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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

As for China I think Chinese have the power they will change this war entirely if they jump in. Or Xi Jinping can tell to Putin: hey stupid spy, you stop it now or we don’t buy your oil, then you have no dollar to import toilet paper. the war will be over tomorrow.
If they jump in US and NATO would start giving the Ukrainians ATACAMS and various cruise missiles to hit aircraft and logistic centers inside Russia.
Europe was the scene of some of the worst battles in human history. Yet in the last 50 years they managed to solve that , live together and prosper.
they actually didn't did that , they just made an imitation of that ,but what happened in Yugoslavia , the Cold Wars, Macedonia , , the wars that was fought in Vietnam and Korea all was western Fight , what happened in Africa, south and central America were all planned in Europe and North America capitals .
they western countries were again at their centuries old game that started when pope Julious II divided the world between Spain and Portuguese in Treaty of Tordesillas . keeps war out of Europe , fight it in other lands .
this war is just spillover of the dirt Europe hide under the rug for years
Instead we are now dragged back a 100 years ago , all cause one person decided to play Napoleon Bonaparte.
Europe needed to be remind of the harshness of the war they have forgotten it , they taught its good as long as it happen to others . Europe and USA companies were lords of war , inciting war around the word and make profit by selling weapon to both side of the war. now they can do it in Europe
Yet you somehow think it is justified because of some other sh*t , that happened in some other place ?
shit didn't happened by itself some people fanned it, guess who
You know my people has more than a score with Ukraine , some of the most brutal guards in the concentration camps during WW2 , where in fact Ukrainians.

But even I , do not think , that this Generation of Ukrainians should pay the price for stuff that happened a generation ago.
this generation of Ukrainian are still at what their forefathers did.

Well lets not act like Europe gave away their airforce/tanks/navy/ballistic rockets….

On artillery ammo/air defence/javelins etc they are depleting….but what can you expect from the EU which was in complete “peacetime” mode? With defence budget at 1%. Looking for trade and energy from russia….

Now thanks to Putins misadventure in ukraine…budgets are doubling and tripling. And europe will learn to build up an “arsenal of democracy” reserve.

Russia in meantime is burning well into soviet stocks…and will cease to be a long term threat.
and usa will be happy , they for years were complaining that europe rely too much on overall military power of NATO and abandoned its military

Well lets not act like Europe gave away their airforce/tanks/navy/ballistic rockets….

On artillery ammo/air defence/javelins etc they are depleting….but what can you expect from the EU which was in complete “peacetime” mode? With defence budget at 1%. Looking for trade and energy from russia….

Now thanks to Putins misadventure in ukraine…budgets are doubling and tripling. And europe will learn to build up an “arsenal of democracy” reserve.

Russia in meantime is burning well into soviet stocks…and will cease to be a long term threat.
and usa will be happy , they for years were complaining that europe rely too much on overall military power of NATO and abandoned its military
I`ll just leave this one here.... :azn: [the 2nd vid is the best]
At the very least it does show that not all europeans are nothing more than a bunch of racist war mongering "chauncey gardners" with the mindset of a certain j borrell.😥
Some do have something of a conscience and at least a bare minimum of empathy,for all those murdered non europeans I mean.
Well lets not act like Europe gave away their airforce/tanks/navy/ballistic rockets….

On artillery ammo/air defence/javelins etc they are depleting….but what can you expect from the EU which was in complete “peacetime” mode? With defence budget at 1%. Looking for trade and energy from russia….

Now thanks to Putins misadventure in ukraine…budgets are doubling and tripling. And europe will learn to build up an “arsenal of democracy” reserve.

Russia in meantime is burning well into soviet stocks…and will cease to be a long term threat.
I will look at it this way

EU and US can replenish their ammunition in the next 3 to 5 years under normal ramp up production, there aren't really a problem, or they will call it a "Crisis". I mean we don't use that much to fight war anyway

On the other hand, if Russia have to buy ammunition from Iran and North Korea, then that show their capability to restock their own ammo. I mean, even our stock are dwindled, we weren't that desperate to source ammo from say "Malaysia" or "Moracco", you HAVE TO BE REALLY DESPERATE to do that.
If they jump in US and NATO would start giving the Ukrainians ATACAMS and various cruise missiles to hit aircraft and logistic centers inside Russia.
Yes it’s fair and ok to give Ukraine everything she needs, with exception of nukes. If Putin wants to kill one million Ukrainians then it’s ok Ukraine kill one million Russians.

Putin says Russia and Ukraine share the same spiritual space so he probably means all end up in the same hell, same mass grave.
Well lets not act like Europe gave away their airforce/tanks/navy/ballistic rockets….

On artillery ammo/air defence/javelins etc they are depleting….but what can you expect from the EU which was in complete “peacetime” mode? With defence budget at 1%. Looking for trade and energy from russia….

Europe owes Ukraine big time.

If it was not for Ukraine stopping them in Kiev, other countries in the area would soon have had something to worry about.

