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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If anything that can be taken from this war is, a nation with 1-million men in arms, backed by the Western empire has been brought to its knees. If the West was not bankrolling Ukraine withe endless supplies of both military and financial backing, this war would've been over long ago.

So the reality is the Russians have fixed their earlier mistakes in the war and are executing it now meticulously while the West is grabbing every week and month who can give what to Ukraine. Any unbiased observer can clearly the panic on Western leaders on daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Another thing that took a hit: The SWIFT financial system that the West always used to suffocate other countries. Russian SPFS and Chinese CHIPS are fully operational. Countries are longer chained by SWIFT and the fiat money. All of those financial controls that the West built in order to preserve their empire have been broken. If a country wants to do business with China, Russia, Iran, or even India, the "Fiat Dollar system" is no longer in the middle. Multi-polar is a reality today.

Of course, you and others can continue believing your fairy tales though.

Russia is essentially entrenched at this point in desperation to hold onto to the territory it’s gained. The only areas they’re on the offensive are in Bakhmut and these are tiny areas of the front. And their only solution is to send human wave after human wave after months of fighting.

US/NATO are just sending the armor capabilities Ukraine needs to breakthrough Russian lines.

Russia has lost. Let reality set in Hassan
Then what's the point??
what yours? I only say what i think.

by June 30 the war is 126 days old, with 200 killed a day at max point

So you estimate 200 killed per day at an over 1000 km aktive contactline? What is less than 1 (!) dead Ukrain every 5 kilometer? Per day? Sounds fantasy to me. But hey, its your estimation, not mine.
They are already shitting in their pants before they send their Challenger tanks. UK, the center of all evil, is already worrying about Russian armed forces capturing their tanks. 👇

Post the Sun article instead of somebody that claims to have seen it. I call BS. If NATO was not afraid of losing Javelin and area denial weapons such as HIMARS, who the heck will give a flying F about dumbass Challenger 2. I call BS.

Btw, Sun in UK is considered a trashy gossip paper. Not where the MoD is going to give an interview of the fear. This is like when the North Korean leader posted something in the Onion without his team realizing that the Onion is a satire newspaper. I am sure that PR team was executed promptly

Wow , this is taking the definition of 'area denial' to a whole new level....The Ukrainians are doing to Iran that Saudi Arabia with the world's 4th largest defence budget and having been attacked by Iran never could. Goes to show brains and balls more important than money
Russia is essentially entrenched at this point in desperation to hold onto to the territory it’s gained. The only areas they’re on the offensive are in Bakhmut and these are tiny areas of the front. And their only solution is to send human wave after human wave after months of fighting.

US/NATO are just sending the armor capabilities Ukraine needs to breakthrough Russian lines.

Russia has lost. Let reality set in Hassan

Russia lost? The whole West is panicking, sending tanks, fighter jets, and air defenses. You don't panic if you're winning.

Biden/Blinken/Nuland wouldn't send the CIA director to Kyiv if the war was going to Ukraine's favor.

So get over with your "Russian losing" obsession. The war of attrition that the Russian forces are waging in the Donbas has already borne fruits and unless Ukrainians withdraw from Bakhmut, it is going to break the back of the most trained and effective brigades in the Ukrainian armed forces. This is the whole reason why Western elites are panicking.
Russia has taken a massive strategic loss in this war. There’s no doubt about that at this point. They’ve lost Ukraine forever, NATO and US vastly more powerful, huge losses in manpower and military equipment, sanctioned to the hilt and economically bludgeoned. All of that for only 10% of Ukrainian territory gain since February ‘22. This will go down as one of the worst strategic blunders in history.
The conspiracy theorist in me said that Putin fell into a CIA/MI6 laid trap. Boosted by ego, fake economic intelligence, exagerrated sense of military strength, fake political intel on loyalties in Ukaraine, and a boost by doing a few successful military ops in Syria against the opposition to think he could win. Much of it being subject to yes men who are too afraid to give honest info.

This was Saddam's and Qaddafis undoing and is of most dictators.

Russia lost? The whole West is panicking, sending tanks, fighter jets, and air defenses. You don't panic if you're winning.

Biden/Blinken/Nuland wouldn't send the CIA director to Kyiv if the war was going to Ukraine's favor.

