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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

you and your ridiculous understandings and evaluation of situation.
first it's not the first time that such explosion happened in Iran , second that explosion clearly was a small explosion without no follow up that I doubt did any damage . more look like electrical explosion not explosive explosion honestly a hand made firecracker build by youth for Chohar-Shanbeh-Soury a feast that come in just a month is more powerful. if somebody showed it to me I'd have said some youngster were building firecracker and exploded themselves

and we are not like some reactionary European and American who bombed Syria because of chemical attack later shown to be fake or done by FSA and Co. we investigate everything thoroughly, if it proven that has been done by Ukrainian , we laugh at them first that at such age they still can't find a big drone making facility and then except we give real thing to Russia not just blueprint for tiny shahed-136.

and no supporting a country don't gave others right to attack them , there is no such right unless they raise arm and directly attack you

and no if its proven Ukrainian doing , then Iran joining will be self defense and Ukraine will be aggressor
and at best it was a mini drone that probably managed to damage the protective netting above the facility . Kudos to the incompetence of whoever sent it , who bet it was MKO terrorists or ISIS degenerates not Zelenski and Co.
As predicted - hot air - followed by a lie.

For further discussions in the correct thread.

Iran has violated rules of neutrality by shipping weapons to Russia.
You failed to prove you point in a long thread - that is the place to continue the discussion.
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well like to see him try that.
I am pretty sure he will do.
He invades Georgia, Moldavia, Ukraine. What stopping him not to invade Poland, Baltic’s, Sweden, Finland? Its the NATO and military fist.
Putin pursues a nationalistic concept called “historic Russia”. He see Russians everywhere. Nation borders mean nothing to him. Putin is the brain child of Alexandre Dugin. A Russian brainwashed racist.
Hopefully they trained the crews as well as their officers in not just tanks but combined arms as well in support of the tanks.

They probably gonna need a new set of Combine Arms doctrine, ours won't suit them because they don't have the air power that we have, even if we give them F-16, they would still lack behind the sheer airpower we operate on.

If we taught them Combine Arms tactics, that would have to be anchoring at Artillery and HIMARS instead of using air domination.

He doesn't even have a CLU either.

Well, he didn't have a clue very obviously.

Reading about the Abrams, they are able to take diesel. Excluding that, just maintenance and spare parts. Poland has their Abrams and can help with any spare parts and repairs if the Ukrainians need them. Unless they do it themselves somewhere in Ukraine itself.

Yes, they will need to put some kind of convertor in the fuel pump IIRC, they can burn it as is but this will deplete the engine life.

I don't think Poland have large amount of Abrams that can make a different maintenance wise, if we send them M1, assuming we don't set up shop in Ukraine, the closest we can fix them is in Germany

Egypt have more than a thousand Abrams with non-DU armor on it. Maybe the U.S. can buy a few hundred and send them while equipped with modern equipment and the APU to handle the massive fuel consumption issue .

Nah, we can pull the Du Armour out and put chobam armor in our surplus.

But looking at Biden announcement, seems like they are sending new M1A2 off production line to Ukraine.
If anything that can be taken from this war is, a nation with 1-million men in arms, backed by the Western empire has been brought to its knees. If the West was not bankrolling Ukraine withe endless supplies of both military and financial backing, this war would've been over long ago.
That nation was a firm part of soviet union, later on still heavily within its influence and control.

That nation now hates Russia for large majority. Russia is in an ongoing war with its brother state with no end in sight….

Geopolitically a huge step back, no matter how you try to ignore it.
So the reality is the Russians have fixed their earlier mistakes in the war and are executing it now meticulously while the West is grabbing every week and month who can give what to Ukraine. Any unbiased observer can clearly the panic on Western leaders on daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Again. USA is panicking SO much they send 30 tanks out of 6000 and they are set to arrive in half year/year…

Another thing that took a hit: The SWIFT financial system that the West always used to suffocate other countries. Russian SPFS and Chinese CHIPS are fully operational. Countries are longer chained by SWIFT and the fiat money. All of those financial controls that the West built in order to preserve their empire have been broken. If a country wants to do business with China, Russia, Iran, or even India, the "Fiat Dollar system" is no longer in the middle. Multi-polar is a reality today.

Of course, you and others can continue believing your fairy tales though.
It is an Ongoing economic powerstruggle. Swift alternative does go in russia/chinas way, however western willingness of heavy sanctions also has soft power.

All in all russia is immensely weakened, europe is weakened. How is this “more multipolar”?
Iran has violated rules of neutrality by shipping weapons to Russia.
You failed to prove you point in a long thread - that is the place to continue the discussion.
It seems the concept of you don't attack anybody who is not neutral is alien to some people and you guys did not manage to show any Iranian drones in Russia that has a production time after the start of the war.
But well my guess is that will change if it's proven this two firecracker that only cost us th price of bullet we used to destroy one (its not shown in th video as that was the result peopl start recording) and the protecting net on the roof.
This didn't cost us even 100 dollar but the responsible one will pay dearly. And the difference is we don't have firecrackers in our inventory. The type of firecracker you saw in video is only build and used by our youngsters in feasts
Again, I was making a point because you ask me why I said 100,000 casualty before

So you estimate 200 killed per day at an over 1000 km aktive contactline? What is less than 1 (!) dead Ukrain every 5 kilometer? Per day? Sounds fantasy to me. But hey, its your estimation, not mine.

