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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You provided a picture which could have been drawn in MS paint. I provided 2 links.
A Jewish average IQ of 115 is 8 points higher than the generally accepted IQ of their closest rivals — Northeast Asians — and approximately 40% higher than the global average IQ of 79.1 calculated by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen in IQ and Global Inequity.

A Jewish average IQ of 115 is 8 points higher than the generally accepted IQ of their closest rivals — Northeast Asians — and approximately 40% higher than the global average IQ of 79.1 calculated by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen in IQ and Global Inequity.

So only a specific sub-group of Jews that live outside of Israel? Way to cherry pick the population. That's like cherry picking Beijing and Shanghai then telling everyone China is smarter than Singapore overall.

So only a specific sub-group of Jews that live outside of Israel? Way to cherry pick the population. That's like cherry picking Beijing and Shanghai then telling everyone China is smarter than Singapore overall.

View attachment 908586
80 percent of Jews in the world are Ashkenazi Jews, not a very "specific subgroup"

I don't read Chinese, but if what's written there says Chinese people have 115.3 IQ and Jews have 114.1, the first figure is wrong lol
Intelligence has many factors, all of which can be measured in numbers, that's why IQ tests exist, they measure certain aspects of your intelligence.
Conceptual intelligence can be approximated by the use of IQ tests, although they are very biased towards certain functions. Conceptual intelligence gives us our capacity to arrange/rearrange and process data, but is very limited compared to the power of abstract or non-conceptual intelligence which cannot be measured. This gives us our capacity to create new ideas. Many believe that abstract intelligence connects us directly to 'the source', which depending on your belief structure can be intepreted as 'god' or universal consciousness.

The best example in history of a person who would have by all accounts underperformed in a IQ test, but possessed extremely high abstract intelligence was Einstein. He was operating at such a deep abstract level at a very young age he bypassed the need for language, and was mistaked for being intellectually impaired as a child (he was also misdiagnosed as dyslexic). To develop the deepest understanding of any field, one needs to move beyond the realm of language and concepts and into the deeper abstract realms. Many do exactly this without realizing it.
Conceptual intelligence can be approximated by the use of IQ tests, although they are very biased towards certain functions. Conceptual intelligence gives us our capacity to arrange/rearrange and process data, but is very limited compared to the power of abstract or non-conceptual intelligence which cannot be measured. This gives us our capacity to create new ideas. Many believe that abstract intelligence connects us directly to 'the source', which depending on your belief structure can be intepreted as 'god' or universal consciousness.

The best example in history of a person who would have by all accounts underperformed in a IQ test, but possessed extremely high abstract intelligence was Einstein. He was operating at such a deep abstract level at a very young age he bypassed the need for language, and was mistaked for being intellectually impaired as a child (he was also misdiagnosed as dyslexic). To develop the deepest understanding of any field, one needs to move beyond the realm of language and concepts and into the deeper abstract realms. Many do exactly this without realizing it.
Yeah Einstein was really smart and I always felt like his IQ score somehow belittled him in front of much less significant figures.

Btw, @S10 @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen , Einstein was Jewish.

To develop the deepest understanding of any field, one needs to move beyond the realm of language and concepts and into the deeper abstract realms. Many do exactly this without realizing it.
How would one try to do that?
Yeah Einstein was really smart and I always felt like his IQ score somehow belittled him in front of much less significant figures.

Btw, @S10 @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen , Einstein was Jewish.

How would one try to do that?
It can happen naturally over a long period of time as a person masters their field. But there are also certain practices in some religious and spiritual traditions that can be used to enhance abstract thought processes. Zen masters for example put their students through such exercises. One I did involved placing a random object in my hand and spending hours contemplating the object; its form, its function, its very essence. But the objective of the exercise was to do this without applying any words to that object. Much harder than it sounds. But it is one of many exercises designed to enhance abstract understanding. There are similar practices I believe in the more mystic/esoteric branches of judaism (Kabbalah), Sufism, gnostic christian traditions etc.
It can happen naturally over a long period of time as a person masters their field. But there are also certain practices in some religious and spiritual traditions that can be used to enhance abstract thought processes. Zen masters for example put their students through such exercises. One I did involved placing a random object in my hand and spending hours contemplating the object; its form, its function, its very essence. But the objective of the exercise was to do this without applying any words to that object. Much harder than it sounds. But it is one of many exercises designed to enhance abstract understanding. There are similar practices I believe in the more mystic/esoteric branches of judaism (Kabbalah), Sufism, gnostic christian traditions etc.
I kinda get what you're saying. Most of the time when I study concepts, in example when I first studied recursion, I understood it not by words, but by something hard to explain in words. There's sort of what I could only describe a "waterfall" feeling/vision in my mind.

When I first studied functions in discrete math I did it by developing a "feeling" for injective/surjective functions.

And now I'm doing a bunch of cyber security stuff and I am yet again starting to develop the same feelings in my mind the more I practice it, to the point I know something is right or exactly how to do something simply by the way my mind feels, but if I had to teach someone the subject it would be difficult for me to describe the ways I work, I feel like only I could really make sense of it.
Dude if this seems funny to you then you haven't seen Indians yet. Now, here I don't know if Russians learned from Indians or if Indians learned these things from Russians. :yahoo:

As a society, you can't even crack top 40 in the world.
They are not even a society. They are a bunch of thugs messing in the middle east until their masters keep throwing dollars at them on daily bases. A little slip from their masters and they will vanish forever.
Now that members are discussing societal IQ levels, can somebody shine the light on the IQ level of following:

1. Russia
2. Ukraine
3. Putin
4. Zelensky
Now that members are discussing societal IQ levels, can somebody shine the light on the IQ level of following:

1. Russia
2. Ukraine
Yes sure.
Every piece of weaponry, space, radar electronic technology in the USSR was mostly the product of Jewish engineers.

@S10 @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen When the Jews left the USSR/Russia/Ukraine, so did their level of scientific achievement.
War increases birth rate. Human biology. War has been a boon for Russian demographics.

Welcome back Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen. I was worried for a while you had left this forum and denied us the pearls of your wisdom.

I am looking forward to how your tales of "russian women should be opening their legs" to be mounted by their russian men to make babies will help the russians win this war ( we need a bit of humour on this thread after all).

The last time a dictator(hitler) tried that routine to create an "aryan master race" - it did not end well for that dictator. I somehow dont see it ending well for this new dictator(putin) to try and create a new master "slavic race" ending well either if they were to follow your advice ...

but - dont let me discourage you !!!
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