So get over with your "Russian losing" obsession. The war of attrition that the Russian forces are waging in the Donbas has already borne fruits and unless Ukrainians wothdraw from Bakhmut, it is going to be break the back of the most trained and effective brigades in the Ukrainian armed forces. This is the whole reason why Western elites are panicking.
You are back to wishful thinking. You would have called it panic a year ago when US had armed Ukraine with defensive weapons. But it ended up being a massive punch in the face with a superpower and its lines of 100s of tanks withdrawing back to the eastern territory.

This is continuing to stay engaged. Not continuing to supply weapons would be being a sissy and giving up.

NATO is in no more panic that Russia. Its a matter of course of evolution of the war. It was not panic when Russia mobilzied 300K and had 800k men leave the country or had to rely on its prisoners. This is the Russian doctrine in overwhelming human force.

Bye Bye F-35: Turkey Successfully Upgrades Turkey F-16
Did you get lost on the wrong thread? What are you doing here? See title

Ukraine in talks with allies about getting long-range missiles, Zelenskiy aide says​

By David Ljunggren
Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, in Donetsk region

[1/2] A pair of Ukrainian Su-25 jet fighters fly low, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, near the town of Kramatorsk, in Donetsk region, Ukraine June 24, 2022. REUTERS/Marko Djurica/File Photo


Jan 28 (Reuters) - Expedited talks are under way among Kyiv and its allies about Ukraine's requests for long-range missiles that it says are needed to prevent Russia from destroying Ukrainian cities, a top aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Saturday.
Ukraine has won promises of Western battle tanks and is seeking fighter jets to push back against Russian and pro-Moscow forces, which are slowly advancing along part of the front line.
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"To drastically reduce the Russian army's key weapon - the artillery they use today on the front lines - we need missiles that will destroy their depots," presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak told Ukraine's Freedom television network. He said on the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula there were more than 100 artillery warehouses.

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"Therefore, firstly, negotiations are already under way. Secondly, negotiations are proceeding at an accelerated pace," he said without giving details.

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Zelenskiy, speaking separately, said Ukraine wanted to preempt Russian attacks on Ukrainian urban areas and civilians.
"Ukraine needs long-range missiles ... to deprive the occupier of the opportunity to place its missile launchers somewhere far from the front line and destroy Ukrainian cities," he said in an evening video address.
Zelenskiy said Ukraine needed the U.S.-made ATACMS missile, which has a range of 185 miles (297km). Washington has so far declined to provide the weapon.
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Earlier in the day, the Ukrainian air force denied a newspaper report that it intended to get 24 fighter jets from allies, saying talks were continuing, Ukraine's Babel online outlet said.
Spain's El Pais newspaper, citing Ukrainian air force spokesperson Yuri Ihnat, said Ukraine initially wanted two squadrons of 12 planes each, preferably Boeing F-16 jets.
But in a statement to Babel, Ihnat said his comments to a media briefing on Friday had been misinterpreted.
"Ukraine is only at the stage of negotiations regarding aircraft. Aircraft models and their number are currently being determined," he said.
Ihnat told the Friday briefing that F-16s might be the best option for a multi-role fighter to replace the country's current fleet of ageing Soviet-era warplanes.
He also told Ukrainian national television that allied nations did not like public speculation about jets, Interfax Ukraine news agency said.
Deputy White House national security adviser Jon Finer on Thursday said United States would be discussing the idea of supplying jets "very carefully" with Kyiv and its allies.
Germany's defence minister this week ruled out the idea of sending jets to Ukraine.
Russia lost? The whole West is panicking, sending tanks, fighter jets, and air defenses. You don't panic if you're winning.

Biden/Blinken/Nuland wouldn't send the CIA director to Kyiv if the war was going to Ukraine's favor.

So get over with your "Russian losing" obsession. The war of attrition that the Russian forces are waging in the Donbas has already borne fruits and unless Ukrainians wothdraw from Bakhmut, it is going to be break the back of the most trained and effective brigades in the Ukrainian armed forces. This is the whole reason why Western elites are panicking.

Your logic is absolutely stupid Hassan. The US sent thousands of pieces or armor to Iraq during Desert Storm. Was the US “panicking?” Of course not

No, it’s to create qualitative overmatch versus your adversary. Ukraine needs overmatch to breakthrough Russian lines. It will begin to attain that with these new armor packages.

Russia is desperate to hold on to its current territory before these new packages arrive.
Just listen to the video instead of arguing for the sake of arguments. Not sure what you call "credible sources", but people like you would take BBC, CNN, NYT, WB, and other Western elites' outlets as the official "credible" sources. So anyone who tries to convince you anything is just wasting his time.

