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Russia says it won’t be drawn into war over Syria

The maffia cabal who run the show maybe. Not the poor Russians.


Lol, those poor Russian are only 13 % of population and declining fast and 15 years time Russian GDP per capita will reach Western European level, meanwhile most of Arab world with the exception of the Gulf oil states is living and eating in its own **** :rofl:
No man its not and even u know it.Its how USA behaves and right now iran has got the largest gas reserves in the world(makes it appealing for US)
By the way if assad falls it will talibanise the entire region and won't be good at all,saudi arabia is a piece of **** for funding insurgency in egypt and syria both.

My informations about Iran's strategic forces say : there is nothing on the table !
Poor demented gypsy, i see your inferioty complex towards Russia went to quite pathological level. I heard that EU sh*thole called Romania has Somali-like medical care, but what about mental hospitals from other EU countries? They still dont accept gypsies from Romania?

Well,you heard wrong,the medycal system is so bad that life expectancy in Romania is higher then in the russian shithole that you call home :omghaha:

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Demographics of Romania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lol,males have a 6 year plus in Romania,if our healthcare is somali then the russian one is inexistent.Chew on this you vodca addict.

Can't blame you for "hearing" things though,your autocratic goverment feeds you slaves whatever it wants.
Neither Russia nor the West should involve themselves in Syria‘s internal affairs。Let the Syrian people resolve their disagreements themselves。
Russia is no longer a superpower.

EDIT : Russia sent two warship to Syria.
Well,you heard wrong,the medycal system is so bad that life expectancy in Romania is higher then in the russian shithole that you call home :omghaha:

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Demographics of Romania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lol,males have a 6 year plus in Romania,if our healthcare is somali then the russian one is inexistent.Chew on this you vodca addict.

Can't blame you for "hearing" things though,your autocratic goverment feeds you slaves whatever it wants.

Life expectancy in Romania has little to do with current level of medical care but more with medical care during Soviet times.

Here is much more more appropriate statistics:

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia: 7.19
Romania: 10.44

The shithole of EU called Romania has 20% more infant death rate than failed state Ukraine. Georgia and Moldova the only two countries in Europe that are worse.
Life expectancy in Romania has little to do with current level of medical care but more with medical care during Soviet times.

Here is much more more appropriate statistics:

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia: 7.19
Romania: 10.44

The shithole of EU called Romania has 20% more infant death rate than failed state Ukraine. Georgia and Moldova the only two countries in Europe that are worse.

Now why is that a much more appropiate statistics,just because you look better in it? I'd say life expectancy is an appropiate measurement of healthcare and you fail at it,the crux of the matter is that our healthcare gives our citizens a much better chance at life then the russian one and if you would check the statistics you would notice that infant mortality is dropping every year (it was 17.3 deaths/1,000 live births in 2002 and as you can see it dropped sharply in ten years with every year dropping) .;)

What soviet times you communist moron? What does that have to do with it? Communism fell 24 years ago in Romania and even then our country was opposed to the USSR,did you build hospitals in Romania or what? The life expectancy in Romania during communism was 71,now is 74 and

Life Expectancy in Romania

Now,let's see the numbers again and have fun at the russian healthcare system:

Russia Demographics Profile 2013

Romania Demographics Profile 2013

Russian life expectancy at birth=66.46 years as opposed to ...Romanian life expectancy at birth=74.22 years

Let the fun continue at the expense of Russia,it's a party allready:

Maternal mortality rate...Russia=34 deaths/100,000 live births ....Romania=27

HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate Russia=1%....Romania=0.1%.....people living with HIV ,Romania=16.000......Russia=980.000 :cheesy:
Now why is that a much more appropiate statistics,just because you look better in it? I'd say life expectancy is an appropiate measurement of healthcare and you fail at it,the crux of the matter is that our healthcare gives our citizens a much better chance at life then the russian one and if you would check the statistics you would notice that infant mortality is dropping every year (it was 17.3 deaths/1,000 live births in 2002 and as you can see it dropped sharply in ten years with every year dropping) .;)

What soviet times you communist moron? What does that have to do with it? Communism fell 24 years ago in Romania and even then our country was opposed to the USSR,did you build hospitals in Romania or what? The life expectancy in Romania during communism was 71,now is 74 and

Life Expectancy in Romania

Now,let's see the numbers again and have fun at the russian healthcare system:

Russia Demographics Profile 2013

Romania Demographics Profile 2013

Russian life expectancy at birth=66.46 years as opposed to ...Romanian life expectancy at birth=74.22 years

Let the fun continue at the expense of Russia,it's a party allready:

Maternal mortality rate...Russia=34 deaths/100,000 live births ....Romania=27

HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate Russia=1%....Romania=0.1%.....people living with HIV ,Romania=16.000......Russia=980.000 :cheesy:

Demented gypsy, i learned long time ago that this is very hard to explain you something from first try. Retard, life expectancy affected by many different factors, current level of medical care is just one of many and not most important. Other factors include the level of medical care during last few decades, crime rate, terrorism, healthy way of life, climate, infrastructure and so on. Considering all that Russian life expectancy in 2012 was 70.3 years which is 4 years less than in Romania. The difference almost the same as it was during Soviet times.

