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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

They give green light to deep inside strikes.
But they dont give them weapons to deep inside stikes.


USA doesnt want a Ukraine victory (neither defeat), USA wants a constant endless war next to Russian border.

America and Eurasia interests are strongly different interests, coldly thought.
Ukraine can make weapons including nukes to strike Russia. That’s not a problem at all. Within USSR Russia and Ukraine were the 2 key players of weapons manufacturing. This war has the potential it will kill off both countries eventually.
Your point is trash and based off of absolutely nothing.
thanks, i know this military sht quite well- silence and scant responses is what i often get when i hit the truth on wars and military issues.
I'm addressing your comment with the way it should be addressed.
sounds like you are realizing that Russian military isnt a joke and hasnt "lost" the war per this thread's fake propaganda. Lets keep chatting about this war bro!

WHY IS Ukraine sending Babushkas from its 11th conscription or mobilization to the front line in pick up trucks?

Pick up trucks showing on the battlefield means Ukraine is VISIBLY losing the war- Ukraine now has to opt for ISIS talibanistani style type of warfare that even taliban dont do anymore. lmao

Russia must've wiped out ALOT of military vehicles Ukraine CANT REPLACE

@F-22Raptor you realize Russia can replace all the thousands of military equipment that gets destroyed in Ukraine better than Ukraine can replace what RUssia destroyed of its military equipment right?

Ukraine played stupid game,s now it has to win stupid prizes.

This is a HUGE leap in air defense capability for the Ukrainians
it also means Ukraine is losing the war- because US is behaving like it feels it HAS to supply Ukraine better equipment to have any chance of winning- Ukraine has to pay that cost for this level of stupidity

When NATO Relies on military equipment, thats how you know they are about to lose- all the wars they lost, they boasted about military equipment, and between Talibanistanis, to Al Qaeda, to Kataib Hezbollah, both their superior equipments and will to fight were broken- facts.

Since NATO troops wont operate those patriots- Russia will fry them so soon.

Iran will probably be sending Arash-2s and Fatehs to Russia once those patriots arrive- even SHahed 136 (I LOVE YOU BOO!) can smash those stupid patriots- US sending more money to Ukraine than it even has to give- hunger is real in US too.
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1 to 2 months ago a lot of Russian haters were cheering that Russia will lose at Bakhmut, now nothing but silence.

That's because Russia had not "TAKEN" Bakhmut yet.

They are in the outskirt of Bakhmut near the primary defence line in the industrial zone.


Funnily enough, even if Bakhmut falls, Russia taking Bakhmut is not a win for the Russian army, it's a win for Wagner.

Even then, it's a pyrrhic victory. The Ukrainians are almost certain to take back that territory. It's just a stupid strategic move by the Russians.

Extreme losses for temporary gains that hold very little strategic value.
Well, it took them 5 months to chew thru the first defence line.

They try to come from 3 sides, from Opytne from the South and Soledar from the North, and Ukrainian still hold both.

There are 3 defensive lines in Bakhmut, they just breached the first one, and the there are two more, the last one being Bakhmut River itself. From the rate the Russian is going, it will probably take them 10 months to break thru them all if it is at all possible, don't forget the Russia is about to get into Urban Warfare in Bakhmut.
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lol, it's really funny the these Russky folk think they already had won in Bakhmut when they just took 5 months just to arrive at the outskirt of town. Do you people even know what's waiting for the Russian? The town itself and a whole lot of urban fighting.

It will be like Mariupol, the only different is, this time Ukrainian was not cut off, and they have a better defensive position that they had in Mariupol.

The fight for Bakhmut has just started. And we are halfway into December.......
thanks, i know this military sht quite well- silence and scant responses is what i often get when i hit the truth on wars and military issues.

sounds like you are realizing that Russian military isnt a joke and hasnt "lost" the war per this thread's fake propaganda. Lets keep chatting about this war bro!

WHY IS Ukraine sending Babushkas from its 11th conscription or mobilization to the front line in pick up trucks?

Pick up trucks showing on the battlefield means Ukraine is VISIBLY losing the war- Ukraine now has to opt for ISIS talibanistani style type of warfare that even taliban dont do anymore. lmao

Russia must've wiped out ALOT of military vehicles Ukraine CANT REPLACE

@F-22Raptor you realize Russia can replace all the thousands of military equipment that gets destroyed in Ukraine better than Ukraine can replace what RUssia destroyed of its military equipment right?

Ukraine played stupid game,s now it has to win stupid prizes.

it also means Ukraine is losing the war- because US is behaving like it feels it HAS to supply Ukraine better equipment to have any chance of winning- Ukraine has to pay that cost for this level of stupidity

When NATO Relies on military equipment, thats how you know they are about to lose- all the wars they lost, they boasted about military equipment, and between Talibanistanis, to Al Qaeda, to Kataib Hezbollah, both their superior equipments and will to fight were broken- facts.

Since NATO troops wont operate those patriots- Russia will fry them so soon.

Iran will probably be sending Arash-2s and Fatehs to Russia once those patriots arrive- even SHahed 136 (I LOVE YOU BOO!) can smash those stupid patriots- US sending more money to Ukraine than it even has to give- hunger is real in US too.
Lmao, the Russian military has been nothing but a joke.

