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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Again you try to justify one wrong by another.

Even worse , you hold that Ukrainians should pay the price , for what other European countries have done , simply because they happen too be European to. That is simply racist.

You are cheering a war you know is unjustified .

no tits not only Ukrainian and also they participated in middle-east wars and provided weapon to warring parties there
right all Europe have less comfort not only Ukraine , didn't in Germany politicians are working limit hot water for each person in showers up to 2 minutes ?
What happens?

FSB spy chief Alexander Bortnikow complains Ukraine terror activities in Russia. Nearly daily attack on Russia critical infrastructure by Ukraine security forces, partisans, and other groups.

Why complain? Russia doing terror in Ukraine is ok, but Ukraine doing terror in Russia is not ok?
Russians like the rest of Europeans want all the fun for themselves and complain if the others also try to have some fun and call them terrorist , after all if you use high-tech for attacking civilian infrastructure its legitimate military operation , if you use commando units and low tech equipment its terrorism , isn't it sound familiar to you ?
I wonder if there is lack for such weapons in Ukraine ? how you think those m113 fair compare to all those BMPs that left and right being destroyed there ?
I believe what Ukraine need is more potent air defense , not transports and light armor or such system as m163 with only 1km of effective range
Do those BMPs have a Vulcan cannon? I don't think so.
PIVADS will destroy cruise missiles and Iranian suicide drones just as well as a GEPARD would.
no tits not only Ukrainian and also they participated in middle-east wars and provided weapon to warring parties there
right all Europe have less comfort not only Ukraine , didn't in Germany politicians are working limit hot water for each person in showers up to 2 minutes ?

Russians like the rest of Europeans want all the fun for themselves and complain if the others also try to have some fun and call them terrorist , after all if you use high-tech for attacking civilian infrastructure its legitimate military operation , if you use commando units and low tech equipment its terrorism , isn't it sound familiar to you ?
If Ukraine special ops blow up military airports in Russia that’s not terror that is war. What Putin and his hooligans doing is terror they bomb everything, no difference schools or power stations.
Says by an Israeli who runs to the nearest bomb shelter as soon as he hears the sound of an alarm for an incoming, home-made Palestinian resistance's rocket. Stop acting as a military "analyst" here. You're just spewing a hot air here, buddy.
Exactly my thoughts.
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Exact my thoughts.
I wonder if there is lack for such weapons in Ukraine ? how you think those m113 fair compare to all those BMPs that left and right being destroyed there ?
I believe what Ukraine need is more potent air defense , not transports and light armor or such system as m163 with only 1km of effective range
M113 is at least as good as old BMP-1, if not better because again, BMP-1 cannot put different weapon platform on them, while you can put Mortar, TOW, AA system on a M113.

And there should be a lot of M113 stock that we are not using anymore, but they aren't that old that it is not serviceable. The US is still using M113 variant in Iraq back in 2010 and Afghanistan at least until 2015. You are talking about 5 to 7 years frame,

Ukraine don't need advance system to deal with Iranian drone, bear in mind M163 uses the same M61 Vulcan on the C-RAM, which was proposed to be used on those drones, and you don't need 1 km range to intercept those drones because they are low and slow flying. They should get enough M163 for those drones and leave the NASAM, IRIS-T, S-300and other system on Russian Air or Ballistic Missile stirke.
Ukraine can make weapons including nukes to strike Russia. That’s not a problem at all. Within USSR Russia and Ukraine were the 2 key players of weapons manufacturing. This war has the potential it will kill off both countries eventually.

It's truth, they have nuclear plants and the technology. Ukraine was a true source of brains for the USSR military technology.

They can take the nuclear fuel of a nuclear plant and...
It's truth, they have nuclear plants and the technology. Ukraine was a true source of brains for the USSR military technology.

They can take the nuclear fuel of a nuclear plant and...
Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons is the dumbest ever. In exchange for worthless security assurance by Russia. That’s a hard lesson every country should learn. Never believe to other people’s peaceful shit.
But not too late. Ukraine still can acquire nuclear weapons. Otherwise russian rapists will return even if this war is over in one day.
Looks like those Geran-2/Shaheed-136 drone attacks depleted the Ukrainian air defense missiles, and Uncle Sam is now sending Patriot air defense systems and radar. That should tell you the effectiveness of those Geran-2/Shaheed-136 drone attacks.

At least a month old video. Russians still desperate enough to recycle old footages,things not doing great on the battlefield.


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