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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Einstein is overrated. Russia also has scientists.

If Einstein is overrated then what are all of the Chinese physicists and scientists that have their work based on his?

There is no genetic difference between Russian Jews and Russian non Jews.
Of course there is, Jews are easily identifiable, we Jews can identify who is Jewish and who is not.


It was Russia (Soviet Union) and Germany that started WWII by the invasion of Poland.
Now Russia is the only one to blame for this war.
Well UK declared war on Germany for invading Poland but did not declare war on russia for invading Poland. So UK just wanted to start a war, and it did.

whose fault was that? Its the UK's fault.

It would be like Germany declaring war on UK in 1905 for the British Invasion of Kenya.

Today, well, there is no right or wrong in such international affairs. Russia is trying to resurrect its empire just like UK tried to do it when it invaded Egypt in the 1950's. Russia is entitled to try this. Its having a good go of it, ultimately we all hope it fails because its not in our interests.

There is no right or wrong about it, The big powers make the rules and break them as they see fit.
Russia has shown its true self to the world here. The biggest question now is; was Russia ever really a true superpower? Russian ineptitude and weakness is staggering, here for the whole world to see. The only thing they have is to threaten the world with their nukes, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they also turned out to be much less than the sum of their parts.
USSR was never a real superpower that could rival the US. The US could have won a nuclear war against them throughout the whole Cold War. There was not a single russian submarine that was not tracked during its entire deployment.

JFK was ready to start a nuclear war with USSR because those cuban missiles were probably the only ones that could have hit the US in any great number.

USSR's military strength was embellished by the US military industrial complex in order to get more and more money.

US is like 60 years ahead of russia in military tech. What russia has now, US basically had in the 1970's.

And here is the scary thing. Russian weapons are more advanced than that of china. Many people are only now figuring this out.
USSR was never a real superpower that could rival the US. The US could have won a nuclear war against them throughout the whole Cold War. There was not a single russian submarine that was not tracked during its entire deployment.

JFK was ready to start a nuclear war with USSR because those cuban missiles were probably the only ones that could have hit the US in any great number.

USSR's military strength was embellished by the US military industrial complex in order to get more and more money.

US is like 60 years ahead of russia in military tech. What russia has now, US basically had in the 1970's.

And here is the scary thing. Russian weapons are more advanced than that of china. Many people are only now figuring this out.

Russian people love to live a simple life, like Amish. Americans live with a lot of electronics. American birth rate is low due to electronics killing off sperm and eggs. Technology is a double edged sword. No high tech society can survive for long. Only simple societies can last long.
Welcome back Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen. I was worried for a while you had left this forum and denied us the pearls of your wisdom.

I am looking forward to how your tales of "russian women should be opening their legs" to be mounted by their russian men to make babies will help the russians win this war ( we need a bit of humour on this thread after all).

The last time a dictator(hitler) tried that routine to create an "aryan master race" - it did not end well for that dictator. I somehow dont see it ending well for this new dictator(putin) to try and create a new master "slavic race" ending well either if they were to follow your advice ...

but - dont let me discourage you !!!
well, any more of that he is gonna be ban longer than this war......
There are a lot of stuff US don't need or use they can send to Ukraine to deal with Russia, all those comes with minimal training required.

Bradley (US have around 250 stored somewhere not used and not in strategic reserve)
M109A6 (US have at least 450 stored and not used)
M60 Patton (US have 1000+ serviceable M60 in storage, waiting to be converted to target (Which mean it's going to be destroyed anyway) and already retired.)
M270 (US have around 200 M270 Marine retired when they fielded HIMARS.)
M113 (US have 4000+ M113 of all variants in storage, retired and waiting to be scraped)
M1128 Stryker MGS (US have retired the entire M1128 MGS just this year, there are 140 of those)

If US send all these to Ukriane, that is enough for the Ukrainian to mount an offensive. And that's just retired stuff, not stuff that we still use and can be spared, and that just US. I don't understand why US and EU are holding on to those old stock to begin with. The rationale is that you may need that for a conventional war with a near peer enemy, which is Russia, which is basically what these article being store in reserve is for, for them to fight Russia, then why not send them to Ukraine so they can do what they were stored to do??
Send Ukraine 1,000 Pattons and 4,000 M113's, youre kidding? The rationale is more likely that noone wants to see Ukraine become a regional power. Its already probably the strongest army in Europe apart from Russia. I mean who could beat Ukraine in a fight now? British? French? I dont think so. Maybe British with the F35's but they still lack land forces to beat Ukraine.

The trick is to defeat russia without creating a ukranian monster.
Send Ukraine 1,000 Pattons and 4,000 M113's, youre kidding? The rationale is more likely that noone wants to see Ukraine become a regional power. Its already probably the strongest army in Europe apart from Russia. I mean who could beat Ukraine in a fight now? British? French? I dont think so. Maybe British with the F35's but they still lack land forces to beat Ukraine.

The trick is to defeat russia without creating a ukranian monster.

Ukraine cannot be trusted by the West. If Zelensky is ousted from power and a pro Russian man becomes president Ukraine will be enemy of the West. In the 1970s Iran was a top US ally then after the Shah was ousted Iran became enemy.
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