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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No no, you don't understand. The Russians aren't retreating, they're advancing backwards. Putin is a master strategist. When the Ukrainians besiege Moscow, Putin will strategically lock himself in his own bunker and proceed to Hitler himself, like a true master strategist. The Russian people will celebrate Putin's strategic failu...I mean victories by burning straw dolls with his face on them, while affectionately calling him ♥️"сука"♥️.
Other than importing from North Korea, the Kremlin must have also hired 'Baghdad Bob' to facilitate advancing backwards.

How many HIMARS had they destroyed already? With this 4 they claim, it's up to 36 or 38. They should just said 6 instead of 4 so they destroyed twice the number of HIMARS we sent to Ukraine......
This does not include the 200 HIMARS destroyed that were on the production line at the Lockheed factory so please keep your numbers straight. As many Kremlin followers will prove to you and I , there will be no more attacks from this point on Russian troops and that will back up the fact there are no more HIMARS anywhere in the theater of operations

You can deny it till the end of age, but those HIMARS are getting taken out, and that is why the Biden administration has kept sending them.

You are right, they are all getting wiped out before they get to the border of Poland. Thats how effective the Russian military might has been. All these missile strikes on Russians have not been Himars, but messenger pigeons tipped with TNT.

And there are two dozen videos of Russian missiles/drones being shot down for the two that made it through y ou show. What is the point? Of course a few made it true and killed an old man. Thats power projection Kremlin style
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Here is the link that documents that agreement: https://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/UA_150212_MinskAgreement_en.pdf

The self-rule or autonomy of Russian-speaking communities in both Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including the linguistic self-determination, were clearly documented there. And this was something that the Ukrainians ignored.

#10 was also clearly outlining the "Withdrawal of all foreign armed formations, military equipment, as well as mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine under monitoring of the OSCE. Disarmament of all illegal groups."

NATO and the Ukrainian government never implemented that article.
Once Russians give these rights to the minorities in their territory then they can be on some moral footing to expect the rights to be given to their communities.

Muslim communities weren't even allowed to hold a copy of the Koran in the 60s in parts of the USSR (father's experience after having visited). So Russia is no different than Israel in this regard: expecting its minorities to be protected while abusing minorities in its territory
It looks like war fatigue has set it. Both sides are running out of military hardware and men. Soldiers will say. Hell with it. If Zelensky and Putin want to fight. They can fight mano y mano. Soldiers don't owe them anything.
US lost AFghanistan after it withdrew after 20 years of failures there and then saying Russia has lost when the war isnt a year old and isnt over yet?

Russia lost more man in Ukraine in less than a year than the whole 10 year war in Afghanistan.

Russia will get most of the things the EU and US sell it from other countries- China and India will most likely fulfil Russia's long term needs- welcome to the new world order- your sanctions ordered it!

To be forced to switch trade partners due to sanctions is not a new world order. Not so fast, grasshopper. It is desperation. Why wouldn't India buy dirt cheap Russian crude ?

not having a strong effect because US is economically weaker today, sanctions are wearing off like cheap drugs, and other countries are finding alternative business solutions and trade routes and methods.

The fact is Russian state revenue from (mainly resource based) exports has dropped. That's the hard cold fact. "Other countries" is a very abstract category unless it specifically included Iran and North Korea.
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Russia claims to have destroyed 60 himars of the 20 Ukraine have. !!! I suspect the Russians lack the C3I to locate the launchers in a timely way and they lack the precision weapons needed to hit the homages launchers. Remembers once they have fired they missiles they will be be off and until they plan a strike the launchers will be hidden away in a protected location.
Use of phones is cause of tragedy in Makeyevka — Russian Defense Ministry

A new common quote could be "You're more dangerous than a Russian soldier with free wifi zone in the trench"
Is that what they use on female protesters In Iran?
yes , its very fun
the only known place for its use is being used to pop the head of your cannibal friends in Syria
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You and your friends like to insult me but then run to the mods when I match you. Either respect the rules and share your views without insults or stop crying to the mods.

@LeGenD @waz
I did not say you are a low IQ person.

But that the propaganda you copy pasted was intellectually poor.
This is a fact. Fewer buyers means lower prices, which i followed with sources that russia has to sell at discount.

I ask you again to not just blindly copy paste russian propaganda sources en mass…but sanity check/vet it first.
Use of phones is cause of tragedy in Makeyevka — Russian Defense Ministry

A new common quote could be "You're more dangerous than a Russian soldier with free wifi zone in the trench"
Well that’s what they get when using stolen phones that are connected to Ukraine cellular service.
Of course Ukraine can listen and understand what they say in Russians. At least they can turn on encryption or VPN to camouflage the location. probably they missed it. Too late.
Well that’s what they get when using stolen phones that are connected to Ukraine cellular service.
Of course Ukraine can listen and understand what they say in Russians. At least they can turn on encryption or VPN to camouflage the location. probably they missed it. Too late.

Even using VPN, you can't hide that you are in a place connected to VPN. It's like a smoke signal asking please to be bombed.
Even using VPN, you can't hide that you are in a place connected to VPN. It's like a smoke signal asking please to be bombed.
Let’s assume you make IP phone calls via smartphone, Vpn if using correctly can camouflage your IP thus your location. However in this particular case in Ukraine, it’s worthless. Because Ukraine cellular service and internet service provider know where you are and which location your phone is connected to.
Anyway it’s stupid to use smartphones on battlefields. You must use particular military phones. Like those low frequency adhoc phones used by German army land forces.

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