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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Every announcement of arming Ukraine that the old and senile Biden makes, it includes HIMARS and its ammunition. Go and do you homework instead of buying what the mainstream media feeds you. The 20 HIMARS that they fed you is designed to fool the Russians and others that the US is not escalating the war. But in reality, the Biden administration is doing the opposite. There are 100s of HIMARS that they shipped to Ukraine. Fortunately, many of them have been destroyed by the Russian armed forces.

Only 20 HIMARS have been shipped, stop spreading lies Hassan. There’s absolutely no evidence any HIMARS have been destroyed. Not a single one

Only HIMARS ammo is consistently announced
Once Russians give these rights to the minorities in their territory then they can be on some moral footing to expect the rights to be given to their communities.

Muslim communities weren't even allowed to hold a copy of the Koran in the 60s in parts of the USSR (father's experience after having visited). So Russia is no different than Israel in this regard: expecting its minorities to be protected while abusing minorities in its territory

The level of desperation and enmity toward Russia in West's mainstream media. 👇

How the Western media is framing the war crimes that the Ukrainians are committing against their fellow Russian-speaking countrymen and women. 👇

This is how it all began in the Donbas region. The Ukrainian government under Poroshenko was shelling this Russian-speaking city of Donetsk in 2014. It seems Western media leaders either have short memory or they deliberately chose to misinform their audience and the world about the aggression that the Ukrainian government was committing against the Russian-speaking communities in the East of Ukraine (The Donbass region).

Let's assume it was the case(which can be disputed by all account), whats Russia's business in how another country's conducts its internal affairs by fighting separatists for its territorial intergrity? Do you guys even understand what you are saying and the implications of such actions? India can use the same silly excuse against Pakistan oppressing Pakistanis Hindus and invade pakistan to "protect its fellow hindus against Pakistans nazis genocidal government". See what i did there. ? 🤣
In fact China can use the same excuse to invade Indonesia, malaysia, Vietnam, Burma and other neighboring countries who have been oppressing, killing or discriminating against their local ethic Chinese speaking population. 🤣 Turkey can use the same excuse against central asian countries with Turkic speaking ethnic Turks to invade its neighbors . Etc etc..the list is long.
Im sure if that happened against Pakistan you will be the first to cry foul and say how criminal and wrong India is in dling such a thing. Lool. I guess its easier to say some silly things to suit your agenda when its involves others but if it happened to your home country then your comments will be different. 😆
Only 20 have been sent, and around a dozen M270s from European stock
do these HIMARS use radars to fire ? cuz i think Russia might be destroying them by taking out their radars, which Russia has been doing more effectively recently.

Also, there is almost no chance no HIMARS systems have not been destroyed..that sounds so naive.
do these HIMARS use radars to fire ? cuz i think Russia might be destroying them by taking out their radars, which Russia has been doing more effectively recently.

Also, there is almost no chance no HIMARS systems have not been destroyed..that sounds so naive.

No HIMARS have been destroyed and there’s no evidence of such. Russian recon and targeting is piss poor. HIMARS has too much range and maneuverability for Russia to target.
No HIMARS have been destroyed and there’s no evidence of such. Russian recon and targeting is piss poor. HIMARS has too much range and maneuverability for Russia to target.

Spies can find HIMARS. Then boom. Iskander or Tornado-S can hit it. These have more range than HIMARS. HIMARS cannot be moved all the time. That breaks the engine. It has to be stored in a warehouse when not in use.
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