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Russia has confirmed its decision to deliver S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran.

chi kar be ouna dari dadash . bangladeshis are 99% the coolest people ever . i know about 6-7 of them and they're all very cool .
tohin nakardam bro... goftam hala ke mikhande be bavar bad nist bangeladesh dar ayande tameen kone niaze irano...vagarna bangalha rooye sare ma ja daran...madami ke babr nabashan!
I think then PAC should also focus on selling the IRAN:
Super Mushak
JF-17 Block-II and Block-III
I think then PAC should also focus on selling the IRAN:
Super Mushak
JF-17 Block-II and Block-III

Iran already developing iraninan jf-17, u better say IF-17...LOL
Do u have any offer bundle for BD, like jf-17 block 3, joint production....:enjoy:

chi kar be ouna dari dadash . bangladeshis are 99% the coolest people ever . i know about 6-7 of them and they're all very cool .
If you people only had 0.1% of Iranian air defence capabilities, countless of innocent people would not have been droned to death in your country.
Yes what can we say, we are not the ones who sold our nuclear program to the great Satan...
yavar brother

can u tell us why there are no Iranian made AD systems operating in Yemen and those rats can kill thousands of civilians?

are Iranian AD possibilities overrated and propaganda?

i mean, if those systems really exist, why Syria, Lebanon or Yemen dont operate a sigle Iranian AD system?

they can legally purchase a system and Iranians can teach them to operate it..

I believe in facts, and fact is, there is no evidence of it in war situation...

Small and mobile systems like Hertz 9, Ya Zahra, Mersad can operate in those countries without problems, so what about the fact that not a single one operate sucessfully there?
Yes what can we say, we are not the ones who sold our nuclear program to the great Satan...

How is this moronic comment a reply to what I said?
Your nukes, which where probably build using Chinese fissile materials are not doing much in helping protect your country's sovereignty, are they? You forgot about this?:

2011 NATO attack in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should refrain from making comments about Iran because I guarantee you, I can say things about your country that will make you cry. So don't make me go there.

Your country cannot even make a short range sam and yet you try and mock Iranian long range air defence projects? :lol:
yavar brother

can u tell us why there are no Iranian made AD systems operating in Yemen and those rats can kill thousands of civilians?

are Iranian AD possibilities overrated and propaganda?

i mean, if those systems really exist, why Syria, Lebanon or Yemen dont operate a sigle Iranian AD system?

they can legally purchase a system and Iranians can teach them to operate it..

I believe in facts, and fact is, there is no evidence of it in war situation...

Small and mobile systems like Hertz 9, Ya Zahra, Mersad can operate in those countries without problems, so what about the fact that not a single one operate sucessfully there?
syria and iraq= no need of SAMs as there is no enemy in the sky
yemen= who? Iran does not send weapons to houthis! u believed Saudi propaganda? As Iranian commander said once recently: "If we were interfered there, there would have no KSA by now"
"شلیک کن فراموش کن" از قابلیت‌های موشک "میثاق"/ موشک میثاق چگونه بر روی پهپاد "سریر" قرار می‌گیرد؟
MANPADS are one of the things that are produced in thousands in Iran... I know this myself from a local source and it is being fired and each and every drill in last 8 to 9 years...

Even if there is no Misagh-2, Iran already had hundreds if not thousands of Stinger and Strella.... she could send few!! Although, from a ship that Mansour stopped in Yemeni coast couple of years ago, the photos showed many MANPADs in its load...
well, im not talking about MANPADS
I talk about AD system which can shot down flying objects higher than 2 or 4 km
u can see still KSA object in sky kiling thousands of civilains, so MANPADS are not effective against them
would they be effective there will be no KSA bombing of Yemen, correct?
that iran provide MANPADS is without a doubt correct
How is this moronic comment a reply to what I said?
I had already mentioned that Pakistan does not have any system like S-300, but you decided to bring in Pakistan even though the topic was clearly Iran.
Your nukes, which where probably build using Chinese fissile materials are not doing much in helping protect your country's sovereignty, are they? You forgot about this?:
I could start posting links about Irani scientists being murdered in brought daylight through car bombings but it's too much effort to waste on a guy like you. So don't talk about sovereignty.
Your country cannot even make a short range sam and yet you try and mock Iranian long range air defence projects?
We manufacture Anza MANPADs, which are a combat proven missile system. Again, the topic is not Iran vs Pakistan, the topic is Iran and Iran alone.
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