It is obvious though that the Ukrainians are suffering high casualty rates. It took the US government to dispatch the CIA director to Ukraine to warn the Zelenssky puppet that keeping close to 100,000 Ukraine soldiers in and around Bakhmut is not sustainable. They ordered him to gradually withdraw. If the attrition rate was not so high, the US government would not be concerned about it.

We can also see the panic found within the Western elites lately. Some even went further to claim that they are at war against Russia. And some like the below fella claimed, in order to fight Russia, the NATO "alliance must rearm". So truth is there if you want to see.

Look up your sources. In another post you mentioned the Sun. Just because the guy has an american accent does not mean he has credibility or knows any inside information.

He is a washed out Colonel that even Trump could not get through to an appointment either as ambassador to Germany or the Westpoint.

Eventually he ended up where all losers end up: at Fox news as a INFREQUENT person. This is the same network that yesterday said US should invade Canada to liberate the Canadians.

And you still have not addressed that you must made the point that with an 8:1 casualty advantage, why Russians are barely holding on to half the land they captured. Imagine the humiliation if it was a 4:1 advantage
Post the Sun article instead of somebody that claims to have seen it. I call BS. If NATO was not afraid of losing Javelin and area denial weapons such as HIMARS, who the heck will give a flying F about dumbass Challenger 2. I call BS.

Btw, Sun in UK is considered a trashy gossip paper. Not where the MoD is going to give an interview of the fear. This is like when the North Korean leader posted something in the Onion without his team realizing that the Onion is a satire newspaper. I am sure that PR team was executed promptly

Right here 👇

Next time, do your own search if you want to validate it. I don't like to do the work for lazy people who could do it for themselves instead of asking someone else to do it for them.
Your logic is absolutely stupid Hassan. The US sent thousands of pieces or armor to Iraq during Desert Storm. Was the US “panicking?” Of course not

No, it’s to create qualitative overmatch versus your adversary. Ukraine needs overmatch to breakthrough Russian lines. It will begin to attain that with these new armor packages.

Russia is desperate to hold on to its current territory before these new packages arrive.
I don't think it is over matching but preventing a rout of Ukrainian forces under sustained Russian pressure. NATO is just preparing for any possible offensive from the Russians and beefing up defenses with possible offensive components.
Look up your sources. In another post you mentioned the Sun. Just because the guy has an american accent does not mean he has credibility or knows any inside information.

First, I posted the link that showed the Sun claim. Just because you're lazy and can't do the simple searches doesn't mean it is not there.

He is a washed out Colonel that even Trump could not get through to an appointment either as ambassador to Germany or the Westpoint.

The guy was a full colonel. And unlike you, he has sources who gives him battle-field insights and he knows what he is talking about. He just opposes the whole narrative that Western audience was fed into, and his arguments are solid.

Eventually he ended up where all losers end up: at Fox news as a INFREQUENT person. This is the same network that yesterday said US should invade Canada to liberate the Canadians.

Every news outlet in the West is a propaganda tool. At least, in Fox News, they have a few people who shed light into the bogus narrative that mainstream media feeds to the unsuspecting masses. Whether he is frequent or infrequent is irrelevant. He is one of the few sane voices in this conflict who is sharing the facts that are hidden from the sheeple including you.

And you still have not addressed that you must made the point that with an 8:1 casualty advantage, why Russians are barely holding on to half the land they captured. Imagine the humiliation if it was a 4:1 advantage

Bakhmut provides a perfect opportunity to kill and cripple as many Ukrainian soldiers as possible while minimizing the casualty rate of the Russian forces. And it has borne fruits. The German intelligence as it was documented in Der Spiegel has confirmed this high casualty rate of the Ukrainians.

"According to Der Spiegel, during a secret meeting held this week in the Bundestag, the foreign intelligence service informed security politicians that Ukraine is losing a “three-digit number of soldiers” daily. The report doesn't specify how the losses are counted and do they include wounded and captured.

These losses are suffered in Bakhmut, a strategically important city in Donetsk Oblast, Spiegel reports.

The German Federal Intelligence Service warned that if Russians took Bakhmut, there would be severe consequences as it would give Russia the ability to advance.

Next time, do your work to find facts instead of constantly asking "give me credible sources".
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