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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine turning the tables on Russia, close to using 'strike drones' to counter attacks

I wonder if Ukraine can source production of Tu-141 to Germany or the US? That way they can build thousands of Tu-141 upgraded with GPS to bomb Moscow and turn Moscow into rubble.
The Ukrainian army began to actively use the American FIM-92 Stinger DMS MANPADS with two launch containers. Previously, these units were received from Lithuania. In this case, Stinger DMS is used from an HMMWV armored vehicle. Installations are also used in a stationary version. The height of the destruction of targets by MANPADS FIM-92 is up to 3800 meters, at a distance of up to 8000 meters, if the missile is launched to catch up with the target, then up to 4750 meters. MANPADS Stinger has proven itself in many military conflicts. The cost of MANPADS Stinger is about 100 thousand dollars.

Point-blank battle of the T-80 tank in Ukraine. Video of the combat operation of the Russian T-80BVM tank in Ukraine. The T-80 tank is sent to help the blocked Russian group. The crew of the tank, risking, comes close to the positions of the Ukrainian army and begins to suppress the firing points. When retreating, they begin to fire at the tank from a heavy machine gun of a unit of the Ukrainian army.

Video of about 50 TM-62 anti-tank mines detonated on the road by the Ukrainian army. The TM-62 anti-tank mine was put into service in 1962, the explosive mass is 8 kilograms.

Rare footage has emerged of Ukrainian air defense attacks on the Russian Supercam S350 UAV. First, the Russian UAV was attacked by a missile, it flew past, then fire from anti-aircraft artillery was opened at the flying UAV. Despite the damage, the UAV continued to fly.

The state of multi-purpose army vehicles Iveco VM 90, sent from Italy as part of military assistance to Ukraine, is shown. According to an eyewitness, the cars are restored and sent to Ukraine. Army vehicles VM90 have been produced in Italy since 1978 in various modifications, more than 11,000 units were made in total, now Italy is selling them. The crew of the armored vehicle is 2 people and 4 paratroopers. Speed 100 km.h, cruising range 600 km. Armament: 1 machine gun caliber 7, 62mm, armor thickness 6mm.

There is just one problem I see on this for the Islamic World.

Where are they going to turn to after this to balance the power of the region??

There are currently 3 powers that play into each other, the West (US+EU), Russia and China. The thing is, as this war drag on, what do you think Islamic World would see as an alternative to counter the asserted aggression by the West? Russia is thoroughly and utterly defeated in this, I mean, you don't really need to know anything military to know Russia is not doing well in this war. So how would people (not just Muslim) think Russia is a viable candidate to balance the West anymore?? So the remaining option is China, but then one issue tho, China seems to be abandoned Russia probably at their most needed time. I mean, the West, no matter what they did, they supported Ukraine even with the Pressure from Russia, China don't even send their drone to help the Russian or even artillery round or anything, by all account, China is hanging Russia out to dry, and they were supposedly blood brother (or all weather brother) like they proclaim and the longer this war go on, I mean if Russia, being that close (I mean geographically) to China and that powerful counterbalance to the west and still China still wouldn't jump in, why you think the Chinese would jump in and help the Islamic World in their time of needed??
The West, China and Russia are all mortal enemies of the muslim world. The muslims will not pick any of them. The best the muslims can gain is to not be attacked for a while and pick off the corpse of the Failed Russian empire. Central Asia being free and caucasus being free.

Alternatively, if Russia is weakened, it will still stay strong and if it incorporates central asian republics after it loses in ukriane, then muslims can hope to have a greater influence in russia by being russian citizens. One day assimilate russia into its own civilisation. Russia is already 15% muslim. And will increase more and more now.

China we all know about. shocking treatment of muslims. Another corpse to pick off if it makes the mistake of fighting with the west.

The west is too strong, but is its own worst enemy. It has no ideology that can rival the muslims. So long term it will destroy itself.

Say on a hypothetical, if India really go to war or have some sort of border intrusion tomorrow, can Pakistan rely on China support when you guys have 11 months to see China stringing up Russia and withholding their support?
No, no one can rely on china. Thats why Pakistan has nukes to eliminate India as a civilisation if necessary. This suits china just fine. Also the west does not care about a billion Indians. Wont even make front page news.

