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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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And we was fighting British empire French empire Italy Russia Australia New Zealand British India, French Africa, Greece, Armenia not enough?

Who killed 1mill Armenians? What you on about? I'm talking about Kafkas Islam ordusu in English known as Ottoman Islam army, in the battle of Baku, Armenians committed genocide against azerbaycan Turks.
I don't know Turkish as you can tell. But the Ottoman Islamic army was created by Enver Pasha, same man who committed Armeinian 'genocide'.
Ḥashshāshīn;3517271 said:
I don't know Turkish as you can tell. But the Ottoman Islamic army was created by Enver Pasha, same man who committed Armeinian 'genocide'.

It don't matter who it was created by, matter is how an army created so quickly, unorganised inadequate resources took back azerbaycan against British Russian and Armenia. Armenians tried to commit genocide two times against azerbaycan Turks, one then and one in karabagh.
It don't matter who it was created by, matter is how an army created so quickly, unorganised inadequate resources took back azerbaycan against British Russian and Armenia. Armenians tried to commit genocide two times against azerbaycan Turks, one then and one in karabagh.

Of course it was created quickly. There was chaos in Ottoman empire and it was about to be torn apart and people united. Anyway this is off topic. All I'm saying is, Turkey can last a war with Russia for about 2 months, then Turkish soldiers would be in short. Russian army is 3x size of Turkey. Also not to mention nuclear weapons...
Awww your giving us less time than Georgia. Oh noooo

In Georgia, the Russians only used 1 Army.

Against you guys, they will deploy atleast 40% of their entire forces while remainder guard against the Chinese and European borders.

But this thread is idiotic.

Why the hell would Turkey and Russia go to war to begin with?
Ḥashshāshīn;3517305 said:
Of course it was created quickly. There was chaos in Ottoman empire and it was about to be torn apart and people united. Anyway this is off topic. All I'm saying is, Turkey can last a war with Russia for about 2 months, then Turkish soldiers would be in short. Russian army is 3x size of Turkey. Also not to mention nuclear weapons...

We have 700,000 army, and not to forget in possible war millions straight away. Is Russian army 1.8 million? Where is a possible conflict be, near Georgian Turkish border after Russia invades Georgia and them casualties not counted, there would be hundreds of thousands of troops massed there, with anti air many, hundreds of tanks and air cover, if you meant us attacking Russia, then true we can last 2 months max, but Russia can't do sht near our territory.
Ḥashshāshīn;3517305 said:
Of course it was created quickly. There was chaos in Ottoman empire and it was about to be torn apart and people united. Anyway this is off topic. All I'm saying is, Turkey can last a war with Russia for about 2 months, then Turkish soldiers would be in short. Russian army is 3x size of Turkey. Also not to mention nuclear weapons...

Battle of Baku had nothing to do with Ottoman empire it was azerbaycan and we help them it wasn't our territory.
WAIT WAIT WAIT ... who was talking about pakistan ? are you trying to create problems between us . and mughals wasnt Turk .. ok i dont even want to carry on about that which is a joke .. please please please .. dont compare us and indians in history in any way because i will get embarrased , your history is full of being ruled by others , complete destruction looting , and getting ruled . And your comparing us to greece :lol: :lol: Biggest importer indian talking about military with me ... your 1 billion population couldnt even make a proper tank , uav .. keep buying from russia . btw your not even in our league , if they say compare a Turk or an indian ill be embarrased which wont happen anyway in the history stage and world arena you will be known as the biggest english speaking country ....

Also about pakistan stronger than us thing , i wouldnt want to answer that and create something but i swear i will be more than happy if they are a superpower , because we will only gain and be happy from that.

Dude...leave aside Pakistan....1st deal with Syria and Assad...then try to deal with Iran....then talk about Russia...Dude..sometimes you guys are so hillarious....how does a glorified histroy of the past has any relevance to the present...You guys are nothing with US umbrella....Come on ...1st come out of NATO shield...fight with independent Iran and then talk about Russia...
The only reason why India has some development is becausethey were concubines ofUK. What Turkey achieved to this day is because of our own sweat and blood, we didnt open our legs for foreiners and sacrifse our honor and dignity for some benefit that a concubine gets. Does India have domestic uav? Own tank? Own stealth ships?

