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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

nope, thats what you're spreading, you're projecting.

then why has the Dollar never recovered to its prewar state against the Rubble even with all the heavy sanctions against Russia? you gotta explain the economics instead of just saying im wrong.

in your mind sure.

products and commodities? you have limited knowledge of Russia, hence you project it onto us as facts- the Caspian is already being used right now for maritime trade....how can Russia be selling nothing on its ships moving up and down the Caspian and its railways shipping products to the Iranian border via INSTC? obviously you're no match to me in terms of international economics.

but those arent its only exports- it exports gold- Swiss keep buying it, it exports coal, wheat, titanium, etc- ever heard of these? or you're still in denial and dont want to learn just because your anti-Russia bias is so strong?

ha ha -- then let me know when Russia goes broke ok? if you never do that then we know you're a bullshitter- cheers.
Just in case someone actually takes you serious. Russias capital control and unusual high oil and gas prices is the reason the ruble rebounded. If youre somehow mislead to believe the ruble is strong, and russian warfare doesnt have an effect, just take a look at this:

I will reply to you in 2024 with an updated chart.
Just in case someone actually takes you serious. Russias capital control and unusual high oil and gas prices is the reason the ruble rebounded. If youre somehow mislead to believe the ruble is strong, and russian warfare doesnt have an effect, just take a look at this:
View attachment 909387
I will reply to you in 2024 with an updated chart.

Russia can print money. They don't need to sell oil to make money. Russians copy Americans. Print money.
Russia can print money. They don't need to sell oil to make money. Russians copy Americans. Print money.
but Russians have REAL commodities to back up its currency the Ruble- Gold, oil and gas especially- US doesnt have that available on a practical scale- and i know for a fact that in today's world, the dollar is a prostitute compared to Gold, oil and gas- its value as exchange medium is even in jeopardy as we speak.
France probably paved the way to the delivery of heavier tanks to the Ukrainian army. Hope others will follow.

If France sends tanks I am pretty sure Germany will send tanks to Ukraine, too. it’s just Germany doesn’t want to be the first. Olaf Scholz will keep his words. He can’t back down. There are 2,000 leopards 2 tanks in european armies, if they just send 20 percent or 400 tanks then Ukraine could form two tank divisions.
They can crush the Wagner hooligans at Bakhmut.
If France sends tanks I am pretty sure Germany will send tanks to Ukraine, too. it’s just Germany doesn’t want to be the first. Olaf Scholz will keep his words. He can’t back down. There are 2,000 leopards 2 tanks in european armies, if they just send 20 percent or 400 tanks then Ukraine could form two tank divisions.
They can crush the Wagner hooligans at Bakhmut.

Tanks aren't that useful. European tanks have range 2 km. Engines are too prone to break down. Too thirsty on fuel.
Just in case someone actually takes you serious. Russias capital control and unusual high oil and gas prices is the reason the ruble rebounded. If youre somehow mislead to believe the ruble is strong, and russian warfare doesnt have an effect, just take a look at this:
View attachment 909387
I will reply to you in 2024 with an updated chart.
lol, you are explaining economic principal to someone who said Russian 2300 tons of gold can be used to back the currency. I would love to see it. In fact, plaese do, because at 59.5 million per metric tons, Russian 2300 tons of gold worth less than 1.5 trillion dollars. That's 1/20 of US GDP and 1/4 of US Federal Bank Gold Reserve. I mean, if US dump 1.5 trillion to buy gold and then ship to Russia, it instantly devalues the Russian currency by at least half (Probably more, but let just say half) and what's 1.5 trillion to the US anyway? That's like 2 years' worth of Defence Budget......

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