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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The rules were made at the creation of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter. Nations accept the rules by joining the United Nations and ratifying the GCs. They are not forced upon any country.

No international treaties entitles Russia to attack Ukraine and the invasion violates many treaties.
Treaties are meaningless, and are ignored by all those that write them. You basically do whatever you like if you have the strength. Thats the only rule. The great powers selectively apply the rules they make upon the little countries.

Russia seeks to restore its empire and thinks this is totally justified. Its just not going well for them. But no one can enforce any treaty against them.
You forgot the little detail that Egypt confiscated the Suez Canal.

Egypt is, and was entitled to tax anything at any rate it sees fit on its territory. It taxed the Suez Canal corporation 100% of its assets in one year. Britain thought its still a colonial power, like russia, and it turned out Britain didnt do so well. Running an empire requires extraordinary military strength.

Goa was by all treaties sovereign Portuguese land. Portugal also thought it was an empire. it had NATO support. India showed it that it was not an empire and took its sovereign land from it. Force is right and treaties were ignored. Goa is now Indian.

Putin rages against the West in New Year message to his people​


>> He does not look happy - what happened - someone taken his bottle teat ??

>> Blonde lady to "his" right on the front row is here in this picture aswell as pretending to be a "mother of a lost solder"- is she back using the "correct" uniform this time?
Erm - so what the fabled and super "amazing" S400 system doing while this airbase was being attacked?

As i have said before - and will say again - Russian Airdefence systems like the S400 are just rubbish - overhyped nonsense if they could not detect and shoot down a modified 1960's reconnisance drone ....

A couple of things:
- Russian AD systems especially S-400 aren't junk. See how much Ukraine accomplished with only S-300 they had that was upgraded. That system allowed the Ukranians to stay in the fight and denied air dominance by the RAF. If the Russians had gained air dominance over Ukraine, the game would've been long over. And with time, now the West is providing Patriots, NASAMS, HAWKS, IRIS-T, etc. But the basis for Ukraine to still exist were due to their S-300 upgraded SAMS.

- Russian system are spoofed and this capability is probably provided by the US. The 1960's "modified drones" couldn't do much by themselves. It's the American tech involved that has allowed the S-400 to be spoofed. We've seen examples in Syria many times. Despite having active S-400, the US and Israelis have attacked targets inside Syria many times.
If Einstein is overrated then what are all of the Chinese physicists and scientists that have their work based on his?

Of course there is, Jews are easily identifiable, we Jews can identify who is Jewish and who is not.



It's always the NOSE! Yes we know. I feel like this thread is some Jewish family history and fame thread vs. a war thread.

Putin rages against the West in New Year message to his people​


>> He does not look happy - what happened - someone taken his bottle teat ??

>> Blonde lady to "his" right on the front row is here in this picture aswell as pretending to be a "mother of a lost solder"- is she back using the "correct" uniform this time?
That’s interesting. He looks tired, angry and sick. Usually one can become sick or angry but not both or all combined.
He say that’s a special military ops but this ops will either make Russia a superpower or take Russia down into the next toilet.
Well, Putin fights his last final battle.
Where is his girlfriend?
Maybe she can comfort him a bit.
Happy new year.
Despite having active S-400, the US and Israelis have attacked targets inside Syria many times.
Active or no Active S-400 doesnt matter, as long as the order to fire isnt given, and the orders to fire the S-400s in Syria WAS NEVER GIVEN, so stop confusing a political decision(not to order S400s to fire on ISraeli or NATo planes in Syria) with a technical malfunction ("S400s dont work, they're spoofed")...S400 shot down the longest Sucesful air defense hit, period, over Ukraine, taking down that Mig-29....if Russia fires the S400, it will very likely strike what it attacked- can you give us examples of were S400s fired and missed?

If he was alive today, I believe we would well be on our way to warp capability.

At least in the early stages

If he were alive today his brain be the size of a walnut. Brain shrinks with age. Actually, when it comes to astrophysics, Stephen Hawking is way above Einstein. The ability of Stephen Hawking to do math in his head is just absolutely crazy.
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