Dear friend....as per your Islamic brothers...US is a biggest enemey of Muslims...and you guys are part of NATO since ages....Now you will advice us about who is sleeping with whom????? Are you at high....At least for your Muslim brothers sake...come out of NATO show to all that you are independent...And please donot preach us about who is sleeping with the west....Sounds hillarious..
So 160km rockets? I just checked the shortest distance between Russia and Turkey 180km, so still not enough :D

It's okay with me if you place your SAMs 180km away... not much of a threat

You see, causcaus is a pretty mountainous area. We have specialised squadrons for this kind jobs, they can use mountains to shield themselves from your radars and approach&release SOMs if needed

Considering SOM's range and percision they don't need to try so hard :)

We are far from defenseless.

What did NATO do to Muslims except helping them... let's face it taliban are scum. Muslims are better off with NATO than with Russia or China
Who killed 1mill Armenians?

A Turkish empire under the house of Osman. The Republic of Turkey is its legal successor.

Armenians committed genocide against azerbaycan Turks.

BS. Less than 500 Azeris died. Even if they were massacred, which they were not, it does not come close to the ~30 million Azeris in this world.

XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and falsifications...educate yourself.

Ḥashshāshīn;3517271 said:
I don't know Turkish as you can tell. But the Ottoman Islamic army was created by Enver Pasha, same man who committed Armeinian 'genocide'.

Please do not put the word genocide in quotations.

You see, causcaus is a pretty mountainous area. We have specialised squadrons for this kind jobs, they can use mountains to shield themselves from your radars and approach&release SOMs if needed

Answer me just this one question: Where do you think NATO will be when Turkey invades Armenia and opens fire on Russia border guards?
Why would Turkey attack Russia again? It doesn't make sense.

Dear friend....as per your Islamic brothers...US is a biggest enemey of Muslims...and you guys are part of NATO since ages....Now you will advice us about who is sleeping with whom????? Are you at high....At least for your Muslim brothers sake...come out of NATO show to all that you are independent...And please donot preach us about who is sleeping with the west....Sounds hillarious..
Turkey never lost its sovereignty, but India did. That is what i wanted to say. Sorry that I put it harshly, that guy got on my nerves. Sorry for that. What I wanted to say is that Turkey get step out of NATO when ever it wants. It is not in the same position India was during colonial times. Making that comparison is weird. NATO is equal relationship. India/UK was not. About staying in NATO or not. For Turkey it is better to stay in NATO, so why would we step out? It doesn't make sense.
The only reason why India has some development is becausethey were concubines ofUK.

I could say the same for Turkey...except that the masters were USA in this case. And one more thing - after independence the UK/USA supported Pakistan much more than India. We were a part of the NAM and sometimes in the Soviet camp. So please brush up on these basic facts before saying something.

What Turkey achieved to this day is because of our own sweat and blood, we didnt open our legs for foreiners and sacrifse our honor and dignity for some benefit that a concubine gets.

Ahem ahem...NATO. Ring any bells ? You guys host foreigners in your mil bases. While we do not. We dont depend on others for our defence. So please spare us the f'ing lecture on spreading legs and sacrificing the honor.

Does India have domestic uav? Own tank? Own stealth ships?

UAV - Nishant, Rustom

Own Tank - Arjun

Own stealth ships - P-28, P-17A, P-15A.

Now let me return the favor - Does Turkey have a own fighter jet ? own nuclear bomb ? own ICBMs ? own nuclear submarines ? own aircraft carriers ? own ABM system ? One of the world's most advanced space industry ?

We have been a nation for much less time than you, had huge challenges when we started out as compared to you and are a subcontinent of a million ethnicities, languages and do not have the luxury of being a more or less homogenous nation like you. So please spare me the grandstanding Turk. We have achieved much much more in our short span, inspite of the challenges, than you could ever dream of.

Is this Nishant?


Is this Arjun?


stealth ships - P-28,?

I'm not sure, that is why I'm asking. Can't find much info about it.

And do you think India lives in a more hostile location than Anatolia? Crossroad of the world. Has your country been attacked by 7 countries in ww1? I think we should not comparing each other and be happy what we have.
You don't know sh*t about us, we don't know sh1t about you... let's cut the BS already

Indians here doesn't have a clue about what we lived through.
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