But we are not discussing life expectancy or HIV, my dear retard, we are discussing Somali-like medical care in EU shithole, isnt it?
And thats why im using infant mortality rate, which is much more relevant to the current level of medical care in EU shithole called Romania. And the infant mortality rate clearly shows the degeneration level of most poor and shitter country in EU.
Al-Arabiya...... lol.....
Demented gypsy, i learned long time ago that this is very hard to explain you something from first try. Retard, life expectancy affected by many different factors, current level of medical care is just one of many and not most important. Other factors include the level of medical care during last few decades, crime rate, terrorism, healthy way of life, climate, infrastructure and so on. Considering all that Russian life expectancy in 2012 was 70.3 years which is 4 years less than in Romania. The difference almost the same as it was during Soviet times.

But we are not discussing life expectancy or HIV, my dear retard, we are discussing Somali-like medical care in EU shithole, isnt it?
And thats why im using infant mortality rate, which is much more relevant to the current level of medical care in EU shithole called Romania. And the infant mortality rate clearly shows the degeneration level of most poor and shitter country in EU.

I know you're probably intoxicated right now like most of your russian brethren are but no...life expectancy in Russia is 66.46 years,stop pulling facts out of nowhere.

Russia - Life expectancy at birth - Historical Data Graphs per Year

Life expectancy has everything to do with healthcare as this is the cornerstone in a healthy nation,besides other factors.
I would say that the percentage of russian mothers dying in hospitals before giving birth is highly relevant to the russian healthcare system.Based on those numbers a russian mother has 25% more chances of dying in a russian hospital giving birth then a romanian mother in the same situatin.How about that russkie?

Oh,and if you would take a look on the links i've provided you would see that life expectancy is improoving in Romania year by year( 70 in 2000,over 74 -2012) while in Russia is worsening,exactly the opposite.That goes for the child mortality rate which goes down every single year.

Instead of screaming like a histeric drunk (typical russkie) in here you'd better check the statistics you moron.

HIV has everything to do with healthcare,many HIV people get it in hospitals ,your **** holle hospitals are very unhiegienic.

Long story short our healthcare is way better then the russian one,and numbers give me justice and make you like a buffoon.(again,typical russkie).

P.S. Both healthcare systems(russian and romanian) are crap compared to western european ones but your arguements against the romanian one is a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.
I know you're probably intoxicated right now like most of your russian brethren are but no...life expectancy in Russia is 66.46 years,stop pulling facts out of nowhere.

Russia - Life expectancy at birth - Historical Data Graphs per Year

Life expectancy has everything to do with healthcare as this is the cornerstone in a healthy nation,besides other factors.
I would say that the percentage of russian mothers dying in hospitals before giving birth is highly relevant to the russian healthcare system.Based on those numbers a russian mother has 25% more chances of dying in a russian hospital giving birth then a romanian mother in the same situatin.How about that russkie?

Oh,and if you would take a look on the links i've provided you would see that life expectancy is improoving in Romania year by year( 70 in 2000,over 74 -2012) while in Russia is worsening,exactly the opposite.That goes for the child mortality rate which goes down every single year.

Instead of screaming like a histeric drunk (typical russkie) in here you'd better check the statistics you moron.

HIV has everything to do with healthcare,many HIV people get it in hospitals ,your **** holle hospitals are very unhiegienic.

Long story short our healthcare is way better then the russian one,and numbers give me justice and make you like a buffoon.(again,typical russkie).

Retard, life expectancy in Russia was over 69 years in 2011 year and improved to 70.3 years in 2012.

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Use proper sources, not trash sites you found in Romanian search engine :lol:

I see it almost useless to repeat you that mortality rate has much more relevance to current level of medical care in a country than life expectancy. You are too stupid to understand that. The reason is that educational system in Romania on the same level as medical system :lol:

But even if we use this non-relevant measure we can get some interesting results. Life expectancy in Russia dropped to 65 years in 2003 and in 9 years it improved to 70.3 because of advanced medical care. And what we see in Romania? The life expectancy almost did not change from Soviet times. There was no wars, terrorism, no economical crisis like in Russia, billions of aid from EU, and yet EU biggest shithole still has medical care of the same level as it was during communist times with 1970s medical tech lol :lol:
Retard, life expectancy in Russia was over 69 years in 2011 year and improved to 70.3 years in 2012.

