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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

To retake Crimea Ukraine needs a powerful navy with a powerful amphibious force. It'll be harder than China taking Taiwan. It will cost thousands if not millions of lives.
Don't need a powerful navy. Just keep killing the Russian forces with HIMARS and drones while Russians play static defense. The Russian Navy can't even get close to Odessa.

Are those mattresses?
There are a lot of stuff US don't need or use they can send to Ukraine to deal with Russia, all those comes with minimal training required.

Bradley (US have around 250 stored somewhere not used and not in strategic reserve)
M109A6 (US have at least 450 stored and not used)
M60 Patton (US have 1000+ serviceable M60 in storage, waiting to be converted to target (Which mean it's going to be destroyed anyway) and already retired.)
M270 (US have around 200 M270 Marine retired when they fielded HIMARS.)
M113 (US have 4000+ M113 of all variants in storage, retired and waiting to be scraped)
M1128 Stryker MGS (US have retired the entire M1128 MGS just this year, there are 140 of those)

If US send all these to Ukriane, that is enough for the Ukrainian to mount an offensive. And that's just retired stuff, not stuff that we still use and can be spared, and that just US. I don't understand why US and EU are holding on to those old stock to begin with. The rationale is that you may need that for a conventional war with a near peer enemy, which is Russia, which is basically what these article being store in reserve is for, for them to fight Russia, then why not send them to Ukraine so they can do what they were stored to do??
Lot of vehicles wasting away in the desert to be used as targets or scrapped. Built during the Cold War except for the Strykers to be used against the Russians. Trillions spent sitting there when it should be sent to do what it was designed for. Definitely get them ready for the next year's counter offensives.

You can't send 1000 Patton and 4000 modernized M113 APC, Ukraine won't have enough soldier to use them.

What I was saying is that Ukraine needed some of those influx to get their edge over Russia. Because Russia have a lot of them. Of that list, only 40 or so M109 was sent and only around 200 M113 and 20 HIMARS was sent, that was way under par.

And if you ask me, the West has already armed Ukraine to the teeth, I mean you have a regiment of HIMARS and couple with a few unit of NASAM and the upcoming Patriot, all that had way pass the point of no return for the west, you may as well have a bulk of old US stuff to go with.
A thousand M113s would be the way to go since they need troop transports instead of just trucks only. Don't know if they get the mortar variants. Not to mention tanks as well. If they do send in the Bradleys, they should send them only at night in conjunction with tanks that have NV or thermal since they work best in that condition.
80 percent of Jews in the world are Ashkenazi Jews, not a very "specific subgroup"

I don't read Chinese, but if what's written there says Chinese people have 115.3 IQ and Jews have 114.1, the first figure is wrong lol
Most of these Ashkenazi Jews don't live in Israel. As a country you're quite dumb. Quit trying to take credit for shit you have no part of.

Just the area of Shanghai has an average IQ test score of 115.3, and that's 3 times the number of Ashkenazi Jews worldwide in one city.

Yeah Einstein was really smart and I always felt like his IQ score somehow belittled him in front of much less significant figures.

Btw, @S10 @Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen , Einstein was Jewish.
And you're related to him how? He was born and educated in Germany. You're a nobody from a country relies on American handouts and can't even get into top 40 in terms of average intelligence.
Ukraine cannot be trusted by the West. If Zelensky is ousted from power and a pro Russian man becomes president Ukraine will be enemy of the West. In the 1970s Iran was a top US ally then after the Shah was ousted Iran became enemy.
Hence the need to keep supporting Ukraine. Send in more weapons.

Send Ukraine 1,000 Pattons and 4,000 M113's, youre kidding? The rationale is more likely that noone wants to see Ukraine become a regional power. Its already probably the strongest army in Europe apart from Russia. I mean who could beat Ukraine in a fight now? British? French? I dont think so. Maybe British with the F35's but they still lack land forces to beat Ukraine.

The trick is to defeat russia without creating a ukranian monster.
Ukraine is not interested in being a regional power. Who has Ukraine gone to war with since its independence? The one thing they care most is about their security. Hostile Russia and Belarus controlled by Russia. All we know is that many countries especially those that were formerly part of the USSR are eager to provide weaponry to Ukraine. Even at sometimes at the sacrifice of their own military forces equipment and security.
For fak sake drop a bomb or two and finish this war, everyone's tired of it I bet even the weapon manufacturers in US are tired and want to try something new
Why would they be tired of trying something where they can see how the weapons performed in real combat in real world conditions in a massive conventional war?

Free sperm banks, high paying hazardous pay, and now tax amnesty.

Russia grants tax amnesty to encourage troops fighting in Ukraine​

Russian forces can also receive ‘rewards and gifts’ for their services in Ukraine, according to new decree.
Russian authorities have announced that soldiers and state employees deployed to fight in Ukraine will be exempt from income tax, Moscow’s latest effort to encourage support for a military campaign against Kyiv that has suffered multiple setbacks and defeats.

The new tax measure concerns all Russian troops fighting in the four Ukrainian territories Moscow has declared as its own – Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia – although it does not completely control the four regions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday cited an exemption contained in an anti-corruption law, which the Russian authorities published the details of on Thursday evening.

Soldiers, police, members of the security services and other state employees serving in the four regions no longer have to supply information on “their income, their expenditure, their assets”, according to the decree.
Hopefully not. Assume this war is over in 3 years, 10,000 deaths per month, 300,000 Russians will be dead when this stupid war is over. Putin is the hangman of Russia. He has participated with 300,000 own deaths. Life seems not much worth in Russia.
Why blame Putin, he is not the one who breached minsk agreement
Google Ashkenazi Jews lol

Lol...weren't you claiming you Jews are "superior" in intelligence, good looks, etc...rather like the Nazi "master race"?! You sound more like the Nazis.

You clearly no nothing about genetics and inbreeding lol the Ashkenazi are well known for their genetic disorders and inherited disfunctions. They are a small inbreed group of people, not a race. They just happen to be of Jewish faith. Would you clarify Ethiopian Jews as a race too?

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Ukraine is not interested in being a regional power. Who has Ukraine gone to war with since its independence? The one thing they care most is about their security. Hostile Russia and Belarus controlled by Russia. All we know is that many countries especially those that were formerly part of the USSR are eager to provide weaponry to Ukraine. Even at sometimes at the sacrifice of their own military forces equipment and security.

Same can be said about Cuba. Cuba never intended to invade the US, yet the US sanctions Cuba. Just because Ukraine does not intend to invade Russia, does not mean Russia would not be hostile to Ukraine.

I dont get why one would question this being possible. If a cruise missile passes by, its probably much easier to destroy than a plane trying to evade the impact. As far as I remember the training simulation (back in the 90s) for Stingers were targetting jets.

Cruise missile flies low. You can see from the footage it only gives you a couple of seconds to react before it disappears from your field of view. And that's during day time. At night, it's practically impossible to shoot down, even if you wear night vision goggles.

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