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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russian soldiers call "hotline" - want to surrender


Russian soldiers at an unspecified location in Ukraine. The photo comes from the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense and is said to have been taken on January 12. Photo: Press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense/AP
In mid-September, Ukraine launched a phone number where Russian soldiers can call to surrender. As of January 20, 6,543 soldiers had contacted the line - many of them calling directly from the front, according to Ukraine's Ministry of Prisoners of War, which declined to say how many have actually surrendered.

Ten operators work on what the ministry calls the "I want to live" line, which is open 24 hours a day and receives 50-100 calls and messages on its Telegram channel every day. In December, the website had 2 million visits, of which 1.6 million came from Russia.

The operators check that the callers are indeed serving in the Russian military by asking for their personal information and service number.

According to Vitaly Matvienko, spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Prisoners of War, there are two steps in a surrender. First, mobilized, partially mobilized or not yet mobilized soldiers must call the number and say they intend to surrender.

- Then he is obliged to provide his personal data. After the soldier reaches Ukrainian territory, he is obliged to call again and say: "I will surrender" and Ukrainian operators help him get to a safe place where he meets Ukrainian special forces, he told The Guardian.


Russian soldiers take part in a military exercise in Belarus. The image originates from a video footage made by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense on December 28. Photo: Press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense/AP
The requests from Russian soldiers vary over time, depending on the situation on the battlefield. As the liberation of Kherson was going on, the line received calls from Russians who, according to Vitaly Matvienko, said:

- Just save our souls because we are stuck somewhere in the mud, our battalion has completely collapsed, we have ten soldiers left, please get us out of this mess.

25-year-old Oksana, who is one of the operators, says that all the calls are different, but that they all give her hope that the Russian war effort is weakening.

- Some people call and say "I'm somewhere in the military." I want to surrender”. Others say "I'm afraid of being mobilized in Russia, what do I need to do", she tells The Guardian.

Others say they are already in Ukraine and want to surrender.

- They are scared and don't know what to do.

Soldiers who surrender are offered to be part of a future prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine. Or they can be detained with the possibility of later remaining in Ukraine or emigrating.

The Guardian cannot independently verify the information provided by Ukraine's Ministry of Prisoners of War.


Russian recruits on a tank during a military exercise in Rostov-na-Donu, Russia, in early October. Photo: AP
According to Markus Göransson, lecturer in military science at the Norwegian Defense Academy, the "hot line" is part of Ukraine's strategic communication.

- They know that the Russian soldiers already have poor combat morale and are trying to exploit that to further undermine morale or get them to surrender, he tells DN.

It is difficult to assess the veracity of the Ukrainian authorities' information.

- There are documented cases where Russian soldiers have surrendered, but it is impossible to know to what extent this has happened.

He assesses that the threshold for surrender has been raised compared to at the beginning of the war. The Russian soldiers have had time to be overwhelmed by domestic war propaganda and shelled by Ukrainian artillery. Also, the dynamics of war have changed, the front line has become sharper and it can be more difficult to get over to the other side. One may also wonder how well Russian soldiers are treated when they return home to Russia if they participate in a prisoner exchange.

At the same time, he believes that Ukraine has a lot to lose by not treating Russian prisoners of war well. A lot of Western journalists are on the ground and have already reported on individual cases.

- If something like this is discovered, it would hit hard against support from the West.
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Heavy fighting in Maryinka..And Russians are cutting a lot of supply routes..
Russian SU-25 CAS, SU-35, SU-57 fighter jets; KA-52 Alligator, Mi-8, Mi-24 Hind helicopters; and long-range bombers have all participated in the current war in Ukraine.

However, Russians have found their missile, drone, and artillery better suited in some of the battles such as the one taking place in and around Bakhmut. So they are preserving their air force for perhaps an escalated phase of the conflict in the future. One doesn't need to show all of his cards in a conflict.
that’s not the reality. The really is Russia aviation just participated in the initial attack. When they suffered too much casualties they avoid further sending into Ukraine airspace. Without air dominance Russia army will not win this war. That’s hopeless. Firing long range missiles, suicide drones from safe distance, from Russia mainland won’t change the dynamic, the outcome.

Ukraine air defense with Patriots, IrisT makes Russia impossible to control the sky.
Talking about forced conscription..just remember the US and the Vietnam war,, it didn't work well..

Ukraine is under attack. There is general mobilization. All men are called in.
That’s not kindergarten. where you have a choice or you can say hey I don’t want it. If anyone refuses he will be treated according to martial laws.
Some countries put them in penal colony, some put them before execution commando.

If this guy refuses to be drafted then ok the army police will treat him accordingly. So reason to complain.
Russia lost? The whole West is panicking, sending tanks, fighter jets, and air defenses. You don't panic if you're winning.

Biden/Blinken/Nuland wouldn't send the CIA director to Kyiv if the war was going to Ukraine's favor.

So get over with your "Russian losing" obsession. The war of attrition that the Russian forces are waging in the Donbas has already borne fruits and unless Ukrainians withdraw from Bakhmut, it is going to break the back of the most trained and effective brigades in the Ukrainian armed forces. This is the whole reason why Western elites are panicking.
Wrong, the Ukrainians want more weapons to push the Russians further back. They are not satisfied with pushing the Russians from Kherson and Kharkiv. They want the Russians completely out.
The most vocal USA critics of China being on top support Putin destroying the EU. So those that state the destruction of Europe is about China rising is nonsense.

Trump wanted to take out the EU, China, Iran. This is Part One of that. And if Ukraine defeats Russia, the EU is very likely safe from a Russian invasion.

One of Trumps first tasks in 2017 was collapsing the EU, this was before the trade war with China.

Trump wanted to short the euro to collapse the euro, Trump asked for more nations to leave the EU.

