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Russia has confirmed its decision to deliver S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran.

As I stated, you jokers should not comment on Iranian systems when they're light years ahead of what your country produces.
Can you tell me one Irani system that is not an exact plastic replica of another system? The only difference is paint job.
As for Iranian scientists being killed, they were killed by Iranians, not by NATO, unlike your soldiers :lol:
I didn't know Mossad and CIA are Irani agencies, your own govt says Americans and Israelis killed your scientists. Want me to post links?
If you don't like Iranians and their achievements are pure plastic replica then ,you might consider to rename yourself cause they own your name as well , Sepahsalar is a pure persian name and it means ;commander of army , you don't have even a name from yourself here , you see you don't have anything from yourself at all to debate .
yavar brother

can u tell us why there are no Iranian made AD systems operating in Yemen and those rats can kill thousands of civilians?
brother you have any idea how big is AD system is ?? and what good can one or two air defence system can do against so many fighter plane ?? Houthis with manpad have shoot down 3 Saudi Apache helicopters so far so ..........

if you look brother rockets or missiles are sent in parts and get assembled in Yemen and if you look at videos uploaded by Ansar allah ( Houthis ) from Yemen the TEL or launchers are hand made or we using locally made turk .

so you see it not that easy to send AD system to Yemen it will take time please brother be patient and do not loss hope as you can see after 2 months Saudi war in Yemen the supplies and *********** are there .

why Syria, Lebanon

with regard to Syria and Hezbollah trust me you wrong when the te come unlike 2006 war won't be disappointed

they can legally purchase a system and Iranians can teach them to operate it..

brother you wrong . they can't legally purchase it because first Iran is under chapter 7 and it will against united nation resolution and arms embargo which is been past on Iran in united nation .
second .if Iran was allowed to sell it if it can only sell it to government countries not group or political parties for example Lebanese government keep cancelling it arms deal with iran every time Iran want to make delivery so .....

third : making delivery is not easy and it requires international arms delivery license so .............

Small and mobile systems like Hertz 9, Ya Zahra, Mersad can operate in those countries without problems, so what about the fact that not a single one operate sucessfully there?
brother in future i will answer this for you
How is this moronic comment a reply to what I said?
Your nukes, which where probably build using Chinese fissile materials are not doing much in helping protect your country's sovereignty, are they? You forgot about this?:

2011 NATO attack in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should refrain from making comments about Iran because I guarantee you, I can say things about your country that will make you cry. So don't make me go there.

Your country cannot even make a short range sam and yet you try and mock Iranian long range air defence projects? :lol:

US Admiral: 'Haqqani is veritable arm of Pakistan's ISI' - BBC News

Watch video and decide why they attack us :D

A smart man just doesn't wake up one morning and starts war with whomever they want.... its you who have to pick your battle and tactics...even if we attacked them back with nukes after this attack what next would going to happen? they would nuke us back to stone age... that's why we decided to play double games which cost them more then trillion dollars and 5000 lives...

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If you don't like Iranians and their achievements are pure plastic replica then ,you might consider to rename yourself cause they own your name as well , Sepahsalar is a pure persian name and it means ;commander of army , you don't have even a name from yourself here , you see you don't have anything from yourself at all to debate .
Who said I don't like Irani people and their achievements? I am only talking against people who say Bavar is more advanced and better than S-300.
Who said I don't like Irani people and their achievements? I am only talking against people who say Bavar is more advanced and better than S-300.
how could you be sure of that while there is no specifications out of Bavar 373 system? You can't compare X & Y unless you have their exact info... be fair.... you can not mock projects that are still under development... Period
It's incredible the way Russia is continously TROLLING Iran with the S300 issue.

Incredible!! Putin-Medvedev are masters in trolling... I think they also have accounts in forums like this, and continue to trolling iranian members here, in IMF, etc.

Bro, here in this forum, there's no way to send a PM ? Do you read the PM in IMF ??
no brother i can not send or read PM in IMF .
the banned me from posting anything in IMF forum .
i here there in no need to send PM you can ask or follow here if you like .
Brother the idiot Catsoo who banned you just forced the rest of us to come here and read your posts
how could you be sure of that while there is no specifications out of Bavar 373 system? You can't compare X & Y unless you have their exact info... be fair.... you can not mock projects that are still under development... Period

This is True. But there is hyprocricy going on here, several Iranian members (Inc. you) claimed that BAVAR would surpass S-300 without knowing much about the system.
This is True. But there is hyprocricy going on here, several Iranian members (Inc. you) claimed that BAVAR would surpass S-300 without knowing much about the system.

I agree. It's pointless to compare them, no matter if it's actually better or worse than S-300, because we haven't seen one of them to do the comparison.
Nah I can literally come up with a lot more but didn't intend to go that far.
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