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Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

Things are getting pretty hectic because UK has deployed alot of weapons and more arms will arrive.. Russian redlines in East Europe has not only been breached but walked over
Yes, good point!
By hinting that US would basically look the other way if only a minor incursion into Ukraine by Russia, an opening has been created. I wonder if it was Biden's Freudian Clip? Perhaps some face saving agreement has been reached between big powers to let the status quo continue with some gains for Russia. It is in Russian interests to capture just enough more of eastern Ukraine to make freshwater supply to the Crimean Peninsula unrestricted. Ukraine is choking C.Penn with water supplies.
For all that the US military isn’t exactly moving as such for any ground preparation. There is a fear that deescalation ladders aren’t well defined anymore and Biden’s approval rating means he is way too cautious about doing anything unacceptable. Dems will never be the “started WWIII” types so all that is happening is weapons aid to Ukraine(hoping that they will absorb training it somehow) and providing intelligence to them on Russian movements round the clock.
At best there may be SF on the ground already embedded with Ukrainian rebels(not military as that is reported to be somewhat compromised).
Crimea? Is gone. Maybe its status will never be recognized, but it is already physically attached to Russia, so who cares? Territories of existing separatist, russian proxies? Probably these areas will gone too.

USA president says don't try walk to Odessa and Kiev. Thats all.
For all that the US military isn’t exactly moving as such for any ground preparation. There is a fear that deescalation ladders aren’t well defined anymore and Biden’s approval rating means he is way too cautious about doing anything unacceptable. Dems will never be the “started WWIII” types so all that is happening is weapons aid to Ukraine(hoping that they will absorb training it somehow) and providing intelligence to them on Russian movements round the clock.
At best there may be SF on the ground already embedded with Ukrainian rebels(not military as that is reported to be somewhat compromised).

I don't think what you two are saying contradicts what I said above. There is a keen Russian interest to ensure the water supply to Crimea through eastern Ukraine is unrestricted; and for that grabbing a slice of eastern Ukraine is an option. The Crimean Peninsula is attached to mainland Russia by a new bridge; otherwise, it is an expensive island to maintain and Russia would want to change that. And of course that would also push the Nato forces a bit farther from Russia.
I don't know why there is a talk of WWIII here? It is plainly explained by the West that there will not be any direct confrontation against Russia over Ukraine. Now, if Russia was a toothless power like Saddam Hussein was then it would be different.
Once I find out this is going actully down in Ukraine I will take one way flight to Bostwana on the night I find out this is officially going down.. I also fear that Finland and Sweden may be added on the list in order for them to have a stronger negotiation leverage and imho I am even fearing more for Sweden and finland he could hit these countries as they are far easier then Ukraine and PLUS both are non-NATO countries just like Ukraine
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now put your money where your mouth is

lets see how far you get when a Royal Nuclear Submarine is patrolling
Zionists in all three countries i.e. UK, US and Mother Russia will ensure there is no war.
now put your money where your mouth is

lets see how far you get when a Royal Nuclear Submarine is patrolling
Quite far actually - nobody discusses the sampson option this early. Moreover, the UK isn’t directly threatened by this move nor will UK assets be as such which gives downing street no justification to do anything else other than undertake aggressive patrols outside of Ukraine and try to force the rest of Russian energy dependent europe to switch resources and sanction russia.
Regardless of the bluster neither NATO nor Russia are interested in firing a single bullet at each other(at least not directly). SAS may already be in place embedded with Ukrainian forces and would help bolster them in terms of firepower effect and impact. No different as to what was going on in Syria.
I don't think what you two are saying contradicts what I said above. There is a keen Russian interest to ensure the water supply to Crimea through eastern Ukraine is unrestricted; and for that grabbing a slice of eastern Ukraine is an option. The Crimean Peninsula is attached to mainland Russia by a new bridge; otherwise, it is an expensive island to maintain and Russia would want to change that. And of course that would also push the Nato forces a bit farther from Russia.
I don't know why there is a talk of WWIII here? It is plainly explained by the West that there will not be any direct confrontation against Russia over Ukraine. Now, if Russia was a toothless power like Saddam Hussein was then it would be different.
I used WW3 as an extreme example - please refer to my reply above and agree with you that the Russians may do a limited incursion under the guise of a false flag or helping their supported “insurgency” to secure the buffer they want. There will be non-kinetic NATO elements on the ground helping Ukranians to create a Syria like bloody situation on the ground for them but that is that. Russia will get its land objectives but whether it will be able to recoup after the losses(both material and economic) is a different question.
Quite far actually - nobody discusses the sampson option this early. Moreover, the UK isn’t directly threatened by this move nor will UK assets be as such which gives downing street no justification to do anything else other than undertake aggressive patrols outside of Ukraine and try to force the rest of Russian energy dependent europe to switch resources and sanction russia.
Regardless of the bluster neither NATO nor Russia are interested in firing a single bullet at each other(at least not directly). SAS may already be in place embedded with Ukrainian forces and would help bolster them in terms of firepower effect and impact. No different as to what was going on in Syria.

