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Russia says it won’t be drawn into war over Syria

Get your ships out of Tamuz, you Vodka-soaked lush. :lol: The USA is here now.

No more pretending to be the superpower. The real superpower is now flexing some muscles.

Another Russian base in the middle east taken over :lol:

Russian ships will stay there and guide Syrian air defence against US targets :lol: Hope US wont cry much because of that :lol:
Wars in afghanistan and iraq have done wonders for us, causing oil prices rise and making us rich.

Please USA attack Iran next:omghaha:
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That can be turned round in about 2 years once the economy is at full tilt.

Keep dreaming, US debt won't stop growing for another 10 years at least, no matter how fast the economy grows we will see how many nation mighty US is able to attack when they cut 1 trillion dollars from their military spending in next 10 years because of their growing debt. Mean while we will increase our spending by 600 billion during the same frame time.
Why would Russia want to get involved in a firefight without any defined objective. They stood by to watch the whole Iraq fiasco go south.
What ******* morons expect? Russia starting WW3 over Syria? lol

Yankee are welcome to bankrupt them self even more the middle east. From now on we only get stronger while they get weaker.

Its far more likely that one of our nukes hitting your gypsy country than what you're talking about.

Time for the russian drunkards,biggest rapist nation in the world to loose their last allie in the ME,wash your mouth with soap before speaking about a nation that precedes yours in Europe by millenia.It's always funny to see a russian inbreed threathening with nukes,do that and your pitiful nation will be erased from Earth,nobody gives 2 cents about you anymore ,now **** off from Syria you godless heathens.
Time for the russian drunkards,biggest rapist nation in the world to loose their last allie in the ME,wash your mouth with soap before speaking about a nation that precedes yours in Europe by millenia.It's always funny to see a russian inbreed threathening with nukes,do that and your pitiful nation will be erased from Earth,nobody gives 2 cents about you anymore ,now **** off from Syria you godless heathens.

Gypsy you should more worry about the fact that your stinky country and your people is headed toward extinction, than our allies in the middle east:rofl:


Meanwhile back in Russia :whistle:

'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States' - Forbes
Time for the russian drunkards,biggest rapist nation in the world to loose their last allie in the ME,wash your mouth with soap before speaking about a nation that precedes yours in Europe by millenia.It's always funny to see a russian inbreed threathening with nukes,do that and your pitiful nation will be erased from Earth,nobody gives 2 cents about you anymore ,now **** off from Syria you godless heathens.

Poor demented gypsy, i see your inferioty complex towards Russia went to quite pathological level. I heard that EU sh*thole called Romania has Somali-like medical care, but what about mental hospitals from other EU countries? They still dont accept gypsies from Romania?
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Got some balls & bomb Saudi ... good for you !!! :coffee:

The fact of the matter is US can bomb syria or even iran tomorrow and nobody can do ****.............am totally opposed to this policy over oil but its the way things work man.
The fact of the matter is US can bomb syria or even iran tomorrow and nobody can do ****.............am totally opposed to this policy over oil but its the way things work man.

no buddy , this is just a science fiction !
no buddy , this is just a science fiction !

No man its not and even u know it.Its how USA behaves and right now iran has got the largest gas reserves in the world(makes it appealing for US)
By the way if assad falls it will talibanise the entire region and won't be good at all,saudi arabia is a piece of **** for funding insurgency in egypt and syria both.
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