Trump and pals want NATO to lose to Russia, not to strengthen China, to weaken pro-China elements in Europe. NATO Europe in the EU were defending China.

Mounting US pressure on Europe to line up against China​

Le Pen has stated repeatedly that when she wins she and pro-Russia Europeans will take Russia from the China bloc and with Trump support, UK support and European support of Putin, turn Russia against China and the Putinites would destroy China. That is Trumps plan to support Putin. That is Tuckers plan to support Putin. That is Bannons plan to support Putin. Destroy the EU and NATO, then have Russia and Putinites destroy China.

Le Pen supports Putin winning in Europe because this is her mission with Putin:

Le Pen vows to keep Russia close to prevent an alliance with China​

Le Pen says she will engage closely with the Kremlin after the war in Ukraine.

Hahahaha typical cartoonish western propaganda

“oh look our tank is bigger, has better seat cushions and better electronics!!”

In the real world, in anything remotely resembling a real war… this happens:

A basic atgm will shred them just the same

Factor in cost, maintenance, training, Russian air and artillery dominance

And these tanks are expensive graves foor poor ukie crews.
You act like the Iraqis should have won the Gulf War 1 and 2.

Not by US standards. If I fly just twice a week, even with zero sim time, I can be combat ready in 12-18 months. We are talking about after initial flight training, as in never flew before. Once I am done with basic flight training and assigned to a new unit, as long as I fly on a twice weekly basis, I can be wing on combat missions in 12-18 months, maybe even less if we are on a war tempo, which the Ukrainians were.
How about skipping most of the basics of dealing with G forces and go on to bombing runs like releasing JDAMs or other longer range weaponry?

F-16 for Ukraine:
- Pilots qualified to fly it = zero
- Ground support crews = zero
- Spare parts = zero
- Specialized ground support equipment for the F-16 = zero
Truly .. the Ukrainian gvt have become detached from reality and do not see the catastrophe they've caused their beautiful country to become.. Frankly, it is unbelievable.

A shipment of American Paladin cannons was seen in Poland.. on its way to Ukraine

Are you doubting the Ukrainians can fly F16s and maintain them if they get them?

Thats like saying the Vietnamese and Afghans are doomed when facing against a superior enemy.
The Ukrainian don't need those tank for defend, they need them to go over the line in Svatove or toward Mariupol. I hope to god they didn't put those tank in static defensive position.
Hopefully they trained the crews as well as their officers in not just tanks but combined arms as well in support of the tanks.

Russian guy holding a Javelin

Only that is not a Javelin, it's an NLaw, and it's quite obviously it is already expanded because he is holding it backward. Otherwise the projectile will fall out.......

LOL :lol: :lol:
He doesn't even have a CLU either.

I can absolutely see US sending M1 Abrams, it would just not be now, they would need to sort thru the fuel issue, probably fuel storage and support issue
Reading about the Abrams, they are able to take diesel. Excluding that, just maintenance and spare parts. Poland has their Abrams and can help with any spare parts and repairs if the Ukrainians need them. Unless they do it themselves somewhere in Ukraine itself.

It would take times and spare parts to do that, you may as well ask the US to refeb all their M-60 in US stock and send them to Ukraine. Also, would Jordan give up all those tanks is another issue.

M1 Abrams are a short term solution, US can spare 200 of those out of their 1500+ reserve stock. At the end of the day, if the west wanted Ukraine to stay independent, they would need to look forward to what after Russian invasion, then we need to either gift or sell them large quantity of older reserve tank in real number like 500 or 1000 to make it worthwhile. But you can't do that within like a year.
Egypt have more than a thousand Abrams with non-DU armor on it. Maybe the U.S. can buy a few hundred and send them while equipped with modern equipment and the APU to handle the massive fuel consumption issue .
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I have been expecting this for some time.
As explained earlier in this thread, Iran is not a neutral nation in this war. Neutral nations are not allowed to ship weapons, and thus it is legal for Ukraine to make such an attack in their war of selfdefense.

Let’s see if Iran will start to fire ballistic missiles at Ukraine (without any proof who did it) like @Hack-Hook claimed they would do, or if that was just another case of hot air. If they do, they actively join the illegal Russian War of Aggression.

Their way to legality is to stop all arms shipment to Russia, declare that they are going to abide to neutrality in the future followed by apologies and compensation.
you and your ridiculous understandings and evaluation of situation.
first it's not the first time that such explosion happened in Iran , second that explosion clearly was a small explosion without no follow up that I doubt did any damage . more look like electrical explosion not explosive explosion honestly a hand made firecracker build by youth for Chohar-Shanbeh-Soury a feast that come in just a month is more powerful. if somebody showed it to me I'd have said some youngster were building firecracker and exploded themselves

and we are not like some reactionary European and American who bombed Syria because of chemical attack later shown to be fake or done by FSA and Co. we investigate everything thoroughly, if it proven that has been done by Ukrainian , we laugh at them first that at such age they still can't find a big drone making facility and then except we give real thing to Russia not just blueprint for tiny shahed-136.

and no supporting a country don't gave others right to attack them , there is no such right unless they raise arm and directly attack you

and no if its proven Ukrainian doing , then Iran joining will be self defense and Ukraine will be aggressor
and at best it was a mini drone that probably managed to damage the protective netting above the facility . Kudos to the incompetence of whoever sent it , who bet it was MKO terrorists or ISIS degenerates not Zelenski and Co.
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The winners? That’s the families of dead and wounded Russia soldiers that sacrifice worthless their lives in trenches in foreign country.

Putin pays 80,000 euro if wounded, 164,000 euro if dead.

The families can buy lots of made in China fridges, rice cookers and smartphones.
Its worse, the families are getting bags of potatoes and sugar if they are lucky. At worse, a block of ice.
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