Also, you really don't know anything about military related shit. So far you've been wrong on almost everything.
then why is Ukrainian military losing 500- 1000 soldiers a day there? the facts on the ground dont agree with this comment.
Are you 'on the ground' counting these body bags and then keeping us appraised or listening to some Russia twitter feed and not counting body bags but equally hard job of copy/pasting here.

Nobody should believe Russia's estimate of Ukrainian casualty figures any more than from pro-Ukraine twitter accounts about Russia's losses.

Oh no, the paper NATO army is going to collapse since there are only 2 Patriot batteries in the world and half of them are being sent to Ukraine. Surely this is the collapse of NATO's arsenal (all sarcasm).

thanks, i know this military sht quite well- silence and scant responses is what i often get when i hit the truth on wars and military issues.

sounds like you are realizing that Russian military isnt a joke and hasnt "lost" the war per this thread's fake propaganda. Lets keep chatting about this war bro!

WHY IS Ukraine sending Babushkas from its 11th conscription or mobilization to the front line in pick up trucks?

Pick up trucks showing on the battlefield means Ukraine is VISIBLY losing the war- Ukraine now has to opt for ISIS talibanistani style type of warfare that even taliban dont do anymore. lmao

Russia must've wiped out ALOT of military vehicles Ukraine CANT REPLACE

@F-22Raptor you realize Russia can replace all the thousands of military equipment that gets destroyed in Ukraine better than Ukraine can replace what RUssia destroyed of its military equipment right?

Ukraine played stupid game,s now it has to win stupid prizes.

it also means Ukraine is losing the war- because US is behaving like it feels it HAS to supply Ukraine better equipment to have any chance of winning- Ukraine has to pay that cost for this level of stupidity

When NATO Relies on military equipment, thats how you know they are about to lose- all the wars they lost, they boasted about military equipment, and between Talibanistanis, to Al Qaeda, to Kataib Hezbollah, both their superior equipments and will to fight were broken- facts.

Since NATO troops wont operate those patriots- Russia will fry them so soon.

Iran will probably be sending Arash-2s and Fatehs to Russia once those patriots arrive- even SHahed 136 (I LOVE YOU BOO!) can smash those stupid patriots- US sending more money to Ukraine than it even has to give- hunger is real in US too.
These loser drones are okay for destroying civilian targets with the accuracy of a blind man in a bomber. All these years in Yemen, not once has any aircraft at a Saudi military installation been destroyed (at Khamais Mushayt which is well within range) .
Lmao, the Russian military has been nothing but a joke.

Also, you really don't know anything about military related shit. So far you've been wrong on almost everything.
i'm giving you logical points that are getting way above you, hence you get emotional with me - no worries- i'll keep teaching, hopefully you keep learning.

Hopefully Ukraine will be fuly balkanized by mid next year - isnt it amazing how Karma came to pay US and NATO back for all their investments in breaking up other countries but that has come to bite Ukraine?

SInce Ukraine is fighting now with Babushkas in pick up trucks, i suspect Ukranian military wont be gaining back any sizeable city in East Ukraine EVER.

Karma is a b*tch, but she's the realest one of them all.

Are you 'on the ground' counting these body bags and then keeping us appraised or listening to some Russia twitter feed and not counting body bags but equally hard job of copy/pasting here.
its not my fault you cant keep up with the war buddy- its confusing you the same way its confusing PDF think tank guy- y'all are a bunch of emotional men with little analytical ability, so you bich at us who understand the logic of war- go read more!
Nobody should believe Russia's estimate of Ukrainian casualty figures any more than from pro-Ukraine twitter accounts about Russia's losses.
nobody has to- the dead bodies of idiot Ukranian military soldiers lay in the trenches in bakhmut- UKraine couldnt even come to pick them up, thats how more soldiers died.
Oh no, the paper NATO army is going to collapse since there are only 2 Patriot batteries in the world and half of them are being sent to Ukraine. Surely this is the collapse of NATO's arsenal (all sarcasm).
what is sarcastic about the reality that NATO is low on ammunition? you know i've done stand up comedy before? jokes reveal uncomfortable truths, so you are admitting the truth you are in denial of still -Ukraine will die for this matter- if NATO gets involved, man, NATO soldiers will die the same way they kiled IRaqi, Afghan, Syrian, Yemeni soldiers too! karma again?
These loser drones are okay for destroying civilian targets with the accuracy of a blind man in a bomber.
you say this rubbish while Ukranians have to emigrate from their country in masses because they have no power or services? watch how you talk bro and show respect for what Ukranian civilians are going through.
All these years in Yemen, not once has any aircraft at a Saudi military installation been destroyed (at Khamais Mushayt which is well within range) .
so what? Saudis have lost, cuz they cant win- tehy are in a Ukranian! they have the best equipment- aparently, and the most money- apparently- but they cant win, which means , THEY LOST.

THe way houthis worked Saudis, its not even funny, if you try to argue for saudis you only prove you dont understand modern warfare and its realities.
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Russian troops 'retreat' from Kherson area to help units in north

Russian forces are increasingly running out of men to cover all invaded areas of Ukraine.​

The governor of the Luhansk region, north of Donetsk, said the Ukrainian army was edging closer to a key Russian defence line between the towns of Kreminna and Svatove.

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