What you don't understand is if you cripple Russia's economy that is when it becomes really dangerous like in actual dangerous.. You force them into a corner because Putin is banking on being able to invade and they in return won't be able to throw the book at him like they are claiming because throwing the book at him economically means basically declaration of war or forcing him to shoot first bullet but nonetheless you declared war first pushing the other entity into a position where they have nothing to lose example like locking Russia out of swift is pretty much a war declaration regardless of what Russia does.. Making a country with 150m go hungry that is armed to the teeth is a sight you don't wanna witness besides Russia knows all this economic sanctions is a bluff.. Why not just fight them because making them hungry ensure they attack 100% and much angrier but the easier option is to confront them directly instead of trying to cripple them which will make them elevate this to nuke war because they will have nothing to lose at that point hence a heavily sanctioned Russia is 10 million times more dangerous then this content russia
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According to a reputed Media out let the Russian ground forces commander have asked troops to prepare for a war with Ukraine. As the UKs supplies of anti armour next generation weapons continues to Ukraine and it seems the UK and Uncle Sam the evil god is doing it on purpose the Russian seems with no option but war. A nuclear powered US sub with 125 tomahawks on board is already near the Ukraine the US push for war seems yielding results .
what kind of a turd for brains commander would send a multi-billion dollar nuclear submarine in a near land locked sea with a disgruntled ally controlling the only entry point to that sea...do they even realize that the near land locked black sea is riddled with underwater listening posts and sensors from both Russia AND from Turkey? might as well turn that submarine into a million recycled pepsi cans now and save a few sailors' lives! 🤦‍♂️
What you don't understand is if you cripple Russia's economy that is when it becomes really dangerous like in actual dangerous.. You force them into a corner because Putin is banking on being able to invade and they in return won't be able to throw the book at him like they are claiming because throwing the book at him economically means basically declaration of war or forcing him to shoot first bullet but nonetheless you declared war first pushing the other entity into a position where they have nothing to lose example like locking Russia out of swift is pretty much a war declaration regardless of what Russia does
What makes you think I don’t understand?
However, hungry people on the street don’t usually have an appetite for war unless it comes with access to a lot of food.
sometime i wonder what a stupid planet earth is . so many arse holes here ruling nations and destroying lives of common people .
What makes you think I don’t understand?
However, hungry people on the street don’t usually have an appetite for war unless it comes with access to a lot of food.

Nah brah they will react quickly as soon as the shops close and companies inside russia default one after the other within only a week that is when you can be sure that you declared war by giving him the option to strike first.

The best cause of action for the US would be to launch preemptive strikes first and not to give the initiative to them while talking about crippling sanctions but instead do preemptive strikes as in draw first blood otherwise if they were crippled economically they will do the first preemptive strikes.. That is only if you were going thru with the swift ban and the economical crippling but if it was bluff you do simply nothing even if Ukraine is invaded
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what kind of a turd for brains commander would send a multi-billion dollar nuclear submarine in a near land locked sea with a disgruntled ally controlling the only entry point to that sea...do they even realize that the near land locked black sea is riddled with underwater listening posts and sensors from both Russia AND from Turkey? might as well turn that submarine into a million recycled pepsi cans now and save a few sailors' lives! 🤦‍♂️
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