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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Its not about money they getting. Its about the free trade if they leave EU companys will just leave production cost would spike in hungary . Orban would kill his country leaving EU.
Both things can be true. Hungary gets a shit ton of subsidize from the EU, so it's not insignificant.
The Ukrainians have lost 4 Himars and 4 Vampires and many other artillery last night..and many updates on the coming Russian attack from the north by the Head of the Ukrainian military in Khakiv and the British intelligence..So many interesting projections..
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The Ukrainians have lost 4 Himars and 4 Vampires and many other artillery last night..and many updates on the coming Russian attack from the north by the Head of Khakiv and the British intelligence..
No evidence of Himars destruction, nor the vampires.
So all these Russian bots on here are claiming that Ukrainian troops are getting slaughtered, all their weapons are being destroyed, and that everything negative said about Russian forces is a lie? So if all that is true why does Russia only control 15% of Ukraine after nearly a year of war? Weird. Russia controlled 25% of Ukraine in March 22, now 15% in January 23. Is the Russian army so bad it can't gain territory against Ukrainians with no weapons who are dying in mass? You bots need like a mandatory training course or something, your logic capabilities are quiet poor.
So all these Russian bots on here are claiming that Ukrainian troops are getting slaughtered, all their weapons are being destroyed, and that everything negative said about Russian forces is a lie? So if all that is true why does Russia only control 15% of Ukraine after nearly a year of war? Weird. Russia controlled 25% of Ukraine in March 22, now 15% in January 23. Is the Russian army so bad it can't gain territory against Ukrainians with no weapons who are dying in mass? You bots need like a mandatory training course or something, your logic capabilities are quiet poor.
No no, you don't understand. The Russians aren't retreating, they're advancing backwards. Putin is a master strategist. When the Ukrainians besiege Moscow, Putin will strategically lock himself in his own bunker and proceed to Hitler himself, like a true master strategist. The Russian people will celebrate Putin's strategic failu...I mean victories by burning straw dolls with his face on them, while affectionately calling him ♥️"сука"♥️.

So all these Russian bots on here are claiming that Ukrainian troops are getting slaughtered, all their weapons are being destroyed, and that everything negative said about Russian forces is a lie? So if all that is true why does Russia only control 15% of Ukraine after nearly a year of war? Weird. Russia controlled 25% of Ukraine in March 22, now 15% in January 23. Is the Russian army so bad it can't gain territory against Ukrainians with no weapons who are dying in mass? You bots need like a mandatory training course or something, your logic capabilities are quiet poor.

15% is quite a lot. Russia only took Konigsberg from Germany and South Sakhalin from Japan. Japan only took South Sakhalin from Russia. Japan only took Taiwan from China. UK only took Hong Kong from China. Germany only took Alsace and Lorraine from France. UK only took Gibraltar from Spain. US only took Guam and Puerto Rico from Spain.

No no, you don't understand. The Russians aren't retreating, they're advancing backwards. Putin is a master strategist. When the Ukrainians besiege Moscow, Putin will strategically lock himself in his own bunker and proceed to Hitler himself, like a true master strategist. The Russian people will celebrate Putin's strategic failu...I mean victories by burning straw dolls with his face on them, while affectionately calling him ♥️"сука"♥️.

Is this a joke? If Ukrainians invade Russia then China will get involved. China has 10 times the people of Russia, 100 times the fire power of Russia.

15% is quite a lot. Russia only took Konigsberg from Germany and South Sakhalin from Japan. Japan only took South Sakhalin from Russia. Japan only took Taiwan from China. UK only took Hong Kong from China. Germany only took Alsace and Lorraine from France. UK only took Gibraltar from Spain. US only took Guam and Puerto Rico from Spain.

Is this a joke? If Ukrainians invade Russia then China will get involved. China has 10 times the people of Russia, 100 times the fire power of Russia.

Yes China will take everything due North of them. When that starts, Japan will take back the Kuril Islands within hours. Finland will leap and re-take their stolen Karelian land. Kalliningrad will become a NATO party town for troops where beer is cheap. Ukraine w/Crimea will go back to being quiet, peaceful freedom-loving Ukraine. Moscow will see endless coup attempts from iz-lamists.
When that starts, Japan will take back the Kuril Islands within hours.

Japan will not take back Kurils. Chinese navy is very powerful. Japan cannot fight that. Also, if Japan invades Kurils, China sanction Japan. 99.9% of PCs and smartphones in the world are made in China. Japanese would run out of PCs and smartphones within a month if they fight.
Not so fast bro- Russia has created 2 alternative routes now in addition to those 2 you mentioned - An arctic sea route,m that opened up due to global warming and Russian actions/plans, and via the caspian sea...Russia and Iran are now going full throttle on using the Caspian sea as a man conduit for trade and maritime transportation , and that is already being connected to a big Russian river the Volgograd? it connects to the Black sea, so there are other alternatives, also INSTC- India and Iran are accelerating work and plans to continue opening new trade routes via Central asia- all this sea route crap that NATo locked up is weakening at the moment- probably because trade in teh world is shifting East and so is the economic leverage that comes with that.


so why is EU is worse recession than Russia now? llmao- stop whining bro- your NATO lost agaist Taliban, now so now you've graduated to fighting Russia, via Ukraine...so enjoy..must be nice.

then why is Russia's coffers full - $220bn in budget savings in 2022, and not bad inflation- still good economic indicators- shows you how weak stupid western sanctions are- Rouble got hooked to Gold by the Russian central bank and then the dollar and EU turned full pu**y and got weak- USD cant conquer Rouble anymore, even while Russia is being sanctioned by half of the developed world!

US sanctions working more and more like toothless tiger teeth- they need dentures.

Ukranians are losing more and more positions on the frontline these days it seems.
Still spreading russian propaganda. The ruble was “pegged” to gold in Putins speeches only. In reality no such thing ever happend.
And what exactly is Russia going to export to whom through those alternative routes, securing the russian economy? Russias main export is oil and natural gas. Oil is traded below the sanction price, and Russia only has the capacity to convert 10% of the gas previously exported to Europe into exportable LNG.
Still spreading russian propaganda.
nope, thats what you're spreading, you're projecting.
The ruble was “pegged” to gold in Putins speeches only.
then why has the Dollar never recovered to its prewar state against the Rubble even with all the heavy sanctions against Russia? you gotta explain the economics instead of just saying im wrong.
In reality no such thing ever happend.
in your mind sure.
And what exactly is Russia going to export to whom through those alternative routes, securing the russian economy?
products and commodities? you have limited knowledge of Russia, hence you project it onto us as facts- the Caspian is already being used right now for maritime trade....how can Russia be selling nothing on its ships moving up and down the Caspian and its railways shipping products to the Iranian border via INSTC? obviously you're no match to me in terms of international economics.
Russias main export is oil and natural gas.
but those arent its only exports- it exports gold- Swiss keep buying it, it exports coal, wheat, titanium, etc- ever heard of these? or you're still in denial and dont want to learn just because your anti-Russia bias is so strong?
Oil is traded below the sanction price, and Russia only has the capacity to convert 10% of the gas previously exported to Europe into exportable LNG.
ha ha -- then let me know when Russia goes broke ok? if you never do that then we know you're a bullshitter- cheers.
No evidence of Himars destruction, nor the vampires.
How many HIMARS had they destroyed already? With this 4 they claim, it's up to 36 or 38. They should just said 6 instead of 4 so they destroyed twice the number of HIMARS we sent to Ukraine......
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