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Use proper sources, not trash sites you found in Romanian search engine :lol:

I see it almost useless to repeat you that mortality rate has much more relevance to current level of medical care in a country than life expectancy. You are too stupid to understand that. The reason is that educational system in Romania on the same level as medical system :lol:

But even if we use this non-relevant measure we can get some interesting results. Life expectancy in Russia dropped to 65 years in 2003 and in 9 years it improved to 70.3 because of advanced medical care. And what we see in Romania? The life expectancy almost did not change from Soviet times. There was no wars, terrorism, no economical crisis like in Russia, billions of aid from EU, and yet EU biggest shithole still has medical care of the same level as it was during communist times with 1970s medical tech lol :lol:

You're dumb even by russian standard:

1.I gave you a link which quotes the CIA world fact book not wikipedia where i can put 100 years life expectancy if i want...is 66 in Russia and that's that,stop taking facts out of nowhere or provide links other then wiki.
2.Communist Romania had 70 years life expectancy,now is up to 74...better and increasing every year if you would bother to check the links i've provided instead of screaming like a retard.Not so in Russia.
3.Maybe you would like to provide links about "1970 medical tech" instead of parroting the same words over and over.
4.It still remains that our citizens can expect in average 8 years at life then the russians thanks to our healthcare and that there are 25% more chances that a russian mother will die giving birth then a romanian one.There are 10 times more chances that a russian will be infected with HIV then a romanian and so forth.Sleep on it drunkard and provide links instead of rants.
I hope you're not 65 because by russian standards it could be your last year here with us.:)))
You're dumb even by russian standard:

1.I gave you a link which quotes the CIA world fact book not wikipedia where i can put 100 years life expectancy if i want...is 66 in Russia and that's that,stop taking facts out of nowhere or provide links other then wiki.
2.Communist Romania had 70 years life expectancy,now is up to 74...better and increasing every year if you would bother to check instead of screaming like a retard.Not so in Russia.
3.Maybe you would like to provide links about "1970 medical tech" instead of parroting the same words over and over.
4.It still remains that our citizens can expect in average 8 years at life then the russians thanks to out healthcare and that there are 25% more chances that a russian mother will die giving birth then a romanian one.There are 10 times more chances that a russian will be infected with HIV then a romanian and so forth.Sleep on it drunkard and provide links instead of rants.
I hope you're not 65 because by russian standards it could be your last year here with us.:)))

Idiot, i gave you link to wikipedia articles, which have stats from
World Health Organisation (2011) and Russian official government statistics. Keep the trash like CIA factbook for your toilet.

Health Ministry: Life expectancy in Russia reaches 70.3 years | Russia Beyond The Headlines

And here is more for you
ITAR-TASS : Life expectancy in Moscow reaches European levels - Sobyanin
MOSCOW, August 23 (Itar-Tass) - Life expectancy in Moscow has reached almost European levels to stand at 75.5 years old, Moscow’s acting Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Thursday.

Dont worry, with the Somali level of medical care in Romania life expectancy in Russia soon will exceed Romanian level.
Idiot, i gave you link to wikipedia articles, which have stats from
World Health Organisation (2011) and Russian official government statistics. Keep the trash like CIA factbook for your toilet.

Health Ministry: Life expectancy in Russia reaches 70.3 years | Russia Beyond The Headlines

And here is more for you
ITAR-TASS : Life expectancy in Moscow reaches European levels - Sobyanin

Dont worry, with the Somali level of medical care in Romania life expectancy in Russia soon will exceed Romanian level.

What a clown,you can search every links you want and you won't exceed anything you russian moron.In every data you will see that romanian life expectancy grows every year,and i mean every year while Russia has stagnation...proof:

Russian Life Expectancy Fell In 2012 - Forbes

You keep talking the somali crap without any facts while russians keep dying younger thanks to your healthcare,you're a class 1 idiot for sure.

Lol at russian links,your goverment is known for lying to you and cheap propaganda,you're more likely to spend on weapons then healthcare.
Still you gave no answer to the fact that in links romanian life expectancy grows every year,is higher than in communist times,higher than the russian one,your useless blaberring is not proof.;)...Enjoy the ridicule moron.

.I see it almost useless to repeat you that mortality rate has much more relevance to current level of medical care in a country than life expectancy. You are too stupid to understand that. The reason is that educational system in Romania on the same level as medical system :lol:

Ok retard ,let's take the mortality rate if that' your angle:

Russia=14.1 deaths/1,000 population (july 2012)

Romania=11.84 deaths/1,000 population (july 2012 )

Btw,update your research,in 2013 romanian infant mortality is allready down to 9.4/1000.As i've said,improoving every year.;)

it dropped from 22 in 2009 to 10.7 in 2012 and to 9.4 in 2013 ...how's that for improoving medical services?

Ofcourse,things take a turn for the worst in Russia and the rate is not your 7.19 but 8.7 up 20% in 2012...nice medical services,mortality is hiking :rofl:

russian source :http://en.ria.ru/russia/20130214/179472714/Russian-Infant-Mortality-Up-20-in-2012---Health-Ministry.html

" The infant mortality rate in Russia was 8.7 per 1,000 newborns last year, Health Ministry department chief Yelena Baibarina said on Thursday."
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