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Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

And what, pray tell does the west gain from losing Ukraine to Russia, which is what will happen if Ukraine and Russia go to war?

It's all geopolitics. So far as I'm concerned, it's two assholes trying to murder each other.

But regardless, I doubt the Russians will actually go to war. When Russia goes to war, it doesn't announce it to the world, it moves quickly and quietly. If Russia was serious, they would have done it by now.

Lose Ukraine to Russia? Ukraine was always the cradle of Russian civilization! It was never a part of the traditional West whose political boundaries ended at Czech Republic at best. anything beyond CR is nothing but expansionism and cornering of Russian interests.

NATO says that it cannot refuse countries from joining their grouping; does that mean that it would allow any country tomorrow to join NATO? What about Morocco? Algeria? Ghana? They are all somehow connected to the Atlantic or close to the traditional west. If they can have Slovenia, then why not Morocco?
Crimea? Is gone. Maybe its status will never be recognized, but it is already physically attached to Russia, so who cares? Territories of existing separatist, russian proxies? Probably these areas will gone too.

USA president says don't try walk to Odessa and Kiev. Thats all.

If there is even a hint of confirmation of Kiev joining NATO, Russia will invade for real. I doubt that the Americans would have sat quietly if Mexico had joined the Warsaw Pact. Biden is just pushing another Eastern European country into abyss to create needless hostilities in the region.

Saakashvili was a fool in having forced Georgians to fight his war against Russia in 2008. The same chicken piece was dangled in front of them. After that we all know what happened.
And what, pray tell does the west gain from losing Ukraine to Russia, which is what will happen if Ukraine and Russia go to war?

It's all geopolitics. So far as I'm concerned, it's two assholes trying to murder each other.

But regardless, I doubt the Russians will actually go to war. When Russia goes to war, it doesn't announce it to the world, it moves quickly and quietly. If Russia was serious, they would have done it by now.
Putin will go to war if needed
But nothing will change since europe is fependent upon russian gas

It will be gerogia style quick in & out
A new puppet govt will bw installed and russia will leave
Yesterday, senile Biden gave Russia the green light. He mentioned that there would be a difference between a small invasion, bite on the side, and an entire invasion. :D
Haven't got a clue what they are all saying?

Usually the US President will says something, following that the Secretaelry of State will says something then the Secretary of Defense will says something, followed by the White House's Press Secretary. Then they all happily went home.

Back in 2014 the US said Russia will invade Ukraine.
So the Russia took 8 years to prepare for an invasion and still it did not happened yet.

What are they trying to say? :what:

We are all confused.
The truth is the US has been playing the Ukraine card for far too long since the US deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nurland was caught red-handed in her conversation in a recording.

Same will applied to Taiwan. It is a matter of timing.

Both Russia and China will take these cards away from the US once and for all.

The US called it a "regime change strategy".

Russia and China are members of the 5P.
what kind of a turd for brains commander would send a multi-billion dollar nuclear submarine in a near land locked sea with a disgruntled ally controlling the only entry point to that sea...do they even realize that the near land locked black sea is riddled with underwater listening posts and sensors from both Russia AND from Turkey? might as well turn that submarine into a million recycled pepsi cans now and save a few sailors' lives! 🤦‍♂️
It’s probably operating in the Adriatic or the Aegean.

From the looks of how Russia is prepositioning and how many axis it is planning to invade via, the Russians are playing out the Indian Cold Start Doctrine (especially around the combined arms battalion groups of approx. 800 men each) . Considering the Russians have basically been the model of the Indian military, by and large, seeing how the Ukrainians and the west counter the Russians will be very insightful for Pakistani defense planners.

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It’s probably operating in the Adriatic or the Aegean.

From the looks of how Russia is prepositioning and how many axis it is planning to invade via, the Russians are playing out the Indian Cold Start Doctrine (especially around the combined arms battalion groups of approx. 800 men each) . Considering the Russians have basically been the model of the Indian military, by and large, seeing how the Ukrainians and the west counter the Russians will be very insightful for Pakistani defense planners.

