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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You know that most Iraqis got killed by OTHER Iraqis and their foreign support elements?
What do you think who killed the most civilians in Afghanistan?
(Neo)Taliban did most killing, followed by corrupt Afghan "Army".
American/Israeli/Western (and all other) influences are only a catalysator in these Muslims killing Muslims cases.
Saddam did surpress the Iran-loving Shia and ALL (no matter which religious group/sect etc.) who opposed him.
YES he give stability.
YES Iraq was, as a state unity BETTER under him.
But then, you can't make everything right for people.
Shias kissed US soldiers hand first, later they misused their new might which Americans gave them, killing Sunni Muslims only because they can and were on a bloodthirsty revenge vendetta.
So, pre-ISIS and ISIS came to the rotten core which was left of a stable but Saddam surpressed Iraq.
Same like in Syria.
Western/Western alligned and Muslim powers started to work as a catalysator...
Sadly that's Realpolitik but always funny that only cherry picking muh evil West.

Don't mean to derail the thread much further, but the above description of the conflict in Iraq not entirely accurate.

To begin with, Iraqi society had never been so much divided along sectarian lines as commonly assumed. Every single Arab-speaking tribe of Iraq has both Shia and Sunni Moslems among its members. There's been a concerted campaign by mainstream media to "sectarianize" public perceptions. Media being controlled by major corporations linked to the same powers to be which launched the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, kick starting that nation's descent into oblivion.

One needs to delve into the publications of American neoconservatives, lib-hawks and associated officials as well as thinkers who inspired them in order to understand the mindset that was and still is at play at the highest echelons in Washington, and to figure out how it forged their policies in West Asia and North Africa. One has to read Natan Sharansky, Leo Strauss, Ralph Peters, Oded Yinon, Bernard Lewis, discover the concept of "constructive chaos" to understand that the methodical deconstruction of the geopolitical order stemming from the Sykes-Picot treaty, is not a consequence of some sudden resurfacing of a supposed, deep rooted "ancestral strife" between local communities, but a deliberate project imposed on nation-states of the region through the violent intervention of imperialist outside powers.

Still at play because it's been systematic and has never ceased. A recent example:

Long story short and to return to the Iraqi file, there was no generalized collaboration with American invaders on the part of Shia Moslem Iraqis in 2003. Grand Ayatollah Sistani, the foremost Shia religious authority had issued a fatwa asking his followers not to collaborate with American forces. Nor was there any spontaneous wave of communal "revenge killings" in the wake of Saddam's demise. In fact, any and all significant intra-communal violence in Iraq erupted after the bombing of the Al-Askari shrine in the city of Samarra, which houses a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (s) and is holy to Shia Moslems, on 22 February 2006 at the hands of the so-called "Islamic" State terrorist grouplet.

A surreal type of organization, whose leaders had broken off from Al-Qaida because they argued that instead of focusing on Resistance against foreign occupation forces, the strategy should rather consist in targeting Shia Moslems - not just members of the security forces or the government, but civilians too. Without getting into details, there's a heavy set of indicia pointing to the intelligence services of NATO regimes as well as Tel Aviv as the designers and promoters of this terrorist phenomenon. Because such a group would perfectly serve their agenda of nation-state dismantling alluded to above.

Last but not least, this is not about "evil west" - the issue is not with "the west" in the civilizational sense, nor with the people of western nations. Notice that the so-called "clash of civilizations" was imagined by Samuel Huntington, yet another American author influential within neocon circles. The issue is with the oppressive oligarchy that has taken over and is exerting absolute control over western regimes i.e. the globally most resourceful states (still), which can therefore also cause the most damage.

The same oligarchy, whose components shall remain unnamed here (but ought to be known to the minimally informed), has simultaneously destabilized the global south and opened the gates for ensuing mass immigration into the north. To deflect the attention of the western citizenry away from its own corrupt rule, it is cultivating and managing social tensions between immigrants and natives in what may be termed a horizontalization of social struggles: rather than letting them hold the ruling class to account, which they otherwise would proceed to do, the masses are divided along "ethnic" and religious lines and led to confront each other. Ultimately, this is a globalist oligarchy whose aim is to dissolve every nation and traditional faith system into a planned totalitarian "universal republic".

The same oligarchy is the driving force behind major wars we've been witnessing in the Moslem world and beyond since the 9/11 attacks. Now people can either choose to toe the line and act as willing footmen or naive patsies for this cabal; or they can muster some bravery and at least refrain from actively supporting the policies of this ruling class. Westerners who consider themselves as patriots, won't be helping their own cause if they endorse the system of domination, including the wars it instigates abroad - none of these wars are in the interests of the people of the west, and public support will only result in precipitating the demise of western nations as politically sovereign, culturally distinct entities, in conformity with the plans of the ruling class. Ditto for those on the left, who do not wish for mankind's fate to be determined by a handful of financial capitalists.
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What are you in diapers? Who talks like this? You have no sense and no life and worse no knowledge of military affairs or doctrine.

No sensical point to push back on other than random teenage memes like 'pigeon internet'.

I like China's economic prowess and the fact that the counterbalance that China can provide. What I don't like are the millions of idiots like you floating around claiming China is so grand supreme and so outstanding that it belongs on its own planet. Nobody from any country is going to boast that kind of BS (be it from Israel, an Arab Country , Pakistan or all).

