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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Why are you wasting so much paragraphs on this Ossi with Stockholm Syndrome?

They use whatever propaganda or distorted news item they can find, and instead to stand and face being disproven, just come up with more and more lies and distortions.
Didn't do it for him, I could not care less what he think.

I am doing this so the reader know what really happened. They can claim whatever they want to claim, as long as I stated a more rational counter claim, that would be enough to push back their disinformation.

That's why I go in detail with his obviously stupid and nonsensical post.
It's their plan to have WW3. Zio-Bots engineering WW3 so that the US, Europe, Russia & China destroy each other clearing the way for the illegal state Israhell to be the next leading state in the world awaiting their false messiah. The true messiah will return at the gates of Damascus to annihilate these fraudsters for causing mischief on Earth.


>> Training starts for Ukranian soliders on Challenger 2's.

You obviously know very little about laws of neutrality.

View attachment 913932

So selling arms or donating arms to a belligerent party is a violation of neutrality. Key word is ”supply arms”.
Minor violations should cause a warning, but repeated serious violation is cause for the use of force. The no longer neutral state can be attacked.

Since Iran has delivered arms to Russia, which is a grave violation of neutrality. Ukraine have the right to attack Iran to stop this.
Since NATO states are delivering arms to Ukraine in theory, Russia could attack NATO, but since Russia is fighting an illegal war of aggression, any expansion of the war would be as illegal.

Where is the UN resolution that declared Russia "is fighting an illegal war of aggression"? There is no UNSC resolution that have been agreed and issued against Russia. Therefore, whether Russia's SMO is illegal or not depends upon each country's understanding of the situation.

Some even accuse the West of instigating the war by orchestrating a coup in Ukraine that has in turn declared war on the Russian-speaking communities in the Donbass, and by refusing to support Ukraine's neutral status.

With respect to Iran, the delivery of drones and other weapons to Russia predates this war. There were prior agreements between the 2 countries, and Iranians are just fulfilling those agreements. Therefore, with the absence of UNSC resolution(s) that forbid any arms sales to Russia, Iran can still sell those weapons while remaining neutral in this conflict.

If Russia still attacks NATO due to its arms deliveries, NATO have every right to attack Iran in a war of self-defense.

This is nonsense. NATO has no business of initiating a conflict with Iran when it is not participant in the conflict. You're typical Westerner who likes to invent the rules of the game as they like to see it.
That’s just simply stupid. Blaming others as excuses. The only way out of this war is Putin withdraws troops from Ukraine. There is no other option.
Russia suffers in 11 months 8x more deaths and wounded than USSR in 10 years in Afghanistan.
120,000 deaths, 280,000 wounded.
Every single day war costs Russia deadly. Russia economy is in freefall if not already destroyed, isolated. That would take generations to repair the damages. When Putin will realize it?
I feel sorry for you.

You are talking about 1 million troop raised during 24 Feb 2022 to 29 Jan 2023 not 100,000+ that's 1/10
Also, helmet are used for mostly everything not just military, Police, Paramedic, Firefighter, Civil Defence, Engineer and so on, 100,000+ won't be enough for Nationwide Paramilitary use, let alone the 1 million troop you claim to have formed.

On the other hand, are you saying Ukraine have nothing better to produce since 2014 and make 1 million plue Military Helmet? Those thing would not be made unless you are in a war footing, you don't make 1 million SURPLUS helmet if you are having 300,000 Troop, you made around 300,000 for replacement, and that's a very generous number.

You only making such number (1 million +) if you know you are going to get into general mobilisation, unless you are claiming the Ukraine tell Russian WHEN TO INVADE. there are no way Ukraine would have enough warning enough to make 1 million surplus set of EVERYTHING.

The link talk about 5000 helmet, not 1 million plus as you suggested.

Ok, the link is in german so there is a chance that you get not all information out of it. I brought this link cause it shows that Ukraine build new Helmets since 2014 for the "civilian bataillions" and since 2015 also for the army. Uuuuhhh, wait, i already told you.

Do you like this one? 80000 helmets within 2 weeks? And still sending?

The whole "West" sends Helmets, wests ect. easy to push numbers to a million.

Dude, didn't I just listed The Kharkiv and Kherson Offensive are between Russian start mobilising and Russian FINISHED mobilising?? While you said this??

Cause you wrote the mobilising starts at 21 sep 2022, but then you wrote at the same time these mobilised were already in Ukraine in september and oktober and then you write in the same post that end of mobilisation was 28 oct 2022. How should this work? Do you think mobilisation is "call his name and then send him *zapp* to the front in zero time"?

It does not work this way. First you look how many and what categories and bataillions, then mobilise till the needed number is in, then split them up to the bataillions and begin training. Also it make no sense to begin training with half bat troop strength and give every who comes a day or two later (time frame of mobilise is a month) extra training with extra instructor. Thats bullshit.

But it is that what you wrote, take a look at your own post:

Russian mobilise order come September 2022 Sept 21 to be exact. By Oct 28 Shoigu said the mobilisation is completed.

The timeline of Ukrainian counter offensive

Izyum 10 September 2022
Kupiansk 11 September 2022
Horobivka (East of Oskil) - 24 September 2022 (AFTER MOBILISATION)
Maliivka - 26 September 2022 (AFTER MOBILISATION)
Lyman - 2 October 2022 (AFTER MOBILISATION)
Snihurivka (in Kherson) - 10 November 2022 (AFTER COMPLETED MOBILISATION)
Kherson - 11 Novembber 2022 (AFTER COMPLETED MOBILISATION)

All this dates you listed up, the mobilised russian were all still in Russia or - if some of the bat get full within a week at mobi start - were on there way to Ukraine, but were no near any contactline.

And that is why Ukraine had much more boots on the ground in Cherson region attack and Charkiv region attack than Russia. But i already wrote that all to you.
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