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Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

If Ukraine crosses the red line. Russia will and must take action.

Bro If for example Ukraine becomes a member of NATO. Russia should invade it and take control. Ukraine should not cross the redline.

Explained above.
What red line?
Past is what makes present and the present defines future. If you think that Russia would let go of Ukraine just like that, you are dreaming. This is just like Russia backing IRA to separate from the UK or Guam trying to move away from the US and inviting Chinese. Do you think that the Americans or British would tolerate it? They will use everything in their strategy books to ensure that they retain these territories.

Ukraine has an undeniable link to Russia culturally, historically and emotionally. Every country has a red line that it will not let anyone cross no matter what.
The best part of geopolitica is realizing that enemies don't care what the opposing side thinks or tolerates, they only care what the other is capable of.

For Russia and for the EU, Ukraine is a matter of survival, and defining feature of the entire European-Russian realms.

If Ukraine was left alone, none of this would have happened, but neither side wants Ukraine to remain neutral.
If Ukraine crosses the red line. Russia will and must take action.

Bro If for example Ukraine becomes a member of NATO. Russia should invade it and take control. Ukraine should not cross the redline.

Explained above.
What a ludicrous statement. There is no red line crossed, just Russian bullying and a desperate attempt to stay relevant in global affairs.
The best part of geopolitica is realizing that enemies don't care what the opposing side thinks or tolerates, they only care what the other is capable of.

For Russia and for the EU, Ukraine is a matter of survival, and defining feature of the entire European-Russian realms.

If Ukraine was left alone, none of this would have happened, but neither side wants Ukraine to remain neutral.

Ukraine cannot remain neutral by its natural design for the reasons I said in the previous post. Russia won't let its foundation just go over like that just because of a bunch of Ukrainian politicians were given some money by the US deep state to change their age-old sides.

Like you said, it is all about what the other side is capable of - and military capabilities is what Russia is all about. They may not have the shiniest of toys, but they have toys that can make Europe bleed. This is not the Europe of the 30s that would just accept wars after so many years of prosperity.

NATO should step back from Ukraine and honour their side of the deal with the Russians. Simple as that. Russia doesn't have the economic muscle, but what if China decided to get dirty in Europe? It has the finances to easily upend the balance of peace in Europe through nothing more than just a few funding rounds of the dormant groups there.
Ukraine cannot remain neutral by its natural design for the reasons I said in the previous post. Russia won't let its foundation just go over like that just because a bunch of Ukrainian politicians were given some money by the US deep state to change their age-old sides.

As you said, it is all about what the other side is capable of - and military capabilities are what Russia is all about. They may not have the shiniest of toys, but they have toys that can make Europe bleed. This is not the Europe of the 30s that would just accept wars after so many years of prosperity.

NATO should step back from Ukraine and honour their side of the deal with the Russians. Simple as that. Russia doesn't have the economic muscle, but what if China decided to get dirty in Europe? It has the finances to easily upend the balance of peace in Europe through nothing more than just a few funding rounds of the dormant groups there.
If the Ukrainians and Russians were so in love with each other, Ukraine would have never chosen independence in the first place. In fact, the Russians would have already invaded. Nations don't care much about sentimentality when it comes to national interest. Russia wouldn't care about Ukraine, if it was the size of Israel, and located in the middle of nowhere, had no strategic value, not any natural resources, no matter how "sentimental" they were about it.

Your idea is outdated.

Europe may be prosperous, but that just means they have more resources to fight against Russia. You overestimate Russian capability, and underestimate Europe's and NATO's. You say Russia can make Europe and NATO bleed, I say that the opposite is also true.

Also, why would China do that? They have no reason to do so, and have been attempting to turn Russia into a junior partner, and what better way to do so by playing both sides.

Russia doesn't honor its side of the deal either, don't try and pretend it's a battle between good guys and bad guys. This is a fight between different competing nations and organizations, with competing interests. Geopolitics is relizing that nations shake hands with one hand, and point guns at each other with the other, enemies and allies alike.
Anyways, Blinken met Lavrov yesterday at Blinken's request. He went there and begged Lavrov to give US more time to SUPPL YMORE WEAPONS TO UKRAINE and to force Ukraine to implement Minks agreement.
In other words, Ukraine will be pushed under the bus.
Hmm, i fixed this to match whats really happening. thanks.
If the Ukrainians and Russians were so in love with each other, Ukraine would have never chosen independence in the first place. In fact, the Russians would have already invaded. Nations don't care much about sentimentality when it comes to national interest. Russia wouldn't care about Ukraine, if it was the size of Israel, and located in the middle of nowhere, had no strategic value, not any natural resources, no matter how "sentimental" they were about it.

Your idea is outdated.

Europe may be prosperous, but that just means they have more resources to fight against Russia. You overestimate Russian capability, and underestimate Europe's and NATO's. You say Russia can make Europe and NATO bleed, I say that the opposite is also true.

