new generation and both are not paid well in USA. Why are the Americans going in wrong direction?

On topic, new arm transfer including 100+ tanks are not enough for Ukraine to win. Whole united west has announced full support to Ukraine, why aren't they providing full support to get this war over at the earliest?
that explain all this war from both side

wrong proof is essential and as you can't prove it , then Iran did not do that , but aide to Zelensky admitted their involvement in Isfahan failure so here Ukraine is aggressor .

its not applicable because nowhere in that law allowed the aggression of a non neutral country . more importantly , the law is supersede by the laws that come after it , namely UN resolution and charter and according to them you only can attack a country if UNSC allow it . now go and get that permission from UNSC if you can

non-neutral == involved in the war.

You are not attacking Iran in this case. You are defending yourself against Iranian aggression, which is allowed.

for years we cried that UNSC have become a useless toy in the hand of the VETO right owner and nobody cared because it suited them . now you can reap the fruit of not hearing our warning

The chances is that Iran will reap the fruit of not being neutral.
Russian Army's 'shell' counters US-made HIMARS; Trouble for Zelensky's men in Donetsk - another counter measure tactic has been decrypted !!!
Can't tell if they are happy or grimacing:-


Question is when will Putin go ballistic and nuclear?
Russian Foreign Minister was first happy that a normal country (not Iran, N. Korea, not Syria) is now coming into a neutral orbit and visiting him. Two minutes before this the advisers told the FM that btw, Pakistan is on verge of default and a serious problem. Russian FM is digesting that news that 'ah I see, they are coming out of desperation' look on his face

Bye Bye F-35: Turkey Successfully Upgrades Turkey F-16
You pathetic non-Turkish idiot and devoid of any forum decorum. Why are you posting news on Turkey here. Also post youtube video of eating food. Its almost like you are somebody who is not Turkish wanting to make Turkey look bad by putting this post. Or is Turkey part of Ukraine and Russia and sending its F-16s to fight.
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More weapons, more economic sanctions. The West will squeeze Russia to the point Putin won’t be able to pay the Wagner hooligans. Russia hydrocarbons will halve this year to $180 billion. If price cap on oil sinks lower to, let’s say to $30 then will be more interesting. Reducing Russia exports revenues by 50 pct every year as long as the war continues.
the western economies will take a hard hit. But hey, let’s see who goes bankrupt first.

My original estimate was that Russia has 16 to 17 months left in it's war chest, if it wants to sustain war on its original intensity level.

I later revised it up to unexpectedly delayed sanctions on oil, and gas, with 30 month being topmost estimate before the economy croaks for good.

Later, the number of 1.2m men mobilised have also not materialised, but they have certainly lost at least 1+ million men (and also many working age women) leaving the country.

Russia is now certainly revising its war strategy for worse economy to sustain it.

Big question: will they prepare money to spend in one big push, or the opposite, they plan for long sustenance? Or whether they do any planning at all now?
Security forces (Army/ AF/ navy) and teachers are backbone of a country. One safeguard nations and other build / bring up new generation and both are not paid well in USA. Why are the Americans going in wrong direction?

On topic, new arm transfer including 100+ tanks are not enough for Ukraine to win. Whole united west has announced full support to Ukraine, why aren't they providing full support to get this war over at the earliest?
Some country try to stop loss their people by having comparable packages to private sector.

Most of the time, the US operate on a system that you would be fighting for the country instead of money so they offered less competitive package than the private sector. But yes, this has got to change because a yound private who see 12 months of war are paying around 2300 a month, that's slightly higher than a McD working working full time at minimal wage.

As for Ukraine, they can only do their thing step by step, even if the West gavge them 500 tanks this year, they would not be able to train for them because the Ukrainian will need to pull people off the line in order to have them train in UK or US or Germany, you can't pull that many people out of the line or your line will be depleted. They are sending 150 tank now, so they are probably going to be sending another 150 by the end of year or next year. that way you can guarantee you have a steady flow of resource and manpower available to you. and that they are fresh
Voluntary consumption for Gas down in Europe (source Financial Times). These are decent numbers: optimizing industrial processes, and not heating pools as much does add up. With increased sources of supply and reduced demand, this economic decoupling from Russia is complete. Even if it gas is supplied to China it will be at a much reduced rate (much like its oil).


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Now coming some jokers. If the West continue squeeze the Russia economy, if the Chinese buy less, or oil or gas price sinking more than expected, then well. Putin will sell national assets as we have seen lately he sells yuan holdings.

Yes, Russians can sell more that just their oil. It's good you brought this up as most don't notice that.

On other hand, who will be buying that.

It's notable Putin started the sell with his Yuan holdings, out of all things. Is he thinking he does not have much time left to use them?
non-neutral == involved in the war.

You are not attacking Iran in this case. You are defending yourself against Iranian aggression, which is allowed.

What part of Iran's weaponry supplies to Russia took place prior to the start of the current conflict is so hard for you to comprehend?

Moreover, when it comes to which party is the aggressor: not only had Russia recognized the independence of the Donbas republics after the regime in Kiev violated the international Minsk treaties by initiating armed attacks on them; but Moscow and the republics were linked by military cooperation agreements. They requested military aid from Russia. To Moscow this implied a legal duty to assist them.

Either way the quoted contention is baseless because even if Russia is considered the aggressor, Iranian transfer of arms and/or military technology happens to predate the war.

The chances is that Iran will reap the fruit of not being neutral.

Iran has observed neutrality in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine on the other hand claimed responsibility for a failed drone attack in Iran, which represents an act of war. This means Kiev launched military aggression against Iran.

From this point on, Iran is allowed to retaliate by force of arms against Ukraine. In perfect legality. Nobody will be in a position to protest if cost-effective high precision missiles looking amazingly similar to Iranian made ones suddenly start raining down on Ukrainian positions by the hundreds. Iran will not be attacking Ukraine in this case. She will be defending from Ukrainian aggression.
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Ukrainian plane launches a bomb on a Russian soldier.
The bomb explodes far from the soldier, making himself look like he was injured.
The plane approaches to check it out, when the soldier swoops in and grabs it.
* Quick and smart reaction

Ukrainian defense: Russian forces are advancing in the vicinity of Bakhmut, despite their losses..

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