The comparison is completely off here and especially way off maybe India had cold start doctrine but not since the tactical nukes it was not feasible besides Pakistan with stragetic depth can conventionally defeat India even if you remove nukes out of the occasion especially stragetic depth that comes with the bonus that is Afghanistan mountains and rough terrain. It will transfer into a nasty labyrinth and unpredictable. I think this will force any sane planner to abandon offensive oriented strategy
The Sun is being called a reputed news source? :omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:
OK J Biden said the same !!! and Ukrainian president also replied to Biden a war is war neither short invasion or big now happy dear ,
This year, a guy in Saudia might also get killed, and that might be the start of ww3.
Allah knows better.
Allah subhana tallla knows better but chaos in saudia is due, After all we all are heading towards End of times ,
The comparison is completely off here and especially way off maybe India had cold start doctrine but not since the tactical nukes it was not feasible besides Pakistan with stragetic depth can conventionally defeat India even if you remove nukes out of the occasion especially stragetic depth that comes with the bonus that is Afghanistan mountains and rough terrain. It will transfer into a nasty labyrinth and unpredictable. I think this will force any sane planner to abandon offensive oriented strategy
It’s not a 1:1 comparison. There are many more factors in Pakistan’s favor then the current situation is for Ukraine and the disparity is not as great between Pakistan and India as it is between Ukraine and Russia.

But I was alluding to Potential Indian tactics, militarily and politically, as well as potential methods to counter these tactics, especially how they mass their troops and how they try to move on objectives.

We can’t afford to be pushed back to the mountains of Afghanistan. I’m sure our planners don’t count on that, and have therefore always maintained conventional and strategic parity with the Indians so that is not necessary.
Russian troops are probably also massing in Belarus. The Polish-Belarussian border may also be a active border if NATO intervenes
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We can’t afford to be pushed back to the mountains.

Not saying that is there initial plan but it counts in the endless overall possibilities of engagement which is something that should be taken into account on before hand but besides that India doesn't have the conventional edge on Pakistan in a direct conflict due to that simple fact. Years ago yes but not anymore and going forward. A stragetic depth means that if you remove the nukes India can't win in fact puts them in worse position because terrain on Pakistan's side is tough whereas terrain on there side is favorable hence all areas including stragetic depth is a operation zone and wars tend to get back and forward pushing especially when it is high intensity. besides haven't you seen Pakistan's geography if not taken into account it would redundant..

The Ukraine-Russia dynamics is different on the operational level from conventional, stragetic weapons, and air superiority all goes to Russia and even hardware. Ukraine's air force will be grounded by Russia immediately and to put it short they are outmatched everywhere but Ukraine needs few years in order to shorten the gap and make it a competitive contest which they can because they have the numbers for it.

While Pakistan and India has been playing this gambit for over 70 years the tit for tat armement competition by that they have been lifting iron metals to gain muscle for decades whereas Ukraine didn't do that until just recently because it had no conflict in mind and even gave away it's nukes.

I remember reading here someone saying that India is forced into defensive option from the tactical level which is correct imo they will certainly not fancy to make a push and just for fun lets exclude the nukes just conventional war like the Ukraine situation but India will not fancy that due to a stragetic depth which equals unpredictability and being routed in a tactical ambush and entire armed forces could get vanqueshed in these lands in GB, KPK, Nangarhar, Nooristan, Kunar etc etc.. It is a hellish terrain hence a poorly timed offensive could lead to an immediate collapse of armed forces which could lead to a counter-attack that faces little resistance inside India because majority of the forces and equipment is wasted in that terrain
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Lose Ukraine to Russia? Ukraine was always the cradle of Russian civilization! It was never a part of the traditional West whose political boundaries ended at the Czech Republic at best. anything beyond CR is nothing but expansionism and cornering of Russian interests.
You're living in the past. Current geopolitics puts Ukraine at the center of Europe's future.

NATO says that it cannot refuse countries from joining their grouping; does that mean that it would allow any country tomorrow to join NATO? What about Morocco? Algeria? Ghana? They are all somehow connected to the Atlantic or close to the traditional west. If they can have Slovenia, then why not Morocco?
Why not? NATO is just a name, don't get too hung up on it.
You're living in the past. Current geopolitics puts Ukraine at the center of Europe's future.

Why not? NATO is just a name, don't get too hung up on it.

Stragetically NATO can't afford to lose Ukraine and also they want to keep around Ukraine as it serves as the first frontier against Russia hence it is key for them to make Ukraine survive today as it will give back many benefits to the west and NATO in the later years as Ukraine imho will become a tech hub for weapons because they are obsessed with defense and will become a legitimate chellenger to Russia with time but EU and NATO will use Ukraine as the frontier and proxy state that shields the European continent from Russia..

Ukraine will also develop nuclear weapons for survival purposes in about a decade from now and will become an unearthly menace to Russia is my prediction.. I have no doubt about this as they are very vigilante these Ukrainians and they dread the Crimea and Donbass situation and don't want to experience that ever again in there lifetime and all this Russian bullying attempt doesn't sit well with them at all
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