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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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Indians are enemies of Islam. They are nothing.

Forget about Turkey and worry about us, Indians.
Turkey will be used as a proxy to hold components of the missile defense shield.

That missile defense shield also has benefit for Turkey. If they shoot nukes or missiles into our territory we can shoot them above their own country.
Indians talking out of their ***. We Pakistanis being 7 times smaller than them still scare them shitless.

Answer me just this one question: Where do you think NATO will be when Turkey invades Armenia and opens fire on Russia border guards?
To be honest i don't give a sh*t, we take care of ourselves.

But i think if and when another Russo-Turkish war breaks out most of the European countries would try to stay out of war they'd be scared sh1tless... but if i know Americans they can't stay out of fight :) They may be many things but they aren't pacifist fags :D That's what europeans are ...well mostly

I'm more curious about what'd Greece's stance would be :)
That missile defense shield also has benefit for Turkey. If they shoot nukes or missiles into our territory we can shoot them above their own country.

it is very difficult almost impossible to shoot down an ICBM as they travel at MACH 20-30. I highly doubt missile defense shield would be uselful in this case, but not for conventional missiles.
Wow, it is really amazing, i've never thought India has this much of hothead nationalists. Guys i'm sorry but i must say, i really have no problem with you being proud of your country despite its mess. But please if you have something to say about Turkey, at least make a little research.

The guy lives inside mud, yet he is so fvcking proud with his country's space program. Just, amazing...
Turkey must stay silent.

Turkey has become a strong power, but there is a long way to go.

To be the best Turkey should balance their relations with US and Russia and wait for their time.

My honest opinion.

Is this Arjun?

stealth ships - P-28,?

I'm not sure, that is why I'm asking.[/QUOTE]

Arjun :



Stealth warships :

P-17A Shivalik class:


P-15 Kolkata class stealth destroyers:


P-28 Kamorta class stealth corvettes:

Indians can buy lots of toys, but they have no courage.
Wow, it is really amazing, i've never thought India has this much of hothead nationalists. Guys i'm sorry but i must say, i really have no problem with you being proud of your country despite its mess. But please if you have something to say about Turkey, at least make a little research.

The guy lives inside mud, yet he is so fvcking proud with his country's space program. Just, amazing...

lol, oh my god i just spilled my coke a cola all over my desk.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Wow, it is really amazing, i've never thought India has this much of hothead nationalists. Guys i'm sorry but i must say, i really have no problem with you being proud of your country despite its mess. But please if you have something to say about Turkey, at least make a little research.

The guy lives inside mud, yet he is so fvcking proud with his country's space program. Just, amazing...

Neither do I have a probem with you Turk. But it was your country man who brought in India with his asinine comments about 'honor', 'dignity' and leg spreading.I just cleared his misconceptions with some 'facts'. And so what we live in mud. Still we have the capability to send in our own satellites in our own rockets. Something you have not been able to accomplish. So please have some humility before bringing in other countries in your wad measuring contests.
Indians are enemies of Islam. They are nothing.

Forget about Turkey and worry about us, Indians.

there you are, again bought religion into the topic... Such brain washed kid....
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