And who knows when Putin's appetite would have been stratified , even if after he had succeeded in taking Ukraine , the record of dictators just stopping their conquests once started is not that promising . . .

Even in 1% peace time production ,Europe can give Ukraine more. Specially since they are not really using all of this weapons.

shit didn't happened by itself some people fanned it, guess who

Be specific , what exactly did the Ukrainians do to deserve millions of refugees , freezing in winter and who knows how many casualties ?

this generation of Ukrainian are still at what their forefathers did.

It is up to God to decide what every man deserves , who appointed you distributer of justice on this earth ?

Be specific , what exactly did the Ukrainians do to deserve millions of refugees , freezing in winter and who knows how many casualties ?

It is up to God to decide what every man deserves , who appointed you distributer of justice on this earth ?

I don't distribute the judgement , did I participate in the special operation :lol: no i only :coffee::pop:

what exactly they did to deserve that , well the exact crime of Libyan, Sudanese , Syrian , Afghans , Iraqis and Palestinian and people of central Africa , what was their crime to deserve millions of refugees
I will look at it this way

EU and US can replenish their ammunition in the next 3 to 5 years under normal ramp up production, there aren't really a problem, or they will call it a "Crisis". I mean we don't use that much to fight war anyway

On the other hand, if Russia have to buy ammunition from Iran and North Korea, then that show their capability to restock their own ammo. I mean, even our stock are dwindled, we weren't that desperate to source ammo from say "Malaysia" or "Moracco", you HAVE TO BE REALLY DESPERATE to do that.
you are only at war by proxy and you are how many country ? on other hand Russia is at war and it is only one country , now add the military budget of the countries who support Ukraine and compared that with Russia and that give you a more clear view .
so if your stocks reduce to critical level ,that's sign of well soon you go get ammo from Morocco and Malaysia . you only had higher stock than russia so you could postpone it but the amount of ammunition that is being used in ukraine is on another level and i don't think previously anybody have ever used such volume of fire power
I will look at it this way

EU and US can replenish their ammunition in the next 3 to 5 years under normal ramp up production, there aren't really a problem, or they will call it a "Crisis". I mean we don't use that much to fight war anyway

On the other hand, if Russia have to buy ammunition from Iran and North Korea, then that show their capability to restock their own ammo. I mean, even our stock are dwindled, we weren't that desperate to source ammo from say "Malaysia" or "Moracco", you HAVE TO BE REALLY DESPERATE to do that.

Agree -

Additionally - Russia is one country and therefore has 1 set of manufacturing supply lines to make war replacements - NATO is 30 odd countries - each with their own industrial base and defence manufacturing infrastructure...

NATO replacements will outgrow what Russia can achieve. All Russia is surviving on is soviet era stocks and now iran and north korea ...

This war has been an eye opener and people can be assured - those eyes have been opened.

what exactly they did to deserve that , well the exact crime of Libyan, Sudanese , Syrian , Afghans , Iraqis and Palestinian and people of central Africa , what was their crime to deserve millions of refugees

And when exactly did the Ukrainians managed to do all that ?

I don't distribute the judgement , did I participate in the special operation :lol: no i only :coffee::pop:

You do have responsibility for your words though . . .

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Agree -

Additionally - Russia is one country and therefore has 1 set of manufacturing supply lines to make war replacements - NATO is 30 odd countries - each with their own industrial base and defence manufacturing infrastructure...

NATO replacements will outgrow what Russia can achieve. All Russia is surviving on is soviet era stocks and now iran and north korea ...

This war has been an eye opener and people can be assured - those eyes have been opened.
US stocks are still huge. Stockpiles are only “low” relative to US war requirements and readiness.

US has sent less than 15-20% of its 155mm stock. 25-30% of its Javelin and Stingers. US still has enormous amounts of those weapons.

And when exactly did the Ukrainians managed to do all that ?

You do have responsibility for your words though . . .

exactly what was the crime of those Asian and African , nobody asked about it , now the Ukrainian crime is the same as those people crime maybe more but who care. if you don't know what's the crime there is no point going on. the crime is being in wrong place at wrong time , the crime is being sacrificed for the fattening of the pocket of 1% and there is no crime more serious than that .

and I'm as you are for your words on different matters , i want this war continue. i want some people remind of what they inflict on others on daily bases and they don't care because it happen in far away lands

US stocks are still huge. Stockpiles are only “low” relative to US war requirements and readiness.

US has sent less than 15-20% of its 155mm stock. 25-30% of its Javelin and Stingers. US still has enormous amounts of those weapons.
I believe to some extent more . and that is only USA , the situation of Europe is different , they are depleted to the extent that for example of china want , it can stomp over them .and its only a special operation against a russia that was not began partial mobilization till 1-1.5 month ago . as i said the amount of ammunition is used is insane , ukraine right now uses smart weapon as if they were old unguided USSR ammunition, you are not supposed to flatten the battlefield with these weapons , you are supposed use them against specific targets
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