Now you go figure out why Chinese were paying people to teach them how to land.
You should be honored that I even bothered to reply you. I am usually not very patient with ignorant morons stuck in the early 2000's in mindset.
And Chinese still can't field a carrier strike group launch and recovery at night. So nothing has changed. The fact that those pilots taught you how to land in broad daylight, thats amazing. I wonder how many other former military people are teaching Chinsese military doctrine.
Thanks for confirming your stupidity.



And the best pilot got the Golden Shower.
You'd like that wouldn't you?
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The Airborne Forces repulse the attack of the sabotage group of Ukraine. Footage of the attack of the Ukrainian sabotage group on the Russian column of armored vehicles of the Airborne Forces in the Kremennaya area. As a result of the battle, a sabotage group of Ukrainian soldiers was destroyed by massive return fire.

Footage of a powerful strike by the Russian heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A Solntsepek in Ukraine. As reported, the blow was delivered to the fortified positions of the Ukrainian army in one of the villages.

Marker unmanned reconnaissance and strike vehicles will be sent to Ukraine. The Russian military robot "Marker" has its own firepower and an automatic control system, it is able to determine the exact coordinates of the enemy at a distance of up to 15 km and select targets. "Markers" are able to support the system of operation of tethered drones used to monitor the situation and have a visibility of tens of kilometers. Since 2021, the Wheeled Marker has been used to guard the Vostochny Cosmodrome, where it has already proven its effectiveness. How the robots will be used is still unknown.

Footage of the combat work of the Russian tanks T-90M "Breakthrough" in urban conditions in Ukraine. The tank is reportedly firing at the building where the Ukrainian servicemen are stationed. The T-90M "Proryv" tank is the newest combat vehicle used by the Russian army in Ukraine.

52-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S3 "Acacia" of the Ukrainian army, came under attack from the Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet". The installation was protected from above by a canopy from drones, but the operator was able to direct the drone under the protective canopy of the self-propelled guns.

What part of Iran's weaponry supplies to Russia took place prior to the start of the current conflict is so hard for you to comprehend?

Moreover, when it comes to which party is the aggressor: not only had Russia recognized the independence of the Donbas republics after the regime in Kiev violated the international Minsk treaties by initiating armed attacks on them; but Moscow and the republics were linked by military cooperation agreements. They requested military aid from Russia. To Moscow this implied a legal duty to assist them.

Either way the quoted contention is baseless because even if Russia is considered the aggressor, Iranian transfer of arms and/or military technology happens to predate the war.

Iran has observed neutrality in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine on the other hand claimed responsibility for a failed drone attack in Iran, which represents an act of war. This means Kiev launched war against Iran.

From this point on, Iran is allowed to retaliate militarily against Ukraine. In perfect legality. Nobody will be in a position to moan if cost-effective high precision missiles looking amazingly similar to Iranian made ones start raining down on Ukrainian positions by the hundreds. Iran will not be attacking Ukraine in this case. She will be defending from Ukrainian aggression.
Let me use this old Soviet adage to make it clear:

"We know you're lying, they know you lied and yet you're still lying."

Everybody from Alaska to new Zealand knows that Iran supplied Russia with Drones. That means if Ukrainian did attack that mean it's legitimate.
that explain all this war from both side

wrong proof is essential and as you can't prove it , then Iran did not do that , but aide to Zelensky admitted their involvement in Isfahan failure so here Ukraine is aggressor .
So if you steal a car, crash it and leaves and noone can trace to You, You are not a car thief? Think Again…

its not applicable because nowhere in that law allowed the aggression of a non neutral country . more importantly , the law is supersede by the laws that come after it , namely UN resolution and charter and according to them you only can attack a country if UNSC allow it . now go and get that permission from UNSC if you can
Where in International Law do You find ”non-neutral” countries.
Until You can show that they exist, refrain to use that term.

The correct term is ”countries at war”.

for years we cried that UNSC have become a useless toy in the hand of the VETO right owner and nobody cared because it suited them . now you can reap the fruit of not hearing our warnings
That does not change the position of Iran.
Yes, Russians can sell more that just their oil. It's good you brought this up as most don't notice that.

On other hand, who will be buying that.

It's notable Putin started the sell with his Yuan holdings, out of all things. Is he thinking he does not have much time left to use them?
Yes Russia sells more than oil but oil/gas exports make up 60 percent of Russia total exports. Targeting those hydrocarbons make sense. Also, the West squeeze the other 40 percent they sanction Russia’s gold, diamond, and other minerals. The near total import sanctions come on top.

About Russia international reserves, Putin is rich. That’s the main target of sanctions. Before the war Russia has $630 billion in foreign currency including $100 billion in yuan. Plus Russia sovereign funds with $180 billion. all the money begin to run dry. Russia’s budget deficit rising. The costs of the war rising. The sanctions pressures rising. Now Putin sells yuan earlier than expected to finance Chinese imports. That’s not sustainable.

If the war continues for another year Russia will be bankrupt.
An advisor would not count as a Mercenary Since they would fail (b) and probably (d) as well.
It depends on how far stretching the context, not definition, of 'advisor'. If I am with you at the front line and point you to where to shoot, what does that make me? Does it matter if I use my finger or the radio to guide you? It is a grey area.
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