So on the one side you said to others that their estimations are shit, but the base of your claims against others estimations are numbers from Cocainsky, whereas you self also say that these numbers of Cocainsky are shit.

Is all ok with you? Can i help you?
It seems the concept of you don't attack anybody who is not neutral is alien to some people and you guys did not manage to show any Iranian drones in Russia that has a production time after the start of the war.
But well my guess is that will change if it's proven this two firecracker that only cost us th price of bullet we used to destroy one (its not shown in th video as that was the result peopl start recording) and the protecting net on the roof.
This didn't cost us even 100 dollar but the responsible one will pay dearly. And the difference is we don't have firecrackers in our inventory. The type of firecracker you saw in video is only build and used by our youngsters in feasts
Pakistan should activate organise command and give weapons to all anti iranian groups because of continued iranian support of sedition terrorism sectarianism and separatism in Pakistan iran wants to merge Pakistan's balochistan with iran. In this case Pakistan has the full right to annex sistan balochistan and make it part of Pakistan
It seems the concept of you don't attack anybody who is not neutral is alien to some people and you guys did not manage to show any Iranian drones in Russia that has a production time after the start of the war.
But well my guess is that will change if it's proven this two firecracker that only cost us th price of bullet we used to destroy one (its not shown in th video as that was the result peopl start recording) and the protecting net on the roof.
This didn't cost us even 100 dollar but the responsible one will pay dearly. And the difference is we don't have firecrackers in our inventory. The type of firecracker you saw in video is only build and used by our youngsters in feasts
You only have three legal positions.
  • You are an ally of one side
  • You are an ally of the other side
  • You are neutral.
Once you start to favour one side in a way that violates neutrality, you are legally an ally of that side, and can be treated as such by the other side.

The only thing that allows you to avoid an attack is that the other side may prefer you to not participate with troops. They still have the legal right to put a stop to your arms deliveries.

Your ”concept” has no support in International Law.

So on the one side you said to others that their estimations are shit, but the base of your claims against others estimations are numbers from Cocainsky, whereas you self also say that these numbers of Cocainsky are shit.

Is all ok with you? Can i help you?
Jesus. how bad is your English??

Do you understand the phase "To make a point"?

Let me dumb it down to kindergarden level for you

Your Point : is "Absurd" there are no way Ukrainian can lose 1.15 million with 1.46 million (your estimation) can still hold out a Russian offensive with 300,000 extra, mobilised troop and launch 2 successful counter attack (those 2 are facts)

Zelenslyy Point : Even for his own estimation (ZELENSKYY ESTIMATION) there cannot be anymore than 100,000 casualty at that point, which is what you ask why I said it was 100,000, That is to answer your question in this post
Well, even the understated numbers of cocainsky were much higher than the numbers you tried unterzujubeln (cant find english expression - no its not cheer) some posts ago.
I did not agree or disagree with his point, I just put it into simple calculation why I said what Zelenskyy said at worst there cannot be any more than 100,000 casualty

My Point : Estimation is dumb, it is just for someone to feel good. You won't believe either way because I think your point is absurd. And you think Zelenskyy point is absurd, and I don't trust anyone estimation, because the aforementioned point.

If you still have problem with this, then I cannot help you, because I cannot further dumb it down for you, my advice is to go learn some English.
All in all russia is immensely weakened, europe is weakened. How is this “more multipolar”?

If the central banks of Argentina, Brazil, or South Africa want to do business with China, they no longer have the need to go through the SWIFT banking system. They already registered themselves with the CHIPS financial system, and can carry their transactions with the central bank of China.

Any financial sanctions imposed by the West on these countries is meaningless since SWIFT is not the only financial system in the market today.

When Russia and India are trading today, they both agreed that they would trade based on the Ruble and the Rupee. The US Dollar is no longer in the middle.

This is what Multi-polar means in the world today. The Western sanctions on any country is gradually losing teeth.
You only have three legal positions.
  • You are an ally of one side
  • You are an ally of the other side
  • You are neutral.
Once you start to favour one side in a way that violates neutrality, you are legally an ally of that side, and can be treated as such by the other side.

The only thing that allows you to avoid an attack is that the other side may prefer you to not participate with troops. They still have the legal right to put a stop to your arms deliveries.

Your ”concept” has no support in International Law.

A country can do business with either of the parties in the conflict including selling arms, and that doesn't mean they took a side. This is the Iranian case.

Taking a side means if they are sanctioning one of the parties, donating arms and other financial means to the other party, and are directly participating in the conflict by sending mercenaries and providing satellite intelligence to one side (Ukraine). This is the case of the collective West.

The West has an obsession with Iran, DPRK, China, and a few other countries because they refused to go along with West's sanctions against Russia.
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