Also, why would China do that? They have no reason to do so, and have been attempting to turn Russia into a junior partner, and what better way to do so by playing both sides.

Russia doesn't honor its side of the deal either, don't try and pretend it's a battle between good guys and bad guys. This is a fight between different competing nations and organizations, with competing interests. Geopolitics is relizing that nations shake hands with one hand, and point guns at each other with the other, enemies and allies alike.

Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan were coaxed to leave back then. So much so that there was a time when the last country in the Soviet Union was Kazakhstan and not Russia. Boris Yeltsin did more damage to the entire Soviet legacy than any American could have done from the outside.

There's a bloody reason why Europeans are hesitating to import natural gas from alternative sources to Russia; it is cheaper and more viable despite commitment from their non-European allies. Why do you think they are not putting Russian oil and gas under sanctions? because they can't.

Europe is prosperous but it has no appetite for war any more, especially not when their own countries are in Russia's scope. Ukraine is neither Western nor NATO member; them joining would clearly violate all forms of understanding and lead to a full-scale war. Europeans don't want that unless their own Western Sphere is being targeted, which it is not.

Please remind me again in this context which side of the agreement did Russia not abide by? NATO has been expanding like never before. And yes, it is geopolitics, that means if NATO can use dirty tactics, then everything is fair game for Putin as well.
Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan were coaxed to leave back then. So much so that there was a time when the last country in the Soviet Union was Kazakhstan and not Russia. Boris Yeltsin did more damage to the entire Soviet legacy than any American could have done from the outside.

There's a bloody reason why Europeans are hesitating to import natural gas from alternative sources to Russia; it is cheaper and more viable despite a commitment from their non-European allies. Why do you think they are not putting Russian oil and gas under sanctions? because they can't.

Europe is prosperous but it has no appetite for war anymore, especially not when their own countries are in Russia's scope. Ukraine is neither a Western nor NATO member; their joining would violate all forms of understanding and lead to fa a full-scale war. Europeans don't want that unless their Western Sphere is being targeted, which it is not.

Please remind me again in this context which side of the agreement did Russia not abide by? NATO has been expanding like never before. And yes, it is geopolitics, which means if NATO can use dirty tactics, then everything is fair game for Putin as well.
No one has an appetite for war. If Russians were hungry for war, they'd have invaded by now.

You're, once again, living in the past and repeating the same things over and over again.

Ukraine wasn't coaxed into anything. The Ukrainians were hesitant to even get rid of their nukes because they were nervous about a Russian invasion.

On Russian O&G, Russian oil is cheap and easy to get, that's why the Europeans don't want to get rid of it.

However, if the Europeans are threatened, which a Russian invasion of Ukraine will do, the EU will sanction Russian oil and increase imports from alt sources.

It's a matter of survival for the EU, I have no idea why you don't understand this.

Russia has been aggressively conducting "air patrols" aka violating the air space of other nations. Turkey even shot their shit down. Their invasion of Georgia, their annexation of Crimea...etc.

The Russians agreed to not be aggressive if they didn't want NATO at their doorsteps, the Russians lied and went super aggressive.
No one has an appetite for war. If Russians were hungry for war, they'd have invaded by now.

You're, once again, living in the past and repeating the same things over and over again.

Ukraine wasn't coaxed into anything. The Ukrainians were hesitant to even get rid of their nukes because they were nervous about a Russian invasion.

On Russian O&G, Russian oil is cheap and easy to get, that's why the Europeans don't want to get rid of it.

However, if the Europeans are threatened, which a Russian invasion of Ukraine will do, the EU will sanction Russian oil and increase imports from alt sources.

It's a matter of survival for the EU, I have no idea why you don't understand this.

Russia has been aggressively conducting "air patrols" aka violating the air space of other nations. Turkey even shot their shit down. Their invasion of Georgia, their annexation of Crimea...etc.

The Russians agreed to not be aggressive if they didn't want NATO at their doorsteps, the Russians lied and went super aggressive.
Ukraine was never considered "different" from the larger Russian and Slavic civilization, except by some ultranationalists living on the western 1/4th of the country bordering Poland. If you had visited the country before this whole nonsense started 9 years ago, you'd not be saying this. Russian and Ukrainians are not having any grouse against each other as people except those on the far western regions of Ukraine. Even today, they switch between Ukrainian and Russian and mix them up while conversing. It is like you guys mixing Urdu and Punjabi while talking.

Import oil from alternate sources... :lol: Bruh, do you even know the logistics that go into establishing new alternate routes for oil pipelines? This isn't some fish market logistics that goes into establishing such an extensive network to become an alternate in no time. By the time such a deal is confirmed, entirety of north-west Europe would freeze to death. What do you think this whole Turkey-Syria falooda that is going on in the Middle East is for? Azerbaijan can become an alternate supplier but the Europeans don't want to depend on a bigger power - Turkey.

