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‘Russia ready to help India in achieving self-reliance’

If cows are nerpas wtf are people taking about Indo russian friendship

International relations are always give and take Russia needs India as much more as India needs Russia.

Russia is trying to retain its market.But don't worry ,India is a lost case. I see China and Russia together in world war 3 . Prophecies indicate Victory of Russia and China at a global level too. India should have joined the Russia-china alliance long ago. Pakistan would have been in indian control by now if we had done that.

But our leadership loves kissing america's rear these days.
Russia is trying to retain its market.But don't worry ,India is a lost case. I see China and Russia together in world war 3 . Prophecies indicate Victory of Russia and China at a global level too. India should have joined the Russia-china alliance long ago. Pakistan would have been in indian control by now if we had done that.

But our leadership loves kissing america's rear these days.

Prophecy?? what does astrology, numerology readings say about ww3?
Prophecy?? what does astrology, numerology readings say about ww3?

2015-2018 time period.

[Regretfully I have no literal version of his predictions, but he is quite well known for accurately predicting the sinking of the Titanic and naming one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI. Johansson foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Mertinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year."

Johansson predicted the following details:

1) India will be occupied by china.

2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.

3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.

4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.

5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.

6) There will be great destruction in Italy.

7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.

8) American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.

9) Germany will be attacked from the east.

10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.

11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.

12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.

13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.

This is from Anton Johannson.

.... The way the congress is taking india ,we will be occupied by Chinese forces in a matter of time.Pakistan,arabs are remote capable of what China can do.
- The Third World War will start with the conflict between Turkey and Greece.
- Jewish masons who are rulers over USA and European Union will force Turkish people into the war against Greece.
- In spite of Greek tremendous courage and resistance, Turkish attack will be devastating. Lots of Greeks and lots of their Russian and Serbian brothers in Christ who will volunteer to help Greeks will be dead.
- Turkey will charge deep inside Greece and will concur the most of the Greek territory.
- At the beginning, NATO and USA will not interfere into this conflict directly, but will give silent support for everything Turks do instead.
- The time will come that the world will think Greek people will vanish.
- A moment before it will be almost certain to happen, mighty Russia opens its cards in protection of Greek people and Orthodox Christianity. This takes everyone by surprise. Russian nukes are launched to Turkey.
- Darkness is covering Balkan peninsula and Near East. The World we know cease to exist again.
- At this point USA and EU join Turkey (or what's left of it) and declare global war against Russia and Greece.
- Vatican and the Holy Chair will announce Holy War against "schismatic" Orthodoxy.
- The war will be horrible. Burning people will fall from the sky.
- USA will suffer terrible defeat and will "blow up like balloon" (for whatever it means).
- Roman Catholic Church will never be able to return back to the positions it has today. Not even close. Its influence will be next to nothing.

Doomsday Prophecies: Greek Monk Prophecy - Third World War
2015-2018 time period.

[Regretfully I have no literal version of his predictions, but he is quite well known for accurately predicting the sinking of the Titanic and naming one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI. Johansson foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Mertinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year."

Johansson predicted the following details:

1) India will be occupied by china.

2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.

3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.

4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.

5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.

6) There will be great destruction in Italy.

7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.

8) American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.

9) Germany will be attacked from the east.

10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.

11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.

12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.

13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.

This is from Anton Johannson.

.... The way the congress is taking india ,we will be occupied by Chinese forces in a matter of time.Pakistan,arabs are remote capable of what China can do.

Nice....I guess the concept of WMD's and India amassing the world's fourth largest armed forces and arsenal was lost on this guy - if he had known he would have changed his prediction in a jiffy.
Nice....I guess the concept of WMD's and India amassing the world's largest armed forces and arsenal was lost on this guy - if he had known he would have changed his prediction in a jiffy.

Russians have a considerable ABM system too and according to former neutron bomb inventor Samuel Cohen ,very major breakthroughs in Plasma weapons and laser weapons too .Google William T Lee,former DIA analyst ... By the way google the control zones of naxalites. And the prophecy was more than 100 years ago. He had said that when Russia and China come together this will happen.

Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe. Plus Egypt is descending into civil war on a slow mode.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-achieving-self-reliance-2.html#ixzz2fmqb5T00

You have the naxalites primarily who are successful at this.Also there are smaller groups who will be useful for Chinese forces though. And guess what,Naxals are primarily maoist .

the chess pieces are coming together. India needs to change sides or be neutral rather than pro-usa . India nor USA does have facilities comparable to Yamantau or Koshovinsky or Uragan Defense.
All these predictions are taken from Quran and Hadeeth and Bible.
Russia helping India achieve military self-reliance is like a turkey willing to pluck its own feathers and baste itself, to be cooked for Christmas. Russia may make token (cheap) gestures that show goodwill and an impression it is willing to help but, ultimately, Russia will protect its arms industry and continue to milk India in lucrative arms sales.
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