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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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Modern equipment and uniform of the Turkish Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

enjoy. and tell me I am wrong that if you have no option but to stick to NATO no matter what, becasue, your defensive capbailities are completely linked in to them.

Dude , they are just delusional. Overestimating NATO support and their own defensive capabilities based on 12th century logic.

let me tell you , officialy our national percentage in defence is around 60% , around 90% of land things we make ourselves , a very high percentage of naval things we make ourselfs , the problems is air , like jets we havent made , however we have a program for our own fighter , for now we have our own basic trainer will be upgraded to advanced trainer , our own MALE UAV and other air things but not a jet atm. so what you said is a joke . even if we get no support from any country we can make most things ourselves , after we make a jet engine and our own fighter jet thats it .

What is your current capability. Isn;t that what we are talking about? Your current capability requires massive NATO support and that;s the truth. You may build things, induct them, that takes 25 years my friend. And then if you want to separate it from NATO systems thats even more of a headache. So like I said, you are wedded to NATO. Depending on them for your strategic defense. Its a decision that your country took.Nothing wrong in it. And you should get a drink, its a friday!
Muhahaha, again wrong. SSM doesn't have a project that has a longer deadline than five years in motion. Which means if we drop out of NATO now all our national systems currently in development, will take over in 2017

Aaaand now "there's nothing wrong in it" :) way to belly dance :)

Can you answer the question of what happened to the sorries from Israel? Did you get it? After all the international posturin did you get it? And did Syria tell you sorry? For shooting down your fighter? did you accept their sorry? How does it feel?:pop:
And, MORON no apology was accepted we have changed our engagement rules and now if anything passes a centimeter off Turkish border we level some Syrian buildings within artillery range so they know they shouldn't fvck with
let me tell you , officialy our national percentage in defence is around 60% , around 90% of land things we make ourselves , a very high percentage of naval things we make ourselfs , the problems is air , like jets we havent made , however we have a program for our own fighter , for now we have our own basic trainer will be upgraded to advanced trainer , our own MALE UAV and other air things but not a jet atm. so what you said is a joke . even if we get no support from any country we can make most things ourselves , after we make a jet engine and our own fighter jet thats it .


Please read above comment.
My friend, I have no problem with NATO or you being a part of it. Its a decision you took and that's sound if it helps your cause. But some turkish jerk comes and keeps dissing my country I will give it right back.

Can you answer the question of what happened to the sorries from Israel? Did you get it? After all the international posturin did you get it? And did Syria tell you sorry? For shooting down your fighter? did you accept their sorry? How does it feel?:pop:

You know what happened to syria after , after our artillery it was in flames and they was shaking we gna mash them . Israel one is different , it was on international water so we never had a reason to attack them , e.g if they did anything in our soil or waters we would crush them to bits.
What is your current capability. Isn;t that what we are talking about? Your current capability requires massive NATO support and that;s the truth. You may build things, induct them, that takes 25 years my friend. And then if you want to separate it from NATO systems thats even more of a headache. So like I said, you are wedded to NATO. Depending on them for your strategic defense. Its a decision that your country took.Nothing wrong in it. And you should get a drink, its a friday!

To enlighten you more, There isn't a term like "seperating own country from NATO systems" to point out the dependancy. It is about quality/performance standarts of the products meeting the requirements of NATO standarts. Noone uses a system like NATO but trying to catch the standarts (at design-development and serial production phase)NATO envisaged. The products that meet the performance criterias of known standarts are called NATO qualified products which is being developed by X NATO state.

Ok ?
How much you turn it or twist it and change subject, these are the facts, Turkey achieved everything with hardwork and dignity, India is today an advanced country because you opened your legs to foreiners. I know you are going to change the subject, so I will leave you alone in your slums to think about these things.
Muhahaha, again wrong. SSM doesn't have a project that has a longer deadline than five years in motion. Which means if we drop out of NATO now all our national systems currently in development, will take over in 2017

Aaaand now "there's nothing wrong in it" :) way to belly dance :)

If you drop out of NATO, you lose all access to their technology and capabilities. It means you have a longer development cycle. I hope you understand that. If you use their systems and drop off NATO, you can say goodbye to support. So thats not going to happen.
How much you turn it or twist it and change subject, these are the facts, Turkey achieved everything with hardwork and dignity, India is today an advanced country because you opened your legs to foreiners. I know you are going to change the subject, so I will leave you alone in your slums to think about these things.

Yes yes, by 'tying' up ( I can use more colourful words) with the Americans and British. No change of topic. Just showing you the mirror. And like I said you cannot reply to my questions, because, you cannot do anything against Israel, nor can yo udo anything about Syria. Only huff and puff.
If you drop out of NATO, you lose all access to their technology and capabilities. It means you have a longer development cycle. I hope you understand that. If you use their systems and drop off NATO, you can say goodbye to support. So thats not going to happen.
Nope, you IDIOT
Only technology transfer project currently going on with NATO is TF-X we have a deal with Sweden's SAAB to get assistence for the national fighter jet we're going to build. And even if we drop out of NATO the deal is sealed they have to hold their end of the bargain or we bring it to international courts and make them bankrupt :)
Please some one shows me where is the s400 station. even with the max operational range of 240km or even max missile range of 400km it could not cover Turkey air space, effectively.
Of course they can't. They can't place it so close either :) we have a very long artilery range :)
Yes yes, by 'tying' up ( I can use more colourful words) with the Americans and British. No change of topic. Just showing you the mirror. And like I said you cannot reply to my questions, because, you cannot do anything against Israel, nor can yo udo anything about Syria. Only huff and puff.

You know what happened to syria after , after our artillery it was in flames and they was shaking we gna mash them . Israel one is different , it was on international water so we never had a reason to attack them , e.g if they did anything in our soil or waters we would crush them to bits..

go to 2.00 - see how syria was shaking and had to let ocalan go watch from 2.00 to 3.15

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Nope, you IDIOT
Only technology transfer project currently going on with NATO is TF-X we have a deal with Sweden's SAAB to get assistence for the national fighter jet we're going to build. And even if we drop out of NATO the deal is sealed they have to hold their end of the bargain or we bring it to international courts and make them bankrupt :)

Of course they can't. They can't place it so close either :) we have a very long artilery range :)

Do you have any idea how this ToT works or how technology contracts can be made void citing violations? Or withdrawal of support functions? You are on a Pakistani Defence Forum. Browse around to learn more.
You know what happened to syria after , after our artillery it was in flames and they was shaking we gna mash them . Israel one is different , it was on international water so we never had a reason to attack them , e.g if they did anything in our soil or waters we would crush them to bits..

go to 2.00 - see how syria was shaking and had to let ocalan go watch from 2.00 to 3.15

Very nice, but, I cannot understand a word of it. Also, I could not figure out what Ocalan has to do with the downing of your jet in June 2012?????

Also, it 350 in the morning here and am off to sleep. It was nice chatting up with all of you!
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There will be no Turkish navy in Black Sea in 24 hours after the start of the war.

Firstly, Try to make more practise(all togather with Land-Naval and AirForces) over Georgia to destroy only North part of them less than 5-6 days (with Abazians' support) without loosing tens of aircraft, Then come close to Turkish Navy that is called one of the strongest naval forces of region.
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