Russians have no interest in occupying Western European countries. They want to keep the old lines between East and West intact. This nonsensical fear mongering campaign is being run by Neo-Liberal vassal politicians of the US to stay relevant. Why would Russia destroy its biggest oil & gas customer in the Western Hemisphere? Oil & gas is literally the third only product after weapons and power plants that Russia exports to earn major revenue.

NATO has been expanding since the dissolution of the USSR by dangling the carrot of extending EU membership unto itself "as an option".
Ukraine was never considered "different" from the larger Russian and Slavic civilization, except by some ultranationalists living on the western 1/4th of the country bordering Poland. If you had visited the country before this whole nonsense started 9 years ago, you'd not be saying this. Russian and Ukrainians are not having any grouse against each other as people except those on the far western regions of Ukraine. Even today, they switch between Ukrainian and Russian and mix them up while conversing. It is like you guys mixing Urdu and Punjabi while talking.

Import oil from alternate sources... :lol: Bruh, do you even know the logistics that go into establishing new alternate routes for oil pipelines? This isn't some fish market logistics that goes into establishing such an extensive network to become an alternate in no time. By the time such a deal is confirmed, entirety of north-west Europe would freeze to death. What do you think this whole Turkey-Syria falooda that is going on in the Middle East is for? Azerbaijan can become an alternate supplier but the Europeans don't want to depend on a bigger power - Turkey.

Russians have no interest in occupying Western European countries. They want to keep the old lines between East and West intact. This nonsensical fear mongering campaign is being run by Neo-Liberal vassal politicians of the US to stay relevant. Why would Russia destroy its biggest oil & gas customer in the Western Hemisphere? Oil & gas is literally the third only product after weapons and power plants that Russia exports to earn major revenue.

NATO has been expanding since the dissolution of the USSR by dangling the carrot of extending EU membership unto itself "as an option".
Why do you keep repeating the same shit over and over again, and ignoring everything I said?

If you're gonna behave like this, then there's nothing to talk about.
Ukraine was never considered "different" from the larger Russian and Slavic civilization, except by some ultranationalists living on the western 1/4th of the country bordering Poland. If you had visited the country before this whole nonsense started 9 years ago, you'd not be saying this. Russian and Ukrainians are not having any grouse against each other as people except those on the far western regions of Ukraine. Even today, they switch between Ukrainian and Russian and mix them up while conversing. It is like you guys mixing Urdu and Punjabi while talking.

Import oil from alternate sources... :lol: Bruh, do you even know the logistics that go into establishing new alternate routes for oil pipelines? This isn't some fish market logistics that goes into establishing such an extensive network to become an alternate in no time. By the time such a deal is confirmed, entirety of north-west Europe would freeze to death. What do you think this whole Turkey-Syria falooda that is going on in the Middle East is for? Azerbaijan can become an alternate supplier but the Europeans don't want to depend on a bigger power - Turkey.

Russians have no interest in occupying Western European countries. They want to keep the old lines between East and West intact. This nonsensical fear mongering campaign is being run by Neo-Liberal vassal politicians of the US to stay relevant. Why would Russia destroy its biggest oil & gas customer in the Western Hemisphere? Oil & gas is literally the third only product after weapons and power plants that Russia exports to earn major revenue.

NATO has been expanding since the dissolution of the USSR by dangling the carrot of extending EU membership unto itself "as an option".
The U.S.A. vehemently insisted for the past years that building a pipeline and adding choice to tap on Russian gas and oil somehow deprives Europe of freedom to choose it gas and oil reserves. Between the lines obviously referring to U.S.A. approved suppliers but that doesnt change much. With these kind of mental gymnastics you can expect them to find some bullshit excuse to rationalize that idea of Russia destroying Europe that they can sell to already kool aid drinking Americans as a mere template to parrot. Not that even half of them actually believe their own propaganda BS.
Russia barely has the economy of the size of south korea but talks about its orbit and influencing nations. its all fine and dandy to talk about slavic civilizations and all that but if you dont have anything really worthwhile to share with then it wont work.

whats actually more remarkable is the western ineffectiveness in dealing with russia. Russia knows how to play the game.
Anyone knows of the consequences of what would happen if Russia were to stop supplying gas to EU today.
what kind of a turd for brains commander would send a multi-billion dollar nuclear submarine in a near land locked sea with a disgruntled ally controlling the only entry point to that sea...do they even realize that the near land locked black sea is riddled with underwater listening posts and sensors from both Russia AND from Turkey? might as well turn that submarine into a million recycled pepsi cans now and save a few sailors' lives! 🤦‍♂️
BTW Russia troops have ready for war since 2014.

Nothing is new in here apart from the disinformation released by UK followed by the US State Department.

The hysteria is by these two nations.

Apart from UK and the US, no other nations have ordered or pulled their diplomatic staff out of Kiev.
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