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Russia says it won’t be drawn into war over Syria

Hard to believe the Russians were not aware of Assad using chem in the first place.

All countries work behind a cloak of plausible deniability. A guilty verdict from UN inspectors makes it harder to keep up the charade.
Don't worry, as far as i know the US government is not shelling California with Scud missiles, so he's safe.


Yes, he has the luxury of not being carpet bombed indiscriminately, targeted in chemical attacks or killed by Shabiha terrorists. Look at all his anti-American posts while living there. Hypocrisy much? We try to show him that history will remember his support for a mass-murderer but he is not listening despite all the proofs of criminal activity from his holy cow of a leader. This is intolerable.

WAKE UP SYRIAN-LION. Do we need to write to you in Arabic so you can understand this situation? Save your face and admit your wrongdoings of supporting a Child-Murderer against the SYRIAN PEOPLE and do something for your country. Help the victims of Asshead's terror.

Apologize for this forum and for being a representative of Arabs supporting this Child-Murderer.
if Russia helps Syria simple no need to attack or kill
if you attack Syria we will Join Syria then everything will cool down right away
The Ruskies talk a big game, but in the end they know there is only one big daddy in the world and that's the mighty USA.

Go drink your vodka and beat up some homos, you useless drunks.

America makes the decisions.


What ******* morons expect? Russia starting WW3 over Syria? lol

Yankee are welcome to bankrupt them self even more the middle east. From now on we only get stronger while they get weaker.

The only think that is going to get hit is the russian base in Tartus,by accident ofcourse,you know how this stuff happens,some missiles just loose their way.Fingers crossed.

Its far more likely that one of our nukes hitting your gypsy country than what you're talking about.
What ******* morons expect? Russia starting WW3 over Syria? lol

Yankee are welcome to bankrupt them self even more the middle east. From now on we only get stronger while they get weaker.

Get your ships out of Tamuz, you Vodka-soaked lush. :lol: The USA is here now.

No more pretending to be the superpower. The real superpower is now flexing some muscles.

Another Russian base in the middle east taken over :lol:
USA Today:

WASHINGTON—President Obama said on Wednesday he has not yet made a decision on whether he will order a military strike against Syria, but said the U.S. government has "concluded" that Bashar Assad's regime has deployed chemical weapons.

Why do I have a feeling that Obama has been bluffing as usual?
Superpower lol, not for long anyway

That can be turned round in about 2 years once the economy is at full tilt.

You won't be getting your bases back though.

Wonderful to see you Ruskies high-tailing it. You talked tough for months, but as soon as the USA sails into town, you cowardly Ruskies turn your ships and run.

You are a nothing nation where many farmers still till the fields with Oxen.

wow, Jews just hate everyone.

Be quiet Metwali. We know Russia is your only friend and vise versa.
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