On the other hand, the longer this war continue, the more expensive the energy needs, the more the West and more likely China would want to seek alternative fuel and energy source, that would mean the single biggest weapon the Middle Eastern world had would lose its power, that being the controlling of fossil fuel. This war had opened people eyes not just on Russian aggression, but also the vulnerability of their energy security, EU was hit particularly hard, while diverting their energy need can nip the short-term issue for now, but the West are going to push for alternative energy abandoning Fossil Fuel probably quicker than all those woke nonsense combine. If you think of it this way, what kind of power Saudi or Qatar would yield if both the West and Chinese step away from fossil fuel??
Went cant move away from fossil fuels. only was is nuclear and the citizens wont allow it. And tis too expensive. It would lead to de-industrialisation. Fossil fuels are here to stay. don't believe the hype.
Send Ukraine 1,000 Pattons and 4,000 M113's, youre kidding? The rationale is more likely that noone wants to see Ukraine become a regional power. Its already probably the strongest army in Europe apart from Russia. I mean who could beat Ukraine in a fight now? British? French? I dont think so. Maybe British with the F35's but they still lack land forces to beat Ukraine.

The trick is to defeat russia without creating a ukranian monster.
US Pattons are actually pretty advanced, fitted with thermal sights and ERA.

M113s won't do much for Ukraine.

Ukrainian "monster" will not exist and Ukraine will side with Europe, it's not a threat, don't delude others into thinking Ukraine will turn on Europe.
US Pattons are actually pretty advanced, fitted with thermal sights and ERA.

M113s won't do much for Ukraine.

Ukrainian "monster" will not exist and Ukraine will side with Europe, it's not a threat, don't delude others into thinking Ukraine will turn on Europe.
No one in the west knows this for sure. Look at Iran. Noone wants another Iran. I love ukraine, I wish them all the best. But at the end of the day, they are a slavic othodox country with surnames not even I could distinguish from the Russian names.

We dont know who will rule Ukraine tomorrow, Does the anglo empire want a second slavic orthodox power in europe? No way. Thats why they will get weapons in dribs and drabs and destroy russia slowly at great expense to Ukraine. And when Ukraine is rebuilt, it will be rebuilt with western money and west will one everything. The slavs will he in a position hitler advocated.

"they will need to be just literate enough to read our roadsigns so they dont get hit by German cars".

Anglo empire think the same way, but are just more subtle about it.
Okay so what other act started WW2 if not Russia's and Germany's invasion of Poland?
UK's unjustified declaration of war on Germany. If it wasn't for Poland, they would find another excuse, Churchill was determined to destroy Germany as it was the only country that Britain saw as a threat. USSR was deemed too backwards to be a threat to anyone. The brits really feared Germany and rightly so.
Send Ukraine 1,000 Pattons and 4,000 M113's, youre kidding? The rationale is more likely that noone wants to see Ukraine become a regional power. Its already probably the strongest army in Europe apart from Russia. I mean who could beat Ukraine in a fight now? British? French? I dont think so. Maybe British with the F35's but they still lack land forces to beat Ukraine.

The trick is to defeat russia without creating a ukranian monster.
No. The trick is to prolong the war while preventing a Ukrainian steamrolling the entire Russian armed forces.

A quick victory benefits no one in the long run. Let alone the Ukrainian. The more Russians get dragged into this quamire. The better it is. More Russians get killed the more unstable Russia become.

US Pattons are actually pretty advanced, fitted with thermal sights and ERA.

Patton breaks down easily without proper servicing. Patton will only be supplied if American troops embed themselves with Ukrainian troops and that puts them in danger. If American body bags come home, Biden lose election.

Ukrainian "monster" will not exist and Ukraine will side with Europe, it's not a threat, don't delude others into thinking Ukraine will turn on Europe.

Iran was arguably America's top ally in the 70s. Hell, F-14 was exported only to Iran. And Iran turned on America. What makes you think Ukraine won't turn on America the way Russia did? Russia was a top US ally in the 90s.

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When China was a great civilization Anglos were living in mud huts. While it is true China fell behind after thousands of years of isolation, we are catching up. And there is only so many years Anglos can maintain their lead over China. Not even Anglos can make a transistor smaller than a silicon atom. It won't be long before Chinese catches up. Don't forget, we Chinese are the most intelligent people on the planet. Thousands of years of peace in China have bred the most intelligent people on the planet.
So intelligent 40 million of you died of starvation 50 years ago. during peacetime.
No. The trick is to prolong the war while preventing a Ukrainian steamrolling the entire Russian armed forces.

A quick victory benefits no one in the long run. Let alone the Ukrainian. The more Russians get dragged into this quamire. The better it is. More Russians get killed the more unstable Russia become.
Every day this war continues brings Russia closer to slavery.
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